Quit-Claim Deed 12/19/1918
, 1
Hefty'. Form R. E. 8
Printed and for &ale by Tbe Hefty Press, Miami
IDqln JJullruturr, Made this~.9.th......day of...De.c.alll.b.ax..............................................A. D. 1918.......
between ....G.()..Q.:r;gE1.....;r..f'J.~J.gg!i..Q.!I,...';1.....!'!JP.g;!,.E1.....P.E1n~!.Qg.....CJ..:L.l.:!.t?,l!l.L............_......................................
of the County oL........J:J.t;;.<1..!L..............and State of.......F.1Q.;rJ..<1..s,.........................part..Y...... of the first part, and
.~he.....C.it~....a:f...lfi=i....Baa.ch...a...mm.ni.c.i:ca.l....c.O.J:Mr.a.ti.an..............................of the County of
.....Da.da....................................and State of..................Rlo.r.ida.................................................part..~.... of the second part.
WITNESSETH, That the said parw........ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
in hand paid by the said part...y.... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
ha3......... remised, released and quit..claimed, and by these presents do...e.s..... remise, release and quit-
it sUOCeSfj30rs
claim unto the said part..y..... of the second part and......:....._..,...!:l.............~ and assigns forever, all the
right, title. int"rest, claim and demand which the said part..Y ........... of the first part ha.!'!...... in and
to tl;lJfollowing described lot.......:Iopiece.......... or parce!........... of land, to-wit: sit llCl te ,lying and
being in the County OJ: Dade and Sfp.te. of Florida,and more :particu3:BJ
on the :plat of Ocean Beach Addition NO.3,in plat book 2,page 8I,
on the plat of Ocean Beach Addi tion No.', plat book 2,;Jage 8I, public
.block 79,which said part of said street is more1articularly descr1bed
asuf'oHoi:is;mmmu.m.....m....mmmm.. mUumumuumm.mm'mmmm mum mmm.mmm.mmmmumm~ummmuumumm ./
. Beginning at the northwest corner of block 79,as shown on plat
southe ,st corner of lot 5,block lll,as shown on the :plat of Ocean
the said block 79;thence in a nlrthwesterly direction along the east
TO HAVE AND TO liOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurten~ces there-
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what..
soever of the said partuY..m. of the first part, either in law or equity" to the only proper use, benefit
. sUucessors
and behoof of the said part.Y...m. of the second part.....u...... i t!!!........u..........................fteiftl and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part....Y... of the first part halil_... hereunto set... hi,.-Sl..___
hand......... and sea!......... the day and year first above written.
Signed, sealed and livered in the presence of l
m..~' ..........~.._..~..,......
Ii. D ^ ~..-
d - ?,d~~
..........................................................................._.........._................ (Seal)
I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author-
ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ........a.e-OJ:g.e.....J...J?-iJ.;R;.i.ngt..n...........-------.........---..........
to me well known to be the person...... described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and
1i.h.2-.:t.___.h.!;l.......__.....___.acknowledged before me that......___.________....ha
voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed.
.executed the same freely and
Al~D I FURTIIE3R OBRTIF~, That ih~ ~l'lia_m_ ..........._.mm....m.___...___.____...._._._m.......___........mm._......m....Jn'lvnh to l'tlL
to be the wife of the said............_____...............__..............__.___........__.... ..___........______.........___.__..______. ......... ... __.....___.__.....___.___....___..____.....______....___.
on a separate and private examination, taken and an before me, separately and apart
from her said husband, did acknowled e executed the foregoing Deed for the purpose of
relinquishing, alienating a mg all her right, title and interest, whether of dower. home-
stead or of se perty, statutory or. equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that
sh said Deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehen-
gleN er fear sf SF fF8Hl ker g~~~_hli8~aBQ.
WITNESS my hand and official seal at....___
......______Jlg..<l.\?__..:.___..__..__.______.......__...____.._____.and State oL__
.__......P.~__Cl~.rg1:Jl'.:~__...........__..___.....__......A. D. 19I8..
... ___ U-i..m-i....--......------.--....--...--..........---.---.....----.-----.......___..___.__, County of
__ __f.).~';r';!,.d.a .......__.......... ,this... ~..~..day of
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