1. E -1; Easement in Witham's Resub. of portions of Blocks 83 and 56.
2. E -2; a strip of 5' wide adjacent to a stone wall on Lot 9, Block 80, Alton
Beach Bady Front.
3. E -3; Easement in Lenox Manor Sub.
4. E -4; easement in portions of Surprise Lake Sub. Sunset Lake & Orch. Sub 2 & 3
5. E -5; easement in Block 5 (Lot 17) Ocean Beach
6. E -6; S. 6' Lot 28, Block 111, O.B. Add #3
7. E -8; Easement in the portion of First Add. To Espanola Villas lying between a
line 10' east of the center line of Jefferson Avenue produced south through the
8. E 7 -1; S. 5' Lot 10, N. 5' Lot 9, Block 1, Fleetwood
9. E 7 -2; N. 8' of Lot 18, Block 2, Fleetwood Sub.
10. E 7 -3; 10' easement in outlot south of Lot 1, Block 1, Fleetwood Sub.
11. E -9; 28th Street pumping station
12. E- 190 -2; Given by Bay Shore Company (M.B.) in Bay Shore Golf Course
13. E 10 -2; Strip 10' in width adjoining Lot 1, Block 8, mid -golf, first Add.
14. E 10 -6; Sunset Lake Sub; Lot 8, Block 15, 10' Strip through storm sewers
abandoned and replaced by a strip of land 10' center of strip being a straight
line from a point on W line of N. Bay Road and 5' northerly of the S.E. corner
lot 8, to a point on W. Line of Lot 8, and 5'N of SW corner Lot 8, Block 15,
Resolution No. #89 -19618 dated 5/24/89, recorded Official Records Dade
County, Book 14129, 3192 -3196, 6/2/89.
15. E -11; Easement at ends of highways in First Add. To Commercial Sun.,
Belleview, Palm View
16. E -12; Easement at ends of highways in Sunset Lake, Beach View, Beach View
Additions, Nautilus Sub, Nautilus Add., Lake View Sub, La Gorce Golf Sub.
17. E -13 ; easements in Palm View Subdivision.
18. E -14; 10' strip along the east edge of property on the south side of the Government
19. E -15; Outlot 11, Block 10, Ocean Front property.
20. E -16; Easement in Block A, Sub., Block 48, Ocean Beach #3
21. E -17; Un- numbered lot lying between Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 1, Block 3,
Flamingo Terrace Sub.
22. E -18; Easement in 2nd Ocean Front sub.
23. E -19; S. 5' Lot 17, Block 1, Beach View Sub.
24. E -20; S. 5' Lot 8, Block 2, Beach View Addition
25. E -21; Easement in Flamingo Golf Course
26. E -22; S. 5' Lot 13, Block 3, Beach View Addition
27. E -23 -1 & 2, easement in Block 15A, Island View Add.
28. E -24, 1 & 2, easement in Lot 38, Block 8, Nautilus Add.
29. E -25; easement on Palm and Hibiscus Islands and connecting bridges
30. E -26; Easements in 1st Ocean Front Sub,
31. E -27; S. 5' Lot 14, Block 32, Lake View Sub.
32. E -28; N. 5' Lot 23, Block 1, Palm Island
33. E -29; Easement in Blocks 19 & 23, Ocean Front Property
34. E -30; Beach protection easement in Lots 4 and 5, Block 4, Ocean Front Property
35. E -31 and,
36. E 32 -1; and Lot Block 4, Ocean Front Property
37. E 33; and easements in 2nd Ocean Front Sub; easement re Lots 12 & 21, Blk 3
exchanged, See 10 -8
38. E -34; N. 10', Lot 8, Indian Beach
39. E -35; S. 5' of Lot 6 and N, 5' of Lot 7, Block 14, La Gorce Golf Subdivision.
40. E -36; Lot 16, N. 5', Block 1, Beach View Sub.
41. E -37; and easements- Ocean Front property- beach protection.
42. E -38; E. 5' Lot 7 and W. 5' Lot 8, Block 30, Lake View Sub.
43. E -39; S. 5' Lot 1 and N. 5' Lot 2, Block 1, La Gorce Golf Sub.
44. E -40; easement in Blocks 1 and IA, Beach View Sub.
45. E 41 -1; W. 5' of 25' easterly of the ends of 52nd, 53rd, 54th, 56th, 58th, 59th
and 60th Streets, La Gorce Golf Sub.
