008-2000 DM
Department Memorandum No. 8-2000
All Department Directors
All Department/Division Directors
Lawrence ~~rLe,?j) ~
City Man~~
Date: June 29, 2000
In the City's obligation to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act's requirements, the
Office of ADA is compiling the information on our current policies, procedures and programs
regarding accessibility. This information will be used to complete the annual updating of the
City's Transitional Plan.
For your convenience, you will find attached the new Self Evaluation form, and as a guide, a
copy of a previous form that was filled by your respective department. This new questionnaire
must be completed by your department liaison and returned to the Office of ADA at the Public
Works Department, Fourth Floor-City Hall, no later than July 10, 2000 at noon.
Should you have any questions, please contact Michel Magloire at extension 6709.
Cfj) q.1'~.
c: Ricardo Mendez, Assistant Public Works Director
Michel Magloire, ADA Coordinator
Carla Dixon, Engineering Assistant
Department Liason
Program! Activity/Service/
Program Evaluator: Name
Program Locations:
General Description of Program:
- Please answer all of the following questions. Please provide an explanation on a separate sheet
for any "NO" answers.
I. Do you follow a VlTItte:l g~neral policy of nondiscrimination :lgains: persons with disabilities
in all your programs? Yes_ No
I.a. If yes, check the applicable: City of Miami Beach Policy_Department Policy_
Program Policv
2. Have you received all policies, criteria and procedures that govern the administration of the
program activity or service to determine if they have the effect of discriminating against
people with disabilities? Yes No
- -
3. Have you involved persons with disabilities or their representatives and other interested
parties in the self evaluation process?
+. Attach a separate list of all interested parties consulted during the review process.
5. Attach before and after copies of all policies and procedures that have been changed, or a
- summary of problems identified and changes made.
6. Attach copies of all policies and procedures that you have identified as needing change to
improve accessibility to your program. Indicate what action you feel should be taken to make
those changes.
. -
7. Attach complete justifications for any policies or procedures that exclude or limit the participation of individuals with
disabilities but will not be changed because to do so would "fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or
,-. activity".
8. Attach complete justification for any eligibility criteria that screen out, or tend to screen out, individuals with
disabilities but that can be shown to be"necessary for the provision of the service, program, or activity being offered"
or that can be shown to be necessary for safety.
Does your Program, Activity or Service: PRACTICE POLICY Verbal PROCEDURE Verbal or
yes or no yes or DO Written yes or no Written
10. Provide most integrated setting appropriate?
II. Provide special assistance and auxiliary
12. Provide information in accessible format for
blind people when appropriate or when
13. Provide sign language interpreters for deaf
people when appropriate or when requested?
14. Ensure thai advertising or recruianent also
reaches people with disabilities and encourages
, eir participation?
. Ensure fair evaluation of each individual's
ability to participate?
. Provide program access in existing I
17. Provide fuil access in new construction and
18. Provide access to all public meetings?
19. Review facilities to maintain...ccessibility?
20. Review all new leases to ensure ADA
21. Ensure thaI transportation is accessible?
22. Prohibit discrimination in employment?
23. Provide reasonable accommodation in I
testing and employment?
24. Review all contracts to ensure ADA I i i
'.5. Maintain an evacuation plan to evacuate
cple with disabilities in emergencies?
26. Review all written and audio-video
materials to ensure that people with disabilities
are nol referred to or portrayed in an offensive
or demeaning manner?
9. If policies and procedures with adverse impact are not being changed because doing so would
create an undue financial and administrative burden, address a separate memo to the City
Manager explaining the circumstances and attach a copy of that memo.
27. What positive steps are you taking to let people with disabilities know that your programs
are accessible and that they are welcome to participate?
28. When you advertise in print, do you also advertise on radio to reach people who are vision
impaired? Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
29. When you advertise on radio, do you also advertise in print to reach people who are hearing
impaired? Yes_No_Notapplicable_
30. When you do outreach to community groups. do you include organizations of people with
_ disabilities? Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
31. If program participants make calls from your facility, is there a TDO available for hearing
impaired persons to use? Yes_ No_Not applicable_
32. Are your communications effective in providing persons who are hearing or vision impaired
a. program information
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
b. employment information
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
c. other - specify .
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
33. Is your program accessible?
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
34. If structural changes are needed, are you taking steps to ensure that those changes will be
included in the City of Miami Beach transition plan?
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
- 35. Are all of your personnel areas accessible to persons with disabilities?
Yes _ No_ Not applicable_
36 Are all of your program intake areas accessible to persons with disabilities?
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_
37. Have program personnel received awareness training to help them to better understand the
potential of people with disabilities, the needs of people with disabilities, and how best to
communicate with people with disabilities?
Yes_No_Notapplicable_ Will be provided by ~~_date
38. Have administrators, supervisors and interviewers received awareness training to help them
better understand the potential of people with disabilities, the needs of people with disabilities
and how best to communicate with people with disabilities?
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_ Will be provided by ~~_date
39. Have program personnel received sufficient training to ensure that they will adhere to
policies and procedures that prevent discrimination and provide equal opportunities to persons
with disabilities?
Yes_ No_ Not applicable_Will be provided by ~ ~ _date
40. Have administrator, supervisors and interviewers received sufficient training to ensure that
they will adhere to policies and procedures that prevent discrimination and provide equal
opportunity for persons with disabilities?
.-- Yes_ No_ Not applicable_ Will be provided by~~_date
41. Do you have a complaint process for discrimination on the basis of disability in service,
programs and employment? Yes_ No
42. If so, have you posted information on yeur complaint process?
Yes_ No_
43. Have you provided information to your program participants and employees to inform them
of their rights under ADA? Yes_No_
+-l, a. How many persons are currently participating in this program?
b. On a separate sheet, list sub programs under your department and the number of persons
+5. Are you aware of any complaints oflack of accessibility in the past three years':