Warranty Deed 3754-190,191 vVD10f i - ~~-~" ~, STATE OF FLORIDA. } DADE County of....._.........._....__._._.._..........______ . I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day .J!!!.nonally ~ared befo... me, an HEL~N C. Bu~STON and B. oatbs and take acknowledgments her hus band officer duly authorized to at;lminUte.. ELLIOT BURSTON, , ~ to me well known to be the perso~ describ~d in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me tba' they executed the s&me freely and voluntarily' for the purposes therein expressed. ". THER CERTIFY, That the said Jim "to 'be" the wife of the sai on a separate and privattt ,;,; ~in_tioit taken and made by and before me, lSep a S81 husband, did acknowledge that she made herself,.., party to said deed for the purpose of re ,mqUls I nveying an her right, title and interest, whether_~ower, homestead or property, statutory or equitable, in an described therein, and that she executed t' reely and voluntarily and lVithout any compulsion, constraint, apprehenslO or from . .8 and. . iJ- -/1 -- WITNESS my band a~d offi~l s~ 17A J.JUh' ~ County or Dade and ~.tate or Florida, thi. Q1,.1 day or ~M~r~Ch - 5- A.~. l~ " ~ u_______~ =::. ~ .J i(.e , , ' . 'Notary Public, ate oE ~ . t!i -; My commission expires ~.. 02,. /~d"'1J- / :::.:~..::=~~.__.~_.._....._........_...........,-,-- } I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day penonaUy appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to .dminlstet oatbs and take acknowledpaentR to me well known to be the penolL....- described in ad who executed the foregoing deed, and aeknowledpd before me that executed the same freely ad voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my band and offici a! seal .' . County or and State of Florida, thi- day of '^ ~ ~ ~ ~.t '" ~ Z o .... ::::n~ -+-+~ =~ :z8 $.t~ $.t~ :z - ~ " .. .. '" '" ~ .. =-~ ..., . ~ - ... - . ~ U 0\ 0' ~, rJl ;:> .c 'D C cd C o t; ~ 'M ~ 8 r:Q 'M ;s:: .c o ill <lJ r:Q u s:: <lJ rl OJ :0:: ,-< o :>, +-' .,rl U w Ul c ~ 0:.: -' <=> C\I z .... <..:> ., <:5 w ~ ::E- o e<: ~ "'- '.s.O: n.J n cC "'" 0 IT .~ Q !.i~ '" ::i ,.: '-" :zi ,.: ~ <.> "" - ~ 1 <lJ '0 'M (}) (3.. A. D. 194_ \.~ ~ ~ , .. Io>"~ 0 ~ ~:,; ~ .:= '3 ..c . ~.:=.~ "C -=~~ ~Ef~~ :' bI)~ Q.l.... of"! G.) U J~'~-E j~~ ~ ~ 0 . ""''' -~ ~Q;I~.a' ",;"gg;;~'l3EE , @~jl::lO..c_=",C .~ ~ U 1-1 5l 0 ~~..c:'O"'l::l",,," US -9 0 t-4 ."", Or.." I.... ., ..--. c:;l c:I........... ,-.~ ~ -" .: ..., 'IDf-= ~ 1Ji 1.1 o J~! 0=41 ~... ;;-. J oS 2 ~ ~ f:il,~\ oS "'l::l "'CI ... t::...::: "'l::l ..s "'l::l 8 po c:I = ! ~ ~ lV rJ) "'l::l = r..~":l 1=i",@.S "'l::l tlDc.>~ ... o ~ il: t'.~"=Z""..c $ \ ~.........<l ~ @ ~ .. ~;E ~.!:ll:l~~..c~c1'i ~.... ~ il: '" ... I>- "" O~l::i Ej ".9~ s ~.~ .!l"El", to,- ~ <.==1.... CIIc;.,O u l::i T s:: ~ cd &8 eicD ell ~ ~ '0 r.,r:Q o ~ 0 C ell rl 0 = .r-! < rJl +-' +-' 0 o <ll H (}) :>, '0 C ~ H o :z; iiI1 .~ <0 ! ~ ~ t; <ll , ,1 ,1 rJl rl H ~ .. Q .. ~ . i < i .: ~ u . . ~ ;; L . < u ;; . . < . < L