002-2007 Requested Information - City Center Redevelopment Agency It\ '= - MIAMI BEACH '''- "'-"\" ,''; city of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miQffiibec;u::hA:gov . '!;~j"'----"'~- ';~-"" MEMORANDUM 002-2007 FROM: Matti H. Bower, Commissioner Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager \ ~ February 12, 2007 U . ~ 0 RECEIVED 2001 FIB 12 PM~: 53 CITY CLU;;';-S OFF ICE TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Requested Information - City Center Redevelopment Agency Pursuant to your request, please find below additional information with regard to the City Center Redevelopment Agency. For the FY 2006/07 - 2010/11 Capital Improvement Plan, a number of projects were programmed and approved by the City Commission on September 21,2006. As ofthat date, approximately $20.7 million in funds were appropriated prior to, but were not yet complete. The first year of the Capital Plan, adopted as the the FY 2006/07 Capital Budget, appropriated an additional $20.9 million for on-going projects. This $42 million in appropriations for on-going projects included funding for the following: . New beach front restrooms at 21 Street; . Completion of Collins Park, including streetscape improvements and the renovation of the Rotunda; . Neighborhood Right of Way Improvements, including water, sewer, and Stormwater infrastructure, in the City Center portion of the Flamingo Park neighborhood; . Implementation of City Wayfinding Signage throughout the City Center RDA; . The Little Acorn Theatre/Carl Fisher Clubhouse; . The Collins Canal Project along Dade Boulevard; . Streetscape improvements on both the east (Collins to Washington) and west (Lennox to Alton) portions of Lincoln Road; . Alleyway Improvements; . Traffic and transportation improvements including crosswalks, pedestrian countdown signals, etc.; . Upgrading tree wells along Lincoln Road; . Planning and design for the Multi-Purpose Parking Facility; and . Planning and design for the right-of-way streetscape improvement projects in the Historic and Commercial Districts. Since that time, the following projects and amounts are proposed to be added to this fiscal year: . $5,326,710- Accelerating funding through construction for 1100 block Lincoln Road with associated street closure; . $3,500,000 - Accelerating funding for the New World Symphony (NWS) Design Fees and soft costs for garage and park; . $13,700,000 - Washington Avenue Properties In the future years of the CIP, an additional $36 million is projected to be appropriated in 2007/08 for the completion of these projects, in addition to $48.7 million for the New World Symphony project, split between a proposed $13.7 million in FY 2008/09 with the balance of $35 million in FY 2009/10. $5 million has also been added to the projection for the $23rd Street Bridge project in FY 2008/09. The addition of the projects noted above places considerable pressure on the City Center RDA for purposes of commitment in the next few years. I have attached an updated set of projections for the City Center funds through FY 2010/11. The financial projections have been updated to reflect the latest estimates for new construction impacts. All other assumptions remain the same as previously distributed to the Commission in October 2006. If the City intends to pursue all of these projects as scheduled, it is likely that