Agreement between MDC & CMB 10/17/1973 -.... ~~ AGREEMENT BETWEEN METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH WHEREAS, the Board of County Commi.sioners of Dade County, Florida, has authorised joint participation with the City of Miami Beach in the purcha.e of certain real e.tate located in Miami Beach, Florida, described a.: Tract B, INDIAN BEACH CORPORA nON SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the County Commission in Resolution No. R-I025-13 (copy attached) has authorized the County Manager to execute the subject agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach by Resolution No. 13-14128 A has authorised the execution of the subject agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the partie. agree to the following: 1. The City of Miami Beach shall purcha.e the above de8cribed property for the sum of $2,250,000.00, and said land shall be used principally for passive recreational purpo.es and shall not be used for parking purposes. 2. If the City of Miami Beach decides to place active recreational facilities on the subject property, the same mu.t be approved jointly by the Manager of the City of Miami Beach and the Manager of Dade County. 3. Dade County agrees to pay for one half of the co.t of acquisition of title to the subject property and willis8ue its first check for $400,000.00 on October 16, 1913. 4. Dade County will issue a check annually in accordance with the purchase alreement entered into by the City of Miami Beach, which i8 a ten-year ~ payment plan--lirst payment due on October 1. 1974. 5. If the City of Miami Beach decides to sell the subject property to any person whatsoever or if the property is the subject of an eminent domain proceeding, the City and the County shall divide the proceeds of sale equally. 6. Before the City can execute any deed for the .ale of the subject property , there must be approval of the purchase price by the County Manaler of Metropolitan Dade County. DATED this lttA..day 0 ~~ Mayor METROPOUTAN D / ~/ By: R. Edward D. Phelan Deputy Clerk (Seal) A~!!:~j ~~ ~ Clerk (Seal) Attest: -2- ----- J ( ....' .' j}~~}, C.).lcJ a. It c.::").'} I'J (). '"1 (i~) (-'J:) S: - r.1 .,- ' i 3 ,. RESOLUTION NO. R..}n?S-73 ------------- ---.---.-----.....--- " RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAH.TICIPATION BY DADE COUNTY \\TITH THE CITY OF MIAMI . . BEACH lt~ THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LA1'JD3 FOR PARK AND RECREATIONAL PURPOSES WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has made arrangements to purchase a seven- acre parcel of land situate in the City of Mic.uni Beach des cribed as: Tract B, INDIAN BEACH CORPORATION SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat B~p.k 8, Page 61, of the Public Records of .- .:' Dade County, Florida, with the view of acquiring the san"le for park and recreational purposes; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has arranged to purchase the foregoing property for a sum of $2, 250, 000.00, and has ..arranged a ten-year multi-year payment plan; and -. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has requested that Dade County cooperate and assist in the purchase of land on a 50-50 basis; and WHEREAS, the County Manager has recommended joint financial , participation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DADE COUNT.Y, FLORIDA, that the County lvfanager is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the City of Miami Beach, said agreement to be approved by the County Attorney as to form and legal sufficiency, providing for the joint financial participation in the acquisition of the foregoing described land. The agreen"lent shall provide that the operation ,.. r , . ..J __ l'..~..~;' /,~,U~dd ILern No. (' (1;) (I)) P~gc hr). 2 and mzd.nten<..:.ncc ()f the la.nd i,:; th(, rcspu).,Ed.bjJit:; of the City of Mian'li Bcach and should guarcmtee that the COHIlt)' will p;~rtici.pate equa.lly in the sale of the land should it not be used for public purposes. The agreement shall also provide that the land shaJ.l be used princip2.l1y for pas sive recreational purposes, tha't it shall not: be used for pa.rking purposes, and that any activc recreational facilities to be placed thereon must be approved by both the City Manager of Mian'li Beach and the County Manager. The foregoing resolution was offel:ed by Commissioner Harvey Ruvin, who . . moves its adoption. The motion was seconded' by Comrid~sioner Mike Calhoun, .. r .' . and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Harry P. Cain Mike Calhoun Edward C. Fogg III Mrs. Stanley (Joyce) Goldberg Edward T. Grahron Beverly B. Phillips Harvey Ruvin Edward T. Stephenson John B. 01'1''' Jr-~, Aye Aye Aye Absent Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye The Mayor thereupon declared the resolution duly pas sed and adopted this 4th day of September, 19,73. . DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RICHARD P. BRINKER, CLERK EDWARD D. PHELAN By: Deputy Clerk. Approved by County Attorney '}7-~ to form and legal sufficiency.