Rhonda Mitrani-Buchman - 12/31/07
City of Miamlleoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachR.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Porcher, City Clerk
TEL: (305)673-7411, FAX: 1305)673.7254
Rhonda Mitrani-Buchman
1000 VenetianWay #608
Miami, Florida 33139
__'J'ji: Art in Public Places
Congratulations! You have been appointed by City Commission
to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 12/31/2007.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after
January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of
the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing
elected official leaves office.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City
Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully.
Congratulations again and good luck.
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Dennis Leyva
Letter of Appointment
City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
City Code Section 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-458 and 2-459
Ordinance No. 2006-3543 - Amendment to City Code Section 2-22
Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 - Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance
City Wide Permit Application - (Parking Department Form)
Booklet - Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employee
We are commiHed to providing excellent public service and safery'o all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, histOriC community
City of Miami leach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeochA.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Porcher, City Clerk
TEL: (305)673-7411, FAX: 1305)673-7254
TO Rhonda Mitrani-Buchman
RE: Art in Public Places
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2007.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Confiict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theFlorida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board andlor Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure' require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which i have served.
to and subscribed before me this ~ day of ~' 200]--
Deputy Clerk
'Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfi.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
We ore commiffed fo providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
Pureuant to City Coda aectlon 2-22(4) a and b: Membel1l of agende8, boarda, and committees shall be afllllated wilh the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled In the following ways: a) an Individual shall have bean a ruidant of the city for a minimum of alx months; or
b) an Individual ahan demonstrate ownershipll_t for a minimum of alx months in a bualness eslablished In the city.
Ra8ident of Miami Beach for a minimum of alx (6) months: Yea 0 or No 0
Demonstr8te an ownershlpfmtenlSt in a busin_ in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yea 0 or No 0
I am applying for a Board appointment becaUlle I have .-cIa1 abilities, knowledge, experience: Yea 'I...
My spacial abilities, knowledge, or experience is: IVI. ~ lIb ~'> ~\lllA-..(
Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yea ~r No 0
NAME: _W\ \ fY o.,^ \ .. fJw..c.,^- 'Mo. V\
Last Name
Add,...: \atlll \It.V\L.-h~,^ \J.,,!.Au .l\:~()lb
No. J Street
Phon.: ~\\S . is' n .1fl.l
Home Wori< Fax
(Please check one): I am now a resident of: North Beach ~ South Beach.l!1Middle Beach 0
Busin_ Name: - Applicants position:-1>t 1'/Ift\Q tw \ 'i) WU.. to (
'N\ \C1. V'v\ \ 1(.\.
City State
Fil1lt Nama
Middle Initial
tv\ \Q. VV\ ,
City State
tJ\\ off'.....", ~ \'V\ Q. c.. tt'w\
Zip Coda
Address: 1.1.'2~ N.W. "lV\& t:..'4J.MI/'J...
No. Stnlet
Zip Coda
~er 0 StockholderlShareholdar 0 COfJ)Orale Ofllcer 0 Other Explain:
P_I LlcanH (_be)
Attach a copy of the license listed above.
1. HIve you ever been convk:led of I felony: V.. 0 or No "A n yes, pIeIH OJCpIIln In datao:
2. Do you currently hlVll I viaiallon(l) of CIty of MllmI Beach codeI: V.. 0 or N~ n yes. p1e_ OJCpIIin In -:
3. 00 you currently owe the CIty of Mllml Beach Iny money: V.. 0 or H* II yes, expIIIn In _U
4. AroyoucunentlylONIng on Iny CIty BoIrdl orComml_: vOIror No O. nyes:wI1lchbolrd? .A~'.l,!.lIr'1~ \,I~~f (,1M.1II.W.\ 7..
VvllIt erganizationo In the CIty of Mllml Belch do you QltI'8nt1y hold mamberslip In?
Hlme: M\CA'M \ \"',.V\y \> (~~.{(. \-
Name: N ().\.. \ ? TIlIo:
LIst III proportioa owned or hIve In InIorollln, whlch..._ wIlhIn the City olMllml Belch: -t\~~~~~!.'MMI.l
I 1m now employed by IIlo City of MllmI BelCh: V.. 0 or ~_ If yes, which dolllfln*1l?
F:\CLER\$ALL\B&C Application\8&C Application Revised 091106.doc
PUI'IU.nt to City Code SlCtlon 2-za (b): Do you IuMl . parent 0, spouse 0, c:hlld 0, brother 0, or sister 0 who Is employed by \he ClIy of M1.ml
se.ch? Chock .n \he! .pply. Id.nUIy \he dep.rtment(s):
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1) 'irst choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Pl.... note th.t only thrae (3)
cholc.. will be obs.rved by the City CI.rt<'. orne.. (Regular Boards of City)
o Housing Authority"
o Loan Review Committee<
o Marine Authority<
o Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
o Miami Beach Commiaslon on Status of Women
o Miami Beach Florida Sister Cities
o Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. Improvement
o Oversight Committee for General Obligation Bond
o Parka and Rea-eation Faclltties Board
o Parsonnel Board<
o Planning Board<
o Police Citizens Relations Committee
o Production Industry Council
o Pubic Safety Advisory Committee
o Safety Committee
o Transportation and Parking Committee
o Visitor and Convention Authority<
o Youth Center Advisory Board
.....Art in Public Places Committee
o Barrier Free Environm.nt Commltte<l
o Beach Preservation Board
o Beautiflcation Committee
o Board of Adjustment<
o Budget Advisory Committee
o Committee on Homeless
o Committee for Quality Education in MB
o Community Development Advisory"
o Community Relations Boerd
o Convention Center Advisory Board
o Convention Center Capital Projects Oversight
c Debarment Committee
o Design Review Board<
o Fine Arts Board
o Golf Advisory Committee
c Health Advisory Committee
C Health Facilities Authority Board
o Historic Preservation Board<
<Board Required to File Slalll Dillclosure fonn
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please h1dicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service:
2. Present participation in Youth Center activitiea by your children YeSO No o. If yea, please list the names of your children, their ages,
and which programs. List below:
Child's name: Age: _ Program:
Child's name: Age: _ Program:
TIll. .ectlon Is "not required" but dealred: Age: ~ years old Gender: Male C Fernaie-f-
Ethnic Origin (Ch.ck one) , .
