Warranty Deed 3768-195,196 i} ( '':\'')~/ . . /, ' BOOKj768 p~Gf195 ~ ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~1A ~ WARRANTY DEED (,.ROM CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E. A.3 PAPCO PUBLISHING CORPORATION MIAMI, FLORIDA \ ID4iB 3Jubeuture. J3W day of 1'4~_.<.e , A. D. 19 53. Made th;o BETWEEN PHOENIX INVESTMENT COMPANY ) a corporation existing under the laws of the Stale of_, F1 01"1 nA busine.. in the County of DadA , having ita principal plsce of and Stale of Fl 01"'! da and lawfully authorized 10 tramact busin_ in the Stale oC Florida, party oC the fint p.rt, and 'I'm: r:T'I'Y OF MTAMT RF.AGFf, A F101"'!nA Mlln'!<'\'!pal G01"p01"At'!O.I4--_ of the County of Dade Florida .nd State of pa~ of the oecond part, WITNESSETH: That the said party of the fint part, for and in eDmideration of the sum of Ten '10) - nollan, - .:;. u 10 it in hanlI paid by the ...id pa~ of the second part, the receipt whereoC is hereby acknowledged, h.. grantedibargained and BOld to the said parQ:- of the second part, '! t" ""<,\<,\""801"" IIlIliIlI and aSsigns Corever, the following described Isnd situate, lying and being in the County of Dade .nd Stale of Florida, to-wit: The Northerly Twenty-Five Feet (251) of Lot Fifty-Nine (59) and the Northerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Sixty (60) in Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and IDning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipaJ, improve- ment liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for the use aforesaid, the title to the property shall revert and immediately revest in the Grantor, its successors or assigns. roocuME, NTAR, Y r~~~ . 147...". "'. 'lif:J( ~. '. '1:1 "" ,I:' II. ~ " t~~? i,~i;:c'~~~'fu]; And'4b1l said party of the first part does hereby Cully warrant the title to said land, and will defend ,~~.~~;SIf'~hJst the lawEul claims of all persons whomsoever. "\, '."-l"!i no: r ...~ ~ _. .:. >. ..': C),.' it" ;'.. "'.", IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part ha. caused theoe p.... - :" . (~, ,I l(r~ senta 10 be signed in ita name by ita proper oCCicen, :;, i .~ i:' < r. ~~)., : and its corporat~ seal to be affixed,. attelted by iu '. ,1. ,~ l.>, secretllry, the day and year above wntteD. ........,! 94 5~cIn . ~~.,~ - Secreltl1y PHOENIX INVESTHENT COMPANY ~'\L\~ , Preeident. By ') if /.; </. / ;; ,;,.';.... '.,' ~{- . B I ~'~,.,,-,. BDDK3768 p~Gf196 ' F=~~~~<Sb~~~~~_ f " \'"< L !:1 r> STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF DADE ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on thi. /9 day of ~" '-~ . A, D. 1953-. before me personally appeared ~~ ff~ ~ U and ~~ ~ ~ President and Secretary respectively of PHOENIX INVESTMENT COMPANY , a corporation under the laws of the State of 1<" o,.i dA , to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument a8 such officers and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the offici.l seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal aL-~~ ~ ~ iu the County of Dade the day and year last aforesaid. and State of Florida ."..\.\\11;......;. ~.;..,-"..ll. ~,\ {( ;:},...' ..~ ~ '" ' v(' '- '" _, .,~ t ...' ~~ ..., ,'- . I "". .f ~.",~' <.~,~" ...... ~ ~ .~ "I'~ ". ~ 0 c:"": ,~."...: e. -p ...A/ . L "-(g~aht f ,.:;t11 "0'" . Notarv Public ' \ " ,) .: . ". <(; "..... ~'J) ..- , ~... '\; .- '~'_' u /" f....~,.~ I!"'"... ". ,,4 rE 'Jt ' "'".. Notary Pllhl1c. State of Fbrida at Larc;e. My Ci)t~ilu:~sion ExpiJCE IliaI'. 16, LJS7. My commi88ion expiree: ~ ~~~o'~8 ~ " "e. J;l ..., $1 ('Tll-".... - :s ;:....J:S \0 ::r --3 l.-J ~ .... ,.,.. -< 0 L..:'; ~~ ~~o .." ~~ Ur= (l;:l ;1 ~ 2 0 ":I Q..8,. >': ~ ~,~~ ~ S~ " ~~ ......... ~ (.:g~o e.. ~ '1. (') ~~ .. :I _ ""'4~_ ~ r~[g ~ '" ~ "" ~ 8 r (j~ 3.5'; -- o ('TlJq;' =_~ 0...=.,.;:' =:I 0 ;. = .... .~~ ('Tl~:;S o = ; I I' '" '"" Ip'~~:~ !III """ ~~ en.... ;:; io-I .. 2'.... =:I ~ . ;-; Q..~ ~-I S' ~ t2 = "" (I) X 5.. e:..~ 1"1 _~~tIi I :.~~~ ~ o..f""'l Zrl ",' ,0 g io-I I" ;"=- 0.. = C;i .... -. < ::0 S. :::. ('Tl o E.. :;:r- rl rl~ n <:.... ....('Tl ~~~.~.~ r. C . > . o o , c . " ; , z . o o . . o . > ~ o z . . . 10 IH I~ e I";J i~ 1:<> :s H I3J t:rI ;p o ;:G ..., .., . > '" '" -3 ~ > C"l -3 o .." o t:1 [h rl ~ ... 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