46. E 41 -2; S. 5' of the 25' strip, etc. in Block 21, Lake View Sub
47. E -42; E. 5' Lot 7, Block 10, Nautilus Add.
48. E -43; Easement in Lincoln Subdivision.
49. E -44; W. 5' Lot 13, Block 11, Nautilus Add.
50. E 45; S. 5', Lot 4, Flamingo Bay Subdivison.
51. E 46; Easement in N. '/2 Lot 24, Block 1, Nautilus
52. E 47; E. 5', Lot 33 and W. 5' Lot 34, Block 2, Hibiscus Island
53. E 48 1 & 2; easement in Block 26, Lake View Heights
54. E 49; Easement in N. 5' Lot 43, Block 1, Nautilus
55. E 50; S. 5' Lot 13 & N. 5' Lot 12, Block 31, Lake View Sub.
56. E 51; 10' easement in Lots 11 & 12, Block 14, Beach View Addition
57. E 52; and easements in San Marin Island
58. E 53; easement 5' in width in Lot 1, Block 6, Garden Sub.
59. E 54; across Pancoast Lake
60. E 55; 5' through private walk in LaGorce Island (quit claim deed in file incomplete
still being processed 1/20/78)
61. E 56; easement in Block 2H, Sunset Island #2
62. E 57; 5' of Lot 39, Indian Creek Sub.
63. E. 58; Easement N. 10' Lot 4, Block 8, Nautilus Add.
64, E 59 -1; Water Tower on Lot 39, Block 4, Peninsula Terminal Co., Commercial
Sub of Harbor Terminal.
65. E 59 -2; Easement in Peninsula Terminal Company Commercial Sub. Of Harbor
Terminal (Fisher's Island)
66. E 59 -3; Roadway easement from ferry slip to Commercial subdivision of
Harbor Terminal Island (on Fisher Island) recorded Book 1859, page 165,
1/13/38. Copy of instrument received from Public Works on July 2, 1975 (they
got it from Dade County Clerk's office)
67. E 59 -4; Easement deed from Island Developers, Inc. To City Fisher Island;
Third Street between a line commencing 50 feet southerly of the south
boundary of B street extended and continuing Southerly to D street. As
recorded in Official Records Book 14164, page 149 Public Records of Dade
County, Fla 6/29/89 part of sale of certain lots by City to Island Developers.
(See Misc. File no. 143)
