Business Resolution Task Force CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORNE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 htlp:\\cl.mlaml-beech.fl.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. S 5-00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrenee A. LeVY% City Manager DATE: Jannary 12,2000 FROM: SUBJECT: BUSINESS RESOLUTION TASK FORCE In response to the recommendations made by the Business Resolution Task Force (BRTF), many of which were formulated jointly between the Task Force and the affected City Departments, below please find a progress report on the status of the findings submitted by the BRTF. The City has already actively implemented a majority of the recommendations made and in many instances has enhanced additional services to improve access to City services. Additionally, LTC No. 232-1999, attached hereto, enumerated several initiatives undertaken to date to enhance our customer service efforts and outreach. Specifically, in response to the BRTF November 30, 1999 report, the following is provided: 1) Expedite Permittinl! The City has implemented various measures to expedite the permitting process such as: . limiting the number of plans for walk-through to only two applications per customer, . substantially limiting DRB review to exterior work and interior public spaces, . empowering staff to make broader decisions during walk-thru, . having a senior planner available during walk-thru to back-up the counter person, . having implemented walk-thru process guidelines, and ifDRB approval is required, allowing applicants to choose what order to get plan review approvals, . . actively involving the plans router in mouitoring the progress of the plans review, . offering more competitive salary ranges, and . co-locating Fire Prevention staff within the Building Department to facilitate the plans review process. It has been determined that in order to extend the permitting hours from three (3) to six (6) hours daily, as recommended by the BRTF, additional staffing and equipment will be required at an estimated cost of approximately $92,000, which is not currently budgeted. The City is implementing the recommendation to provide Fire Prevention Staff to review plans within the Building Department. Such personnel are currently in the hiring process. 523 AGENDA ITEM it 9 C L DATE \2- \-00 BRTF January 12, 2000 Commission Memorandum Page 2 2) Imnrove Customer Service The City has implemented quality customer service as a top priority. All Assistant City Managers and Department Directors are required to promote a "can do" philosophy, prioritizing customer service, within their Departments and amongst staff. An additional position has been created in Human Resources to provide training targeted at customer service. Additionally, two (2) levels of training have been established emphasizing (I) customer service skills and (2) intensive training for front-line staff. As a result, Quality Customer Service will be a performance measure for each City employee. Additional tangible efforts to improve customer service include the production and dissemination of the Business Information Guide and the development of "How To" pamphlets for processes and permits. 3) Simplify Land Use Boards Process Specific recommendations that would affect the structure and responsibilities of the Land Use Boards and that may require amendments to the Code are being carefully considered by the Planning Department at this time and are summarized below. With respect to variances and reducing the number of variances that go before the Board of Adjustment, the Commission has already referred to the Planning Board an amendment to the Code which would establish an Administrative Variance process. Such an amendment will reduce the number of applications which would appear in front of the full board. Regarding the Historic Preservation Board, the Planning Department is exploring possible amendments to the code to give staff the ability to approve minor demolition applications. These proposals will be presented to, discussed with, and analyzed by the Board and may nltimately be presented to the Planning Board and the City Commission. Such amendments would reduce the number of projects presented to the Historic Preservation Board. With respect to the Design Review Board, the Planning Department is likewise exploring amendments to the Code to empower staff to approve additional minor projects as well as projects that would have a minimal visual impact upon existing buildings, thus reducing the number of items going to the Design Review Board. With respect to the Joint Design Review/Historic Preservation Board, the Planning Department is also exploring possible Code amendments that would reduce the current eleven member board to a more efficient seven member Preservation and Design Review Board with a carefully balanced membership for review of all major projects in the historic district, with the objective of the board reviewing major demolition as well as major design proposals. Currently these responsibilities are divided between the Historic Preservation relative to demolition and the Joint Board with regard to design. A similar concept is also being explored at the Citywide level. 524 BRTF January 12, 2000 Commission Memorandum Page 3 A seven member board, with the authority to review both demolition and design, will reduce the length of board hearings and would result in a greater consistency of board approvals in our unique City design environment. Again, these proposals will be presented to, discussed with, and analyzed by the respective boards, and may ultimately be presented to the Planning Board and the City Commission. 