12 December 6, 2006 City Commission Meeting DECEMBER 06. 2006 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~enda ~i:ne certain o Supplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo o Presentations & Awards list o Addendum o Second Addendum o Notice of closed executive ~ession fteraction ~nsent-OriginaIS manila folder gular-Originals development Agency Agenda materials and outs folder obbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) ublic Hearing Notice Ads ~ of Proceedings electronically recorded notes edrope files ---'-'- of ~ o Burned - (seuD FilfEycommission date) Original Contents list to City Clerk o DVD _of _ from Office of Communications FOLDER PREPARED BY~~ ~ E.h.,~ ,;;l-/I-j /cJ 7 REVIEWED BY: DATE: F:\CLER\$ALLILILL YlCONTENTS.FLD\2006\120606CM.doc