~ -. r T . ..~<'/. .. :.:..~ '":'"'''''' - . " , ", r .' , .- , ..' ,.- " " ;.J . .~,~ .' .' -' .,. , c' " ':Y' ,,. ~. ! (J ') !""'t \ S', '. 1 '-:, (.. , ~ (..; ...."1: (,'. M ... " < '<:j:,~i;' -.--'--- "V ""C"i'J.'TCN U;JiJ [.r~ ,8(< ..r!l.rr. ~.""';"'~'~~~_",)~~~JiCV'r':*~".V~:;';.'~>-...........""....~_...... ,."..."roo........"'.;. OFF'lef: OF CITY MANAGER Fr:ANK R. SPE:NCi: CITY "",,At-,AGf.;:R August 7,'1973 Commissioner Harvey Ruvin Room 252, Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Consolo Property Dear Harvey: Please find attached copy of the Certificate of Apprais~" for the Consolo Property in the amount of $2.2 million. This is the basi~ upon which Real EstBte Consultant S, Z. Bennett concluded negotiations with the o\'mers for the acquisition of this property. Should you have any additional questions on this matter, do not hesitate to call either Mr. Bennett or myself. Thank you for all of your assistance and efforts In this matter. Sincerely, -") ,~, /J /-7 Y -:j.;:~~_t_~' //</;?P-~T-'- Frank R. Spence ~ City Manager ...~.., ..- -- FRS :ma r enc. cc: Mayor John B. Orr, Jr. Comm ss oner Edward T. Stephenson Comm ss oner Harry P. Cain Comm 55 oner Reverend E~~ard T. Graham Comn 55 oner Joyce (Mrs. Stanley) Goldberg Comm ss oner MIke Calhoun Comm ss oner Beverly Phi 11 ips ComrnlSS oner Edward C. Fogg, III ~County Manager R. Ray Goode Mr. S~ Z. Bennett crY" ",,',I..L t 1 ~o. Wl~~"H~;r':G'.wcx :\\P.!:4U~ T!:LCIi'HOr!~: !I~'l'''! II ~ , fit::CEIVED I;'lj~ 8 1913 /,"111"'" UAl'l1~r"'r fl"r""'. \' . .'.......... 'iI ''Il (J ......'"'\. ....,.. ""~~""': '.' .~ ....'''':, .!~.....' -.:" .-). .."'_........ ""...u _", :...,,~..... ~~ _"- '......... '''';''''...' t...... ~".... ""-". ) ~~.r _" .i~. .~/) '~":' :":-- 2~, ~~ 2, .!~:,J ....':... J'...... 1, the l:rll;t'r:;i;~:l(:d, do hl.'reby certify t:,at upon request for '.'aiu<.lion iJl' '':-;i2 c it.y of :.:iClmi Beach ha\'e mo(:,' ~n in\'estigation and ;l.nalysis of the following described pruperty: corc:.r:.g to at Page 61 Il'iDIAN B2J\CH CORPOili\TION l.v'iEl\i""DED PLI-\T, ac- t)18 Pla'ttnereoi, c:..s i:ccorded in plat Book 8 of tne Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Tract HBu, and that I :l.11l of the opinion that on July 9, 1973 the Fair 111 arket Value of the land and improvements thereon was $2/200,?OO.OO, subject to survey. , -, Except as otherwise noted in "this appraisal report: . '.. 1. I have no present or contemplated future interest in the real estate that i5 the subject of this ap- praisal report. 2. I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the subject matter of thi!'. appraisal r~port or the parties involved. .3. To the be:;t of my knowledge and belief the statements of fact contai~ed in this appraisal report, upon which the analyses, opinions and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct. 4. This apprai:;al report sets forth all of the limiting conditions (imposed by the terms of my ::..ssign- rnent or h)' the undersigned) ,affecting the analyses, opinions and conclusions contained in this report. 5. This appraisal report has been made in coniormity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code oi Proiessional Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of Real E~- tate Appraisers of the 1\ational Association of Real Estate Boards. 6. 2\0 one other than the undersigned prepared the analyse:s, conclusions and opinions concernin1; fe.al estate that are set forth in this appraisal report. Date July 10, 1973 Invalid unless sealed. COLE APPRAISAL COMPANY OaJE;.. IV.~L Carlton W. Cole, M.A.I. \.,- ~? .(.. 0- , I -... ....\\......J '_.-' .- t ~ v f '1 ~( i w'~: :< :(~. f \- ~.. ~."i_;:; I '.. ;! \ i ..1;\ T, t~~) _: 'l -:: ). ';. ;-( "Y' 1-, i -\ I r.... I " i 1. ,11,\....: 1 !\ '. :" .... .....!, .j. ,'i"it ...;..., 1'\ oj :--i. Z. f: ~',:"': ,", I, T': \. 1 J'::"o-J I: ~'. t: lr..;.." ,. :o-.:'ii. r.T' :.( : !.o;"'.'_; ),(.~~_.'q' )Pi 1~lo;'!"I1L;rl' CF "t':" hr....~,. i:> . t." \IJ.\.\II. j~~:"'()Hrn..\ :~:j!:~~ '~','f"",C/.,'~ ~~,-,:~! ~', 1');' I-"~:I.L;': "A":: 1(\ _...._. j"( ; t.J".ic'~n:' :1"} 1 ll' J:-~ ':.oc..'~ :....,'... i~i.',~ ~';'j'A. ; !.; q,., :' I.,wl ~i'C~'~ :;(l(t. '-, _.';; .f ~';.'A.lr; "., IN~rtrt'~I ,',-.,' j<i'.4L r.s":":."n r.',;,'.;,I.(! .--:!....', SO~llTY OF !"OUS"(III.,:.. f.o~.~.'