some sort of financing will be necessary. The City may elect to provide advance funding from parking revenues in lieu of issuing debt. Any debt issued must be approved by Miami-Dade County. The City Center RDA is presently scheduled to exist through 2026. I hope this responds to your questions. Please feel free to contact me if you need additional information or any clarification. Attachment C: Mayor and Commission Jose Smith, City Attorney CITY CENTER ASSESSED VALUES FEBRUARY 2007 0- - _ _ FINAL FY 04 VoI_.. Cclunllr'- of mIIIlgo_ 5.720 to "'1' CMB mIIIIge of 7.112 pM; 0.112 for c.plUII ReneweI & lIe;1 1 L ~..,. V'EndIng BoIoV_ _Value 1892 292,'72,271 1894 1891 1991 1897 1891 1999F 2000 F 2OO1F 2002 F 2Oll3 F 2Oll4 F 2001 F 2006 P 2007 P 2OO7P PlUj ~- ~~' ...t_~~ ~" 2OIl8 P 2llOllP 2010P 2011 P 373,316.447 470.779,626 481.677.161 487.342.509 631.364,163 609.832.411 884,141,474 1.1l21,1I66,290 1,lfKl,'79.m 1,302,031,339 1,427,844,410 1,633.196,919 2,270,496,203 3,003.161,939 3,003,161.939 - 3.114.417,216 3,287,101,603 3,433.251,71' 3,641,920,629 ~-~~ ~~. 2006 P 2llOllP 2010P 2011P '~r:i\?'>/ % 60,744.176 27.6% 97,413.179 26.1% 20.897.915 4.4% 1,664.928 1.2% 34.1l22.074 6.8% 76.467.868 14.8% 284,313.023 46.6% 127.922.816 14.3% 147.811.0187 14.4% 132.466.162 11.3% 125.809,071 9.7% 201,314,149 14.4% 637.300.244 39.0% 733.066.736 32.3% 733.066,736 24.4% -~..(]r Ir11l!2'~1I1'" 150.851.319 5.0% 133.066.341 4.2% 141.750.112 4.4% 408.685,114 11.9% CMII CcIny 8.238 7.269 7.143 7.289 7.496 6.828 7.496 8.. 7.496 8.023 7.496 6.023 7.496 ..809 7.389 '.761 7.299 '.713 7.299 '.889 7.299 '.1l69 7.425 5.931 7.461 5.838 7.374 ..m 7.374 1.618 ~,:J!l"~ 7.374 5.615 7.374 '.61' 7.374 1.61. 3,220.833.364 3.470.991.888 3,731.320.160 4,011,169.623 :,'.;.:i't';,*;,~j:k.t';,~iPW;;;::\~1,nJ;:J,!<f;t't1d):'~;":~' 225.267.441 7.'% 7.374 242.162,504 7.5% 7.374 260,324.682 7.5% 7.374 279.649.043 7.5% 7.374 1.618 1.81' 1.61' 8.818 i;-iJff.:?,{i;:, ~i;:1J;{$:'''::':)i;':;,t'~'s<h~~;:'R:2;*l$.tW2{: 3.394.029.'11 390.413.172 3.838.253.341 441 ,223,836 4,333.838.263 488.182.838 4.897.234.999 163.289.717 :i';X~&;j'j?JKJ.i;::;:~m2::>: 13.0% 7.374 13.0% 7.374 13.0% 7.374 13.0% 7.374 '.818 1.81. '.818 '.618 ::=:: r:::E::L-::'~ 2OIl8 P 2llOllP 2010P 2011 P 2J8I2OO7 ,i' :::Yt0i;;::;0;{< ll9I% ;,):;;qr:\!,i,,::;JfJ 91% 91% 91% 96% ;7::?:?;:-,;j:?j 91% 91% 85% 85% CMII 91% 85% 91% 96% 85% 91% 91% 85% 91% 91% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% $831.912 $1,209.268 $1.418.436 $1.418.793 $1.701.189 $2,260.177 $4,285,638 $8.126.961 $8,081,214 $8.999.667 $7.872.034 $9.466.446 $14,017.026 $18.891.324 $18.891.324 85% 91% 91% 96% 20.048.063 20,960.406 22.001.430 24.884.281 20,!l6ll,390 22.268.811 24.089._ 26,048,890 21.728.638 24.817,144 26,310.267 32.267,044 COIlnIy "".117 $1.234.006 $1.291.117 $1.216.426 $1 ,366,334 $1.811,315 $3,319.612 $3.888.019 $4.75&.827 85.647.482 $8.437.817 $7.558.768 $10.964.143 $14,873,189 $14,461.118 1'.268.797 1',975.723 18.763.191 18.933.113 15.662,711 16.854,506 18,343.143 19.131.928 16.143,648 18,897,147 21.857.113 24.162.422 TOlII 31.313.879 38,916.130 38.764,620 43.797. 