Warranty Deed 12/19/1918 ,.- ~. .. I ., , --~1II ~ I . QUIT.CLAIM DEED Hefty'. Form R. E. B Printed and for aale by The Hefty Press. Miami ~ IDl1ts lJullrtttUfr. Made thismJ..~,:l;.hday ofm'.'..m....~lj..Q,~.lI!:l1~!.mm..m..m.m...m.m....A. D, 191,B,..m' between .....m..m..~.;Q,li!....U!m.t~Jlla.J......C.O:r.;P.Q.rt\.:l;.LQn....,o.:L..:th,e'..'..C.lt.y....o':L..1il.amLllaaah...............m ...mX:l:9.:t:J~1..~...m..~....~.9.~.];,9...:f:,':l.1;J,Q,!!..lm,Q,,(j}::....,t.bli!......lSlYL~......Q.t.._:!!,h\L..i.:i,:t,a..:t.e.'m..Q:f...,r,lw::,ld1.i.m.....m of the County oLm..........:J.ad..6...m..m.....and State oL........,ml'lo,ri.da...m....,...,m,.part.y,...... of the first part, and ,..,....,.....,....'......m.'...............,...........,....J.!1.!ll!,tLA.,...All.1BQJI.,......_........m.....,..................,..m.....'_.......m.................m..'..........of the County of ...m.mM.l!.r.1a...,..........m...........m.and State of..m......'............. hI! i p.. . ,_..,...._,.........,m,.....,parl........... of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the said part...),!...m of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of m.....Qn.El.....!::lgnQ,)JL4..,..i.!gJ.l-'l,;r.,!?..0......Q,t.Jl<'l.1.:....::r"'1gQp.,l~...mQ,iillS.l!i.,~.ra:t..t.QnS,"',"',"'."'."',"',"':- ])QHlrrS. in hand paid by the said part............ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. , ha...3..m, remised. released and quit..claimed, and by these presents dO..f1.S...... remise, release and quit.. claim unto the said part.....m.... of the second part and,m.....m...,hi8-...m.........heirs and assigns forever, all the right. title, interest. claim and demand which the said part.~.m.. .............. of the first part ha.J3...... in and to the following described lot.....m., piece..m....m or parceL...m., of land, to-wit: on. ...............;.:ll.<i.:l;.....Q,e..n.a,l,n....li.l.e.,Q.ll.......,1-:.1),;r.o..ll.l....Q:r..m:t:r.'D.!J.t.....o:L...lD.nd....slt,l.1llt.6...J.n....lladfl mCO'!lnty.~lQ:rid.."'.mr).u;d;J,o..nJ."':rly...d\1.f),Q.;r.Lp~Jlm<1.g.m;l;,QllQ.Y.i,g,...tQ"'Y1J:t'...~mm....m.. - ' , .mBO.Llnu.i..nr;:m.at..mt.hQmJlm:.thwo.st !J.o..rrHl:r.mQ.l...Al.o..Gk.'l.;!.......as.....sh.Q.wnm..QU. m.lll.l.tmQi.....D.aa.anm,;A.aaah.....i1ddit.iou....i;:Z~l'l-"'.t..J.aQk.mL,.m}ag.6....al~.....:'ub-l-i.~. 0_ .. . ' ..Ji'!.~OXQ,.S..mQ:f.....P.aaa'm.C.Q.lJ.:nt.y..:.:"-~lo.r.l.a..a..ma.nd....Xll.nnimc.,.d.u.a..,;Y6.B..L,al..ong,...thfl. ..mnor.th.lln.6..mQfm.s.a.i.d...J;>1.o.!J,k___.'i'.;!__.pX.od.y..o.ed......d.u..O__liiSLS.t___.tQ...__t.he____:w.!>.s.t__..llua...__. .~...._...Q.t.....Alt.Qn....;_~Q.u.d,..._..__t.h.e.JJ..a~......iI1_...a....;;;..Q..qt.1:HL~.s._t__~_;r.l.Y.....dJ,_rSI.9..:t_.+..o.n--..~l_Q.ne..mtJ~.~......W_QJ;!."t .....&!I...__oi..s.u.l.d.___....lt__Qu.__.RQ,ad.__..t.Q...__thfL;;,;.o.I1the..u.s.t....U.QI.l1B.X__,..oL,L.a.t....5...__oi.__.Blo.ok .. .__.....1ll~....as...J3.h.Q.yJn....o.n.,J:lat.--..o.f....'O'a.6un ..]aaah.....:.dd.it.ion....1k3,~...--ln....l:lat...,B.Q.Qk.--2... ___...l.a.g6..m81.~..--Lubl.1Cl---..;.'(a.O'DI.da....Q:L..lJad.e.---Q.ou.n.t*~--..Ji:lor,i.d.a.,....thc:n.1J-6...--e.as,t...--t.o....., ,__.tl\.e__.sQJJ..th.m~nd____Q:f__,.s.uJ.d.....,iilo,lJk___.19__;..:!;h"noll__In.