...;C"~:;." Jaly 31:::( 1 973 l.1.r. Frank R, Spence City ManaGer City of lviiami Beach 1130 'Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Tract "B" Consolo Property Dear Mr. Spence: Following the approval by the City Council on July 18, 1973 of th(j negotiations for the acquisition of the above captioned property, wherein itwas anticipated that both the City of 1\Hami Beach and Dade County would require financing above a total cash outlay in the amount of $800t OO'O_~ 00, I immediately contacted various banks, listed below, in o16der to secure the best financial arrang ements. - , ,. The specifications outlined to these banks were on the following basis: 1. A 10-year constant payment mortgage. 2. Income to lender will be ta.x exenlpt. 3. Security to the lender would be the land involved, as well as income from non-ad valorem sources; the City's full faith and credit.were not involved. 4. Principal mortgage amount not to exceed $1,600,000.00. The following reslllts were obtained from the various institutions con- tacted by the undersigt)ed: (a) Jefferson National Bank Mr. Bart Goldberg indicated that they would be interested only on a participation basis and would not be in a position to make a loan without said participation. (b) City National Bank Mr. Bob Prichard indicated that the bank would be interested in making this loan at 6% annual rate; no fee to the City for said loan. A title policy if required and all paper work would be performed by City Attorney. Any docwnentary stamps or intangible stamps wiH be borne by the City. The constant annual payment would be $135.87 per thousand dollars. HECEIV~D AUG 11973 r.n~ UARl[!n!'~ rCt:ll'~ . i " . , ~1r. Franj~ R. Spence CiL~..,r ~-Iar;t~L:cr (T:~'?.ct ltBtl,.Consolo Pl.'o}?crty) J t~ 1. '/ 3 J. (J t . 1 ~~ ~ '/ .~. .F)a~ ~~ Z I ' '\ C) }./ii2n1i B.car;h Fir,~';~ :-J,"J.i'lcr'!al I33.rl.k 'I"nf; tl.ll~c)'~f]iei;ed DIet ,.\'ith lv5_r.. 1.JV,-::;.\~)n and 1;;'::. E.';nne t\;(~;-;':-g~~~;'''':T;~, r::;:~ c uti 'Ie Vie e P J." e s irlcn t of th c bc.nk, \";ho indicated. thd they would m.ake the loan 2.( 5~~7o, no fcesj all p<.~pCl' work and cloCUHlcntary sta.mps 1:0 be co:nplctcd by:ti'~c City of Miami Beach. The cons tant annual payment \;vould be ~> 132.67 per thousand dollars. ( d) 2viiami First National Bank 1\'11'". Parks indicated that the bank . - would not be willing to commit itself at this time on a lO-year loan. Based on the lowest interest rate. the said annual paYlnent would approximate $200,000.00 per year, which would include such items as appraisal fees, title policies, cons ultation fees, doc urnentary B tamps and intangible tax stamps. I wish to express that all of the bank:s mentioned were most cooperative and it is my opinion that the rates quoted under the pres en~'mortgag e market appear to be very fa vorablc. ~ . . V cry truly yours, BEN ~T APPR'AlSAL COMPANY S. Z. SZB: ep -ivi. J-r-;-!. , C. R. E___ Pres. cc: County Manager R. Ray Goode Mayor Chuck Hall Councilmen, City of Miami Beach Our file #2573 S. Z. CENNETT APPRAISAL COMPANY. REAL EST....TE CC,",;;ULT.."ns A"'O APFIlAISERS \.""~:)~ ~'>'-. ~'-:'~' ,. .,. .~..~ '.. _; I , ; .". l!U'!J -, ". i .' ~ ....) f"' C" ~) i ./J :... :':1 ..::, ;. :.. ... ~ . $ I ~ '~:-' -r ..;i'1':.~:.,. '. ~,;,,'..t~ ~." '" .... .... ...... I ~'_ J'i '~) .'.~ .~::...r'\~.r):.--:.~, f;:. : ': -j l' C:'f r,; ~'~:~Tt 3.~.'i,!Cl} Cc..U:',.:J ..... '\.IV:"'.~ } _" f....~ ~:.~'.;: ~ Fo:' :::C","T3: ;~'1!'1t!:,.; ~':":! I;:;.-:.~.-; ::';';'::'i :"'r:;~rh"'::';;;,:: t:~2 'f"e..':.;t!'st O'? C0~:;;,d~;3ioi1e~'" K\.:'J; n: :';~,:i;:;,);-' tccj ;'y 1;!';:! :.: ::':',; ?:::Z!..:l r}'::'):.:}r:';:".::~rt ~ t:;;~t !};:dr:: Cc:mt.v C~"~r1r-J\:"1n.,4(":- ,,'0\""-.'- ~":>-:~"':--::! r.,:.="'\.: .~e1 r..',",~" ~~'~),::\""'::~"...7.""!l ?~rr-7":.'H"';~"'''''~e-1~ {'iJ r;....f}Iff"f",,} <';4t.p'" t.J"...'I_.........~..._ .....~...~l} .,.~.... ....,...;.~. ;;. \.~,_ i....~'...J,........... _....,........,~,l;....'-:, :.11......1_ ""ii.A..t S~\?Cn aCi'"'i;~} of I nnd kiiC'~:!1 e3 '{;.no CC:iSQ'j 0 ~~:"':.I;J{';r'D' 6 For'soV(;f-o'i t'2E':S0\'1S: t't~ r'c.c'~'T';~,~;'d yc;n" ?~",t.Jp~7:J'ie (;iJ:!:;1d::l"Qt~O!l of out" 'ii1vo'i':c:-:,}~1t 1'1'1 <.1 :;~ritt ').~::1'(:~l"3 ,::~t~ '::/:(1 C~.;~y in ti'i~ pt'Dje{;t. '1-1'1"!~ f',.v'....~.....:.,.' .;~ <::t'-'~.4<.''{ '1('> ,,,,".\/,;,,,,,,,'! (o"':;~~-~'''''''6' t - ,jl V,t--r<': I l.JJ '''' ....'t-~ ..~,,-,, l.-:J ~ If U ..~ __ ...." -. t;.:.\,#.... ~...\......--f' ~.. 1. r.;. :;" nn"'~l"~"" 'N-,,:. 'l~.'''''''::-''{' ,""~~OM'!'~H "~'-{~:'II:a'\lr'r!~'.5 ''''''''..'C'' _v t.") 1.......... ...~:....J ,,:.~~. (_I ~.J--~u (\...~~"I...(;r~ t~~) {~tt""._\""'v{:>"",u \"oo'r-ll v of land-en f~1?mi ~0nc~1. f<~ (.!......-~-...,'~ ,-." ,.;.,.