Parks PARKS 1. Allison Island - Park (Indian Creek Sub.) Easement; File No. WDll-6; Easement for park purposes, areas shown and designated as "PARK" on plat of Indian Creek Subdivision- from Miami Beach Bay Shore Co.d 2. PARK ALTON ROAD & 20TH STREET; File No. WD-ll-l; (Original deed quit claimed. New deed 2/5/42) No abstract. 3. PARK ALTON ROAD & 20TH STREET; File No. WD-11-l; (Original deed quit claimed. New deed 2/5/42) No abstract. 4. ALTON ROAD & 50th Street- Park; Deed File No. WD 11-2; Given to Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. On deed dated 7/1926. New deed given to City 2/1942. No abstract 5. ALTON ROAD & 63RD STREET - PARK; File No. WDI1-3; Original deed quit claimed. Need deed 2/5/42. No abstract. 6. ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1; File No. WD-83; All of Blocks 3 and 14, and portion of Airoso Way lying between Blocks 3 and 14. Resolution No. 7798 dated 9/19/51; Abstract of title; Nine (9) abstracts of title; Opinion on title; Closing statement; Original Agreement; Warranty Deed and Satisfaction of Mortgage (For Park Purposes) 7. ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1; File No. WD-187A; Lots 1 and 2, Block 8; Lots 1 and North V:z Lot 2, Block 9, and intervening portions of Airoso Way. Purchased from Two Seventy-Sixth Street, Inc. For sum of $241,650 for off- street parking and Park purposes; Warranty Deed; Abstract of title; Resolution #11025 passed and adopted on 7/3/63. 8. ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1; File No. WD-187B; South Y2lot 2, and all of Lot 3, Block 9, and also a portion of Airoso Wayd. Purchased from Estate of Tida L. Dellea John K. DeHaven and Dana V. Bidwell Co., executors; $47,500 plus $4,750 attorney's fees to owner's attorney. Resolution #11047, passed and adopted 8/28/63; Warranty Deed; Abstract of Title. For off-street parking and Park purposes. 9. BELLE ISLE PARK: File No. WD33-l; Warranty Deed to Private Park lying south of and adjoining Bridge Road. 10. BELLE ISLE PARK: File No. WC33-2; Tax Deed to private park north of Bridge Road. F: \$all\Susan \cards 11. BISCA YNE BEACH SUB.; File No. WD-128; Lots I, 2, and 3, Block 1; Condemnation award- June 7, 1954 (for park purposes) PARKS 12. BISCA YNE BEACH-SECOND ADDITION; File No. WD-59; Lots 1 to 10; Resub Block 17; Purchased by City for Playground or Park 13. COLLINS PARK; File No. WD-12 (See Deed for description); Abstract Missing- Given to J.H.R. on 7/2/30. 14. FLAGLER MEMORIAL PARK: File No. WD-26; Warranty Deed from Alton Beach Realty Co. 15. FLAMINGO PARK; File No. WD-14; Deed 8/31/29 (See deed for description) 16. FLAMINGO PARK- ABLE HOLTZ TENNIS STADIUM- Capital Bank Quit Claim Deed #47, located at or around thirteenth Street and Meridian Avenue in Flamingo Park for improvements to the Tennis Stadium "The stands, fences, scoreboards and other improvements collectively constituting the tennis stadium, together with the interest, if any in the City support building constructed on behalf of the City of Miami Beach. Recorded July 11, 1985 at 9:53 a.m. 85R208739 official record 12569, page 1310 through 1328. 17. HIBISCUS ISLAND: File No. WD-148; Tract B of Hibiscus Island purchased from Mary J. Diehl $11,250.00. For "Park Purposes". 18. ISLE OF NORMANDY - MIAMI VIEW SECTION: File No. WD-4l; Lots 21 through 29, Block 30; Abstract attached. 19. OUTLOT "1", OCEANFRONT PROP. M.B. IMP. CO.; File No. WD-16; Strip of land along Collins Canal near Washington Avenue and 22nd Street. No abstract. 