68. E 60 -1; easement North %2 Isle of Normandy
69. E 61; Trash burning site north of Miami- easement to construct highway
70. E 62 -1; S. 5' Lot 7, Block 4, DiLido Island
71. E 62 -2; S. 5' Lot 23, Block 3, Di Lido Island
72. E 62 -3; N. 5' Lot 3, Block 2, Di Lido Island
73. E 62 -4; S. 5' Lot 14, Block 2, Di Lido Island
74. E 63, 1, 2, & 3; easements in S. %2 Isle of Normandy
75. E 64; through Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. Property adjacent to County Causeway
76. E 65 -1; portion of Lot 4, Block 20, Altos Del Mar 91
77. E 65 -2; Portion of Lot 4, Block 20, Altos Del Mar #1
78. E 65 -3; E. 5' of W. 50' of Lots 4, 5, & 6, Block 20 Altos Del Mar #1
79. E 66 -1; Lot 6, Block 1, Altos Del Mar #1
80. E 66 -2; Lot 5, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #1
81. E 66 -3; Lot 6, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #1
82. E 66 -4; Lot 4, Block 12, Altos Del Mar #1
83. E 66 -5; Lot 3, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #1
84. E 66 -6; Lot 4, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #1
85. E 66 -7; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 7, Altos Del Mar #1. Right to lay sewers in Atlantic
86. E 66 -8; Lot 5, Block 7, Altos Del Mar #I, to lay sewers in Atlantic Way.
87. E 66 -9; Lot 6, Block 10, Altos Del Mar #1. To lay sewers in Atlantic Way
88. E 66 -10; Lots 1, 2, 3, & 4, Block 2, Altos Del Mar #1
89. E 66 -11; Lot 5, Block 2, Altos Del Mar #1
90. E 66 -12; Lot 1, Block 6, Altos Del Mar #1
91. E 66 -13; Lots 2 & 3, Block 6, Altos Del Mar #1
92. E 67; N. 5' of Outlot 30, 1st Ocean Front.
93. E 68; easement in Block 18, Palm View
94. E 69; and easements in Rivo Alto Island
95. E 70; E. 5' Lot 1, Block 32, Lake View Sub.
96. E 71; 20' of Lot 1, Block 3, Flamingo Terrace Sub.
97. E 72; S. 10' of N. 25', Lot 7, Indian Creek Sub.
98, E 73; 5' in La Gorce Island
99. E 74; Instrument removed and filed under another number.
100. E 75 -1; Lot 3, Block 2, Altos Del Mar # 2
101. E 75 -2; Lot 5, Block 2, Altos Del Mar #2
102. E 75 -3; Lot 6, Block 2, Altos Del Mar #2
103. E 76; Portion of N.W. Corner 41st Street & Collins
104. E 77; S. 5' of Biscayne School Property, Altos Del Mar #3
105. E 78; N. 10' Lots 5 & 8, Block 4, Normandy Beach South
106. E 79; N. 10' Lots 5 & 8, Normandy Beach South
107. E 80; Lot 1, Block 5, Altos Del Mar No. 2
108. E 81; Lot 2, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #2
109. E 82; lots 5 & 6, Block 5, Altos del Mar #2
110. E. 84; E. 5' Lot 29, Block 3, Hibiscus Island
111. E 83; Lots 3 & 4, Block 5, Altos Del Mar #2
112. E 85; W. 5' Lot 17, Biscayne Point, Abandoned by Res #6843
113. E 86; N. 5' Lot 21, Block 29, Lake View Heights
114. E 87; Lot 1, Block 4, Altos Del Mar #1
115. E 88; Lots 2 & 3, Block 4, Altos Del Mar #1
116. E 89; Lot 4, Block 4, Altos Del Mar #1
117. E 90; Lots 5 & 6, Block 4, Altos del Mar #1
118. E 91; Lots 1& 2, Block 2, Altos Del Mar #2
119. E 92;N. 5' of Lot 6, Block 19, Biscayne Point. Auth Res #7052 11/2/49
(cannot locate 1/30/56)
120. E 93; N. 5' Lot 8, Block 3, Di Lido Island
121. E 94; S. 5' Lots 6 & 7, Block D, Surprise Lake
122. E 95; Lot 6, Block 3, Altos Del Mar No. 2
123. E 96; S. 10' Lot 2, Block 13 and S. 10' lots 2 & 11, Block 14, Normandy Beach
124. E 97; S. 10' of W. 50' Lot 11, Block 13, Normandy Beach South
125. E 98; S. 2 -1/2' Lot 25, Block 10, Biscayne Beach Sub.
126. E 99; N. 5' of S. 10' of N. 25' Lot 7, Indian Creek Sub.
127. E 100; Lots 4 & 5, Block 3, Altos del Mar #3
128. E 101; 5' easement over the S. 5' of the Catholic Church property between
87th Street and 87th Terrace.
129. E 102; N. 10', Lot 8, Block 2, Normandy Beach South
130. E103 -A; in easterly 5' of W. 30' of Lot 22, Block 9, Biscayne Point
131. E103 -13; W. 5' of E 30' of Lot 22, Block 9, Biscayne Point Sub.
132. E 104; E. 5' Lot 1 & 2 and W. 5' of Lots 11 & 12, Block 16, Normandy
Beach South. This easement exchanged for S. 10 of Lot 2, and S. 5' of Lot
11, Block 16, Normandy Beach South. Portion of this easement abandoned.
See Council minutes 7/5/56.
133. E 105; Southeasterly 10' Lots 7 and 8 and northerly portion of Lot 6, Block
31, Lake View Sub.
134. E 106; Lot 3, Block 3, Altos Del Mar No. 2.
135. E -107; Lot 37, Block 2, Palm Island; utility easement
136. E -108; Portion Lot 12, Block 3, 2nd Ocean Front Storm sewers. City
exchanged easements N 5, Lot 11 and S 5, Lot 12- Council meeting 8/17/55
and 9/17/55.
137. E -109; 10' west line of which lies 100 feet east of west line of Lot 1, Block
2H, and running from the S. Line of West 25th Street to the South line of
Island No. 2, Sunset Islands. For sewer and water mains underground.