~".. ~",:-,;"",,,,,,,! >:....,.t"~.h 'I":'; l"'!....t,'d~ '~""''''').'.l''''?'O'' .l.ha~. ~.., ,.....')t.f..J~.:J___' l....v.l< i.~...,~..." U 'W~... ,~,-,,:l t~." -~~ V'".....:;~"'ts(,.1 Ii l. w ~','.)u'ld br~ f(,\";,}'j few p~~~s'i\J~ p3.l'"k :;:S~-<-;.',J5es~ Nith ~Ci.l-~ :-"^t"'~"-~al"~ ct.~~-...r~fj\~"'! .!)(~ ~~"""';~it}.~ tA-~t"~~;~:~.:..1('1#.J't ..~~;"'~f"1~ t...~., '" I J f..1 o".;>f"..... .. . ''';-:. _,. c..#\~.. l 'J.. .. .........,It '_'~ ~ ~ _11 (.of .....lO,.\.u ~ r~'';l ::":.....e n ~.'C~, '~l.' t P (t ."\."~'~T.;II'~7':;iJ r.,;>: t~ t't' t~ '11.", C'.~,...#} rl\. c;. '''f ~~ ....'.le~i__... <..~ (}S II ..".<1 ,.. - .. \.. I .. ~,-- _10 t.."'.. . ..., .". ;;,j it..", ....... ; ..." ..~. U...,,;) i ... "'.:; t ~"t'j 'f'l><'1I"f c~~..; t:r.." ,,~,..-;. [1-;"'; :..."" ""')"; r"q'," .? r,..... 'V'> .;: ~v-"'~ ,,.(.\~~,,,.~. "n us.... '- ~"~ '~'''';.,",-"v" ''''''..'_ ,--".. ,;'J I.\> OIl......" ~-"""'<J ,.. t.h..... nr'-nF'-"'~t"-~4r\t'\ O'~ r'''':'''''J';~ ~n.t"::l.n i""r'I\"~!1: c::_"'~'J''<'~~~6 U"'A ....../IIhr.-: a:';' f' \:!;..."'lr~'(: (, ;t,,, . I ~!H.... ""vt.t .:.:t..i.l..."" !i"~~i l.'..ld. I.>u W'J<;; tcta" CC;3r:',17i1~y. ikcb 01 t!i'J.:' pm":r and ~"::Ci"0tit.10n act'1 \r! ty on f4'l m;;i 0211Cl1 c?n be cO?'!s'k~8rtd ~"c0ionQ1 1n :3co:~-c: t;C-C,1US9 of ~:a hc~V)' usa 01 the p~~~n by Gel Dado County rcs~dents end o~t of Counr.y residonts. ~ 2. J. 4e One ir.-:portni11: critm~on foY' C'-5l"' 'ir;volvcs~mt ~n ~h0 c:cquis1t1on 0'( open spaco lend \'J1thin 2:;:.'/ wi.:rrlc1naHty [.;?:a~'rd 1'~~;c~;a to ~J1e t:J1'tHnr;tl~s and ~'!".;lt<.u c''') ~.h,'1 mH;"<.;....J,..'::l"lt,.\.1I .;..... ~;l\..-44~.'t"';'\,...,,\ r....,.,:'~f'.~.~1'~\P q.(~ ...l1"'c'"''''i''''''''''' <Av. Il',J I ...1._ "-"",I;-,~. ...'" .-...' i"-'~, 1.;..1:...._1(... 11"","~\Ut i~.. c~~ 'A,.. 1...'.....1 ''';I'~ lrrith f.Ht.j1i1 D:.Dch rrff'k1al~ '::":j?e~t3 t!'w f'Jv~::;1bnH:" o? a 50-50 f1rnr.C'ia" .. ~ . eM"~r;"'(:-:'1ani: in tMs l)1"O'i3~~';'; ~~::"r:d'l 'is eXDG:1:z:d to cost a to.t2Y 01 i2bollt $2.2 i.1i1Hon. t-J;tI:.( 8!)&C?{<o'?f~c'L)1:; ~l"6 cC::1~ick:rinry a r.-:u1t1...y(?'?uO pa~!1:!~t pinA tJ}}'ich \;Qu'id '711; t.;!;ei;'O't-::J:iJnt~1~".j' r,~~(.b c:; t'~~~l 0.3 om'S. D;}t~d1s wrn be !;ubt-.,ittcd to the Cot;nty CC:;,74'J3~'(rm <3n !;oon ~?J '~h~y c}"'c avn'i'U;':b';e. At that t';j!,.o. \;Q \'!~ul(l st!;;:X)l1'~ C0~j"i1ssionD1.._t~!1\rirf'S ~'"C'(iu~st fo?" Ik~do County's r~rt1cipation in tMs pV'ojceto -. RRS:cag -. ." \.." " , " t ,'" ., . /J. .. ,. 9 , , ' ~..:' """; .; .. . ~. .0.. _." \ ........--_-*~~.lQ~~~~."">~ '~1'. /:~ i'".,f.;.'~~ ~l'{ i\:: }''IT..J.;;;';': ~"'.,?'J) fl. Sf: ~:"~4i? .....-'....,...'l..~~.......~~..r.-v~-'~>t."J~~......,>_.._;.~l;":..:....... ,,,,,,,-,\.._,,., __~...:...It~-.... ~'" 0 I ',' /---:. '-', . -~-I " ,~",~...~,.. \) f'.J~1 cc (.1 r: cr-ry ~.~ A;"4 4. G t: ~ F~<l..Nj( fl. SPEr-.lr.:.E en'\' t..4AN,..C,H~H C\"'fY ~~."'...~L ~ t ::;0 'N ;"~~~li I ~ c':";; r..: 1". \.1 S ~11,):: Y.:t..}!P.to:"~z~ ~Jr;~1-;' \ July 26; 1973 '. Mayor John 8. Orr, Jr. County CuTrnissioners and County Manager R. Ray Goode Room 252, Dade County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street Miami, Florid~ 33130 Dear Mayor Orr,: . . . . The City Council of ~li2mi Beach, at its meeting of July 18, 1973, authorized the::Administration to enter Into an agreement with Dade Metropol itan County for the acquisition of Tract B, Indian Beach Corporation Subdivision, canmonly knO'.....n as liThe Consolo Property", located on Pine Tree Drive in Miami Beach. The purchase of the property would be on a fifty-fifty participating basis with the County for the sum of $2,250,000, and wil I be used'for parks and, recreational purposes. .. , .. The City Council wishes to expressly thank County Commissioner Harvey R~vin and Real Estate Consultant and Appraiser.Mr. S. Z. Bennett, for their efforts in bringing this project t6 fruition and arranging for such a commitment from the current owner. The City Council thanks the Dade County Commissioners for their understanding and cooperation extended on this project and urge that you will favorably act upon -this' acquisition and proposal as outl ined in the attached Resolution No. 73-14058 at your next meeting. he-IYO; John 3. jtJn ~ " /~) ; Orr, Jr. -2- Ju 1 '( Your co~tinu8d assistance and coopcretion is gre0tly app ice i ~l tea. Yours very truly, ("---1,,/ .,./~/ ,~;..:/ /{--7 . ...~ .... .-~...... .'.,,, ( ~ ( .r: .~=-..- -:1 '.. '-c. \ '. Frank R. Spence City 11anager FRS:mar enclosure: Resolution No. 73-14058 TO: Corrm i 5 S i oner Edwa rd T. Stephenson Commissioner Harry P. Cain C~rnissioner Reverend Edward T. Graham Ca.n~issioner Hrs. Stanley (Joyce) Goldberg C~lmlssioner Harvey Ruvin Corrrnissioner Hike Calhoun Commissioner Beverly Phi 11 ips COI1ll1I s s i One r Edwa rd C. Fogg I II I County /1a'nciger R. Ray Goode Hr. S. Z. Bennett --.