4) Improve Staftinl! and Hiring The BRTF has identified 16 additional positions to achieve the stated recommendations of which six (6) are funded in the approved FY 2000 budget for the City of Miami Beach. The unfunded positions and related equipment needs represent an additional funding requirement of $410,907 including the positions mentioned in #1. Attached are detailed departmental staffing charts for the Building and Planning Departments reflecting budgeted/filled positions. Said charts reflect 17% and 32% of the respective Departmental budgeted positions are vacant. Therefore, City staff has reviewed the BRTF recommendations and determined that all vacant, budgeted positions should be filled to assess their impact on service prior to implementing the recommendation to add 10 new additional positions. Additionally, City staff has identified additional staffing and equipment enhancements, on top of the BRTF recommendations, totaling $473,573 that will be further assessed at the same time. Once vacancies are filled, the Administration will report back as to the status of service levels and the enhancements necessary. The Department heads are all empowered to manage and direct their operations with the guidance and assistance of their Assistant City Managers. Human Resources is additionally reviewing salary levels and ranges and re-classifying positions on an as needed basis to achieve the desired results. On an ongoing basis, staff is pursuing expediting the hiring process to assist in filling the vacant positions. S) Invest in Technology The BRTF recommends enhancing access to permits and licenses through the City web site. The Building Department is in discussions with the Information Technology (IT) Department to identify the resources necessary to implement this service and provide better access through e-mail and other technological means. It has initially indicated that any enhancements will have more extensive fmancial implications that have not yet been quantified. IT and Building will continue to assess the viability of this measure and address the necessary resources and investment required during the budget cycle. The recommendation to provide field inspectors with hand held computers will represent an additional cost to the City of approximately $180,000 which is currently not funded. 525 BRTF January J 2, 2000 Commission Memorandum Page 4 CONCLUSION As noted above, the City has pursued several of its own initiatives, such as the Business Information Guide, the development of "How To" pamphlets and staffing improvements to assist in the permit expediting process, to enhance our customer service efforts as well as to make the City ''business friendly". We look forward to continuing to work with the members of the BRTF and are connnitted to the ongoing implementation of the aforestated recommendations. As described above, the recommendations of the BRTF, will have a budgetary implication in excess of $410,000. The Administration recommends all existing vacant positions be filled prior to determining the additional positions that require funding. It is recommended that within 120 days, the Administration make such a determination and report back to the City Commission. If necessary, the Administration will bring a budget amendment to implement such changes, to be referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, before final action by the City Connnission. LAL/C~/~ T:\AGBNDA\2000\JANI2OO\REGULAR\BRTF.CM attachments 526 Recommendations of the Business Resolution Task Force Position Requested Cost Fire Department 2 Fire Plans Reviewers 1 Administrative Assistant 1 Clerk Typist Funded .. Funded .. Funded .. Finance Department 1 Cashier Funded .. Building Department 1 Structural Plans Reviewer 1 Building and Roofing Plans Reviewer 2 Data Entry Clerks 2 Building Inspectors ( extend walk - thru) 0.5 Information Officer (shared with Planning) Funded .. $65,000 $52,667 $92,000 $13,500 $223,167 Planning Department 1 DRB Planner 1 Zoning Planner 1 Senior Planner 1 Planning and Zoning Inspector & vehicle 0.5 Information Officer (shared with Planning) Cost of Staffing Recommendations $39,680 $39,680 $45,880 $49,000 $13,500 $187,740 $410,907 .. Funded means that the position or equipment is already fully funded in the current FY 99-00 City adopted budget.. 527 Additional Enhancements Requested by Department Directors Position Requested Building Department 1 Inspection Services Coordinator 1 Data Entry Clerk 1 Building Inspector ( enhance walk-thru) 2 Building Inspectors 1 Plumbing Inspector 5 Radios 1 Exchange 1 Permit Clerk for 1 Office Associate IV 1 Building Records Supervisor 5 Vehicles Planning Department 1 DRB Planner 1 Zoning Planner 1 Senior Planner 1 Planning and Zoning Inspector & vehicle Cost of Additional Enhancements .. Cost $74,000 $26,333 $46,000 $92,000 $46,000 $15,000 Funded ** Funded ** Funded ** $299,333 $39,680 $39,680 $45,880 $49,000 $174,240 $473,573 Funded means that the position or equipment is already fully funded in the current FY 99-00 City adopted budget.. 528 -.:- oooooooooSooo~SoooSooSooSooooooS ~ .. .. oodNddcidci~ddcici~dddrci~~cid~ciddddd~ to. u'C - - -- - ....... - - " " ..:::. 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'.'Ii I .,.,;j OFFiCe: November 30, 1999 Commissioner Simon Cruz Mayor's Office City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Commissioner Cruz: I would like to commend you on your foresight and initiative in establishing a Business Resolution Task Force in April 1999. During the recent election season, almost all of the candidates spoke about the need to make the City Hall bureaucracy function more efficiently. Over the past seven (7) months; the Business Resolution Task Force has met repeatedly with many of the City Departments (and particular1y with Building, Planning, Zoning and Design Review, Fire Prevention and Code Compliance) to come up with specific recommendations on how to make City Hall more responsive to the needs of the business community. . Attached are the final recommendations of the Task Force which, in most cases, have been formulated jointly between the Task Force and the affected City Departments. Highlights of the recommendations include the following: 1. Expedite Permittinc Extend permitting hours from three' (3) to six (6) hours a day to relieve the / backlog. Hire additional staff to meet current demand as well as to support the expanded hours. Relocate the Fire Prevention Bureau to the second floor of City Hall so all departments involved in the permitting process are in the same location. " 2. Improve Customer Service From the City Manager's Office on down, stress to City employees the need to have a "can do" attitude and to provide Quality Customer Service. Implement a training program. Reward employees who exhibit excellent customer service skills. Discipline employees who have a bad attitude, are rude to the public, or who don't respond to requests from the public for assistance. 1125 WASHINGTON AVENUE. MAil!