DD-20-2 4PAJ ~o-~ '. .', . ;.'!'l 1. '. ;' ."y .: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, .____C'/2I~_:_"~:_~:4'-'~CL:~L~]c>'2--- ___~~_--:.:~~~~=-::~k=.-~co::e:~~------------....-~~-theNorthfIv:~t of __~Q_'l;___~_~~_1_,,~_Jlgl_m__m____________uu_______n_________u_____ _____m___________um_______nm_____m___m_ --- ___mm' of Block___gu__u, Friedman & Cope Subdivision . 4 g3- of , as per plat recorded III Plat Book NO.____u____u_mm_' Page.__m__nm_______, of the Public Records of Dade CQupty, Florida, ,DO HEREBY DEDICATE to the perpetual use of the public . . ~ for street purpo~es,.the above described land, reserving to ourselves, our successors, and assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof, or any part thereof, whenever discontinued by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said __ Owner____ and the said City have hereunto set their halHls and seals, or in the case of a corporation, caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its duly authorized officers, and its seal to be affixed on this .5th--day ofu_m___mu..Jul~L----c;f-m-' A. D., 192__e_u_. Q."'~<""",..,!__".,...L~~=~"_~,- _h______uuu____uu_u__..u_uu_u_u__uuu __uu___________u____.__ (S e al ) ____u_uu_____ _u______. _u_u__u______. _________________________________ (Seal) ____________n_______ ____________u______u_____________n___ _______________ (Seal) of the First Part. ~ IN THE PR~NCE OF: . . I ___.____m_.L~_n___LiL}:l".'kJ6ck!..lu___;_~,_ ~~2~4f?-"'2Lc c~-_________ ---.:;;:;;?;.d'../-f.PL~L- ___#__j?_~~-c-- ---~--~----------_._---- / ::::::;--~~~~~~=:~--==-~~J SS: I, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, do hereby certify that on /. this day personally appeared before mem________'-J1J._..J.c...: ____.!~~__,:,__c____~~'.:c___L"_""~_~~_t_______:L_____"__~___~__'-___~::.___~Lc___________h_ ____________________L__,_c-~.;c~2'~L/-n-----------------___________u_______________________n.______un_________u_________________u______n__________________u_____________________h___ to me well known and known to me to be the person_____m__described in and who executed the foregoing in- strument, and _mhe.___.___ acknowledged before me that h__he________ executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed. .A~!~: certify that the sai d_______m____________ _________________u________________________________________~"_c__c______c________________ ___u__________h_________________nh_______________.___---h_______________________________U___~"C"~:~-~~known to me to be the wL_________ of the said .',--- ------------------.---------------------------------------------------....-----------------------';..---,.,.-:-:-:----------------------------------------------------------------------~~-~--------~----, respectively, on an exan:).ilHttton taken and made by me, separately and-apa,l't from ____he________ respective hus- band____, acknowredged that ____he_u_ executed said instrument freely and voluntarily--aIld without compul- ."", sierr;'restraint, apprehension or fear of or from ____he_______ respective husband______. -, ~~~~." :-""<ir'-'v'-"' .? .,<, ":, .'. :.<~ WITNESS MY HAND AND NOTARIAL SEA~this--s:'L--------day oL---~L~~~:,~""-C~-----------f~q?:.:192:~-~ , . ___--':L_-'___~~_L_,,:!lJ:;;~~~~;~ '$~.."'..' ~~." lie. 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