Quit-Claim Deed 12/19/1918 ~- , 1 QUIT-CLAIM DEED Hefty'. Form R. E. 8 Printed and for &ale by Tbe Hefty Press, Miami IDqln JJullruturr, Made this~.9.th......day of...De.c.alll.b.ax..............................................A. D. 1918....... between ....G.()..Q.:r;gE1.....;r..f'J.~J.gg!i..Q.!I,...';1.....!'!JP.g;!,.E1.....P.E1n~!.Qg.....CJ..:L.l.:!.t?,l!l.L............_...................................... of the County oL........J:J.t;;.<1..!L..............and State of.......F.1Q.;rJ..<1..s,.........................part..Y...... of the first part, and .~he.....C.it~....a:f...lfi=i....Baa.ch...a...mm.ni.c.i:ca.l....c.O.J:Mr.a.ti.an..............................of the County of .....Da.da....................................and State of..................Rlo.r.ida.................................................part..~.... of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said parw........ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of .Ji'.:i..f.!i.Y.:.}~Q.;),J.I1..:r..!?....:.....::.....:::.....::.....:.....:......::.....:...:.:.....:::.....:......:.....:.....::......:.....:::.....::......':':.....:::.....:.....:::.....'::....:::.....-Dollars, in hand paid by the said part...y.... of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha3......... remised, released and quit..claimed, and by these presents do...e.s..... remise, release and quit- it sUOCeSfj30rs claim unto the said part..y..... of the second part and......:....._..,...!:l.............~ and assigns forever, all the lar right, title. int"rest, claim and demand which the said part..Y ........... of the first part ha.!'!...... in and to tl;lJfollowing described lot.......:Iopiece.......... or parce!........... of land, to-wit: sit llCl te ,lying and being in the County OJ: Dade and Sfp.te. of Florida,and more :particu3:BJ .~ar~;y;....Q.e.aoxi.he.d....as....:f.oJ..lawa....t.Q...1lZit:B.lo.ck..S.e.:v:.e.n.ty.",nina....(.7.9.0l....aa...sho:.1ll. on the :plat of Ocean Beach Addition NO.3,in plat book 2,page 8I, f~bt~...6~~;r:~....?J~~4~~.~g~~~~.~.l~~~tt~j!~~E~::i~~~...~:t.~~;~nt~~d .pTe-fre.rt.y...he..r-e..inb-e..f-or-e....d-e.Ber'ibe.d..and....that...x,&.J!.t....{}.f..b.1Dck....llj,..,.a,s...,shG}\'m on the plat of Ocean Beach Addi tion No.', plat book 2,;Jage 8I, public ri'i"i'HYr4"s...cff....Da;d:e...'Couni;Y;.:f!..l.ori.da.to...the....vre-si;..o'f...ro:rd....oPlroBtte..the.....satd .block 79,which said part of said street is more1articularly descr1bed asuf'oHoi:is;mmmu.m.....m....mmmm.. mUumumuumm.mm'mmmm mum mmm.mmm.mmmmumm~ummmuumumm ./ . Beginning at the northwest corner of block 79,as shown on plat o:foceanB6achmAcldftionmifo~3:pia:t"book2;pagem'8I~PUbircm'recorcl"i3uO"i .~~~~~;~~[t~.~i.,'~~~'~~~~si~~'i~6'(~~~'s1euHn~;),61gAil6rP*~l~..:.Ui~c~'~Tii' .amSQ)J:t.A1[a.S:t.H1Y.<1.;i".;r.euQ.ti.Qt\..u".l..9J),g.:t.h.~..u\'!!