>''' BEACH. FLOAIOA 33139 (305) 532~736B . FAX (305) 5~7. www.stream-line.com Simplify Land Use Boards Process Reduce the number of projects that must go to the land use Boards by giving staff the power to approve projects meeting specific guidelines. Streamline the Joint Design Review Board/Historic Preservation Board. Hire additional staff to ensure reasonable City review time on all projects. 4. Improve Staffino and Hirino 3. c/ Increase staffing where needed for Building Department and Planning and Zoning Department, which process a huge number of applications. Give power back to Department Heads instead of Assistant City Managers. Increase salary level of inspectors, if needed, to fill vacant positions. A crucial structural Inspector position has been vacant for over one (1) year because the salary level is too,Jow. Shorten the approval process for new hires. 5. Invest in TechnolooV Establish goal of processing permits and licenses over the internet and letting the public track the status of their project over the Internet. Make permit forms available on City Web site. Provide all City employees whO are in contact with the public With e-mail and encourage its use as a communications tool. Improve functionality of Permits Plus software. Provide field inspectors with hand held computers. Tangible results can only be achieved If the City commits to implementing the recommendations and monitors the progress of their implementation. It is recommended that four {4} members of the Task Force be empowered to work With the City on a continuing basis to oversee the Implementation of its recommendations. On behalf of the Task Force members listed below, we would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve the City of Miami Beach and we look forward to the successful implementation of our recommendations. Citizen Citizen Citizen Preservationist Finance/Banking Entertainment Industry Small Business/Retailer Hospitality Industry Chamber of Commerce Healthcare Attomey Real Estate Developer Budget Advisory Committee Ira Giller Saul Gross Ted Burman Marlo Courtney Eva Barreto Eugene Rodriguez Carlos Marin Robert Todak Gerald K. Schwartz Amy Perry Steven J. Pardo Ricardo Olivieri Michael Comras Larry Herrup 5~7 Middle Beach South Beach North Beach Goldman Properties Ocean Bank Big Time Productions MARS Delano Hotel Beloff and Schwartz Mount Sinai Hospital Zarco and Pardo BOV Development Corp. Comras Co. Ex-Officio . 7v'JT~ --21'K. Gross Chairperson Business Resolution Task Force attachments cc: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Business Resolution Task Force Members Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Kevin Crowder, Business Development Specialist 5B28 Building Department Recommendations of the Business Resolution task Force for the Building Department: · Expedite plan review and inspections. · Increase staffing to reduce waiting time · Reduce and simplifY paperwork · Invest In technology The 1998-1999 adopted budget for the City of Miami Beach shows revenues of $3,164,000 from building and trade permits and expenses of $2,547,653 to operate the building department This $600,000 surplus of permit fee revenue over expenses should be used to increase staffing and to Invest In technology, thereby improving the quality of services delivered to the public. 1. EXDedite Plan Review and InsDectlons a. Additional plan reviewers are needed to speed up the process. There should be at least two plan reviewers for each trade so that if one plan reviewer is sick or on vacation, the review process can continue. Currently, there is a need for one additional "structural" plan reviewer to review the larger projects, one additional 'Building and Roofing" plan reviewer to review the small projects _ pools, fences, driveways, windows, shutters, etc. and two full time "Fire" plan reviewers. b. Extend the hours for plan walk-thru until 3:00PM, rather than restricted until noon as at present. This would help to reduce the morning rush/jamlwaiting time and allow people to spread themselves out over the course of the day. c. Plan reviewers should not be inspectors. This would allow plan review until 3:00PM, since the reviewers would not need to go out to make inspections. d. Salaries for plan reviewers must be adequate to attract qualified applicants. Currently "structural plan reviewer's' salary is too low to attract qualified individuals. The position has been vacant for over one (1) year and only three (3) applicants have responded. B-1 SS3l9 e. Salaries for inspectors must be competitive with that offered by neighboring municipalities for similar jobs. Inspector starting salaries are $37,000 at Miami-Dade County and $32,000 in the City of Miami Beach. Obviously, this creates a problem filling vacancies. Top salaries are also low, causing qualified inspectors to quit and go to work in the private sector. f. Additional fire inspectors are needed to speed up the process. A job can be stalled for weeks waiting for inspections. g. Allow contractors applying for a permit to drop off blank checks made out to the City of Miami Beach. Finance has stopped this process, even though it worked well for fifteen (15) years. Now contractors must make a separate trip back to the Building Department and wait for hours just to drop off a check in payment of the permit fee. h. At the discretion of plan reviewer, if walk-thru is backed up, limit to two (2) the number of plans that the same person (contractor, architect, expediter, owner, etc.) can walk-thru at anyone time. i. The Plans Router should more actively monitor the progress of dropped off plans. The Plans Router should be able to give someone dropping off plans an approximate date when the review will be complete and should be the contact person to check with on plan review status. j. The same inspector should be maintained for a given trade on a particular job to eliminate different requests from different inspectors. k. For interior alterations above the first floor that have no adverse impact on the exterior of the building, don't require ORB sign off, since no ORB issues involved (unless an upper floor area is a significant public interior area or space). I. Even if ORB approval is required, allow applicants to chose what order to get plan review approvals. Currently, everyone must go first to ORB causing a backlog there in the morning. 