Affidavit 3822-188 BDOR3822 PAGE188 vVDJ()~- -""'~ .'" / ).-...J '~'-t-f' j j 'I ;), (,. J"'d.f2_U' ~!/I :3 ,-fo STATE OF FLOHIDA ) COUNTY OF DADE ) SS Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. H. Davidson, who being first duly sworn deposes and says that he is the identical J. H. Davidson who, as grantor, executed that certain warranty deed dated December 12, 1947 from J. H. Davidson recorded ~q Concourse Corporation/in Deed Book 2950, page 519 of the . pJ,lblic records o:f Dade County, Florida, conveying that certain ~arcel of land ~ituate in Dade County, Florida, and described .' " 'as t;ollows,~ to-:~,i t: . ,+ '. Lot~ 67 of Block 10 of OCEAN SIDE S~1ION ISLE OF NORMA}IDY, accord- in~:to the plat thereof recorded in~lat Book 25, page 60, public tBeords of Dade County, Florida. . ~ in ~,hich,h:said Wananty Deed there appeared the following state- ~ i ~. ~ " ~ ~ m~nt; "SubjectEtO second mortgaf,e this date executed from Concourse Corporation to J. H. Davidson." Affiant further says that the second mortgage referred to in the said warranty Deed, as aforesaid, was never in fact executed and does not now exist. Affiant further sayeth not. \ ~~. C7 J. H. Davidson ...~~ Sworn to and subscribed to before me this .;t. / day of " 1953. s~ <\,,\\\1111110/ tary Public ,"'t. 13 E;/ ~ e of Florida at Large ..........., ..\U~h..... '~t ~p .... "'') .~ ".,,~ ,.~ .: .... M '~Cr ' s :: i .\ 0 T ,,3(,. ' =:~ ~ll~~. -= ~ L~ ~".. ~ - :^~\ vlJ , '... r-f,..,! ,-;. 'lhUe S' 1 < --.,' '-::\.' ", . _ .......,~.My ,o"'n n;i~'f::C~,'3('~,..~~" ~1').,~;':-(,::'. t t r ;:~ge. , rIO~"I'\]" v..', e~'nrlNJh\'\TIlt'li~~'~'-~"-"""_'( .~, ;~?~:G> . ": H "~", "' ,." , ,r,' c.' l', ,- ;:'>/ c.). 11''111'" res: . . Of Aorida, County of Dade. ThIs Instrument was filed for record the -d 0 ." 1 1953 al~~L'M ..~-.daY!l~ 800k JI'.;t. :.. . and duly recorded jn____~~ e." ~on Page./tLL__File No. CC_ ~ E. a. LE:ATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court By ~~. ...,.... OITICE OF CITY AftOBIIEY - CITY HALL - MlAMl BEACIl 3~A 0, ---- y ~ ----- ":>.. :"'C"l ~o (l~ ~...~~ ,~\':..,'~' , , ..,:":""Jf-:-.. \~,~'ti '-. '-:;:0~'n"',.;~, . - -.,", ~'--""" ,) _,-to , r ,.,'\\ , \ i~ ~~\ l ~7 e -01"" " V' ~ V' ? 1 i- ll.. ~" .~<.... ,. ~ - ......... ~ \; ~;.:....:' { .,,<,, '" ;"{) " v' L~ ~._;, " \ -' c-... - : ."-~ ~ -?"~ .' ;';j c: ? 0 ,",', "" /-, , " ~~':) :::;<: " <> ~~~ (,.)- ,- ? ,. '.0 c. -n '" ," r 0 !" 0 ,:;;.:. ~ ( ~ . ~\"llt ~ . l:ll.... " : . po: ~ ~; :to :>:S;~\ . "~tp.o , po' " ", :: 'Ie . :.. d:I g: eo ~ ':t .. "3: L . . c.f) : ': rf'\ ~L~ ;:""t.~, ,,,;;; " n..',' .......-: . ':.t.J'\ '. <.>3 ~