WhItaOAfrk:an-AmerlcenIBIaCk~O - tJ\lq,M\ NlAh\l.t lll~v\I~{A.(MhYMV\ ,,",U\-\--'jl
Mlan or Paclftc Is"nder 0 Amerl~ or A1aeken Native 0 lI. I
Employment Status: Employed 0 Retired 0 Home-naker 0 other 0 Q
"I h.reby attest to the eccuracy .nd truthfuln.e of the application and heve received, read and will abide by Cheplllr 2,
Artlcl. V11- of the City Code "Slanderde of Conduct for City ornc.rs, Employ_ and Agency Membsrs."
ApPllcant~~7t) l2.b~/~\' ~V\N~~~I~\~t~'1~~~'^'MtJ.M
Attachment: Pi.... attach a copy of your ....um. to your application.
NOTE: Appllc.t1ona will remain on file for a od of one (1) calendar y..r.
~' ~Qem
~~'2 1 EntoAld B~ .
--;~~ I
~ 9/111061h
Reooived In City Qert<'s OftIoo
Document Control Number (
r.\CLEH\SALL\B&C Apphcation\B&C Application Revised 091106.doc
Mayor Dermer and City Commissioners
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach, F\. 33139
Dear Mayor Dermer and City Commissioners,
With this letter, 1 respectfully request appointment to the Art in Public Places Committee
of the City of Miami Beach. Enclosed please find an application Form and resume for
your review,
1 believe 1 am well qualified to serve on the board and assist the City with its Art in
Public Places program because of my professional experience in film and the arts.
Most importantly, 1 am committed to our city: The organizations that 1 founded and still
run, are all direct contributions to the cultural development of Miami and Miami Beach.
.1 have 12 years experience in film/video production industry as a filmmaker.
. 1 am the director of a documentary film called "Cuba Mia, which premiered at the
Miami Film Festival and broadcast on PBS,
.1 co-founded and run the 2628 Art Studios -located in the Mitrani Arts Building. We
are members of the Wynwood Art District.
.1 co-founded a documentary film festival called The Florida Room Documentary Film
Festival in order to facilitate dialogue within our community through socially conscious
cinema, We collaborate with prestigious local and national organizations in the arts or
any company pertaining to the social issue at hand. (NPR, Miami Film Festival) This
three-day festival happens outdoors, under the stars on the plaza de Espana of Espanola
Way, We celebrate award-winning filmmakers that take matters into their own hands, and
discuss their films in a public forum.
.As a digital artist and panelist, 1 have collaborated with galleries such as the Marina
Kessler/Latinarte Gallery, South Florida Arts Center and Genart.
.1 was born in Miami and studied in Michigan, London and New York. 1 worked
professionally between Miami and New York,
.1 serve on the advisory board of Culturas, a new program of WPBT Channel 2,
1 look forward to discussing this further and serving my community through the Art in
Public Places Committee. 1 can be reached further either by phone at 305,582.7191 or
email atmitrhon@mac.com
1000 Venetian Way #608 Miami, FI. 33127
Co-Producer/ Editor
"Once there Was a Country, Revisiting Haiti"
A Krafty Longstocking Production /The Florida Room Production
Director / Producer / Editor
"Cuba Mia" --Documentary
Gua Gua Films (dv, super 8, 16mm)
"Skin and Bones"
Short film featured Women's Film Festival
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Editor - Post SupeNisor Lot 47 films
"Hit and Runway" feature film (comedy)
Director - Chris Livingston SHOWTIME
Editor/Producer NYC - 2000
Oxygen Media for Cable Network
"Oxygen Sports" and "Your Money and Your Life"
Editor NYC 1999
ABC News Productions
A&E Productions
PBS series "The Suitor" - one hour segment
From Julia Alvarez's "Yo!" (super 16)
Editor Presently
MTV Latino
One Hour shows, Promos and Specials
Producer/ Editor - Presently
Donna Karan, Estee Lauder, Giorgio Armani Woman's Day, Harper's
Bazaar, DKNY, COTTON, Marc Jacobs, Anna Sui Chase, VNR's - for
V\lSVN Ch 7
~ ...
Co-Founder/Owner 2003-
2628 Studios- www.2628studios.com
Building Community through affordable art spaces.
Mitrani Arts Building now contains galleries and other related artistic
ventures in clothing and handbag design.
Co-Founder/Director 2002-
The Florida Room Documentary Film Festival
provide the Miami and Miami Beach community with inspirational, working
examples of how individuals are able to transform and unite their communities
always celebrate award-winning filmmakers that have taken matters into their
own hands and are changing the way America thinks, one community at a time.
Advisory Board Member WPBT Channel 2- "Culturas"
IFP/South Vice Chair- Board member -Independent Feature Project/south
Founderof Cinema Garden, a monthly showing of
classic cinema under the stars. (i.e. Citizen Kane)
Director of Operations and Post Post Production for
Gun For Hire, Miami. (The Shooting Gallery) 2000
Miramax Films
Coordinator on Academy Awards campaign 1997
Fluent in Spanish I Film Degrees from U of Michigan
Sight and Sound Program at NYU and
Middlesex University, London