20. LUMMUS PARK: File No. WD13; See deed for description. New deed k6/28/33. (Mr. Robillard got abstract on 2/2/38) Abstract now in file. 21. FRIEDMAN & COPE SUB OF EDMUND WILSON TRACT: File No. WD- 238, QD-35; Lots 1-6, Block 1; Shoreham Norman Property- Park Purposes 22. MIAMI HARBOR, FLORIDA; File No. E-17l; Grant of Easement from Fla. Internal Improvement Fund to City for construction of fishing walkway over jetty, comfort station, etc. Fishing pier at south of City in Government F:\$aI1\Susan\cards Reservation beach front area;(Being a metes and bounds description of a portion of Miami Harbor, Fla.) Recorded off Records Dade County Book 11934, Page 1812, 10/12/83, 83R285976 File No. For County. PARKS 23. MIAMI VIEW SECTION, ISLE OF NORMANDY; File No. WDl02; Lots 18, 19,20, Block 30, and Lots 10, 11, and 12, M.V. Sec. Part 2. For Public Park Purposes (Kinsman Property) 24. MUNICIPAL PIER AND PARK, Biscayne Street & Ocean; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8; Block 112, Ocean Beach Add. #4; FILE WD-20-ld; WD 20-2; WD 20-3; North 'l2 Biscayne Street & First Street lying between Atlantic Ocean and east line of Ocean Drive. Unable to locate papers on Lot 1 (20-2.1 & 20-2.2) (Court decree Case No. 19091) Unable to locate papers on Lot 6. 25. HARDING TOWNSITE (Now North Shore Park); File No. WD-30; Surfside Park; Special Warranty Deed from Paul Smith Co. To City. Also, documents as to history of this tract. 26. SURFSIDE PARK; File No. WD-30; Also known as Biscayne Bay House of Refuge - Quit Claim deed from the Navy to Paul Smith Co. Special Warranty Deed from Paul Smith Co. To City of Miami Beach, also documents as to history of this tract. 27. OCEAN BEACH ADDITION #3: File No. WD-92; Lots 1-8, Incl, Block 111; Authorized by Resolution No. 7807; abstract of title; opinion on title; closing statement; deed (For park Marina and other municipal purposes) (South Shore Park) 28. OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. 3- File No. WD 103A & WD-103B; Lots 9-16, Block 111; Authorized by Resolution No. 8179 and Resolution No. 8180. Abstract of title. Opinion on Abstract. Original Agreements; Two warranty Deeds; Closing Statement. (For Park Purposes) 29. OCEAN BEACH ADDITION #3: File No. WD-9l; Lots 28-31, Inc. Block Ill; Authorized by Resolution No. 7806; Abstract of title; opinion of title; closing statement; Warranty Deed. For Park, Marina and other Municipal purposes. (South Shore Park). 30. OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY: File No. WD-l92; Lots 1 thru 8, Block 23, F: \$all\Susan \cards Ocean Front (Shoremede Hotel property); Lots 12, 13 and 14, Block 24, Ocean Front (Shoremede Annex (The Dayton Apts); Agreement; Warranty Deed; Resolution No. 11941, 9/9/66 $895,000. For Park purposes and parking. 31. OCEAN FRONT PARK - SOUTH OF DEAUVILLE; File No. WD-57; Lots 33, 34, & S.25' of 35, Block 1. Purchased for Park purposes. PARKS 32. OCEANFRONT PARK, NORTH OF 44TH STREET; See File Numbers 124, 131, 132, 133; covering Lots 7 and 8, except N. 50'; Lots 10 and 11; Lot 12; Lot (9 and N. 50' of 8) all with outlots lying west of same. Indian Beach Sub; Oceanfront Park. 33. STAR ISLAND PARK: File No. WD-3l; Warranty deed covering tract of land lying between East and West drives. 34. SUNSET LAKE EXTENSION; Lot 1, Block 5; File No. WD-159; Original and copy of Agreement; Abstract of title; Opinion of title; Warranty Deed; (Newbould Property); Resolution No.#10027 authorizing purchase. Playground purposes. 35. SUNSET LAKE; File No. WD-139; Lot 1, Block l6B, for off-street parking and park purposes. 