>sj;..li;qem.Q.;f.uu~.ltQn.u.E..Q.asLuj;uQ.....j;)l~1.. southe ,st corner of lot 5,block lll,as shown on the :plat of Ocean ~;~~L~~f~~7%~~~~:,':~~~e:~~'b~~~m~~R~~e~~~'6~fr~t:u:1~~~~~~~.m~~~h~tun- ier;..to..!hlif6il;Jt..uOTrmt11e..sas"t..uJ:"i'iHiu.O.f....:nto.n.Rcra;tt";..unL1....i;11(l....Traui;h....ltna.....uf. the said block 79;thence in a nlrthwesterly direction along the east lIriemOfmsaHi"ilHoYC..'ROo:a.....to.....tlie.j'i"6intmo.f1i"egifihHfg;..............m.........mm.........m........m.. ~ t )i TO HAVE AND TO liOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurten~ces there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what.. * soever of the said partuY..m. of the first part, either in law or equity" to the only proper use, benefit . sUucessors and behoof of the said part.Y...m. of the second part.....u...... i t!!!........u..........................fteiftl and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part....Y... of the first part halil_... hereunto set... hi,.-Sl..___ hand......... and sea!......... the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and livered in the presence of l m..~' ..........~.._..~..,...... Ii. D ^ ~..- ..........~___m~__~~........_......___......... d - ?,d~~ -_.~.....d...!...E"""",..=..=-r="'.=.,..._..........(Seal) ..........................................................................._.........._................ (Seal) ... I "--~'-- .-::-- . ~:~::::;"::~~;:~:~:.:.::::":..::.::::.:.:::~:':...j ~ I I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly author- ized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, ........a.e-OJ:g.e.....J...J?-iJ.;R;.i.ngt..n...........-------.........---.......... to me well known to be the person...... described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and 1i.h.2-.:t.___.h.!;l.......__.....___.acknowledged before me that......___.________....ha voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. .executed the same freely and Al~D I FURTIIE3R OBRTIF~, That ih~ ~l'lia_m_ ..........._.mm....m.___...___.____...._._._m.......___........mm._......m....Jn'lvnh to l'tlL to be the wife of the said............_____...............__..............__.___........__.... ..___........______.........___.__..______. ......... ... __.....___.__.....___.___....___..____.....______....___. on a separate and private examination, taken and an before me, separately and apart from her said husband, did acknowled e executed the foregoing Deed for the purpose of relinquishing, alienating a mg all her right, title and interest, whether of dower. home- stead or of se perty, statutory or. equitable, in and to the lands described therein, and that sh said Deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehen- gleN er fear sf SF fF8Hl ker g~~~_hli8~aBQ. ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal at....___ ......______Jlg..<l.\?__..:.___..__..__.______.......__...____.._____.and State oL__ .__......P.~__Cl~.rg1:Jl'.:~__...........__..___.....__......A. D. 19I8.. (Seal) ... ___ U-i..m-i....--......------.--....--...--..........---.---.....----.-----.......___..___.__, County of __ __f.).~';r';!,.d.a .......__.......... ,this... ~..~..day of ~ ,- . '\. ~ t..:..~ '"~ .IIU~...'... r um.....I....._ ~ - , . - ;_M..~':lI,J .......'_._-.,-,.~.- ..."........---.. - _..-4- -- .'- .' ::0 "%j I::l ~ '" ~. ., " (p n- :;; "'" '" "'" ~~-O r ~ '" "'" ... , t'\ s' ~ t\. ~ = <:s' ~ 0 ..... 0 ~ % : ! +-+- i;1 0 Sf ! I r ? 0 '< ! a a: ia ~ - , . -- ~ ~L. ;;3fJ ~ ~ 0 ~ .~ 3 ..... f~ ; m a ~ l~ a \.'\ t'l ~ UtI co 'd :O!> ~ ~ ., ;.. ~ '" ro !/ ~ ~ 1'--. ~ ~ ~ t::Y , 0 'M .... ~' ~ ~ .. ~- ~. .................... '-..... , -to .J-. , -4 -. . .~ \..t. .."" , <:> ~.;;. ,;..'~ ~: j ".) <\;) IV .~ ~ Cr. ~ ....