--- . ' . . . A . A , . . .. I . (' CiV':, ;", . ,._, .' ----~...- . J I'r I ~l l.'dl.. 2 5 i~li-l ~ :1 S I~ E S () L; t]~1 1. ()t': '~J ~.; .. 7 "3w- ~ ~ (~~j:~ . I H!'\;!:GLI\" (;i"l:'~"'('[ ;J v. 1\.1 \.~~r:j\~-:?\S j t.~t1(' (: i l:1-' ('~)\.lnc:- i. 1 (:)r~ t}l'; C: L~/ or ~j11,-J1T\.i B "=~ Ci '-.....11, !:- : !,-) ~ i (:2 I c1 i. c~~ '"'\~:;"C l~ 1- () f t) t" r~ ;.1 i) t: 11 (i r 1 .~.. c."l ;: f' (} (1 ~_ r t-~ ('" t !'~1:-.. S.. L.. ~j(;:-.~.~:?tt:'i t_'I:(~ (~1 t~fl~; F-:.f~aj 1'~St;'11 (~ :-.~'C)!1::.:Jl1-'~int I t() r1G(J- oti~,te ~.'Ji.t.11 t-~IE:" (J\';n(:r~ of (.~ c:Ar:.;l1.n r.~rc:-:')i ()f 1~Jnci Sl.t..... uate in the City of Ml~mi De~ch d~scrlbed as: Tract 3, INDIAN DEACH CORPORp,TTON S;"1:3CHVISIO~" as recorded in plat Book 8, page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, \.;i th the v ieYl of acquir ing the same for park and recrea- tional purposes, and VffiEREAS, the said S. Z. Bennett did, on July 18, 1973, at a regular meeting of the City Council, re- port that the a~mers of said parcel of land, in lieu of condemnation proceedings, are ~lilling to sell and convey the same to the City of Miami Beach for the st1m. of T\<JO Million Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars:($2,250,000.), and A , WHEREAS, the said S. Z. Bennett did further report to the City Council of the City of Miami Beach that Metropolitan Dade County is willing to contribute one- half of the said proposed sale price, or One Million One Hundred and Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($1,125,000.), toward the purchase and acquisition of said parcel of land so that the same may be devoted to park and recrea- tional uses; the fee simple title to the said 'parcel of land to be vested in the City of Miami Beach; and the o?eration and maintenance thereof to ~e the responsibility of the City of Miami Beach, and WI1EREAS, the said S. Z. Bennett has further advised the City Council of th"e City of Miami Beach that the Miami Beach First National Bank is ready, willing and able to finance, by an appropriate loan, the city's portion of the cost of the acquisition of the said parcel of land over a ten (10) year period, and W-tlEREAS, the said S. Z. Bennett, and the City Manager, have recowmended to the City Council the accept- ance of said prospective offer by the owners of the said parcel of land; Metropolitan Dade County; and the Miami Beach First National Bank, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has found and determined that the acqui- sition of said parcel of land, on the conditions here- inabove set forth, is necessary to the health and welfare of the citizens and residents of the City of Miami Beach and is in the best interests of said City, its residents and inhabitants, NO~'l, THEREFORE, BE IT DuLY RESGL'JED i1Y TIE CIT'! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' IUflfv11 BE,ICH. FLORI ~A, that it here- by accepts and approves th~ rcco:l'.mcndation of the said S. Z. Bennett and the City M~nager and agrees to purchase the samp. for the s() i d sum of '['\,10 Mi 11 ion T\'JO IIundred and Fifty Thousand Oollars ($2,~SO,000.) sub"j~ct to a Sllit- able and appropriate agrcempnt [o~ such purpose to be entered into by t~e parties ~nd to~beapproved by the om" Of CI'N ~TTOlll'-/'!l.'\".-':"l'l) W"'!Iil~l~!01l ,.vr:~:!J~'.I:.l~ C;.:!;.cv.. r\OiilUl.. J:l:lt. c i t: l' C: c. u t,:. C i] c.r:: t.ll .:~ ::~ i.: ~/ () 7": :" J i .:: :-~i:j :~: (~ ;--~ ,'_~}1 , ]:': ~~. (>.l: i d 8. ; :~; r~ {i . -. ....... -~ 0"'- ~_., _....,... .. - ....- J""'.. .. 't" >4 . -.- . . -,,~ r"" I ,... ,. " \~.' ~:a. ~.' .-~~ .'J:. ,'-.' '-.: r)r;......J ....~. ~._', ,::.. t:.- S,=-~t~il~',:: .;: ,,~'-.(. L'~4<-~ ....),.._..'-J._.J.'~~:2~l..: -~.__;'..I...:;0. _" - '--__ _ f()l...t:1"l, t:C) \'lit.:: t-:..~t.' \..~C~'--J ._.:-.i'~..:~~,:: .~.::.,;...! l',~'~l ;~-'~':i..~ 2,(};':',,;c~ of (~O:';1.-- rnis~;io'n(=::s ~...,.f r,llt~~::C0';..J()l..Ltarl 'Dz~('3.c~ (~()1.Jrl.t~/ of ()11?o-!1C31f of sCJid ~J\1!.'Ct12St.:~ ~)::i(:.r:~ I t:() 'v):l.t:: 0:1-2 !"1:, l1. iC)T'l C~:rl(.:: 1{'L11)C~):"C:(1 ::'\ .... rr",: - , ~. '., .. ,.. ;"; ",.:-..1 r,"" (..... ~~, -. .-.,..:t r',- 1 ~ .~........ ~ ( S" ') ',') c. 0'"\ t, \. (- ~.., "--'.1 Gi.~a _",.\~~l"L.!--... ....'./...:... j.r:....,/.......~..c.c.;.lC!. ~...)J_.l.L.../,..:) .... .'_, .....:....), ~JV.. i, LtJ.