National League of Cities City of Miami Beacb Population: 87,933 Form of Govenunent: Council-Manager NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL UPDATE 867 DMC '" Required/or elected officials only.! .Ward.! 'T~ End Dt *Optional Race/Sex Provided'" Correction Provided'" Correction Title District Nom' Make Corrections as needed 1) City Council's Mailing Address: 1700 Convention Center Drive 5) Is the Chief Elected Official a member of the governing body? yes(1) nolO) v' 6) How is the chief elected official selected? Miami Beach, FL 33139-1819 (0) 2) Phone: (305)604-2489 3) Fax: (305)673-7254 (M) 4) URL: http://www.miamibeachfl.gov (8) Directly by the voters in the v General election. Most votes for seat on governing body during gen. election. Selected from the governing body by the governing body. (0) Olher, describe 7) What is the term length for the chief elected official's position? v 2 yr(s) . Required/or elected officials only! .Ward! 'T~ EndDI .Optional Race/Sex Title District Nom, 11M (305)673-Je!8' ~Q[)Dli ill! . mayordermer@miamibeachfl,gov "701>0 3 oS-'" 3- "70'1' 0100 - Chief Elected Official; Mayor 61370 - David Dermer 1112107 Phone FID<i E-mail 1 8) VVhat is the size of the governing body? (number of members) 7 " D 9) VVhat is the term length for the members of the governing body? 4yr(s)_ o yr(s) If elected - a) allarge: v' b) by district: 10) Are governing body terms concurrent (C) or staggered (5)? S 11) VVhen is the next primary election for municipal officers? mmldd/yyyy 12) When is the next general election for municipal officers7 11/0612007 mmldd/yyyy i"',,",OFf ........"no~ "/,,0/z.co7 Phone FID<i E-mail 0300 - Governing Body Members 174453 - Ria~ Eiti~..bu,~ 1116109 '-'cHA....D !1n1..t.llJEfG 11M (305)673-7030 {illlC)fi7'1l iE!:l/ richard@miamibeachfl.gov 101'-"3-'70'" 174455 - Saul Gross 1116109 11M (305)673-7030 iSu_, fU I matli@miamibeachfl.gov >61-- " 3 -10'1" 203734 - Matti H. Bower ~ 61F 1//~/07 (305)673-7030 {i65)13 -~. 'saul@miamibeachfl,gov J~.- '13-7~q, 238102 - Jerry Libbin 1116109 ',M :!i;./l..R.yfi!J 1If'"'''' 'lJeTtcHl'l.. (dJV 30.- "13 _10 ~(, 67~,,~~30 (305) I 39301 - Simon Cruz 1J.IAM 61 M /11'107 (305)673-7030 (305)673~ I simon@miamibeachfl.gov 1~r-''73-'0 '/(, "M (305)673-7010 'IF (305)673-7030 'I"" }0"'-'13 -'7030 , 1M (305)673-7010 61359 -l..loIi& EL._;~, Jo. 1114/07 6 1M /III'GItI\E.L ~1'l...oe.A 0400 - City Manager; Chief Administrative 166065 - Jorge M. Gonzalez ::10 l.\"I'F61W(\.r.J Foti\l;o..lGEG 220391 - Francis R_.!I ':'..4il 0600 ~ Administrative Assistant to Mayor ~ A-c:.- W~'^,STel,.) 0700 -~",uu:ul~"ll~ C lotI e.F OF 168661 - Ramiro J. Inguanzo ,:;' U"n::lnp.~ S "fA-FF (305)673-7030 (~/r@miamibeachfl.QOV /l-l,c.HllfiL- }OS'"- '13-.,..." (305)673-77821 jgonzalez@miamibeachfl,gov "',....'ll~~f-L. 6. V (305)673-70961 franCisrodriguez@miamlbeachfl.gov P,CWeINS..elij~ 1."'IIll\&eMHf~-&~ (305)673-77821 ramiroinguanzo@miamibeachfl.gov A(;Slsr"YJI C.T\1 MANj(,l!:(. 226784 - Timothy Hemstreet 11M to. ~I ~T1\1\JT C ('1'1 ,.., ,,"lUll' elL H, LD II FEl!.AJ I\f\I OE-e 'IF (305)~ ltimhemstreel@miamibeachfl,gov 140.3-7010 3oS'_~-73-70\0 H,<-b^G"~f!."''''AJDe-! ~I-{,,,,,,, ,,,,.cI-lFL.60V City of Miami Beacb Population: 87,933 Form of Govemment: Council-Manager NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL UPDATE 867 DMC * Requiredfor elected officials only! 