Warranty Deed 1745-234,235 r-- , {. -. ~ \( v\ ~IJ;oK 1745. PACf2:~4 1 WARRANTY DE'l::d' __+___.._,___~~~~:x:.UTORY) _ .__ Ht - ~ --t-----------~-.- w~ ~\::..J' HEFTY'S FORM 0 HEFTY PRESS, MIAMI i.L 20 - day of ~ IDIlts 1Jnllrnturr, Made this BETWEEN ANNA L. SANDERS, , A. D. 19.1k.., a single woman of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part--.L of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI RlCACH, FLORIDA., A rnllnicipal corporation of the County of Dade , in the State of Florida, part~ of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part~ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of _ Tell....l2Qllars And other valllAblp. conRidp.rAtJ ons ~x to her in hand paid by the part-X- of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said part~ of the second part, it R heirs and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County oiDade and State of Florida, to-wit: Lot 13 1n Rln~k ?R o~ Q~A~n RA~~n Wlo~Jne) ~nn~T.10p ~n. ~hrp.p., " ,,"hn1v1e~on ~('C'o"n1ng to T.he p1llt theT'eo~ 119 "eC'QT'ned in Plat Book 2 page 81 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Sub1ect to condition", lJrnitRt10nR and T'P'"trict1onR AR "9pPAr of record and the said part-L- of the first part do....es... hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and wiII defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part+-- of the first part n" " hereunto set 11 A~ hand_ and seal_ the day and year above written. ,}~~",- ~ L~~(Seal) (Seal) ~ IIIII ! '--',c.-=-=k..;'"",~'""",= I i I- I' I I I I ii' ..J , I ] il'l . _ill .__ ,--.- Wj -~=-,:I---=--==--- . I I STATE OF Florida I 'j :\ "f '\~"foiintyof ,~~ . \ I. . .." "",',.I Ii' >".......~ 'i ~ \, n.." "'C~/ ." ,;, \.._', day Or. </~~, " ,~~., , '..-..-< i?' ;,.;; ~ .- \-" ~: '. ~......- '~. , # : ~ , " "II~! ~ 1 8~"~:\ -'v i t~' ) } ,::~~;a1t~ic' State of Fl ()Y'1 r1 P 'f '"i..' ,I 'I il 'I \ ( COUNTY OF Dade s::;d7Ml r,'c,235! ~ I --I----L--- i ~;- -1 ( ! j I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- ANNA 1.. qAi\TTY';'f1~) '::l C:i"2jl,o W O:IlR)1 ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, to me well known to be the person_ described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and therein expressed. acknowledged before me that she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes kND : :Uffi'fIER CERl'IF-:':-, Tl,,,t t1,~ oa;d ~ m~ ttrbe the wife of the sma _ _ --->~e and private ~ade by and before me, separately. lind-apart from her said husband, did ~e~ made .herself a par~rol!tdd'd~~_f.or.the.ptH'f'O.%-of reuouncinK rplinqni'n_ mg and conveymg all her right; title - and mterest, whether dower, homestead or of separate prop- erty, statutory or equitable, in and, ro.tb.lI.lends described therein, and that she executed the said deed freely and voluntarily aRa .;:itlieat an) eeml3alsiefl, eeRBtraiRt, "PPrQlieflBiefl or fe.r d Qr L ~'_. RET sRiEl lL_~L_ud, ~~, ?-~. Dade WITNESS my hand and official seal at , this ~ 0- ~ o H, " :1 ii :i! ::;:: ..... >-l Z M UJ UJ ~~ ((.) - \. ~ ~~" \ 0- " " 0- m (p eo. .... e: ..~~ IJ ~~J o. <: .- "., . '" :!J "., o ii' I: 'j! !i ill :I- ,Ii I, , 'I :il I. I T I I" , '0 " ~ "" 0- " (p g: ~ 1;' ., 0- (p " " m o .... :l 0- m. 00' o 0- H, " [(; '< 5: g 6L @ " 0- ~ " ~ q S' ::6 to g 8 a.. ~~ \ and State of Floriaa :u~ A.D.l~. At l!i'pge ~~./~ My Commission ..,pires ~, ~ I. 1'1.39 (") (") (") UJ I;:j '}) 0 '" ."" 0 .., " " " > ..,. V " 'i = (p ..,. t>;' .. >-l 0- il ~ 0 '< t'l l H, 0 0- .. .. 0 '" 0- "'i ~ J ., (p '" ~ " ~ 0- S) 0 "'i '< '< t" 0 ~ ., 0 r '" " " ~ ~ ~ (p " ~ ~ ~ ;:\. -< ;:;: t:i "'i ::: ~ ~ 'i . (") ?- I ~, 0 ... ~ 0 ~ S = 0 .. .. " j '" 0- ., . " .... '" :; rl- ..j 0 s' aI ~ .... f'> 0- " (p " ~ 't1 H, "" !=' ~ 0 H, ., 0 .... t:Y (p '" ., r 0 en S' " '" 0; ('.' . -, v .-('- ".p '" 1-<... , -, ( " t:i<l .~ 1>.... . , .~ , 7, ~9c \i:j. -? -/ " / ,> . .<>. 0/ .::' /l . ~ '-""'A ',.y . <C-, \:" ~.C... -<l >- < "......y -:..V......\"\"'A ...-:....' ',>'.., \...-,~--- \-" /,. '<',:<':;. :}: iI " ;" 'II Ii! ,'I ;, !I; h, ,. i,1 :-! .,