-_ ~ 'i ~:1 D 1 e .t ~~ t 1 i3 t 0 S ~:.; i <.:. '0 arc r~ 1 () f:.' ], a 11 (: t c. ~t) e \] (~ :3 tea. :i 11 t1~e' Cit:; of J.!i.,m,i Bea~~l, the Ci.ty 0:[ J.1ilJmi BC2.c:h being charged with the duty and responsibility to operate and maintain s<.l.id t:a:'::'c01 of land for public carks cind recreational pur?o~es: and that a s~i~able a~d satis- factory proposal for the fin~ncing of the City's sh2re of the said purchase price over a ten (10) year period of time, by the Miami Beach First National Bank of Miami Beach, Florida, has been received, and BE IT- FUR'I'I-rBR RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUJ.\J"CIL OF' THE CITY OF H1A1>11 BEACH, FLORID?, that the CH:y Manager be and, he is hereby authorized and directed, to direct a cOlmnunicatic-n to the County Cctrnnission of Metropolitan Dade County advising that Honorable Body of the adoption of this resolution, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY e.OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the 'City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, for it- self, each individual member thereof, and for and on behalf of the citizens and residents of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, does hereby extend to the Board of Commissioners of t.~etropo1itan Dade County, Florida, and particularly to Commissioner Harvey Ruvin, and County Manager Ray Goode, their most profound and lasting appreciation for the efforts and cooperation extended to the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, in reaching this accord and agreement and they further express the trust and confidence that the culmination and completion of this joint enterprise augurs a new ~ra in the cordial and cooperative rela- tionship between these two g~ver?ffienta1 agencies. . PASSED and ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1973. (Signed) Chuck Hall Mayor Attest: ~ (Signed) ~laine Matthews Acting City Clerk (SEAL) -2- Ol1'1Ct 0; tlTT f\ifO~HtN-\':JO Wfl~:::IH:TOI,J ,t.V:t:-':::-I:"U.l.U !:t.UCH. n.C!:l:~^ 3~1:S9 '. .........~. ,...... / ".,,- ~_./ ,.;/ ,:;~ ({:" ;...'<{' / #" t:. . Ii; ... ',/ ,I ,/) / r ./ :' ''/ ~ " I ,t } / , .r -'../ ."., "./ ..<;/ '/ '~'::~~/(~.,'/ j/;;: L' ~.j :>;>; t \,' /~) . 'I. '.\. ". 'j .' .. i . ,1 I \ ....~; ~. h , .I ., ..Of>tl,t..-....'" '":>'0 ~ ..,.~.'~.. '.""",,, .(...,,!,!-... ~,- . -.;. "; ,p! ,,; . ....;.,;.. i i ...\ _....u.~ ._'_ "-. ,,,. ,~)~..~:I.::. " ~.;;:" ,~."'.~1..... ~ <...- . )"-' '....s..: " ~. -.~,~ V , . ""-.,,., ,.,t._, ~ ... ~ ....-, ~.. ',: ....s. i( )"" ~ 1.-;;...:' ~ : ~- .u." ..::...,~ .. ,,:_/'" '...._~.vJ ~;_,,"_~ ... ..:. ,","".r"'.<'j -'::.1..,' 2:)4 COU;~T~~\OUSC: fA ! t, ..., i, i' L 0 ~ ! :) A ;:, J 1 :. 0 P i1 0 ~.~, 37~;... b3: 0 TO: H0~0:ablG R. ~~a:/ Goo~c D"r-;-'Iil'" "...JMU. r;(~ cerliDcr l} 19 ?~~ F?.0l1: C0t~ll ty ~-:aYi3.gc:" ROO7:1 91 i - Courtr:ous(~ , . / ' . I)"~ SUEJr.cr: ,/f -'\ Harvey Ruvin ":.:;" '\ 1'- ~_ .4. County CO~issione:rC.!\'td.;:\:-(-{/1 ,K(,~l-(,\'L) . ---"., \(---'~-..1 "..! .J , Acquisitio,1 for ?ark Pu:.r;cse.s ("Consolo PrOtH~rty:J .. 46 ,stree': and Pinetree Drive) Xiami Beach) For so;ne t lii~e I COliS iderab1e contl:oversy nas s\...ir1ed Ground a seven acre tract of l<;';1cl fronting or. the cast side of ?inetree D:rive on }1i.a;,,~:i. Beach. The Gite) cO;-iW1only r(;.fc~'red to as ti1e "Consolo Property) 11 runs approximntely 700 I north from 46 Street and I~OO 'dee.? to Indian Creek. Personal :Lnsncction reveals a total1y c1clightful anc~ UNIQUE (for r1iami Bench) gathcrin~ of vir~in South Floridian ve etation - Dossiblv ideal at least in . art - for a natural- state passive recrcatio;lal areg. ThGtight could also be given to providi.ng sor..e tennis . facilities on the trac~. The controversy has sterr.:aed from a series of 2'liami Beach plannin;g: and zoning decisions beginning with a change from previous single-family zoning to a'PUD designation; several abortive attempts at site~plan approval) which araused considerable citizen opposition; and finally a change back to single family designation) nOH being contested in the District Court of Appeals after an adverse (to the City) decision in the Circuit Court. Of major consequence is the fact that co~ercial development here might, well become the kind of Ithighris~ domino'! that could sound the death knell to single family zoning to the north and west of the property. MIA....11 BEACH HAS O}'"'E CQ~CRETE Clu"WO~; T1>lO WOULD BE DISASTROUS. : It, therefore) occurs to me that County acqu~ ition of this tract could accomplish several beneficial results: 1. Provide ~ particular type recreational ~rea where one ~_ drastically needed. As I understand it) other than the tourist-oriented beaches, we do not have a County recreational facility on Miam~ Beach. 2. Go a lung way towards promoting an improved County-City relationship. 3. ProviG~ a protective buffer against highrise encroac~~ent (supportive of the County };aster Land Use Plan). 