DD-20-5 j 2' Yhio) ')/1 'I BOD~ _" {~..; p:.SE f..,:tl. D7-,n 0";' DEDIC\TIfiH ~rII I r; , _/ ,/,-, :] -L!l::. t):t j.,,;oveIiloer t A. ?:':.. 19 J~ , bet'!:'Teen - ... ,. -":..va ).._ -."-' A - .. ",';' of th~' Oounty JJ8.Cle , ill 8 "I: 'L~~ of ~~lorid8, ------, 'O"rt:"JS of - fi:cst r1; ":.L.lc':;I,,~'l ... ',I,I\J. I .i~CE, a Htmiotppl COrpOTT.t'.0!1 of the County of D~Lde Ste.' b:; of Fl0J:01f1(''., pa.rty 0:::: the second J?t. '1 _iSS8E'.rHt 1"'l:.at the aLia. pF.rt~ tho :f1rBt p:"'rt, for ;:'uld in c'inslde:r;""1tioli, of tho Dun of Ten Dollars Ll0.CO), and other gcod 'm~Utj::)lc; cOHEiidcri.,tlom to thom in h[~nd paid, rece1'Ot ~jhe::r8of being he:ceby acknorIlf~dged. have granted, b?-.XC(:e.ined gold ::"'010. ,),,,:l.'''liY of 'the second part t end hcroby de~icatoB to p\~rpetuB~ uoe of thr;n.h11o ior sidewalk purpOf1CS t the follerline; desm:'U::od ltmd, lyiUf~ c.nd beiIl' in the 01 ty of ;'i!]xr:1 , C~()'L1n..ty of D~"\,,(i.c, r::nc} ::c c of Flol-'id e" to-wi t: Tho l'iorth five feet of Lot 12, Block 3 t of Friedman &: Gope 5'lbr:1'- v1f'~ lo:n, :1f: PILt recorded in Plat T300k ;:10. ~, Pc'. 8 g3, of the Public T~'3CO:rds of Dade 00unty t F1ori'~r.>,. '}ITY OF 'IA I , 1~ ocncidcr2t1on thl:; d3dioc'.t1on, hereby relie.v:';'::; tl:: :JJove ?;CJ:.~~ .8'1 _...-.... l...:. !-,;,;.., "'l..,...t.If,. .:.. I.;:i f'1:o:r :?~n;;" ~.13::; C S e-- ](ent fox GiC;,G-;;8~k ',ih1cLl E3he~1 c .~:r..s tl)uc~~~ed. on t11e r)rO}1erty -;in dt?di ,,:t ttt1'3 ~;;ime. Th(3 TI'::1.'tI..;s ,J.. ~ .th: fi.L'st pert her ''by l'Gf3erve unto themsel 'loa, their successora [.::; 1Q;ns th',; ::'(,]v"~:r3i:J11 OJ? roversions th0rr'of, OJ:' ~)~"-y~_.\~ tl1r:):j'?'?o:f, .Jl:~o11vve:r Cl:l1.:;"!t:,'~c=-_tJ(3, ,~l_:"l': ftbe.ndoned. !;i . th~J ~3r\1d pr.c.rt :::';;3 of th9 first part have hern..mto G'et t:h-eir hi:'ndR t;D'3. s:>ea19 the d~.y ~nd year f1:r'3.; 2.1)07{~"L'1 t '1. Signo::.l, se:,le::: deli '\l'orecl in the presenoe of us: L~){~ . . ~J;( /.. (.~/7Y7. < :. ~~, ~ C2.- ~ (:AL) ~G... 1t CL-1-'-L- ( , -':LL) r:~ 11'"" rr:~ 12.' "';.) ". '),i ,) .1, " " (If ", '. ROGr.. 0' '" ;;.J(...::t:.:.... eUiI'i'Y OF J)[~Qe l ss: 8TATr~ .l:'lorio.a "'- I :J'1:B.TI?Y Th:lt on this y p:::L'8onally appeared befo1'':~' L'.;, n.n officer duly autho:r1.:-cd -to 2d.klinist9~ oatl18 ::i"nc~ trke r"cl::11t.11.'-:lf~tlt~;D~Gn.tc, l...n 1"1';)~;'- J._. .t(t)" C e -, . a.!l~,1.:.~a ....(ace, lli~ wife t to mr ~all kno~n the person S G.escribnd. in [;; - lv~t.O ezecuted the forq7;oin,{( dead, ack.