DD 20-3
ROOK1272 PAGE 460
THIS nTDEliTURE Ine,de this /7 t(:'2Y of A~ A. D. ,1:??ES,
bet'.veen HALLAI'T\i\.L;:; B~ACH nrpqOVSI.t-::N'l' cmiJ?P;;.1:lI, 3 cor'00I'8tioll under
"ehe laws or the State 'Jf Florida, P,::.1'tie2 of "ehe first pa.rt and
THE' CITY C:i' ;!TIAIH BOE, a 1,'lunici'Ocl cor"Jontion of the County of
Dade and Sta~e of Florida, party of tb~ second pfrt.
,HTl'ti:SSETH, Thc,t the sf'id pr'Tties of the firs t 1)eTt) for 2nd
in consider-c.tion or the sum of Ten Dollars ()IO.OO), and c'";',her
gGod 2nc: valuable cC'Dside::;:,ati O~lS to the1il in hend p8 id, l'ec3j.pt
whereof being hel'eby pcknovlledGed, heve t;ranted, bargained end
sold to the said pBrty of the second p2rt, and hereby dedicates
to "0he perpetual use of the ,-mol ic for street 1)UrpOS'3s, the
follov:ing described 1,;,l1d; lyinG F11(1 being in the Oi ty of lJie.lrli
Berch, County of Dede, and St?te of Florida, to-wit:
North f:Lve feet or Lot 1, Block 3, Friedman & CODe's Sub-
di vis ion, 2 s pel' plat recorded in Plat Boo~;: No.4, PeL,e 83,
of the Public Reco:rc:.8 of D2Jle Ccunty, Flor'ida.
TH~ CITY OF MIAMI B ~OH, in consideration of
-'-1 '
lul ~ S
hereby relieves the above described nro9srty from nny assessment
for sideYialle y;hich 811[11 'be constTucted on the p!'ope:L'ty herein
dedicated at this time.
The p2!'ties of ti18 first P?l't hereby reserve unto themselves,
their successor's 2n~ assicns the reversion or reversions thereof,
or any pe:,rt thereof, vihenev8r duly vc.c8teo end sbencloned.
Iii ..i'ILJESS ',JH .:WF, the 82,id 'r).<rties of '0118 first pi.:rt hE've
he:L'eunto set their hs..nds end se2.1s the c1F.y end yea.r first above
\.. .., .
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_h.. J/~.. ~k./)A/~{_/ (S:SAL)
--r .' J:Gr'J!,SARY
\VTi tten.
Sic;ned., sealed. End del i vered in
p~8-~nce EL'!,1jf':
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The n~mes subscribeQ belov
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S 19na. L U.l.' tj uuJ:y.
~OOf{ 1272 PAGE 4fi 1
C~C''t;~J;-l1Y (:F DJ\DS
S'..":'" ." CF ?LCIU/A
I }r"u':~BY C
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C.12.f Z(~:' t t f~I'l UYld., ?:ce 8 i iJ 811 ~ o~~ -t11e I-IJ\I1LA:'~DAL~ B:li:~}I II,~:':'O\!::.~~,'_,i,"_Cl-':'T
A.l--Y, r- cO:::Dc:,":tion unl;::r
12Y,~8 o'~"
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" .
.,= oregol
instl'U>18l1t to the CITY OF MIA!H BEACH, FLORIDA, Gnd
E~C}:110r:18 p-d -tll,':: C~:,~.eCt:.,.;lori -~ll,,:':'r8of ~o ~:e l~is f::.~cc ~:).ct (_:_-:~::. clsc:d
~~s such officer, l'O~
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() ~~ ~-:) ~~ .i-Cll e ~c e i:i::2. ~~}el~ t i one d;
(:~L1(;~ tIlE. ~
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~ 21 of 82id corporrtion
tn~ rid instrument is ~h2 pct &nc
sel of ':::: ieJ co:c,,)ol':''tion.
'..T:'I;,,~83 1"ny :::..t:.,llt:":.... J:e pne 012ici[;1 ce;cl ,t,)::?!,?>?./~/,/fil,_e~
in the ()0unty of Dp,(e,
s~_ c of Flori ~, ~he 0LY rue ye~r
'ill I;:'
L/ 'I ?///fl.
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ROOK1272 PAGE 462
:;-'2Y OF JCOZ
I ~-_:,: I3 y .~ .~, :~-;: 11~ Y, T11::.'. t 0 l1
c:f:' A~~ , A. ~~., 1;'22,
~:~!-~i s
C;2I Ol~e
E18:) C :~' 8 0 113.-11 ~,r
8c\I'ed. GllSt2f Zct"00rlUI1Cl, Sec:c8-~c'.11Y of tllC }ii-\LLAl~DliLE '?;~~;\CH
IIJ])r{.O'TIBlr:21~7 CC'.J.~,i:T) AI;Y, ct C Ol"~q O:C';~ tic; ~~~ u.rl:::~_ c~ r
v ln~s of ~b8 S~cte
of Flo::c
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r) --C,) {[it:; _~.: 11 C) ': .r::::l. __, 0 :'~) C:
,~ r) r~:;:C -8 () 11 .:.-: e G' C :"":. i ~:~, 2 d_ i r: (31"1 (_ "..-;~~-.. 0
c.::ec-c..tsc1 tlia forc(:--oi
i.11:-~-ic.r'''',-~.~_.~'2;1..~ .C,CI .:~~lC CI'iY C.F :.:~~.IA~'~I B._.~'~C~H,
f\LCJ?~ IJJ.A, c"nd. aclcrloYJl'8 :; (5. Vl.~e ::: }:e C-:,l.~, t :'~1
J~eof to :J8 liis
free act ,c
cleed ~-__E: :....0.i.1 :).'~~;--".; ccr, :;~O~:: J-.:lj::_~~ ~J.ce8;~,llC~. ~'~fLJ_r)Os. es
tl181~eir.L J<~rltion8d.; pj'ld-tll:" t 118 f:-__ ii:{8d tl'lcr~?;to t:1Q officiE_-l
8 e 3,1 .:..;. , COO Il ~-<'. -'C i () 11 ,
2..'lC. i11,~~-~I.U-:J.I~~~r:t i2 ~l:e pet
~llC de ~ of Gsid coraOl~ tian.
:,-'~e 2.nd of:iciaJ. 88[1.-:'~7'"
S~r~e of Illinois, -tl:8 d.~~y 2nd yerr
d~Ill:l:~:::SS :,:~y S i
in the County of Cook,
lc:st s:c!'eeaid.
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