4.. Preservation of a beautiful natural are~, which apparer.tly is the last of its "ind on ~1ia;ni Beach. As to No.3, I think it ~~?ortant for the County to demonstra~c A ?CSI;IVE A}.~ BE~EFIClAL DlPAGr resulting from its interest and res?onsibilities regarding ~~~n.li:lg and zoning in the cities. I might add that my present 2.c.vice is that the City .I~y be ~esiruus in securing this tract for public use, but is without the capability of moving ~n its owo. While acc;uisit~on may be a prohibitive solution" if indiscriminately utilized everywhere, I submit that :.n this instance the factors' are particularly compelling. Consequently, may I have you~ advice and comments re: A. A botan~cal inventory of the site. B. Tne availability vi funds from BOND PROCEEDS or other ~onies. c. The pro?riety of County acquisition of the subject site for recreational pur- poses (~ctive and/or passive). D. ~~at procedures are required for fol~ow~hrough should the Commission &p?rov~ such a purchase. I look !:orward to recoiving your comments and information. II H : [j " Ti i ~; t:; 'j LIl ( j on : llon. JOL;1iL Orr, Jr. f;OUllt'l C()"~ j" [' ;0-(:'""'- t. ,.' .. ,.u.J ...1 , ~ '_' L.> ,',,{l. i}~.~!v','. .J)~,. ;J.:lrk!i 1..'.. :}..,~c. -r.:..... 00(... .\~_,__ 'j r'r r:.,.... Bart ColGi)~l.'g, .'1: ::O..l~0W'.lLl'.. Stevo Coll-ins, }~n Ciciv[I1',... ~~!."f-,. Ed\.J~lt"J B. r)~[jr,~ :-2 C~:~.... l.::~ 'T [1 "r" nn v ,.~ 1" t; i\ ::; S 1~1 . Frnnk Spence) Xu City Mgl-. Xii City Council M,~:nberr, l~a~lc~ n~h~Qc~. CR ~lami COj:C : ~ / " ; ~ ~:i : 2 ,~4 (: l~ h' ;_.~ (~ ; ~.~ C; C \- ~ ,~ e r S I \ ~) ::~ \,."': ~:: : (-; ~- : C. . ; 1 I ,... r, :tt~. ,]2::'). r:;,~~:o;.: ~"""'/'\.'j:;()'~/\~. IL\-:-~:'~ L~r"1l._D~:~_(~ :3 c;~ ,1:\i:"'::-;-.. -.:"; F~ (::,(.:,-::.');~';:~ r::'r' ;..~() ~~r) :-..'~i;;,i\-~f. 3;::';:",CH. F:i_':');':Zir..;p" ~;':.:.1!..(;O DGc.:::n08i 1 3 r Fi7:~ .,-.:') ..\(.-..\ r,.. ,~... () \.." k .....J.... .. \''- \"" ;.-# \ r--' ,.. V \' . ,~ /;. '-')'/ / ;';' ./ V' ./ 7:-.8 Honcrc~b: a JdC~ Orr r:,a:;cr 07 :~:e7;0?O I i tan Dace County, tt18 Coc~.ty ~~anasel. and Co,,~issio~ers CO~Jnty Cour7 House ~"i i alTl i I F I or i cia Gent I e.7,en: The Miami Seach Home Owners Association, at its last mee~ing, unan ir..ous l'y approved -j-he proposa I by Comm i ss i oner Harvey Ruv j n that the tracT on Pine Tree Drive, commonly known as the Consolo tract, be acq~ired by the County under its Parks Program and as part ot the recent bond issue. This site is the last site remaining on Miami Beach which has I iterel.ly scores of foi lage, trees and fauna so indentified with-~this a rea. . , ; Its seven acres would make a welcome addition tq the park and recreational faci ~ities of our great County. Its acquisition by the County would help to solve a problem on Miami Beach, to-wit: the deterioration of another single-fami Iy residential area. The residents of Miami Beach are deeply concerned with~ the intrusion into single-fami Iy residential areas of multi- residential construction. We would sinceraly hope that the County would,acGuire this site and add not only the necided park and recreational facil ities, but help to defend one of the last remaining single-family residential areas. and cooperation in this to \ BSG/sb DEe 2 7 1972 , . ... .. 4 '-. " I,,'."" , . " I . _~~~~:..~ :'=.~~ ~;.:.; :'~:~~.." ~~'..;~,~::;~~'~/: ~,~. ..~..~? ..~::. ~ i.~.. ~:S ,,~'_'; ~~:;., ~'.~.~}~ .'~:. r~.~;: .::~. :~~l', :::C. r~. F'-";-- f . ,: j .'.', , r :~ ." ~ , .. .....:-_/ Y~~r::'riO~~2: .:.J:~.(;~fJ i ~.;:) L//vCOL:l ':':;O'!"'-:~",'.:J.L!.. /,'11-'/.-:'-- ~':"'I-~Cj/, /~LOr/t:..: ::'-;:;~.; \ <~':::!::_~~~"'~~:/ (;i;crrJi.an.f, of Good G'crt"erit'1Je-n!. Commissioner Earvey Ruvin County Courthouse 73 West Flagler Street jrjia:ni) Florida Dear Commissioner Ruvin: Attached Goode stating Property. .'. .-...-"---:. -- .~ January 12, 1973 is a cop~ of our letter to County Manager Ray our support of your proposal for the Consolo , " As you may kno~, the Taxpayers! Association was pri- marily responsible ~or the rezoning of this property and, consequently, is acutely aware of the "highrise dominoll re- ferred to in your communication to the county manager. Your proposal is a sound, realistic'and beneficial solution to the problem created by this particular parcel of land. We hope that some positive action will be taken on this in the near future. In addition to our wholehearted support, we offer our cooperation in the furtherance of this project. Please con- tact us if there is any way in which we may assist. FJL/ars Encl: 1 -..' .100\.' i S t)?'3 '. ..' ---- , . .. , . Sincerely, -'" ~ I . / ,~. ~- ': Iv-,/~~z . ;,U-O_-" ). [Fred J. L1ghte'Vv'; President -- .' .' " r .r d f " ,-." ,." \'....: :- ~, ..:' '. }.. ,', .. t ;. ...... t.. ...... ,~." h.;':, ..;.""