__.!l,Jlo.r.th!:'i!:l.S:t,a.rlS__..d,.i.r.6.Cl,,,.. mt.1QUmUlong..__:th6.__.__e..a.st...lin!l.mO.:f.....sald__..,i>.lt.,O,tJ._____.1QU.<J..mI.'Q......t.b..e....J?o..i.lJt...mQ't.....:,.......__..... . . .. _____PQ():lnnl.IJ.g....___...'___.m.......__...___.....'___.m.__..__'..__.mm.._____ . . ~ ~ TO HAVE AND'TO HOLD the same, togethE1i with all and singular t!,-e appurtenances ther~ unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate. right, title. interest and claim what.. soever of the said part..y..____ of the first part. either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the said part....___.___, of the second part......_,.._.......,J:!,h.._....,...._........,..heirs and assigns forever. , ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said part.,y....., of the first part ha.a....,.. hereunto set.......,:J.!..,_....m hand...__.... and seaL..__.. the day and year first above written. .,... ......lu.l~li .be tiC . ....: T r. , I , .t>.tto~; " ~~~~ I. Ui Y Clark. I . .- .... J _.~ .. ,- COU:E 0:;.,..::....::::....,.........,....,....,.,..'::...........,::::'..."l CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared befo e, an officer duly author- and take acknowledgments, ....,........................, .........,........,....,...............,..........,...,.,....,..............,.........,.. o executed the foregoing instrument, and ...,..................................................executed . the same freely and AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, T .........................................,.,..,.........................,.........known to me to be.. the wife ot the said...,............. ,.........................................,.,........,..... .......,.....,..........,......................................,.........,....,............... on a separate and private amination, taken and made Jj nd before me, separately and apart from her said husband d acknowledge that she executed t foregoing Deed for the purpose of relinquishing, aliena' g and conveying all her right, title and erest, whether of dower, home- stead or of separa property, statutory or equitable, in and to the ds described therein, and that she executed ' Deed freely and voluntarily and without any comp ion, constraint, apprehen- sion or fear or from her said husband. .........................................................................,................, ..............., County of ...................,..,................................,...and State of..... ...............,..,.........,...,.........................,..................., this..........,...... ............day of .....,........................,...,..,...................................A. D, 19,.......... (Seal) l'O ::1 ~ ro g 0- 0- H> '" 0 0- ... ..... -.:H :0 ~'-. ?S" ~:::.g>.. ~. f>' &" ; ~~ ~'ll; --c.; ',/ )0" ~/. ~'''''' ,.:. 1/ ".....0 ,'....:1''' ?~\ ~I -." {. 'I.' .- +:~.,~:O ~',({)\:, \,1 ~: : )01 , ;0", .,,,,o-c!Q) , ""':;::;:,,1' ," '~ll~ I.....- ~ '~I': :"\.<~j '~'2/.i2: Q.. ~...~ \}./ "" ''''''- ~ ~~, ~ i ,', iN! ~,\ o ,:~ ... ,I000Io cr j01 [,~ ~ ~* ~,'. (D SCil~'l:; ()) :;rLORLDJi) ~ . ..;~-C-_;:;...:.:... "".--.J.F-.. ~...; i ~1.~.J..tJ: j~~~~~ .~\il1i.. 0:rL uD.1o ~~tii o.