1. "PARK VIEW ISLAND" File No. DD22; Dedication Agreement with Mr. Horobin
pertaining to the streets in Park View subdivision (Park View Island)
2. SUSAN KALIN- FLEETWOOD APTS. File No. Misc 2-1; Agreement with Susan Kalin,
Owner of Fleetwood Apts. that said building will not be operated as a public garage or any
non-conforming use subsequent to May 1, 1936.
3. GAS TANKS - occupying under street space Huron Realty Corp. File No. MISC 2-3,
Lots 6 & 7, Block 98 Add. No. 3. Agreement to remove obstructions under street.
4. Agreement to Remove Obstructions, File No. MISC 2-3, Lots 6 & 7, Block 98, Ocean
Beach Add. #3. Occupying street space below the surface with 1 550 gal. crude oil storage
5. Masmrm Realty Corp., Lindberg Hotel - Bridge Over Alley, File No. MISC 2-2.
Agreement with Mastuxm Realty Corp. For the construction of a two story bridge over the
alley immediately west of Lindberg Hotel on north side of 5th Street between Euclid and
Meridian Ave.