Elizabeth Resnick - 12/31/08 ~ ~ lD ...,. city of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miomibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Porchor, Oy Clork TEl: (305)673-7411, FAX: (305)673-7254 01-18-2007 Elizabeth Resnick 4320 Meridian Ave Miami Beach, Florida 33140 SUBJECT: Art in Public Places Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending 12/31/2008. If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully. Congratulations again and good luck. Sincerely, ~~/WtJ Robert Parcher City Clerk cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director Dennis Leyva ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee 2. General Provisions of Ordinance NO.97-3086 Amended by Ordinance No. 2006-3543 3. Ordinance No. 97-3105 4. Citywide parking permit application - Return completed application to the Parking Department located at Palm Court Building, 309 23rd Street, Suite 200 - Tel: 305-673-7505 5. Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and 6. Miami Beach Code Section 2-459 7. Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1 We are committed ro providing excellent public service and sofety 10 01/ who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant. tropical, historic community - ~ lD ...,. city of Miami leach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parchor, City Clork TEl: (305)673-7411, FAX: (3051673-7254 TO Elizabeth Resnick RE: Art in Public Places I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2008, I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theFlorida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member of a City of Miami Beach Board andlor Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure" require- ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which I serve) on July 1st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served. Sworn ~~sniC~ to and subscribed before me this d day of ..f'GP"'8-' 200';l- 0ci(~ m____ Deputy Clerk *Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at www.miamibeachfl.gov under City Clerk/Board and Committees for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements. We ore commUted to providing excellent public service and safety' to 01/ who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic community - lD ...,. MIAMIBEACH BOARDS AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: 0) an individual shall hove been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b} an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in 0 business established in the city. Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes V] or No [ ] Demonstrate on ownership/interest in a business in Miomi Beoch for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes [] or No [ ] I am opplying fo.' a Board appointment because I h9l'e ~pecial abilities, knowledge, experience: Yes [ J , . My speCial abd,lies, knowledge, orexpenence IS: !{oPlI cstc::rk:-, (.:1(+ J C,-.>/-k/e. ) ~~(~ Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~ or No 0 NAME: _Rf"S1'01GK.. EL-12A'6c::n-f !+ Last Name First Name Middle Initial Home ~O IV. N-et1(Q;<7\. ~ M,;,.y,j ~och -VL.- 3~1'-1 \.. ") Address: No. Street City State Zip Code Fax t=hZre.ZmeC\'ol, c..O{y) Email address Phone: l~) Home s~ "6 - 8s 7'-1 Work (Please check one): I am now 0 resident of: Business Name:::5' .f '- ~ KeClI~ Address: J 2.;2. 73' A HD'} f..{)c;f.d) No. Street North Beoch 0 South Beach 0 Middle Beoch~ Applicant's Position: 50, Je... S --FL State H6 City 33Y~<J- Zip Code DOwner 0 Stockholder/Shareholder 0 Corporate Officer 0 Other Exploin: Prafessional License (describe): {2--e c.1.-t t:S-to..+c:.... .~ LeS~dJ Attach a copy of the license listed above. 1. Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes 0 or No~lf yes, please explain in detail: Expires: 2. Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes 0 or N~. If yes, please explain in detail: 3. Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or N~. If yes, explain in detail: 4. Are you currently serving on any City 80ards or Committees: Yes &{ or No D. , If yes; which board? ("'Ij<::; if' o-f' &o.oJ-I-)~'1 e<'...+ 1/~K"Y'l"...y'l-.) '- J'- n A?:r 5+ ~ {' c:v:~ What organizations in the City of Miami 8each do you currently hold membership in? Name: Title: Name: Title: List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: '. ho~) v-.:::btsl--'l\~ ~Y"~" L'-4('n1-r-;{'t.p. tTJ) ?o_ ct E?\I~c:d \21~/oc.o ~ C\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ClERGIBE\lOCAl SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FllES\OlK14\BC~PlICATION NOV 20051.DOC -- . I om now employed by the City of Miami _"ach: Yes 0 or No'" If yes, which depal ,nt? Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you hove 0 porent OJ, spouse OJ, child 0], brother OJ, or sister OJ who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check 011 that apply. Identify the department(s): N \) Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2J second choice, and [3] third choice. Please nofe fhat only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. ReQular Boords of City) ~.r! in Public Places Committee DHousina Authoritv o t.rrier Free Environment Committee OLoon Review Committee* o Beach Preservation Boord DMorine Authority * o Beo!)tification Committee DMiami Beach Cultural Arts Council o Boord of Adiustment (Flood Monaoement) , DMiami Beach Commission on Status of Women o Budaet Advisorv CommiHee OMiami Beach Florida Sister Cities o Committee on the Homeless ONormandv Shores Local Gov. Neiahborhood Imorovement o Committee for Quality of Education in Miami Beach ONorth Beach Youth