'Ward! Title District Nom, 'T~ EndDt .Optional Race/Sex Phone Fm<! E-mail 1210 - Fire Chief 168652 - Floyd Jordan 11M (305)673~7010 (305)673-7782 { bobmiddaugh@miamibeachfl.gov 'If 3of-(.73 -7~/o D"EJ'l~MIA",,'cmcl/fl.. G/lv I IF (305)604-2488 (305)673-75191 kbrooks@miamibeachfl.gov I IY (305)673-7466 (305)673-7795/twalker@miamibeachfl.gov , 1M (305)673-7411 (305)673-7254J~@miamibeachfl.gov R. PAn.e H€.R- /1M (305)673-7925 (305)673-70651 donalddelucca@miamibeachfl,gov 21M (305)673-7120 (305)673-7881/f1oydjordan@miamibeachfl.gov "1M (305)673-7080 {J05)673-7028/ fredbeckmann@miamibeachfl.gov 0700 - AssistanU. 72545 - Robert Middaugh City Manager AS5".,.....,1" rott,. rl~ J>fAlloA6t"L 1lt)L.oce~ Me:r/~ 1002 - Budget 220392 - Kathie Brooks Director 1004 - Hmmee _ 168664 - Patricia Walker _ Cf4ICi!f F"",AN<l1't.. OF~'C~ 11DD-City Cler1< 61363 - Robert Parcher 1209 - Police Chief 196208 - Donald De Lucca 1415 - Public Works Director 168659 - Fred ~ 5ECI>(M "'oJ N 1419 - City Engineer 168660 - ,'-'rslu!.8' 'iltsr "" 1M F12R.l'VANPO \tIl'!6XJEL. (305)673-7080 (~iL u I a .. @miamibeachfl.gov 1o>-I.-7}.:Iolf,FV,.! Glt(€~t9 1\I'll.....16V1tc ij fL,GOV l127 'A'alsf\\'este \^lshrTF8a'R'lilnt Btas:- eaR tRllpRIlFlil 1M \365)67':;-/001 1430- Building Inspector 226905 - Llal'Rilil ~~Iil Rillf T~I\~ VE1.-M'tu",c '1M (305)604-2489 "'VE'-A:;!'""u~0""f"'''''1 g""'CIl Fl- bol 1746 - Parks & Recreation Director 49164 - Kevin Smith 11M (305)673-7730 (305)673-7074/kavinsmith@miamibeachfl.gov 17&1 M...etill\:l r!leilit) Geel'diflatar 10b992 ~I^r~^ b.iy:~ 1M {SeS)6iO :'111 ..., "IF (305)604-2488 (305)673-70521 Vivianguzman@miamibeachn.gov /1M (305)673-7193 (305}673-7772/ kevincrowder@miamibeachfl.gov b/M (305)604-2489 /Ihomasvrriola@miamibechn.gov '1M (305)673-7260 (305}673-7772/ miguelldelcampillo@miamibeachft,gov ~/M (305)673-7550 (305)673-7559/ jorgegomez@miamibeachfl.gov 4r {5e5)501a1e~/ 1855 - Community 220393 - Vi....ian Guzman Development Director 1856 - Economic 168648 - Kevin Crowder Development Director 1857 - Housing 226909 - Thomas Urriola Development D' Jt~ c: TO n.... 1858 - Housing 168650 - Miguell Del Campillo Director 1900 - Planning 168651 - Jorge Gomez Director :;Wli:1 II~~ILI. e:,........lvr 2aSI::ilr JYII~l re I.: .~ City of Miami Beacb Population: 87,933 Form of Government: Counci1~Manager NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL UPDATE 867 DMC II< Requiredfor elected officials only/ "Ward! Title District Nom, 'T~ .Optional Fox! End Dt Race/Sex Phone E-mail hiM (305)673-7490 (305)673-7851 fguslopez@miamibeachtl.gov '" F (305)673-7040 (305)673-7049/ gacosta@miamibeachfLgov (,./F (305)673-7010 (305)673-7529/ mbuttacavoli@miamibeachfl,gov IIF (305)604-2488 f \.. C.OA/~4L€"~~U, ''''11<1 Iitl'tC Hfl-. bo v' II M (305)673-7014 I CLeb""AItl)~/AlIAlll6JA.GW FL. Go II 'r ('1"c)"'n.oL?41RR l~n<;:A7~_7.dAClI"'''~ "~l"'''',<<,~'-~'''B d.A.",~v " 1M (305)673-7074 (305}673-7002/~miamibeachn.gov ".-~ ..1I nl b/F (305)673-7575 (305)673-7299 { nrodriguBz@ci.miami-beac 2167 - Purchasing Director 168642 - Gus Lopez 2168 --aatr .:r.u Po lLAt A-TlOIJ "'f'lI!CHt-JOI06"1 .?'v.........,,"Y Director 220395 - Gladys Acosta 2269 - Personnel Director 168662 - Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli 2271 - Labor Relations Director 187058 - Linda Gonzalez 2272 - Risk Management Director 112894 - Clifton Leonard 2300_C;tYAttorneYL a:Hl1DS Bw,b..,.. flClWClyt:=1I. 61366 - P"'~:.' I"'\Lll1131fl SoSE $Wlrnt 2479 - Public Relations 168646 - Nannette Rodriquez National League of Cities, Infonnation Services, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, 5th Floor, Washington DC, 20004 Phone: (202)626-3185 Race: 1 White 2 African American 3 Native American 5 Asian Pacific American 6 Hispanic 7 Native American NG Not Given City of Miami Beach - 867 Date Printed: 01/25/2007