138. E -110; E 5', Lot 1, Block 3D of Sunset Islands
139. E -111; 5' of Lot 2, Block 31), Sunset Islands. Utility easement.
140. E -112; N. 5' of South 1 /2 Lot 13, Block 1, San Marino Island
141. E -113; W. 6 of Easterly 30 of Lot 30, Block 4A, 3rd Revised Plat of Sunset Islands
142. E -114; E. 5 of W. 20, Lot 32, Block 2, Hibiscus Islands
143. E -115; N. 5' of Lot 34, corrected Plat of Star Island; Perpetual easement. For
purpose of constructing and maintaining sewers. Arketex Ceramic Corp.
144. E -116; beginning at S.E. comer, Lot 8, etc. Star Island. Perpetual easement for
purpose of constructing and maintaining sewers. John H. Wars, Clara E. Ware
145. E -117, N. 5' Lot 22, Block 1, Palm Island. Perpetual easement for purpose of
constructing and maintaining sewers. Nat J. Ratner
146. E -118; Exchange of easements on Tatum Waterway Dr. Dedication Deed filed
for N. 5' of SW 36' of Lot 9, less S.E. 2 -1/2" thereof, and S.W. 5' of N.E. 24'
Lot 9, less S.E. 2 -1/2 ` thereof, and S.W. 5' of N.E. 24' Lot 9, less S.E. 2 -1/2'
thereof, Block 1, Tatum Waterway Sub. In exchange for existing easement in
the S.W. 5' of Lot 9 and the N.E. 5' of Lot 10, Block 1, Tatum Waterway
Sub. (D.R.G. Properties)
147. E -119; Exchange of easements. Dedication deed filed for S. 10' of Lot 14,
Block 32, Lakeview Sub. In exchange for S. 5' of Lot 15 and N. 5' of Lot 14,
Block 32, Lake View Sub. (First Methodist Church of Miami Beach)
148. E -120A & B; Lot 36, Block 2, Palm Island; S. 10' of E. '/z of N. 140' (Irving
H. & Rita Fineberg) (E- 120A); S. 10' of W. '/z of N. 140' (Sarah & Joseph J.
Drucker) (E- 120B). Storm Sewers, watermains, pipe llines and other like
underground utilities.
149. E -121; N. 10' of portion of Lot 37, Block 2, Palm Island. Easement: sewers,
water mains, pipe lines, and other like underground utilities. David and Betty
150. E -122; E. 5' of Lot 13, Block 2 -A. Amended Riviera and 1st & 2nd Additions
and E. 5' of certain tract 20' wide northerly of and adjoining the N. line of
said Lot 13. Easement storm sewers (Harry and Anne Sturm)
151. E -123; Hibiscus Island, E. 2 -1/2' of Lot 19, Block 2 and N. 2 -1/2' of certain
tract 20' wide northerly of and adjoining the N. line of said Lot 19. Easement:
storm sewers (Stanley T. & Bernice Thomas)
152. E -124; Hibiscus Island; W. 2 -1/2' of Lot 20, Block 2 and W. 2 -1/2' of certain
tract 20' wide N. of and adjoining the northerly line of said Lot 20. Easement;
Storm sewers. (Fred A. And Angeline Buoncervello)
153. E -125; Hibiscus Island; E. 5' Lot 38, Block 2 and E. 5' of certain tract 20'
wide northerly of and adjoining the N. Line of said Lot 38. Easement: storm
sewers (Morris and Ruth M. Graff)
154. E -126; N. 5' of S. 178 -1/2' of Tract "A ", Park View island. Storm sewers
easement. (Pembroke Properties, Inc.) 11/13/57
155. E -127; N. 5' of S. 12' of Lot 19, Block 3, Flamingo Terrace Sub. Storm
sewers easement. (Mortimer D. Abrashkin) 3/3/58.
156. E -128; w. 7' of Lot 3, Surprise Point Sub., & Sub. of Lot 5, Block 31,
Lakeview Sub. Storm sewer easement. (Vera & Joseph Massey) 5/6/58
157. E -129; N.E. 5' of Lot 21, corrected Plat of Star Island. Sewer easement. (T.
David and Stella E. Parrack)
158. E -130; Southerly 55 feet of Lot 37, Block 1, Nautilus Subdivision, less
southerly 15' thereof for purpose of construction work in installing storm
drainage sewer on said southerly 15 feet. Agreement, Easement Deed.
159. E -131; easement and right -of -way to lay, install and maintain storm sewers
westerly 5' Lot 19, Block 15, Biscayne Beach 2nd Addition.
