Department Memorandum No. 3-2000
Date: January 18, 2000
To: Department Directors
From: Lawrence A. Levy, City Manager. J~o"
Subject: Fiscal Year (FY) 2000101 Budget Development Process
To ensure continued public participation and improved communications during the budget
process, we are requesting that you confer with your advisory board/committee to solicit
service priorities for consideration in the upcoming budget.
To that end, since City boards/committees are required to meet at least once monthly,
we are requesting that you place on your next board/committee agenda, a discussion
on the FY 2000/01 budget. In particular, we would like you to obtain input on perceived
needs and priorities for service levels within the committee's purview. These suggestions
should then be forwarded to OMB, with the approval of your Assistant City
Manager/Executive Assistant, in your budget submission due on February 25, 2000.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, kindly advise. Thank for your assistance
in this regard.
LA C(Y'0 Assistant City Manager
cc'~Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli,
Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager
Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manger
Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager
Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager
Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager