Golf Courses
1. BAY SHORE GOLF COURSE (Dade Boulevard) SDD; File No. DD 3-1;
North 5', Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. See Minute Book #9, Page 134.
2. MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE; File No. DD 3-2; South 5', Miami Beach Imp.
Co. See Minute Book #9, Page 134.
3. MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE-CP; File No. WD-17. See Deed for
description. Also see Instrument No. DD 3-2 dedicating S. 5 Ft. for sidewalk
purposes (dedication given by Miami Beach Improvement Co.) Abstract
4. BA YSHORE GOLF COURSE (Easements); File No. ElO-2. Granted for right
to lay sewers, water mains, telephone and electric conduits underground, on a
strip 5' on each side and parallel to a line described as follows: "beginning at
the intersection of the center line of North Meridian Avenue, with the center
line of W. 28th Street.; thence westerly across the BayShore Golf Course to the
intersection of the center line ofN. Alton Road with the center line of W. 27th
Street. Miami Beach Bayshore Co.
5. BA YSHORE GOLF COURSE; File No. WD-32. Warranty Deed Milton S.
Plotke, Irene D. Plotke, Henry Wagner, and Ann Wagner, Max Kerner and
Flora Kerner to the City of Miami Beach. Also Quit Claim Deed from M.B.
Improvement Co. To M.B. Bay Shore Co.
6. BA YSHORE GOLF COURSE; File No. WD-32; Warranty Deed from Milton
S. Plotke et aL Also Quit Claim Deed from M.B. Improvement Co. To M.B,
Bay Shore Co. See Instrument #DD3-l for easement of 5 feet (for sidewalks)
along South portion of BayShore Course, fronting on Dade Boulevard.
7. NORMANDY ISLE; File No. WD24-1. Warranty Deed from Mortimer C.
Gryzmish dated 5/8/37. Also Agreement - M.C. Gryzmish et al and City of
Miami Beach re: North Normandy Isle (filling and bullmeading north half of
Isle of Normandy and for construction of golf course). Agreement authorized
4/23/37 by Council and filed 4/27/37. Agreement - M.C. Gryzmish et al and
City of Miami Beach; re: (North Normandy Isle) Authorized by Council
8. MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE; File No._. Easement given in Municipal
Golf Course for the erection of electric transmission pole by Florida Power &
Light Co. Easement filed with Minute Data of 3/4/1932, Book I l, Page 296.
New easement given and above easement returned from the erection of the
electric transmission pole by Florida Power & Light Company. Both
documents filed with Minute Data on 6/111932, Book II, Page 335.
9. MIAMI BEACH GOLF COURSE; File No._. Lease filed with minute data
of 6/8/27. See WD-17
10. FLAMINGO GOLF COURSE. Lease filed with Minute Data of 12/22/1926.
* All papers are missing.