City Buildings
1. Dade Boulevard Fire Station -File No. (See File WD-17) Deed to Municipal Golf
2. Liberty Avenue Fire Station - File No.#WD-8; 59' in Block 3, Miami Beach
Imp. Co., Oceanfront Sub. Abstract given to J.H.R. on 4/10/39
3. Isle of Normandy - North Half Less Golf Course - File No.#WD 24-2;
Warranty Deed from Mortimer C. Grysmish and wife to City of M.B. for North
Half Isle (less golf course). Returned to M.C. Gryzrnish by Warranty Deed
from City on November 7, 1942.
4. Nautilus Sub. (Hotel Prop.) - QD 30: Quit claim deed for the Nautilus Hotel
Property obtained from the War Assets administration.
5. "Submerged Land" North of Di Lido Island (known as Pelican Island)-File
No#WD-36. Warranty Deed. Placer Development Corp to City. Also Quit
Claim Deed Hurt to Placer Development Corporation.
6. 69th Street Fire Station - File No# WD-22. All of Block "M" Atlantic Heights
sub. Abstract attached
7. Twenty-Eighth Street Pumping Station; Perpetual Easement. File No# E-9.
Executed by Miami Beach Improvement Co.
8. Old City Hall, 617 Collins Avenue - File No# WD-l & WD-2; Lots 10 & 11,
Block 11, Ocean Beach Addition #1. Abstracts attached.
9. North Water Tower; File No.#WD-6; Lot 13, Block 21. Amended Plat Golf
Course Sub. Abstract attached.
10. City Hall, 11th to 12th Street on Washington Avenue; File No.#WD-9. Block
23, Ocean Beach Add.#3. Abstract attached.
11. Traffic Dept. Building & Auto Inspection Building; File No# WD-5. Lots 10
& 11, Block 53, Ocean Beach Addition No.3, Abstract Attached.
12. Eleventh Street Pumping Station; File No. #WD-3 & WD-4; Lots 14, 15 & 16,
Block 69; Ocean Beach Add. #3. Abstracts attached.
13. Police Station, Ocean Beach Addn Number 3; Lot 11, Block 78 (papers
missing, given to J.H.R.); File No# 20-1; Lot 12, Block 78 (papers missing,
destination unknown) , File No# 35-1; Lot 13, Block 78, abstract attached; File
No# WD2l-1; Lot 14, Block 78, abstract attached, File No# WD21-2
14. South Beach Water Tower; File No# WD-7, Block 79, Ocean Beach Add.#3.
Abstract attached.
15. Storage Property For City Trucks (across the street from City Shops); File
SMD-2; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, White and Woodward's Resub. Lots 5 & 6, Block
103, Ocean Beach Add.#3
16. City Parking Lot- City Trucks Paymasters Time Clock Station; File No# WD-
34; Lot 17, Block 111, O.B. No.3
17. City Parking Lot - City Trucks; Lots 18 and 19, Block 111; purchased in
3/22/39 from John L. Patten (see Resolution #4490). There is no record in the
Instrument Book that deed was ever received or filed. JHR was attorney.
18. City Parking Lot- City Trucks; File No# WD-49; Lots 20 through 24, Block 111
19. City Warehouse; File No# WD-143; Lots 25,26, and 27, Block 111, Ocean
Beach Addn #3. (Muller properly- Witter's warehouse on bayfront south of 5th
Street). Purchase authorized 9/25/57.
20. City Shop and Garage; File No. WD-lO; Lots 42 through 47, Block 111; Lots
48A, 49B, 50C, Block Ill; Ocean Beach Addn. No.3. All papers "Missing"
on Lots 43 thru 47, 48A, 49B, & 50C.