2. Additional Full Time Staffina Reauired a. One (1) 'Structural" Plan Reviewer (See 1 (a) above). B-2 5~~0 b. One (1) "Building and Roofing" Plan Reviewer (See 1(a) above). c. One (1) qualified "information officer" at the front counter providing information, so people don't have to wait in line for an hour to ask the permit clerks a simple question and then find out they are in the' wrong place or they need a form filled out which they don't have. d. Two (2) knowledgeable persons answering the telephone. It is very frustrating not to be able to get any information from the Building Department over the telephone. e. One (1) counter cashier who would exclusively take payments on permits. This would free up the permit clerks at the counter to process the permit paperwork and give out information. Once counter cashier is added, extend until 4:00PM the hour when the cashier will accept payment for permits. Currently, the cashier closes at 3:00PM. f. One (1) full time permit clerk at the front counter to speed up processing the permit applications. Currently there are five (5) and a sixth is needed. g. Two (2) Fire plan reviewers. (See 1 (a) above). 3. Reduce and SlmDlifv PaDerwork a. Even if permit paperwork is not complete, as long as applicant is willing to pay the application fee, the Building Department should process the permit application and allow plan review, for both large and small projects. This avoids a complete wasted trip where applicant can't even start the process if paperwork isn't in order. Currently, for small "walk through" projects, the BUilding Department often will not review the plans until the paperwork is complete. b. Have permit forms available in plain view in the waiting area of the BUilding Department, so people can take them without having to ask clerk behind the counter for them. c. Have instructions posted in the lobby. of the Building Department in plain view explaining step by step how to pull a permit and what paperwork needs to be submitted. B-3 5~1 d. Post hours for walk-thru clearly (Monday _ Friday, 8:00AM _ 3:00PM). Post hours for major plan review clearly (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 2:00PM). Post drop off procedure clearly. e. Allow credit cards to be used to pay fees and other building department charges. f. Stop requiring that tenants pr~uce a copy of the lease to do work in their premises. Owner's Affidavit authorizing the tenant to do the work should be sufficient. g. Set up Owner's Affidavit so both tenant and landlord can sign one piece of paper, instead of two separate forms: "The undersigned owner of the property authorizes the tenant to do the work described above." h. On each permit, there should be a list of the inspections specifically required (rather than a general list of all the departments). Upon request, the City should be able to indicate what inspections remain to be obtained, so applicants know exactly where they stand. Currently, computer will not print out specific list of inspections required. i. Require each employee at front counter of the Building Department to wear a name tag. 4. Invest in Technoloav a. Establish a goal of processing permits and licenses over the internet and letting the public track the status of their project over the internet. b. City should purchase hand held computers for inspectors, so they can log inspection results from the field onto the internet. Dade County has spent $812,000 on this equipment which allows applicants to check the internet to see the results of inspections; applicants can also use the internet to monitor the route of each inspector and track the Inspector's progress during the course of the day to know about what time an inspection of the applicant's job will be done. c. Have permit forms available on City web site so they can be downloaded and filled out without having to physically go down in advance to get forms. Have instructions on the web explaining which forms are needed for what type of work. B-4 5~2 d. Encourage communication with inspectors via e-mail. Now it is almost Impossible to reach them over the telephone and their voice mail is frequently full and unable to take messages. Inspectors need not be given an "internet browser" in order to have e-mail, if there is a concern that the use of the browser will lead to unproductive time wasted browsing the internet. e. New Windows version of Peimits Plus software is slow and the server goes down a lot. IT department is slow to respond to fix the problem. 8-5 5~3 Planning, Zoning and Design Review Board Recommendations of Business Resolution Task Force for Planning, Zoning and Design Review Board: · Expedite plan review and inspections . Reduce number of projects that must go to Boards · Increase staffing to reduce waiting time · Reduce and simplify paperwork · Invest in technology 1. Expedite Plan Review-Walk_Thru f. g. a. Extend the hours for plan walk-thru to 8:30AM _ 3:00PM to coincide with the proposed walk-thru hours of Building Department. Hire two (2) additional planners to staff the expanded hours. Rotate expanded counter staff, so the same people don't have to work the counter every day and get burned out. b. Empower counter people to make decisions during walk-thrus, so they can approve projects and move them through the system. Have senior planner available during walk-thru to back up counter person. This will avoid forcing applicants to return a second or third time to get plans approved. At discretion of counter person, if walk-thru is backed up, limit to two (2) the number of plans that the same person (contractor, . architect, expediter, owner, etc.) can walk-thru at anyone time. Implement the walk-thru process guidelines attached, which were develOPed in conjunction with the Planning and Zoning Department If an applicant puts their name on "Sign-In Sheet" for both Building Department and Zoning/ORB, they can't be at two places at once. After pulling their name on Sign-In Sheet, applicant should wait in lobby of Building Department and should be paged when it is their turn to have their plans reviewed by Zoning/ORB. This will also reduce the high pressure atmosphere in the lobby of Zoning/ORB. c, d. e. For interior alterations above the first floor that have no adverse impact on the exterior of the building, don't require ORB sign off, since no ORB issues involved (unless an upper floor area is a significant public interior area or space). P-1 5~~4 h. Even if ORB approval is required, allow applicants to chose what order to get plan review approvals. Currently, everyone must go first to ORB causing a backlog there in the morning. 