Center Oversiaht Committee o Community Development Advisory Committee. DOversight Committee for General Obligation Bond o Community Relations Board OParks & Recreational Facilities Boord o Convention Center Advisory Boord o Personnel Board - o Debarment Committee o Plannina Boord - o Desion Review Boord ... o Police Citizens Relations Committee o fine Arts Board o Production Industry Council o Golf Advisorv CommiHee o Public Sofety Advisorv CommiHee o Heolth Advisory CommiHee o Safety CommiHee o Heolth fa,'!ities Authority o Transportation & Parking Committee OHispanic Affairs Committee o Visitor & Convention Authoritv - DHistoric Preservation Boord - o Youth Center AdviSOry Boord 'Board Required to File State Disclosure form Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Boord, please indicate your affiliation with the ScoH Rakow Youth Center: 1. Post service on the Youth Center Advisory 80ord: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service 0 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes 0 No O. If yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. Ust below: Child's name: Child's name: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: This section is "not required' but desired: Age: 0 Ethnic Origin (Check one) White'iZ. Africon-American/Block 0 Hispanic: 0 Asion or Pacific Islander 0 American Indian or Alaskon Notive 0 Employment Status: Employed'1t\. Retired 0 Home-make'rW Other 0 -I hereby otfest to fhe accuracy and truthfulness of the applicatioft' and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article VII - of the City Code -Standords of Conduct for City Officersr Employees and Agency Members: ~~~ J~..tf2tJ16 ELJ2.A6E:Ttl ('fSNIGk... App nt's Signature Date Nome of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT) Attachment: Please ottoch 0 copy of your resume fo your application. NOTE: Applications will remain on file for a period of one (1) calendar year. Gender: Male or Femole 0 Received in City Clerk's Office _ by Document Control Number (Assignedby the City Clerk's Office) Deputy Clerk Revised 11/15/05 CIDOCUMENTS AND SETT1NGS\ClERG1BEIlOCAl SETTINGSITEMPORARY INTERNET FIlESIOlKI41BC APPLICATION NOV 20051 .OQC --. - J . ELIZABETH RESNICK APPLICATION FOR ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE I am interested in the available place on the Miami Beach Art in Public Places Committee for 2007. To give a quick bio, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. I attended college at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in English. After undergraduate, I moved to Miami Beach and have been living here for over 8 years. I worked for three years as the Senior Advertising Executive for a local Miami magazine entitled Channels. During my job, I learned Miami Beach very well; I became fumiliar with store owners, restaurants, hotels, and commercial properties as well as the general topography of the City. Moreover, I also have my real estate license and currently sell real estate with J & L Beach Realty along with helping out in the Resnick family business. I am a happily married mother of two beautiful boys, Jared and Koby. Most suitably, I have been the Chair of the Miami Beach Beautification Committee for the past 5 years and it has been a wonderful experience. I know I have dedicated myself to my board and the City of Miami Beach and worked extremely hard on each and every project that comes our way. As chair, I have taken the Beautification Committee to a different level. if you will_ When I first joined the committee, we were working on projects that were important, but were not of the same caliber as today_ I have listed below some of the main highlights of my past 5 years of service as Chair of the Miami Beach Beautification Committee for your review: I. Holiday Decorations (2004-present) . I was appointed to a sub-committee by the City Manager entitled the Holiday Decorations Committee, comprised of select members of different boards to work together and select the designing company for the Holiday Decorations. We spent an entire day listening to proposals and selecting the best option for the City of Miami Beach_ . After the Holiday Decorations Sub-Committee finished, I worked diligently with Christmas Designers on the Holiday Decorations in collaboration with Kevin Smith and John Oldenburg in the Parks and Recreation Department . This past year of 2006, the Committee to give inpnt and make motions in the best interest of the City of Miami Beach. 2. Miami Beach Beautification Awards Ceremonies (2oo2-Present) . As chair of the Committee, I am responsible for conducting the election within the Committee and doing all of the follow up work (letter writing, communication with winners, etc.) . Awards Breakfust-Until my chainnanship, there was never a celebratory Breakfast for the award winners. I created the idea and brought it through fiuition for the past 4 years. 3. In 2003, the Committee participated in Community Development Week 4. Beach Cleanup-The Committee met and worked with Sanitation director, AI Zamora to help clean up the mid-beach boardwalk. 5. In 2002, 2003, The Committee participated in Arbor Day and Earth Day / ~''';.. ..... 6. Hanging Flower Baskets on 41" Street 3. We are in the process of worlcing with the Parks and Recreation Department on Hanging Bougainvillea plants along 41" Street These are only 3 few of the accomplishments the Beatification Committee has achieved since I have been chair. I promise to give my same enthusiasm and energy to the Art and Public Places Board. Thank you for your consideration. Warm Regards, ~~~ Elizabeth Resnick