160. E -132; Easement and right -of -way for construction and maintenance of water
utilities. South 3' of Lot 7, Block 26, Nautilus Extension 4th.
161. E- 132 -A; Easement granted to School Board for drainage purposes, Polo Park
playground (Resolution 10115, May 6, 1959)
162. E -133; Easterly 8 feet of Lot 9, Block 2 -D, 3rd revised Plat of Sunset Islands.
Storm Sewer Easement.
163. E -134; Easterly 8 feet of Westerly 71 feet of Lot 1, Block 2 -G, 3rd revised Plat
of Sunset Islands. Storm Sewer easement.
164. E -135; Westerly 5' of Lot 7, mid -golf ext. Sub. Storm sewer easement.
165. E -136; Easterly 5' Lot 6, Subdivision of Block 5, La Gorce Island. Storm sewer
easement and Westerly 5' of easterly ten feet (10') of Lot 6, Subdivision of Block 5, La
Gorce Island. Storm sewer easement.
166. E -137: Southerly 5' of northerly 10' of the north 155' of Lot 8, block 15, Island View
Sub. Storm Sewer easement. Grantor- Miami Caribe Investments, Inc.
167, Southerly 5' of Lot 29, Block 2, Amended Plat of Garden Subdivison. Storm
sewer easement. Abstract to Lot 2 in file. Grantor- Royal Castle System, Inc.
168. E -139; commencing at S.W. corner Lot 10, Block 18, 1st Addn to Commercial
Sub., etc. Storm sewer easement. Miami Beach Sun Publishing Co. Grantor.
169. E -140; Grant of Easement from the City to Florida Power and Light Co., in
Lot 18, Block 8, Mid Golf Sub 1st addition, for construction, operation and
maintenance of underground elec tric pipe cable.
170. E -141; E. 10' Lot 12, Block 32, Lakeview Sub.; City received this easement in
exchange for an easement in the E. 5' of Lot 11 and W. 5' of Lot 12, Block
171. E -142; Grant of Easement. Made by Lillian B. Block to the City and right -of-
way to install water mains on portion of Lot 3, Block 1 -A, Beachview
172. E -143; S.W. 10' of Lot 27, Indian Creek Sub. This easement was received by
the City in exchange for easement E. 5' of Lot 27, and westerly 5' of Lot 26,
Indian Creek Sub.
173. E -144; W. 5' Lot 9, Block 5, Sunset Lake Extension.
174. E -145; Begin at S.E. corner Lot 3, Block 30, Altos Del Mar 43 (grounds of
Biscayne Elementary School) for construction of sidewalk.
175. E -146; W. 5' of Lot 8, Belle Isle Villas, Part 2.
176. E -147; Southerly 10' Lot 9, Block 1, Amended Plat of Fleetwood Sub.
177. S. 10' Lot 24, Block 2, Garden Subdivision.
178. E -149; Grant of easement from LaGorce Country Club for underground utilities.
179. E -150; Grant of easement from Anthony D. and Margaret Della Cioppe to lay,
install, and maintain storm sewers.
180. E -151; Grant of easement and right -of -way from Elsie Givner to lay, install and
maintain sanitary sewers.
181. E -152; easement in North Bay Road at intersection of State Road 25. Given by
Mt.Sinai Hospital. For water main location.
182. E -153; Exchange of easements in Tatum Waterway Sub new easement on N.
10' of Lot 13, B 1 portions of old easement abandoned involved Lots 15 & 16.
Owners, 7900 Tatum, Inc.
183. E -154; Exchange of easements - alleyway Block 93, Ocean Beach Addn #3,
Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph and Kenneth and Gertrude Oka.
Surrender of easement in Block 69, Lincoln Sub. And Lot 1 and Lot 24, Block
93 Ocean Beach Add. #3
184. E -155; Easement in Lot 12, Block 12, etc., Normandy Beach South (City
National Bank of Miami Beach)
185. E -156; Parcel of land lying westerly of and adjacent to Lots 233 and 236, Inc.
First Ocean Front Sub. (Plaza Hotel); Resolution #13157 dated 11/25/70, quit
claimed a portion of this area which was deemed no longer needed for right -of-
way purposes, portion on which captioned easement was granted was excluded
from quit claim. (Covered area between Lots 233 and 237)
186. E -157; portion of Lot 1, First Ocean Front Sub for utility purposes; Resolution
#13113 dated 9/16/70.