2. EXDedite Plan Review - Board Proiects a. Speed up review time on large projects, reduce the time applicants must wait before a meeting can be scheduled with senior planners for major plans review and relieve the burden on existing staff by hiring another senior level planner. b. Get staff recommendations to architect a week before Board meeting so architect can have a chance to present modifications to the Board. This increases likelihood of getting Board approval at first meeting and helps to avoid repeated visits to the Board which are costly and time consuming. The additional staffing requested in 2(a) should make it easier to achieve this recommendation. 3. EXDedite InsDections The wait for inspection is entirely too long. ZoningJDRB/HPB needs to do inspections more frequently, which requires a full time inspector position. 4. Reduce Number of Proiects That Must Go to Boards Reducing the number of projects that must go to Boards will reduce staff workload, require less staffing manpower and speed up the process for applicants. a. Historic Preservation Board Give staff the power to approve minor demolition requests meeting the following guidelines: 1. Demolition of walls which are in non-public interior areas. 2. Any non-original additions, features and finishes of a site or structure; however, in the event staff concludes that a particular addition, feature or finish may have attained architectural or historic significance (e.g. Astor Lobby, National Hotel Prote-Cochere) said demolition may be required by staff to go before the Historic Preservation Board. 3. Demolition of portions of secondary elevations (e.g. interior side and rear) which do not impact original significant P-2 595 architectural features of a building, nor adversely impact its architectural integrity. 4. Demolition necessary to facilitate restoration of an existing structure, based upon documentation and assuming non- original parts or portions of a structure to be demolished are historically and architecturally insignificant. In the event staff determines that a particular degree of demolition proposed should not be approved at the administrative level, said demolition shall be referred to the Historic Preservation Board. b. Design Review Board Give staff the power to approve projects meeting the following guidelines: 1. Rear yard additions of whatever size, if not significantly visible from the main public right of way. 2. Additions visible from the right of way of up to 5,000 feet, or 30% of the square footage of the existing building, whichever is less. 3. Roof top additions meeting the line of site test 4. All renovation projects primarily restorative in nature 5. Storefront replacement/remodeling projects c. Zoning Board of Adjustment Give staff the power to grant the following types of administrative variances; 1. Main structure encroaches less than ten (10%) percent of the required setback (e.g. 1 foot). 2. Height variance where the height of the proposed structure exceeds the maximum permitted height by less than 10%; provided the height variance doesn't exceed 5 feet and it . doesn't increase the number of permitted stories in the building. 3. ADA ramp encroaches in side or front setback, the ramp is less than 30" above grade and it is lower than the first level of the building. P-3 ~ 5. Additional Full.TIme Staffina Reauired a. Two (2) planners, one ORB and one Zoning, who can work the counter during extended walk-thru hours and who can otherwise assist in writing neighborhood plans. (See 1(a) above) b. One (1) full-time Senior Level Planner. (See 2(a) and (b) above) c. One (1) inspector for Zoning, ORB and HPB. (See 3 above) This individual could inspect jobs. during the course of construction rather than only at the end. This would highlight problems before they become expensive to correct. Having full-time inspector will shorten waiting time. Inspector can also report violations to the code enforcement department and respond to complaints from the public. d. One (1) planner to help in writing neighborhood plans (be pro-active rather than re-active). e. One (1) qualified "information officer" shared with the Building Department to be located in the Building Department lobby. This information officer would provide information, so people don't have to wait in line for a long time to ask the counter people/plan reviewers a simple procedural question and then find out they are in the wrong place or they need a form filled out which they don't have, for example. 6. Reduce and SlmDlifv PaDerwork a. Have permit forms available in plain view in the waiting area so people can take them without having to ask counter person for them. b. Have an instruction pamphlet prepared, available for distribution in the lobby of the Planning Department, explaining step by step how to pull a permit and what paperwork needs to be submitted. c. Post hours for walk-thru clearly (Monday _ Friday, 8:30AM _ 3:00PM). Post notice that major plans review is conducted on an appointment basis, with the name and telephone number of the person to call to schedule an appointment. d. Post a plaque on the wall in the counter area listing the names of the employees "At the Counter Today". This will engender a sense of accountability to the pUblic as well as a more relaxed talking atmosphere between the parties. P-4 5/W7 7. Invest in TechnolOClV a. Have forms available on City web site, so they can be downloaded and filled out without having to physically go down in advance to get forms. Have instructions on the web explaining which forms are needed for what type of work. b. Assign to each department member an e-mail address and then encourage communication via e-mail. c. New Windows version of Permits Plus software is slow and the server goes down a lot. IT department needs to fix this problem more quickly than they seem able. 8. Streamline Joint Desion Review Board/Historic Preservation Board a. Currently joint HP BoardlDRB has eleven (11) members which is unwieldy and results in long meetings. Solution is to reduce the membership from 11 to 7 and rename the joint board as the Design and Preservation Review Board (DPRB). This DPRB would review all projects Citywide including those within Historic Districts. Membership of DPRB would be as follows: Current DRB Composition Proposed DPRB Composition 2 Citizens-at-Large 2 Citizens-at-Large with experience in preservation, development or desian 3 Reaistered Architects 2 Registered Architects 1 Registered Landscape 1 