38.232.141 39.220.317 42.432.607 41,881,618 38,270.167 43,71'.080 48.967.379 16.819.466 L..o Cily R&R so SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO $160.473 $341.964 $488.731 $488.731 $494.813 $817.824 $143,024 $813.682 $107.660 $149,149 $894,160 $842.941 $138,242 $812,130 $888.731 $798,146 CITY CENTER PROJECTED REVENUES M OF OCTOBER 2006 -.... CIty Tex Increment County Tax Increment ~Tax(SO%ot1%Tax) Sub-1Ot8l $18.522.593 $14.461,118 $2,978,500 $35.ll62 211 $19.553.270 $15,285,797 $3.097 840 $37.918.708 $20,4&2,582 $15,975,723 $3.221.546 $39,858 851 $21.458,406 $18,783.191 $3,350407 $41 582 004 $24.250.569 $18,933,113 $3 484,424 $46.868.105 $104,247,420 $81.388,941 $18,132,517 $201.768.879 RewmMe City Tax Increment $18.522,593 $20,081,710 $21.716,262 $23.494.904 $25,406,945 $109.202.414 County Tax InctllII\ent $14,461,118 $15,682.751 $18.954,506 $18,343,143 $19,835.928 $85,257,448 Resort Tax (50% of 1% Tax) $2,978,500 $3,097,840 .221,546 $3.350,407 $3 494 424 $16,132.517 To1al $35ll62,211 $38.822,101 $41.892.313 $45,168455 $48.727.298 $210,582,376 Re..n.... CIty Tex Il1Cl8II1ent $18,522,593 $21.190,396 $24,205,014 $27,611.532 $31,460,898 $122.990,434 Counly Tax Inaement $14,461,118 $16,543,948 $18.897,547 $21,557,113 $24,582,422 $96.022,146 Resort Tex (SO% of 1% Tax) $2.978,500 $3 097 840 $3.221.546 $3.350,407 $3,484 424 $16.132,517 ToI8I $35.ll62.211 $40.831.985 $46 324,108 $52,519.052 $59,507.744 $235,145 096 21612007 CITY CENTER RECURRING EXPENDITURES 50YR TOTAL Recurring ExpencI_ CIly & County Admin Fees $994,756 $1.022,286 $1,046.575 $1,073,174 $1.147,755 $5,284,545 Debt Service $10.013,387 $10,045,145 $10,051,253 $10.081,759 $10.088,289 $50.279,833 Comrnunl1y PoIIc:1ng $2,864,588 $2.851,088 $3.050,862 $3.264.208 $3.492,702 $15.323.224 Capital Projecl8 Maintenance $2,314,713 $2 861 920 $3,061 208 $3 620,389 $7.153,448 $18 821.878 Total $15,867.422 $18580437 $17,209 697 $18.039 530 $21,8&2,194 $69 709 81 F...... V.... 2OOeI07 2007108 2G08/Oll 2OOtI10 2010111 50YR TOTAL Recurring ExpencIItuNs CIly & County Admin Fees $994,756 $1.035,867 $1,080,082 $1.127,571 $1.178,643 $5,418,898 Debt Selvice $10,013,387 $10.045.145 $10,051,253 $10,081.759 $10.088,289 $50,279,833 Comrronl1y Policing $2,864,588 $2.851.088 $3.050,862 $3.264.208 $3,492.702 $15.323,224 Capital Projacta Maintenance $2.314,713 $2,861 920 $3.061,208 $3,820 389 $7,153.448 $18,821,878 Total $15,1187,422 $18 594 017 $17,243184 $18093,927 $21,923,082 $69,841 833 Fl8ceI V.... 2008107 2007108 2G08/Oll 2001I10 2010111 5-YR TOTAL Recurring Expendltu... City & County Admin Fees $994.756 $1,066,015 $1,146,538 $1.237.530 $1,340,350 $5,785.189 Debt Service $10,013,387 $10,045,145 $10,051,253 $10.081,759 $10,088,289 $50,279,833 Convnunlly Policing $2.864,588 $2.851.088 $3,050,862 $3.264,208 $3,492.702 $15,323.224 Capital Projecls Maintenance $2 314 713 $2.861,920 $3 061,208 $3 620.389 $7 153 448 $18821.678 Total $151187.422 $16.824,166 $17,309 861 $18.203,886 S22 084,789 $90 .924 2l6I2OO7 ctTY CENTER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FY 2OOtI07. FY 201ll111 FIlIcIII Year 2OOeI07 2007108 2008109 2008110 2010111 50YR TOTAL Ptan",",J\p~~ ColIinI Park Ge~ 52,728._ 514,055,000 516,783.992 CoHIns PIc ArlIChId","" Feature $285,000 $285.000 CommerdaI ROW Imlll. $9.441,273 $9.441.273 _ DI8t. ROW Imlll. $6,012,357 $9.012,357 W8Il AveIBay ReI ROW Imps. 5714,000 5714,000 CoI.... C-*1.andIcIpIng 51,600,000 51,600,000 CIubI1ouIe/UtII Acorn Theatre $480,000 $3,120.000 $4,000.000 Uncoln RdJCoIIns to Wu/mgIon $949,467 515.720 5965.167 Uncoln RdILennoxlD AlIDll 55.876.710 $5.876.710 ~y ImprovementS $600,000 $600.000 WUl8 R8c8plIdet/DIspenMnI $50.000 $50,000 8Ike _ & SIgnage $57.750 $57,750 Tra1lIc Calming & ~ Imlll. 