187. E -158; Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, 2nd Ocean Front Sub easement; Resolution
#12704 dated 5/7/69 approved an exchange of a quit claim to area and
assumption of a permanent easement by the City.
188. E -159; Easement in strip of land between Lots 244 and 245, First Ocean Front
Sub, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, 2nd Ocean Front Sub and east line of Collins
Avenue given to City in exchange for quit claim deed to said property
(Resolution #12451 dated 6/26/68)
189. E -160; At Northeast corner of Lot 6, Lyle G. Hall Subdivision, run west along
north line of Lot 6 for 200 feet to northwesterly corner of Lot 21; then run
south 5 feet; then run east for 200 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 6; then
run north for 5 feet to point of beginning. Resolution #13095 dated September
2, 1970.
An easement and right of way to lay, install and maintain a water main in the
above described land. Note: no documents received as of 5/1/75.
190. E -161; west 5 feet and on the east five feet; and on the south 10 feet of Lot 12,
Block 55, Orchard Beach Subdivision 2 and 3. To replace easement formerly
granted for public utility purposes in the south 5 feet of Lot 6, less the east and
west 5 feet thereof; and the easement on the north 5 feet of Lot 12. Resolution
No. 73 -13949 dated March 7, 1973. An easement for public utility purposes.
Note: No documents received as of 5/1/75.
191. E -162; Five foot easement along the northerly five feet Lot 1 -A, Block 4, and
the northerly five feet of the easterly three feet of Lot 1, Block 4, Flamingo
Terrace Addition. To replace easement formerly granted for the purpose of
installing and maintaining gas, water and sewer lines and power, telephone and
telegraph lines in the easterly three feet of Lot 1, and the westerly three feet of
Lot I -A, Block 4, Flamingo Terrace Addition. Resolution #76- 14999, dated
March 31, 1976 grant of new easement.
192. E -163; (from City of Miami); commence at a point on the west line of Section
9, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, 145.00 feet north from the S.W. comer
of said of said Section 9; (see page 2 of grant of easement for remainder of
description) to an intersection with the City Limits line of the City of Miami.
City of Miami Resolution #76 -422, dated April 22, 1976. Grant of easement
for Miami Beach Force Main to Virginia Key.
193. E -164 (1 -4) Inc; Lots 1, 3, 9, and 10, Subdivision of No. 230 feet, of Lot 1, of
the subdivision of Block 80 of the Alton Beach Realty Company, a part of
Alton Beach Bay Front Subdivision, Plat Book 34, Page 25, Public Records of
Dade County. For emergency replacement of sanitary sewer in 13th Terrace,
assessable project; easements recorded in Official Records Book 10048 page
705, 707, 709, 711 on 5/26/78.
194. E- 165;The westerly nine (9.0') feet of Lot 25, Block 2, Hibiscus Island,
according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 75 of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida, and the westerly nine (9.0') feet of that
certain tract twenty (20') feet wide northerly of and adjoining the northerly line
of the said Lot 25, which tract is described in Deed Book 1501 on Page 479, of
the public records of Dade County, Fla. For water main construction.
Easement recorded in Official Records Book 10480 at Page 1928, 798225626
1979 Aug 10 at 3:09 pm.
195. E -166; N.. 5' Lots 5 and 16, Block 41 Belleview Sub., given in exchange for
release and quit claim of an easement to the rear of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 18,
Block 41 Belleview (Also see QD 40)
196. For Information Only (signed agreement in 19C agreement/contract file) Grant
of Easesment: On July 17, 1979, Deed dated 19th of July, 1978, between City
of Miami Beach and Miami Beach Housing Authority, recorded 1978, on
September 19 at 11:02 am; Official Records 10159, page 974, 788248303,
received in City Clerk's office, grant of easement.
197. E -167; easement for utility construction given by State of Florida Board of
Trustees Internal Improvement Fund located on the westerly property line of
Belle Isle, through center line of Venetian Way to a point on easterly property
line of Rivo Alto Island. Recorded Offical Records 11093, Page 387, Public
Records of Dade County, Fla.
198. E -168; South 5 feet Lots 13 and 22, Block 6, Amended Plat Oceanfront Sub.
Plat Book 28, Page 28, Public Records of Dade County, Florida recorded in
Official Records Book 11425, page 785, Dade County File 82R096205.