Registered Landscape Architect, Registered Architect, Architect, Registered Architect, Professional Designer or Professional Designer or Professional Urban Planner Professional Urban Planner 1 Registered Architect, 2 Credentialed Preservation Professional Designer or Specialists, one of whom shall Professional Urban Planner have a degree and practical experience in Architecture b. Give the new DPRB the power to grant a binding, preliminary concept approval on the issues of urbanism, massing, siting, etc. These are typically the. contentious issues with which the public and the neighbors get involved. The design details (style, fenestration, materials, etc.) could then be subsequently approved by the Board. This two step process could help to reduce the uncertainty and lack of predictability for the applicant. Obtaining the preliminary approval would let an applicant know at an earlier stage that their project is viable. P-5 56i8 9. Encoura e Ada tive Re-Use of Historic Bui/din sand Bui/din s In Historic Districts Section 142-546(4) provides that "no existing bUildings shall be internally reconstructed to change the number of stories, except that twenty (20%) percent of each floor plate may be removed to create an open area or atrium." The adoption of this ordinance has had the effect of imposing a moratorium on further retail development on COllins Avenue. The ordinance needs to be modified to allow for more flexibility as follows: a. Subject to the review and approval of the DPRB, more than twenty (20%) percent of the floor plate may be removed, so long as the perception from the street of the number of stories in the building is unchanged, and activity continues to occur at' the primary facades via retention of floor plates at least six (6) feet wide along each wall. b. The first floor may be lowered to grade, so long as an architecturally significant lobby or other historic public interior feature is not demolished. P-6 Slll3I9 Planning Department "WALK-THRU" Process Changes to be Implemented September 1,1999 1. For the purpose of clarifying .the walk-thru process for all persons entering the Planning Department a sign. shall be placed in the Department lobby stating: WELCOME TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT. You ONLY need to fill in the 'Sign-In Sheet" if you are processing a Design Review, Historic Preservation or Zoning Application. ALL other inquiries may be addressed to the Receptionist. . Sign to be in English and Spanish. 2. In order to minimize waiting time, any plans/applications submitted that staff believes will require more than twenty (20) minutes of review time at the counter shall be required to be left with staff for separate review after normal walk-thru hours. 3. When the number of Applicants who filled in the Sign-In Sheet exceeds five (5) for either ORB or Zoning walk-thru, a second ORB or Zoning staff member shall assist in review, until the waiting number drops below five . (5) Applicants. 4. In the instance of Applicants who are new to the process, walk-thru staff shall briefly clarify the purpose of the review and the next steps following the Planning Department. 5. At discretion of counter person, if walk-thru is backed up, limit to two (2) the number of plans that the same person (contractor, expeditor, owner, architect, etc.) can walk-thru at anyone time. Additional applications shall require the Applicant to return to the end of the line. 6. In the event that walk-thru processing on a particular application requires a higher or more intensive level of review, or where extenuating circumstances may require, the attending walk-thru staff person shall accompany the Applicant to her/his office where a Senior staff person shall assist. In such event, another staff member shall take their place at the counter to continue the walk-thru process. P-? SiW Fire Prevention Bureau Recommendations of Business Resolution Task Force for the Fire Prevention Bureau · Expedite plan review and inspections . Increase staffing to reduce waiting time · Invest in technology 1. Exoedlte Plan Review and Insoections a. Move the employees of the Fire Prevention Bureau who are involved in permitting from Pinetree Drive to the second floor of City Hall, so that all the departments that are involved in the permitting process work out of one location. The computer training room and a small contiguous portion of the Code Compliance office should provide adequate space for these Fire Prevention employees. (When the offices of the Zoning Department were renovated, there was sufficient room in the Code Compliance offices for the entire Zoning Department.) b. Provide two (2) full-time "Fire" plan reviewers to staff walk-thru in the Building Department, on a daily basis, from 8:30am _ 3:00pm. One of the plan reviewers would assume primary responsibility for each project. Currently, the plan reviewers often come late to the walk-thru in the Building Department (1 0:00am), only stay for two hours and review a limited number of projects each day, causing a large backlog and serious delay in the permitting process. c. Provide the option to applicants (but don't make it a requirement) of obtaining a "rough" fire inspection within sixty (60) days of anticipated certificate of Occupancy date or when project is approximately eighty (80%) percent complete. This procedure will allow applicants to correct problems before finishes applied, which will save time and money and avoid surprises at the end of the job. 2. Additional Full-Time Staffina Reauired Two (2) "Fire" plan reviewers. (See 1 (a) above). Make sure reviewers have extensive experience and ability to read and understand plans. FPB-1 slt'&l 3. Invest in Technoloav a. Assign an e-mail address to each department member and encourage communication between the public and department members via e-mail. b. Improve the functionality and speed of Permits Plus. FPB-2 5662 Code Compliance Recommendations of Business Resolution Task Force for Code Compliance · Policy Issues · Improve communication and simplify paperwork · Staffing · Invest In technology 1. Pollcv Issues a. City of Miami Beach must maintain its own properties to the same standard as it requires private property owners to maintain theirs. This will give the City administration an understanding for what it is requiring the private sector to do. It will also eliminate the double standard which annoys most property owners. b. Inspectors need to