Warranty Deed 3768-184,185 ---~~ '-1' .~....~..> ,./'" t::j' ./: ~) {) " _RRANTY DEED (aTATU1'Olrtl PAPCO'S FORM 0 PAPCO PU'8LISH1NG CO~lU.T'OII MIAMI >>21. FL.ORIOA mlJi.a 3Jubttltun. J4ade thl. /'-1 ~ day of ~ ,A.D.W.5.3 BETWEEN THOMAS DeTARDO and F.VRLYN T. DeTARDO, his wire, of lhe County of Dade , in lhe State of Florida, p.... i e s of lhe first put, md THR ClTTY OF MTAMT BRAClH, a 1<'lorida m\mi cipal corporation. of lhe County of Dade , in lhe State of Florid., part .., of lhe eeeond pari. WITNESSETH, That lhe .aid part left of lhe fint part, for and in coB6ideration of lhe BUlB of Ten ($10) - no~ 'n tbAm in hand paid by tlse part y of the _d part, the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowl"dged. h"VA granted. b!u-sained and l!Old to the .aid party of lhe """ond put, i tsSU~Vs.gasuaigno, forever,h.e following deaerihed land, Rituato, lying and being in the County of nAnA : and State of Florida, to-wit: The Northerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Seventy-Three (73) and the Northerly Twenty-Five Feet (25') of Lot Seventy-Four (74) in Block Ten (10) of OCEAN SIDE SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 or the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions of record and zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pending municipal improvement liens, if any there be, and taxes for the year 1953. This conveyance is made upon the condition that the above described property shall be used for off-street parking of vehicles. In the event the Grantee, its successors or assigns shall abandon the said property for the use'aforesaid the title to the property shall revert to and immediately'revest in the Grantors, their heirs, succeSSors or assigns. . And the .aid parL.isul of the first t d ' par do- hereby fully 'lVanantlhe title to ...id liutd, and wiD elend the laDle againat the lawful clainu t n o a peraom WhOD1lOeVer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF lh . , e .ald PartUa. of the first part hSl VA " han4 and aeaIa- th cia MeUnto let thej l' e 1 and year above writtel1. Signed, -W lIDd deli...ered in ti~, O~"'-' -_ k/ruo~j ~ .,~ 'J ., ,~ ... ---j ft:~ ~ ^ ~ ~' ,. -.1 ,,~ . .":.!l.'Ir""'1- II Li. ; STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA DADE } ''''' ....1". ".-. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared befo.... me, an officer duly authorized to administer oatm and take acknowledgment., DeTARDO, his wife, THOMAS DeTARDO and EVELYN T_ to me well known to be the personJ!. described In and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged befo.... me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the aaiit RlTF.T.YN T. flAT A RTJO , known to me to be the wife of the saM THOMAS DeTARDO 1 on a ...parate and private examination taken and made by and beCore me, separately and apart Crom her said hu.band, did acknowledge that she made heroelf a party to oaid deed for the purpose of renouncing, reIinquiahlng and conveying all her right, title and Intere3!, whether dower, bome.otead or of ""parate property, statutory or equitable, In and to the lando de3eribed therein, an d that .he executed the said deed freely and volun- tarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehentlion or fear of or from her .aid husband. WITNESS my hand and official seal a' CoWlt)' of TJAt'!~ d'M, LlAJ>:P, ,....,f. ..... -U---. ~~J.~ ,~~ ,", [:Y. . .' My Co......ua..ii. ""pir... '.\. 0 'r.1 ~ ". ',. ..(,l - - 'l_ ", - tr.1!l L\C~ 'I',.. JO. .. .... :a. '"d ~ l>" l"l l"l ~J:g=~J ~ e.~~" ~ ..... s. .... l>" ... '" oa!. ~ ~, Go iii ~"6: to" .... " .... ~l"l a .... ~ IT o=t')~.. [ ~t!g. e s. Go ~ .... = ~ ~ fi " .. ... ~ " "" .... I ('D ('D S' c..... .... :::S' 2 [ o-.Go ~ " ". .... '~~ ~ So .... .. =' g e. " "" .... il- l=' .nd State of :F1QP14a /~ 1 A. D. 19$.3..... 1 thj. ~(?~ 'Notary Public, State of Florida N1IteT)i l'ublle. Slilti of !,I.rld.. it '.rji My commisslc'1 expires Dec. 28, 1956. BOtlded by ,A,;:"l":,::~:l SL:~-:~'i Ce. of N y~ .r- ill . CD . I"" ~ loot I. z ~ ~ -=t ,[;.3 Il. ~ ~ t:::lO i~ ~ = ~. P:> :01 I-' '=' .. It o ~. IT ~ o M) >'3 ;:3' o 8 P:> tIl t:I co >-3 '" Cj ~(':L o P:> ::l Q. bJ (]) P:> D ;:3' --..-~ r " ~. ~, ,(]) f it ~C ~ ~ ~ = ~ Sd UfJ '~ ~ t:Y Ill> Iv I f-' , C ". \' c ( ~ > ~ " o iii 11 ~ ~ " -- i:.t) t' , . .' '" ::!: ,'. C':I- \ . ::< -; ~ ~. 0 '.' ;-ot PI 1) , ~ " c. "" - ", .- ~:.' '" ?: :0 '" ..... en .' f;;t ;::" (-t - \D I':> ?:J !'" <;;:l - L?