Warranty Deed 3768-182,183 8OUK3768 ~N"lS2 , . BOOK3if)8 ?AG~183 -;'~~~~~'~~- .~~ < ". .,,~&~ < ~:-~> . ' ~~ --, ~.. ,- . _ ...... V~~"'"~~_''' ~\i~ " ,-~ I'" , " , "-. \.~~ I STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA nADF. } I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thi. day peroonally appeared before me, an oCCicer dnly authorized T.,WN A NDR'R RA'P'RR l>nn 'RT.RA Nfll'1 to admini.ter oatho and take acknowledgment., RAPEE. his wife, to me well known to be the peroo~ described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged hefore me that they executed the .ame freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein expreaoed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the .aiL- "RT.RA NOR RA PF.R ) known to me to be the wife of the oaid LEON ANDRE RAPEE . on a separate and private examination taken and made hy and hefore me, .eparately and apart from her eaid hUlband, did acknowledge that .he made her.elf a party to .aid deed for the purpose of renouncing, relinquiahing and conveying all her right, title and intere.t, whether dower, homestead or of separate property, .tatutory or equitable, in and to the land. de.cribed therein, and that .he executed the .aid deed freely and volun- tarily and without any compul.ion, con.traint, apprehen.aion or fear of or from her laid husband. ~<4.n",," .l!iol,L ,. WITNESS my hand and oCCicial .eal at Dade County of dayoC ~ and State of 'li'lnT'ida 9~ J fl.t. , A. D. 19-5l. "( n'o '. ...\ '1" ..OH. .:1./ 'y....... " ,...~{ ~~3~::n;' , Notary Public, State of Flod "~""" -l< 00.../ ". 1(1.......... '(:"\ "'1, :J~ ,r\., IJI/1H11li<"\ , My Commiuion expires Notary PubTic, State of Florida at large My commission expires March 12, 1956. 8...."d.:..J 1))1 ,,,,,,,,,i,,,ulI ~1,J1l::ty ':v. ur 14 'I', "" ~ .. ... 1 (l r ~ Q ~ 8.,,!l ~ ~,~~:g, g]QJ~~;' ye \,-,": tr,t" -::;; ~~lif? l ~e:~~' . .... .... ~ ;. "8 ;. ~ "" I:l:I ;: ~ lli" ~ e:. "~g-;. "" "" ;.. ;. ~ ~ l:l <::>.". all "" ;.. ~ ~g- J' r l;j-'J : ~g.. ~ I!! ..... ~"J:. ~ ~ ~ a.. -..,.,~,' ',,' ';'"<l'., l\~] ~ W-6I~~~~~''(..~~~~~ ~~~l~~, ~~~~~~ .l"" III . .. . r- S i z n .. !l ~ -~--_._- .------------ l:l - W * V 0 t-I l~' (]) ~~ ( IT 0 ~ ::s ~ f..j 0 ~ .~ HJ " P. ~ .. :3: f'j > ",. (]) .. := 0 III >oj 0 S ~ ::u ~ en "'. III ...... ~ 'D 0 tJj (]) d ~ (]) (]) ~ III 0 () III ::> ::s S p. :2i ~ .... ",. r H, ~ (]) t:Y en ~ ,-'J 'tol ..0 ... >oj >oj tlS ~s t'f? -~~ , - <.0 '" ill r- ..,.. ~"q ~M ?< "'. 1""':"": .....m b;'" , ~m '\) , c>, "D C> )> -, ::c 0:;:: m:"l ~ ::0 7.J <> 3:: rn 0". 0 :""2: U) -,Q r- '~. ~ - U) "'; ""'-,.~. ~