use common sense, and focus more of their attention on buildings that are clearly problematic and less of their attention on buildings that are clearly well maintained. c. Sweeps of commercial property neighborhoods should be discontinued (unless requested by the commercial property neighborhood association affected). The focus of Code Compliance should be on responding to complaints and addressing buildings with obvious problems. d. It should not be City policy to inspect a majority of the apartments in every rental building once a year. Common areas can be inspected once a year, but apartment by apartment inspection is unnecessary and intrusive, unless building appears to be badly maintained and problems are apparent. Otherwise, inspect apartments in response to complaints. e. Encourage code officers to get property owners to comply before it is necessary to take them to Special Master. Code officers seem to be encouraged to take cases to Special Master and to generate revenue in the form of fines. f. Reduce the volume of cases going to the Special Master by giving the property owner a realistic time frame (either 30, 60, 90 or 120 days, as appropriate) to cure the violations, rather than a standard 30 days. For example, if a large building needs to be painted, 120 days might be appropriate, not 30. Currently, many property owners often have to waste their time by going to the Special CC-1 5~3 Master to get an extension of time which would be unnecessary if the time frame given for curing the violation was reasonable to begin with. g. Give department head the power to recommend mitigating fines. The mitigation process currently requires four (4) different people to sign off (city manager, executive assistant to city manager, department head and legal) which is cumbersome and time consuming. At the very least, allow mitigation solely by the department head for fines of up to $25,000. h. Focus on citing and prosecuting problem nightclubs that are operating without a current, valid occupational license. i. Focus on illegal street vendors and other disturbances in the public right of way which detrimentally affect the visitors' experience of Miami Beach. 2. Imorove Communications and Simolify Paoerwork a. Violations should state specifically what work inspector believes needs to be done, rather than just citing code section violated. For example, "paint rear, north east comer of building" rather than "Exterior surfaces of structure are not properly maintained and shall be scraped and painted"; or .stucco area above the door at 1343 Washington " rather than "cracked and/or broken stucco shall be repaired in a workmanlike manner". b. If owner directs in a lettar that violations are to be handled by property manager, then a copy of notices should be sent to property manager. Too much time wasted in sending notices to owner, who may not be involved and may not be in town or even in country. c. Code compliance office must be staffed during the day, so that someone is available to answer questions about violations written by inspectors. Currently, inspectors are available by telephone for at most 30 minutes per day and it is very difficult to get in touch with them to have them clarify ambiguities in the violation. By contrast, the special master clerks are intelligent, constantly available by telephone and are extremely helpful and knowledgeable. Inspector' files should be accessible for review by office staff so they can respond to inquiries from the public about a case. d. Inspector voice mail is frequently full so it is difficult to communicate with them by leaving them messages. CC-2 5~a4 e. Don't assign different numbers to cases when they go to special master. Dual number system is confusing. Maintain same number throughout process. f. Notice To Appear Before Special Master should give some indication of nature of violation, rather than being a "naked notice". 3. Staffina 1. It is inefficient to use inspectors to hand deliver Notice To Appear Before Special Master. Send all notices out certified mail and follow up with personal delivery of the notice only where no return receipt is received. b. If policy changes in Section 1 above are implemented, fewer inspectors might be required. 4. Invest in TechnoloQ'{ a. Assign to each inspector an e-mail address and encourage communication via e-mail. b. Continue investigating the purchase in 2003 or sooner, if possible, of laptops for inspectors that would allow them to write up violations on the spot and print out the violation notice at the same time. The inspector could then load the inspection results onto a central data base. This would reduce paperwork tremendously and allow code enforcement office personnel to assist the public by checking the central data base. c. Code Compliance is currently using three computer systems: Civic Call to log complaints, Permits Plus for Zoning and permit information and LMS (Land Master) for property maintenance violations. Continue working with IT to modify Permits Plus to handle all functions so that the other two programs are no longer needed. CC-3 sffr)5 Business Resolution Task Force - Customer Service Subcommittee LACK OF COMMUNiCA nON ISSUES I. Front-line employees do not always have enough infonn.tion to serve the public well. 2. Infonn.tion is not adequately communicated to the public. 3. Lack of communication exists between departments. For example, Licensing is dependent on other departments to perfonn their function. Their ability to perfonn their job well is directly related to good communication and responsiveness from other departments. Licensing is the last point of contact for the business and frustration levels can be high by that point. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Departments need to hold regular staff meetings to ensure that not only front-line employees, but all employees are aware of what is occurring in the department. Managerial staff that is empowered to make decisions and solve problems should be part of the front-line team. 2. The City should conduct more outreach to the public in the fonn of workshops, press releases, and collateral materials. As much appropriate infonnation shouid reach the customer as early as possible in the process. 3. Monitor the effectiveness of CiviC all and expand its promotion. 