-ay of- l1euamber, ,i. :U. 191[1, before :';8 i'erscrnally appeared ''':hor~as J. l'unooast una J. 1'. I (.~unovu. rc~..!-:ectivelv =,~iJ'vor ana ,Jit.F Glerl;: of the City 0:1:- Lilar:]i .L..iaaol1, ~. llo:cida. a corl'or_,tiolJ u.nder the l~\is 01 ti:e >.:>tate of ilorid~. to me known to be tho I'Q1'~:ons de801'11,ed in o.rAJ. who exeolltod tho forepoj ng convevunoe to . . J.UJi;;;i A. bl..l..1SQN . . .. and sevEll'ally uoknowled.jed~the execlI.ltl.on thereof to be tl1'1ir :free aot and deed us :moll o:ffioer"'. for the Ltses and pllrposes therein mentioned; urn that they affixed thereto the offioiel ~ S8cU. of" "aL\ oor:?o;:Jt ion. and the salCl instrllment iG"fhe oot and <leed of suice oo1'jlouct.ion, QLtly wltharized by the City COLlDoil,.~'.of the sait} 'Jlti! of ~"iami .0eaoh. 1'10riu.". . ," "I1II....;:.:;::; my ~iE.Tlutlu>e mlO o:fii.oi81 seal/at :,a~mi in the County.~:f .Jade Ulld ;,;tate of ~lorlda the.:. day unO. ?e&r lust OIar _ta.: ~ . c.: d~~e~t i a?-"1 -~\j ,. \ -... to! ><i . < ~.....~ ; .~ , , . { '-4;;:.::".' I> .. ~) CO ~ 1::1 ., ct- '" ! l-> '-D >+ ~ '< o ~ ~ I~ . '~'-'T it ~~ 0-3 ,..... o i~ 11- !!f iP.~ '0 lP' ;. :.-'1 jf-' '1>0 ~. ..,. ..... !c+ 1;:;' "" ; :0 it-'. ic+ t<1 !o II-b F ~ . ~.. ~. .. .... io .... 'id f:'. ; io 10 ;Ii to ;0 i~i ='" ~c+ it---'. :0 l~ 10 iHo j -:- c~ -'-.,:;. ~ o S ~ ~. ..... .... . a - ~ ..... a ""'x- . " # \. i!l :l' .... ." ',..,,,",, .c. ~,.., '" ~ p; ~ Cl,~; ..~ - - s ~. ~ '" . . --- C>.\ ~ ,,,. " iI.., ... '-.4J .. 'OlUl1! ublic, Salle or Florida at LUf(je My c.mi*",('gn expire'JuA.22.1922. . \ 1 J. I' ! 4, , . 'c",- , , "'--~-~'- - -"._-~ -" ~. - .. ~i '-- - - _ '''''l' "'___T-T- -~, .~, __..., . 1, J. F. O_va, OU;, OleJ'k of tbe Olt7 of OliaIli :a.aoh, lI'1orida. do ~'.b~ 1Je1"tifY tbo ~ aboVll i.. a vue lUlIl 001"1'80\ oopy ot tbe ..111.iio. " a40:ptod .. pl... at tbe ...ihlg of the OUy .~11 of ibt Olty of JI.~i . .. . -J ~..~ q.. 1 ~.tibe 20Ua .. 01 ......hr, ~ D., 1918. .' , . · Wit.... ItY .ig.;.at1uoe aad tJIlI ..&1 of ilIe Oity of 11.1_1 Beaoh. this . ~~, ill '2JJ1d.~ of Dloc.ber, A. D. 1918. ',. Ir ;(.~4/ ----, ,,'ill- "J'l "~= " " ' . ".. I W- c-" D " '--- ~ ,'. .... I1iIi - '~ ." jo~ Olt7 Of m-1 1pIh. lI'1orlda. ~ .... .... . '-, ., , j I' *- ..... . I . . ~ - . - ----.:--A, _ ~.. ....---.-- , . ~ ....... ....... -..- J'~'''''';'~- r t , ~.;' - . .~ t1, ''''' ----.... ~"'-..rr;c> ~ ':''r7~ " '_'..J~, ", ~., , ,,,,.',",,,. -'...,'0 \"~ .... '. 'Ii . . 't) , , " ~ '-~ .\ ',~ ,... ~ Q ::a. ,.:.i t ~ . r ~, , l [ ~ ~..~ . . ,....~ . .,. f .. ~--... -- ..-- ~~ ~ t,- "'1 I -t L- . "- . . .. !"- .,. ".;-'....~'-...., :1~;{ '1 ~ ],) ~... ~ ~. ~ ~ ,-:': C~ 1 r.-: 7' ~ t .-(1 _,J ^ ;~~, i gj ." ~. "'-< "-,", ri' ~ ~- '.'::'-''''>.-'! : Q ~':c ~.I . -.... ~ ~,>, I _ g", t;.:: ~'\\l '~ cd v::J ~ "....' , , It;l ~ a ~.: ~i ~ ~ ~~ ! f! ~ 1-. {;' '. .." r I I ,..-",,~_<....., It '..,....,.. ~-.........-~~~:..,.,---.- '" . ..,. . .j .. -. It 4It-. I: . ~ ~ ~ ~3 ;:- "j... ..;I.' ;". .. ''''~''' j \ \ \ ==";~. , , , ... - . 11'-.. . . .. .............. _.>c__.__--'.....~. _. -~ .........--- . - - .- -......--l' ,... ,.t. , ,it ". , , . . .'. !II ",I" ",;,~- --- , 'I , _....a _ .t \~ ~ "- '" f\~- \, " ') - ~,_.1-"