36. HARDING TOWNSITE (Now North Shore Park): File No. WD-30; Surfside Park; Special Warranty Deed from Paul Smith Co. To City - also documents as to history of this tract. 37. TATUM WATERWAY SUBDIVISION; File No. WD-245; Lots 1-7, Less E. 50' of Lot 7, Block 2, Tatum Waterway Parks, playground and school purposes. Purchased jointly with Dade County School Board. 38. TRACT A OR SMITH COMPANY BAYFRONT TRACT; File No. WD-lOO; Purchased from Tillie Belle Pass; Two abstracts of title; opinion on abstracts; Original agreement between parties; closing statement; letter addressed to City and signed by Meyer Bernard Bell; Warranty Deed. Satisfaction of Mortgages. Authorized by Resolution No.#7999. 39. Twenty-Eighth Street Pumping Station-Park; Perpetual Easement; File No. E-9; Executed by Miami Beach Improvement Co. F: \$all\Susan \cards 40. TROUVILLE & OCEANSIDE SEC. OF ISLE OF NORMANDY; File No. WD-112; Lots 14 and 15, Block 30; Purchased from Dolly HarTis; Authorized by Resolution No.#84l4; Abstract of title; City Attorney's opinion on abstract; agreement between parties; copy of closing statement; warTanty deed dated 7/10/53; two satisfactions of mortgage; (Park and Playground purposes). 41. TROUVILLE & OCEANSIDE SEC. ISLE OF NORMANDY: File No. WD- 113; Lots 13 and 16, Block 30; William Burbridge; Resolution No# 8442 dated 7-15-53; Deed dated 7-30-53; Abstract of title; Opinion on abstracts; Agreement between parties; closing statement; WarTanty Deed; two satisfactions of Mortgages; (Parks and Playground Purposes) PARKS 42. TATUM WATERWAY SUB; File No. WD-llO; Lots 1-6, Block 3; Park and Playground Purposes. 43. WASHINGTON PARK: File No. WD-15; Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12; Block 8; Ocean Beach Sub; Abstract attached. 44. PLAYGROUND-COLLINS AVE & 2ND ST.; File No. WD-42; Lots 1 & 2, Block 9; Ocean Beach Subdivision. 45. PLA YGROUND- Washington Ave. Between 1st & 2nd Streets; Lots 14 & 15, Block 9; File No. SMD-3 and SMD-4; Ocean Beach Sub. 46. WATER VIEW PRADO; File No. WD-11-6; Dedication including easements 47. For Park and Recreational Purposes; QD-38; U.S. Government Reservation (commonly known as area in vicinity of Boys Scout Camp south end of the City below dogtrack; Title vests in City 9 July 1979; Deed recorded in Deed Book 10271, Page 1068, P.R. Dade County, Florida 1/16/79. 48. File No. WD-275; South Pointe Development Corp reo Construction of South Pointe Towers (file contains deeds, etc.). Also see Agreements File #263. 49. Palm Island Park File No. WD-11-5; Original deed quit claimed. New deed 2/5/42. 50. Pinetree Park, Indian Subdivision, Lot B: File No. WD-239; (Also known as Consolo Property); Purchased in '74 with Dade County; Indian Beach Corporation Subdivision; See Resolutions #73-14058; 73-14072; 73-14087; 73- l4l28A. 51. Forty-First Street & Pine Tree Drive Park; File No. WD-11-4; Original Deed quit claimed; New deed 2/5/42; No abstract. 52. Polo Park: File No. WD-28; 5.11 acres at south end of Polo Fields - from Miami Beach Bay Shore Co. F:\$all\Susan\cards 53. Polo Park; File No. WD-56; 1.3 acres in Polo Park received from School Board in exchange for another piece of property adjoining. 54. Purdy Court & Collins Canal (Outlot 12); File No. WD-23 55. 65th Street Park; File No. WD-134; Lot 31, Block 1, Second Ocean Front Sub. For park purposes. 56. SOUTH BEACH PARK; Lots 1,2, & 3, Block 114; File No. WD-19-l; Lots 4 & 5, Block 114; File No. WD-19-2; Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 114; File No. WD 19-3 (Ocean Beach Add.#4); Abstracts attached. F:\$all\Susan\cards