4. Department Directors need to hold regular staff meetings to ensure that each department is aware of what the others are doing. This should include general infonnation meetings and project specific meetings. IMPACT OF THE PROCESS ON CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES ISSUES 1. The process takes too long, wearing down both the customer and employee. 2. Hours of operation are inconsistent from one department to the next. 3. Public spaces are not user-friendly. 4. Answers to questions can be inconsistent from one City employee to the next. RECOMMENDA nONS I. Improve public spaces and reception areas throughout the City and make them user-friendly. 2. Re-evaluate the decision making process and insure that decisions are being made at the appropriate lever. 3. Extend the hours of operation; Explore delivery of some services on Saturdays. 4. Re-evaluate the role and duties of review boards. 5. Implement deadlines for responsiveness and time lines for processes. 6. Development of a "waiver" fonn to be signed by the appropriate authority when used in the development process. STAFFING ISSUES ISSUES I. There is a shortage of professional staff in some City Departments 2. Front-line positions are usually entry level, and sometimes lack operational knowledge and supervision. 3. The location of employees sometimes is an issue that leads to customer frustration. Employees are not always in the most efficient location to perform their jobs. 4. Communication with City employees by telephone is difficult and sometimes non-existent. 5. Departments sometimes remain understaffed because the hiring process takes too long at times. S1l16 Business Resolution Task Force - Customer Service Subcommittee RECOMMENDA TlONS I. Reward employees that exhibit excellent customer service skills. 2. Ensure that someone on staff is available to respond to inquiries from the public as well as from other departments. 3. Clearly identify the initial and primary contact person for the customer. 4. Add the additional professional and support staff that is appropriate to the workload. 5. Decision-makers must be accessible. 6. Shorten/Streamline the approval process for new hires. TRAINING RECOMMENDATIONS I. Training and reinforcement/follow_up is needed in dealing with difficult customers, stress reduction, and time management. 2. Implement a "Train the Trainer" program. 3. Increase the funding level that is allocated to City employee training programs. 4. Implement departmental training programs for new employees that includes cross-training (inside and outside of the department when appropriate). Integrate customer service into training that Occurs on- the-job. 5. Train City employees to recognize the amount of time and capital that the customer has invested in their project. 6. Follow-up the new employee orientation with customer service training. 7. Directors and supervisors must lead by example. s1i57 ~ /, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 htlp:\\ci.ml.m~beach.fl.u. L.T.C. No. 232-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION December 6, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City C mmission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATION'S EFFORTS TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER SERVICE This Letter to Commission is to identify the assortment of initiatives the Administration has recently undertaken to ensure better customer service for our citizens. These efforts mirror the recommendations of the Business Resolution Task Force. The Administration has also recognized the need to demonstrate greater appreciation for City employees as an integral part of boosting morale and productivity which will ultimately improve the end user's perception of government employees. I) An additional position has been created in Human Resources to provide training targeted at customer service. In addition, annual reviews will include specific ratings relative to "user friendliness'''. .. 2) Recognition of outstanding employees via the City Commission and the new employee-of- the-month photo wall and recognition in the City's Newsletter, "Beach Breeze". Beach Breeze has also had a series of articles emphasizing customer service and an "At Your Service" column. 3) A "Hurricane Appreciation Luncheon" (Penrod's) was held for all those on City staffwho worked before, during and after to keep our City fully operational. These employees worked long and arduous shifts often with significant personal sacrifice. 4) A Directors Retreat was held and enthusiastic endorsement of quality management initiatives resulted. The City of Coral Springs model of quality customer service won the Governor's Sterling A ward. It was presented at the Retreat and further Miami Beach initiatives will be forthcoming as a result of those successes. 558 Continued... Letter to Commission December 6,1999 Page Two 5) Effective December 6, 1999 Michael Vita will become the City's CiviCall Administrator. He will work daily to provide consistent, quality responses to citizen cotuplaints and concerns, and to assure timely complaint resolution. The CiviCall Program continues to be refmed and improved. 6) Additional seating and refreshments have been added to a streamlined building permit process to ensure better customer satisfaction as well as improvements to Planning Department permit processing. 7) The Administration communicates important messages to residents via the utility bill. A new insert "Beach Briefs", provides bi-monthIy communication with our residents. 8) "Since You Asked" is a new column in the Herald Neighbors section of the newspaper. Through this column, the Administration is able to educate residents on City Codes, "do's and don'ts," and answer other topics of interest. 9) An Information Desk has been placed in the lobby of City Hall to serve as an assistance center to all City Hall visitors. 10) The Administration is testing a pilot "roving crew" under the auspices of the Service Delivery Manager. The crew works on additional enhancements to basic services currently provided. Detailing is done that is not part of routine maintenance procedures. The Administration is committed to providing quality customer service and will continue to implement plans to achieve these objectives. SR:M:jh c: ).,Ronnie Singer; Bxecutive'Assistant to the'CityManager.,~ Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Michael Aller, Tourism and Convention Director, Chief of Protocol f:\CMGR\SALL\L TC.99\CUSTSR V.ADM 559 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 560