~.',"~ '.:_{ i~~ '..~ rI,~."~ s:' '-,[~' '!.~'...~ ~.t:r.nrj:,,"'l 5/\ ;J.. D. ;,~ ~ Y.C'/;,i"iZ iU-I...:.U~t~~ TH(j,-,',AS J... C~AD'l' f:.0/..9.0 OF f;1~(CiC.'2~ JCSE;"d I :::to',I/ i<:Cr~:,"J /,li{.\~::;F MItJ[7T c. LHt:C...:--': O"VjO C. LtU':Y eOJ Sf? t...R< EDv,';:-J S. CH...... Y; TU) COr:~~J lEO :1!.rf.~,7::lr.: O/..V:(; ff ~.:10:--: A/..kOI-I COlD.",AN SIC H~j2~U< D~. J~;:O,'Jf J;,C05S PHllI? J/.C03Y HO'l:A~u K/,Uf-lI.h.r;: hE~~.:'!l lIfit~ MF:S. W).~. fOf'-,'{D..':'HAl J.t\kS. M/..J.'C':";:ET M":,,Cil'E E:J\VA;:D J. 1.,Cl:-;ln" PHOr3E "'.O<S~ JOEL r":(VlN,AN DAN i'AUl CO:>FPEY rr" II MELVIN J. RiCH,I\RO tEOt-:A~D ~IVKI~~:> M~S. /.'.AU;:ICE SHOTTA MILTON SI;:r.IN 5AMUi L $Ml c TAN C/,Rl SUSSKIt~:> ROBERT M. SWEDROE ADR'Ar~ THAl HPNARD /'\. WAll ~ ,;>.USILES .. f'O\f Pr~\;dcr.t JACK A. A530TT' P.ADFOW CRAr,E S/...'i.UEL f~lE:>t""',NJ $1..1.\ A. GO~DSTt:1N JE~O....E G. G;;cEN" NAIll';" 5. GLlME~:O: DR. lEONARD H. JACO"SON ARNOlv I[V;E:.. MAX Cr.OVI1Z E. AloERT PldlO,. ~03c~T A, PETU;SO:-':' CIAU:>c A. F.E,",S'iAW S~NO"l E. p.11e::-;' fRANK $fAA.TH~;:.S~ JR.' PAUL C. WIM3' S~. "',RS. JOHN WOffOW HEN,Y E. WOlff" COl. MITCHEll WOlfSON ADVISO,Y BOAI<.) JESSE CASSEl HOFF J. RICHA;W CH."ll'S C. l. ClEMESTS, JR. ARThUR COURShON WM. T. KRJGlAK II /,lOR_IS lAPIDUS JACOB C. lEfKOWI1Z JAC'; S. PO?ICK S. SID:-.IEY t.AfFEl COl. CAH R. SHAW MRS. ROSE WEISS CHAnES H. WH.ITfSROOl: MYRON H. WILLISON . ~ " //' / '- /,/~:.~ ", '. ~... :~".-~: _.l-t.::~~ .' : ,:. I .i.~~ ~"i'= I .::, :i:~ ;\.-:~~~ ~{~~~ I:::'~-~:..!:~ ~~/i. }~ :~: ~( 0 ;:. C~ ..::: :~.:. =~..:...~ :';.. c::: :.;....,';:'.:;.:r::.~;..;.:..,...'!'.~.. '';'...J<v."."..$.:.:-.:.::,,::.,' : ;...:'::t':Ir:~..,) lE~S r;'ie~:Ji:~n 2'.'E;;:.2, ~:~3.~):~1 Gil::':"li 0ec~~, :i~j~ij 33139 J2o;-;~nd a. D:?:-.er exe~uti'/e vice prrsident j3;nes j. :n\.Corln.:.fj, prEsident, lS12..i'3 ~lz::le f. we',',' ge~:cr31 rnanager December 291 1972 The Board of County Commissioners Dcde Coun ty 252 Court House 73 West Flagler Street 1-1 i am i, F lor i da Gentlemen: The Board of Governors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Co~merce, at its last ~eeting, adopted a# resolution supporting the slJggestion made by .. Co~missioner Harvey Kuvin that the County acquire that tract of property on Pine Tree Drive, ~ore com~only known as the.Consolo tract, for use by the cit~zens for park and recreational purposes, and further resolving that th~s be made a part of the park program which is to be funded by those funds coming out of the bond issue as recently passed by the electorate. A . I , We desire to bring to the attention of those concerned that it is most desirous to have more green area in the City of Miami Beach and'that any investment by the ,County in these areas, at th is time, \'Ii II greatly enhance the community and be worth much more in the years to co~e than the in it ia I investment. We are send i ng a copy of th is I e:rter to the Miami Beach City Council urging them to cooperate I'lith you I'lholeheartedly in obtaining this last re~~ining tract for the publ ic. If you would I ike ~ny member of we wil I be happy to do so. o~r orga~i~ation to appear before you 7i?(Lte y, (/~I:1j . . I~. &i2 ' ~ f' . . , ; A.', ,.. " ./-<-- . I /1 . ~ t ,,_./it i/1.\-: J y_/, v ?~ ,.- . : BART. ON s: GOlDBEffi;j~. 1_ . Vice Pres i dent fo{ .. . Governmenta I A +fa ~ s /- ~ - '/_~ v {ft (: :J,( /~~rO -": 7.- .,,_.. ;./~i! ~;. ,-f..-L r-t' /,/ . ,,~ '. <:J . ,..;>- ,.'-... '" U. .\ /. , "Y.fTv '11/,/:/' , ../ /. '( J .'.:'-.... ~ \. // "..,- ~y". . .. c '. . . ~;:,~ ~:~ '1. ,. BSG/sb lawrence j. aberman, vice president, tourism da',id fenlon, vice president, public affairs t. 3, brady treasurer barton s. goldberg, vice president, governmental affairs j, a. wade, vice president, organizational improvement / .. . .. '\ d '~-' ~ . . '4ri.__.__.~~_ 'q;;r .! STATE OF fL OI~IDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) I, RICHARD P. BRINKEl~, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida, and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of said County, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. R-1025-73 , adopted by the said Board of .County Commis- sioners at its meeting held on September ~.- ,1933-. . . . . IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on this 4th . , , September , A. D. 19 -33_. day of RICRAI~D. P. BRINKER, Ex-Officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida =-- By ~. 7/- ->>- cJv-J~ Deputy Clerk I SEAL Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida ..- '. 102.01-3 REV, 11/72