11 November 22, 2006 City Commission Meeting NOVEMBER 22. 2006 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~genda o Time certain o Supplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo o Presentations & Awards list o Addendum o Second Addendum o Notice of closed executive o .,.session IY Afteraction o Consent-Originals manila folder o Regular-Originals ~/Redevelopment Agency Agenda materials III Handouts folder o Lobbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) o Public Hearing Notice Ads o Log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes o ~edrope files } of I i:!r'..cO Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) [!( Original Contents list to City Clerk o OVO _of _ from Office of Communications FOLDER PREPARED BY: DATE: Ju~", ~..t~ r7lf"3/#/ '/1" REVIEWED BY: F:\CLER\$ALLILILL Y\CONTENTS.FLD\2006\l I 12206SPECIALCM.doc