-.."lowledgedbef :)1'6 hI(: tl~ t. tl.i..e~~ {)xeouted the :C';c>::.:!.c fX'€\,t11y 2.nC volunia..:r11y for th.~ ~\U1:- noses thol"(:!in €!x:)rf:.1Pi . I P'rMTH'7''R fl'7"1rrIFY, Th~t th~ ~"~id ]1;V3. ;."{ace -_. , known t'j m~ t.o be th~ Fif8 of the said 1."18.rrJ ~l.. .'("',ce <il. .l>.- _". ) on ~'. sey.~'l'~te ~.xe)11tn'Sd;1on t'~ken m;:-,de by t)ofore f,-vt_~ AU"...' , nepf.~:r ,~, tel:l Rnd B~art from her !'4eld husbnnd, did 13oIrnowledg/3 th2t she nv~:dG Iv~r8elf ,~:l party to :":lid deed fox th;.,. ::),Ll.I'po~e of' ren''Ju1'loi!l..g,. relinqu.ishing ':tild conveyin;~; a.ll hCJ:' 1"lQ:ht, title ~.nd interest. whether dO'l!rer, homc3tnad. or :If :'epal'" 'pr')pf~:~ty, stF'.tutory OJ:' -squi t3.ble, in t:.nd to th(~ lrmdn described the1"sin, and thet she exeouted th:; 8'id d.e';d freely and vOluntarily r:;.:'ld '::1 th:ut '3.1'1Y compu1::?ion, c:mfrt:eai:::lt, ap-l.:lI'i3hens1Qn Or' fea,r of OT from her said husbcmd. :7 I 'l'rJEfY'; illY ha...nc1 p..l1d official 8e8.1 t l.~lar"l .ueach , OOlJ.nty of .unde , St[~t3 of J.:'lor 10.3, , this 19th day of .i:! oveL.be r , A. fJ.>> 1928 . - ......~ "! {"'r.;" ~,~. \\ U .) c} J~ ._~~~<" ~:'" ",," ...~' '..,If t ~. ~.~ ./J .:.- . .': ~ '. ~,' -t'.J '.'-' ::: i..:...;." \,,) .... ,"; +__. ..,. :::: .. ~\, ''':J " '. ::: . ~ 1.. J y_ ::: :t: __._,_.~" .,:lo.:;-i ... ~"'~v' :: <fl ~ P i/, ;~ ~ \ : ;::. '~:~ --' .... u b ~ ""- _..... '<~ .' ..,- . /} ".... .... '~'..'''t',. L"'" <'. ,r_:~...".~ t-2U ,:.._,,, \,.~. " (7 fl" .."'{o. ~~... e " I [:t~) \~ \ ~ ~Q .,':,/ ... /~A',Y jf HO<;;Rry publo' ~ State of .l."loriCl3. . 1':1 GorWtissiol1 Expires: vct '1_ , ..,v, 19:31 lO/lO/;>[S-K 121""-1~) gOOk " '..- D~ f'i: 9." f} If,.;}1.. ",'J.'j TI~IS D'_EDIc_~\rJ:I()J~T A(;r;EP',rT~;D by the 01:2'Y CCjT.!I~t::IIJ 0)/ -~Cli:: (]~f:~l OF 1'1 n , FLOTf.IDA, this ;2/J Uc'.y of 9<;/~ ~ , ... A.D., 19~. - ,,: .., ",l . "l1'.......1jI . (In,; ,,<\'~..t . .......\w~, , .' ... - fi.." ;)- .~.,i'.~ ; " ~ I~I" i~- .... ~ .. _\~.;. '- ~ .. ~--'<'- - " .i'.... . 1('-'''''' ~ ',' '.~ -1000,1. ~~-.., r~ ... " - 2' .,"r!'\'J,..it. .'),4' ,. ~ ~ : ~( ~ ~ - 4J f) ,,_\ ;:.. '.;: .., \.,!( to \<.V ,C\.- "/~~' --;:----z:. . ~ '. ..,~" - .....4:... t:':",,~Y'-- . ')If: ,.' ,;} ~ - - - - "" "",, 'J ty Cl ~rk /'- f'"; ...~,;~, 1. ~ . ~.! f-{ Z \.. ' . ~~';bt/} \ ! ,~-: t ': i, q / / . I ! ,'. }l :,.,J.., \ l , ~ i ~ ,I .' ; ~ ( ~ , .j.. ;' ~ ! , . - 1 . ... 'I l~ i) , ~ 1: ( 1 !_ i; \ 'L J.:" , " , " l'. ',,' ~ I' , 1" l! : -.1 i ) lO/lO/~225rK