Resolution No.82- 16968, 4/6/82, approved the abandonment of an easement
located in the W. 5 feet of Lot 13, less the So. 5' thereof and the W. 5 feet of
Lots 14, 15, 16 and E. 5' of Lot 22, less S 5' thereof, and E 5' Lots 19, 20
and 21, Block 6.
199. E -169; Properties in Block 77, Fisher's 1st and in Harrison and Haves
Subdivision relating to 1451 Ocean Dr. Indeco Props. Declaration of Easement
and right -of -use, relating to Lots 1 -4 Harrison and Hayes and tracts A,B,C and
Parcel 3 Fisher's 1st Sub. Recorded in Official Records Book 11674, page 118,
etc., 8/6/82. Resolution No. 481 -16868 adopted 12/2/81 authorized the
abandonment of a portion of 15th Street and vacating of same; and granting
quit claim deed and accepting easement for use of the same. ( Indeco
Properties, White House Hotel, 1451 Ocean Drive)
200. E -170; (3) Easements; Lot "A" plat of "The Indian Beach Corporation's Sub -
Division" (3) Easements granted by Hotelerama Associates Ltd. to the
Beachfront Park and Promenade, Bid No. 28 -83, as amended. Exhibit A -1,
Grantor shall have no responsibility for improving or maintaining the three (3)
crossings, two (2) stairways, and one (1) ramp that presently exist. Exhibit A-
2, Grantor shall have no responsibility for improving or maintaining the three
(3) crossings, two (2) stairways and one (1) ramp that presently exist. Exhibit
A -3, Grantor shall have no responsibility for improving or maintaining the
three (3) crossings, two (2) stairways, and one (1) ramp that presently exist.
201. E -171 & E- 171 -1; Lots 18, 19, 20, Block 111, Ocean Beach Addition #3 (W
40') from the Miami Beach Housing, Inc. to City of Miami Beach, for utility
purposes. Recorded Official Records Book 12223, page 853, Public Records of
Dade County, Florida. Residents of Rebecca Towers and lessees of land
forever have
use and enjoyment of subsurface surface and airspace of land upon which
easement has been granted. Similar instrument on file from Miami Beach
Housing Authority, Recorded Book 12248, page 3129, Public Records of Dade
County, Fla. Dated d8/24/84.
202. E- 171 -2; Grant of permanent easing from the Miami Beach Housing Authority
and Miami Beach Housing, Inc.; West 40 feet of Lots 15 -20, Block 111,
Ocean Beach Addition No. 3, access easement for servicing marina area.
Recorded Official Records Book 12883, page 2207, 5/9/86, 86R150543.
203. E -171; Grant of easement from State of Florida Internal Improvement Fund re:
fishing walkway pier at south end of City near Government Reservation (Miami
Harbor Fla metes and bounds). Recorded 10/12/83 Official Records of Dade
County, 11934, page 1812, 838285976. (Card cross referenced under category
Parks and Recreation areas)
204. E -172; Palm View Subdivision; No. 10 feet of Lot 19, Block 19, Palm View
Sub (see card in Subdivision file for additional information). City
relinquinshed an existing easement in E. 5ft of Lots 19 and 20, and W 5 feet of
Lot 1, Block 19, Palm View Subdivision. (Utility purposes)
205. E -173; Beach View Addition, Lots 2, 3, and 14, Block 13. Utility easement
exchange, 441 West 62nd Street. Dr. Allan Land and Vicki Land (abandonment
of an existing 10' easement located along rear property line of Lots 2, 3 and
14, Block 13, Beach View Addition subdivision, Plat Book 16, page 10 and
excepting dedication of an alternate five foot utility easement.
206. E -174; Acceptance of Soverignty submerged land easement No. 99998 (3820-
13) granted by Board of Trustees of Internal Improvement Fund of the State of
Florida, in Biscayne Bay, from Normandy Shores to Biscayne Point.
Resolution No. 89- 19627, adopted 6/7/89 accepting one exclusive 15' easement
for 50 years from 8/23/88. Easement recorded in Official Records Book
14319, pages 3549 -62 Records of Dade County, Florida.
207. E -175; Utility Easement from Dade County School Board in relation to South
Pointe Elementary School site, and City of Miami Beach in portion of 3rd
Street. Sewers, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc., installation and/or
replacement. Recorded Official Records Book 14513, pages 717 -721, Public
Records of Dade County, Florida on 4/17/90. (In vicinity of Blocks 100 and
101 Ocean Beach Addition #3 conveyed to School Board for school purposes.