Warranty Deed 3995-595,96 WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY) BO~K3995 ?AGE595 PAPCO'S FO"N S W tJ lOb PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI 3e. FLORIDA IInrrnuty mtt~ i1J4ts 3Jubtnturr. Made this 22nd d4y of October , A.D. 195 4, BETWEEN ROBERTA LOWITZ DEWEY (formerly Roberta Lowitz Grant) ~~JtM'C~~ a widow and uncnarried of the County of Dade , in the State of Florids, part ie s of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part y of the .econd part. WI'iiNESSETH, That the said part ie s of the first part, for and in consideration of the .um of Ten ($10.00) - - - ...I~,,'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollar., > to them in Iumd paid by the part y of the .econd part, the receipt whereof ;, hereby acknowledged. have granted, barg,ained llAd sold to the .aid part y of the .econd part, successors and)'; , it s.f .Iw:itre cIItl _i8"', forever, ~e followng de.cribed land, .ituate, tying and being in the County of Dade .< and State of Florid4, to-wit: The Northerly Twenty-Five (25') feet of Lot Fifty-Seven (57) and the Northerly Twenty-Five feet (25') of Lot Fifty-Eight (58) of Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book:25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1954. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert to and immediately revest in the Grantors, their heirs, successors or assigns. 1%4 And the said "..,., ie s of the first part do hereby fully WCI"IIAt title to said latuI. and wul defeM the same again" the lawful claim. of' all person. whom.oever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first part have 'hereunto .et their 'lumds GIld _I s the d4y and year above written');:---f~'2/)' ;f:/C::(~- t}~.tc~~" ,J led and delive 1 pre. nce, f us: f}n"v-r. 'h~ /( c-l~t.i:. ;/rrv"') r <FW- /. t ......... .........~-'!fft=1 ~:ItI~\.",,.,,.;;:; ~,;.)..~ "'i .)'~~ 'iilii ~ ~ D c~ \/ BOOK399S f,\GE596 &tatr nf~'nlitl. I GrDuntl! Df ~ 11 3atnbg Clll'rtifg that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authi>rized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments ROBERTA LOWITZ DEWEY (formerly Roberta Lowitz Grant) J ~itlJ9XilXjlt>X:f~X~~ a wid;)\~ and unmarried. to me well known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and t'oluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. -'-../" IIttnl'lIs my hand and offici41 seal at Countyof " B~..i"~ and Sl4te of , ~~ ,this dar~f,. .,~ ,A.D.1954. ~ ~ ":..!"(I'" . rUIABETHSHATt V 't .([- " lily cmp?>,iuion expi_ry ~cblic. ,s/,}. of N.. YIlf." ~ ~_ (.-;' '; r .). n .~O~? /.3(.17200 '. T. .' ....fled~U21"'" In n"gs C~unty , -,/ -'----Ill ro'f!bN. Y.&KingsCOClkl C,. .,. - " Upb.. liffrcb 30, If~ . 'c,- i.', ~:t. , "". .' <' '/' Notary Public, State of l'~ ~ c r ," , : ~\ .". ''\ g ~, . c . r ;;; = z o o o . . o . > " o z .t ~ f! a;' :::; t:I .... a.!;tl - iJ at 0 ",{(::<J::<J .\.1.1 00 ~ H "'" o'tII - - ~ ;:;. ~ ~ ..., b' ~ ct8 ~ c)\ 0 :E Ill> '-o;j P ill t"t" ~ :s: ::> 00 ~ H 0, ~>E: ~ I-'-H ~ . :> 5 ct8 . 10 H NN ~ ::: n 0 -' C5~i;'fil ~ '-' tII C +-+- i!-" l;<j it: ~ ,.,.. = 0 :<> ~. g ~ ~ c.: 0 ~ W ::r: CD ct><: ~ ~o-... S ~ 'Iii (.; ~ ~ ~ t:Y I-' '--- '< G ~. ~ if" a .... ~ w.. ~ ~ ~ .. ..... ........ 0"" 0'" ~ ..., ,,' ~ '< - <: ~ ~ " ~ l'. ~ a ~ ~ So Con ~. ;: .a ~ !II ;! 5' -<" '< Q '", I:>;l ~ ;;.. ~ r- ;:r- " i:l Il ~ ITI ~ ' " 'I " ;;. )> 5. t~;;..~:;! l '1:' $' .;. ~, ~ l ~f-~ i~ ;;w ;;\ ~ ~" ~ )II ;:c... tj" Q 2:i:-~Z . ~ g' ill t ~'" ~~~ :c ,-,t8g"S h Ie."~ l:. ' ~. ~ E: :< rrt , t~ \, !lJ 'i E ~-{ ,.h;E . G' 1'1 ~ \~ ::u ~ ^~. 3: ~~> ~ ~ ..::l ~ , r o . o ' > :'l) ~ <:> ""' t:> ~ ::.:; S ;""".. ':,; ~:..;.~: ~ -:!! n r-e - ".c: ..... ~ . . "' rn n' -t at. e> ~~ \J) ( -n . "" 0 c!:; ::0 :;:.. :c ::n L ..;1. ".~ -0 "'~ ::>: ,.., C> x C'> ?~ - <::> ..,,: ::0 ~c g "." \.oJ ...""'!". N '~~., - ".