578.!500 578,500 DlrKt _ Wiring Replacoment 530,000 $30,000 Tree Web PIlot Project $2S2,733 $252.733 Beachlront_ 572.009 $72.009 New Wortd Symphony" DeIIgn F... for G818g8 & Park $3.500.000 S3.~.OOO G8t8ge $13,710,135 513,710.135 Park & Inlrulructure 518.000.000 $18.000.000 Gran_ $15,000.000 515.000,000 TOPA Walk & LawnI $2.000.000 52.000.000 W88hingtlln Ave Properties 513.700.000 $13.700,000 23nlStrwt BrIdge $5.000,000 $5.000,000 wtl-Purpose Munlc:lpel Pkg Fac. 513.163,606 $13.163.806 To1lII ea..... Budaat end CIP $43,424.767 $35,758.350 $18.710.135 $35.000,000 SO 5132.893,252 10% ContIngency -Fu1J..r8 Plan Veers $3.575,635 51,871,014 $3,500,000 TBD $6,946.849 To1lIICIPPlus $43,424,767 $39.334185 $20,581,149 $38.500,000 SO 5141,840,101 Ch8nges from AdapIed CIP HlghIighted in Red __ timing lor IJnooIn RdIl8nnox to AllDn end project nc:r- of SO.8M $15M req_ grant lor NWS end eccel8r8l8d ilndlng for d8s91- 52M --..Iilndlng for TOPA Walk & LawnI SSM MW funding for 23nl _ Bridge $13.1M MWfundlng fa, ec:qulsltion ofWllhinlDnAvenue Properties . Actual future V_ lIDDfDDriaIions will be subi8d. to flnaI with the New Work! SvmDhonv 2l6I2OO7 CITY CENTER FINANCIAL SUMMARY IIegInnlng a.tance $26,302,340 $3.930,758 ($13.067.157) ($10.198,151) ($24,175.678) $26.302,340 _n_ $35,982.211 $37,916.706 $39,659.851 541.562.004 546.666,105 $201,768.878 _Earnings $1.078.396 51 000 000 $1,000,000 $1.000.000 51.000.000 55.078.396 Sub-lDtal $37.040,607 $38.916,706 $40.659,851 542,s&2.004 547,668,105 $206.847.274 RKurring Expendlluru $15,987,422 $16.580,437 $17,209.697 $18,039.530 S21 ,892.194 $89,709,280 Net """AwlllbleFor 547,315.525 $26,267.028 $10382997 $14.324.322 $1.600 $143,440,334 TolII CIP Pl... Conti.,.cy 543.424,767 $39,334.185 $20.581,149 $38,100,000 SO $141,840.101 Endl ....""" $3,930.758 $13,067,157 $10,198111 $24,175,678 $1.600.234 $1.600,234 FI8cllIY.., 2010111 IlegInnlng Be_ $26.302,340 $3,930,758 ($10,195.608) ($762.311 ) ($3,947.144) $26,302.340 - $35.982.211 $40,831,985 546.324.106 $52,519,012 559.507,744 $235,145.098 I....... Earnlnga 51.078.396 51.000.000 51.000.000 51 000 000 51.000 000 $5.078 396 Sub-llll8l $37.040.607 541,831,985 547,324,106 $53.519.012 560,507,744 $240.223.494 RecurrIng Expe- $15,987,422 $16.624.168 $17.309,681 $16,203,886 $22,084.789 $90.209.923 A or P 547,355,525 S29.138,sn 519.818,838 $34,552,856 $34.475,810 5176.315.911 Total CIP Plu. Contingency 543.424.767 $39,334.185 $20,581.149 $38.500.000 SO $141,840.101 E.... Be"""" $3,930 7SS $10195,608 $762.311 $3,947.144 $34,475.810 $34.476.810 21612007 ; , 1 ' I .' l ' , I, ,~,J,+,,,,, r' ! ! ;,..: i ~' 11 j i \ , ~ I : ,II' i I t ! i, li ~"'i~' ,.!l ~co : ., : ,lIl, ; 1 I' , ,Ii, ; . ,I, ' , Iii I . )I},,+ f !;i,.' ! 'aj .. , Wi. ! I '.' i i.' 1 l...l'~:.'..~i!.. t...... 'I" f; .. i' -, eo i lell! ~ ..'~"I~.' R llli" '* t;i'~ OJ' ~_i~ . '1. 11 I!. I' I_ ., Ii;' 'Iii iiI. ii . l II 11 ji - 0" .:1 . J j .. .. ;; '" ~, , j lJ~~i I, i 'J~lil, ' imil~II"'!' ,!I~~ "J\ ,m~l!t".,. : t : : 1>' Ii I t I 1 f I ~!illnU '~ei@~~fU'<al ' .'1~~~'~;_1~:._ ~ijj8 ~ ~ sl g Q ,f"tWi'~;M,J):O:Cfj,;.;: H n ~ n "'8" 00 del .' . , ,~ i i: ~i5f ., ". 'Ill i ~, '::l Ii: sr i1i,~ !I.Ill.!t ili.)1 !i.a-.~ ~tl ~lill ~".t IE till IS'" 8~CO Ii l~ ~ I ! . I I I ~ .. i !:l III It Ii ~~i ..II i