Quit-Claim Deeds
1. QDl-l-l; Streets, etc., in Ocean Beach Add #3
2. QD 2-1; S. 20' Lot 6, Block 2, and S. 20' Lot 6, Block 3, Friedman & Cope.
3. QD 2-2; S. 20' Lot 7, Block 2, Friedman & Cope.
4. QD 3; Easement in Lot 32, Block 1, Nautilus Sub.
5. QD 4; S. 5' Lot 1, Block II, Island View Sub.
6. QD 5; S. 3' Block 3A to 7A incl; N. 3' Blocks 7B to 3B incl; 1st Addition to
Espanola Villas
7. QD 6; N. 10', Lot 13, Block 31, Lake View Sub.
8. QD 7; E. 15', Lot 7, Block 2, Ocean Beach Sub.
9. QD 8; E. 5" Lot 10, Block 14; W. 5', Lot 11, Block 14; Beach View Addition
10. QD 9; S. 5', Lot 13 and N. 5' Lot 1, Block 6, Garden Sub.
11. QD 10; for bulkhead work 21st Street
12. QD 11; for widening 73rd Street north of U.S. Coast Guard tract, Harding Townsite
13. QD 12; 5' easement in Block 3, Garden Sub.
14. QD 13; E. 5' Lots 18 and W. 5' Lot 19, Block 2H, Sunset Island #2
15. QD 14, Lot 18, Block 2; quit claim deed on easements in Block 2. Given to
Albert B. Bernstein and his wife, Muryal 1. Bernstein 4/4/37. See minutes
3/31/37. Minute book 15.
16. QD 14; quit claim deed on easements in Block 2, Fleetwood Subdivision
17. QD 15; S. 10' Lot 4, Block 8, Nautilus Add.
18. QD 16; N. 5' Lot 3 & 4, Block 8, Nautilus Add.
19. QD 17; Lot 7, Block 4, Flamingo Terrace Add.
20. QD 18; N. 5' of Outlot 30- 1st Ocean Front Sub.
21. QD 19; N. 2-112' Lot 13, Block 1, San Marino Island
22. QD 20; strip of land 7.27' wide lying west of Blocks 17 and 18, Altos del Mar #1
23. QD 21; S. 8.65', Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, Block 2A; N. 8.65', Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5,
Block 2B, Espanola Villas
24. QD 22; Block A, Sub., Blk 48, O.B. Add. #3
25. QD 23; S. 5' Lots 36 & 37, Block 15A, Island View Add.
26. QD 24 and widening Collins Avenue at Lake Pancoast
27. QD 25 and given by City in connection with widening Collins Avenue at Lake
28. QD 26; Easement and agreement for straightening canal- Park View Island.
29. QD 27; E. 5' Lot 1 and W. 5' Lot 2, Block 32, Lake View Sub.
30. QD 28; Un-numbered lot lying between Indian Creek & Flamingo Drive,
between Lot 1, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 2, Flamingo Terrace Sub.
31. QD 29; N. 5', Lot 8 and S. 5' Lot 9, Block 12, Sunset Lake
32. QD 30; Quit claim deed to Nautilus Hotel (Mt. Sinai Hospital)
33. WD 31; Quit claim deed from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce
covering lots 48B and 48C in Block 111, Ocean Beach Addition No.3.
Conveyed to Redevelopment Agency, See WD252A.
34. QD 32; quit claim deed to the South half of single unit of land made up of
Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 20, and all of Block 18, Biscayne Point. From M.S.
Steinhardt and wife to City.
35. QD 33; Parkview Island - portion of land as indicated on Plat of Parkview
Island accepted by Council on 1/4/56 & 2/1156. Also see QD-26 & DD-22.
36. QD 34; Quit claim deed; Note: abstract of circle property between Triton
Towers and Seville Hotel returned to Mr. Alvin Cassel of Broad and Cassel,
5/16/80. Receipt filed with records on 11121/79 (See street dedications) Circle
in front of Triton Towers-tract between blocks 8 & 11 and East of Collins
Avenue; Memo #7834, request of Jason Berkman to discuss donation of Circle
property between Triton Towers and Seville Hotel. Motion to accept donation
failed of passage. Commission then rescinded action taken by prior City
Council on 6/19/74, at which time the donation had been accepted. (See Street
37. QD.35; Lots 1-6, Block I, Friedman and Cope Sub (Shoreham-Norman
property) See Warranty Deed File No. WD-238.
38. QD-36; quit claim to City from Arcadia, Inc. Cui de sac Lincoln Court; Portion
of Lot 6, Block 42, Belleview Sub.
39. QD 37; Quit claim deed from City of Miami Beach to Harold Nass, (defect in
1942 deed to Miami Beach Post of the American Legion); Lot 4, Block 12,
Island View Subdivision.
40. QD-38; U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation lying south of Dog Track- metes
and bounds description; Commission action - 8/6/80, Memo #8392; Resolution
80-16346 adopted (readopting, reconfi9rming, re-endorsing and amending
Resolution 78-15789, correcting legal description of property and deleting name
of former City Manager O'Brien from document.) Commission Action-
5/15/85, Memo #309-85, Resolution #85-18082 adopted, (allowing the City of
Miami Beach to lease a portion of the former Federal surplus real property U.S.
Corps of Engineers Reservation to Specialty Restaurant Corporation for the
construction and operation of a restaurant within South Pointe Park. QD 38,
U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation lying south of the Dog Track - metes and
bounds description. Recorded Deed Book 10271, Page 1068, 1075, inc. Public
Records of Dade County, Fla 1/16/79. Covenants, restrictions, etc., set out in
deed. Title vests in City 9 July 1979. Conveyed to City for recreation
41. QD 38; U.S. Government Reservation Property Metes and Bounds Description:
Commission Action 8/6/80, Memo #80-16326 adopted, (re-adopting,
reconfirming, re-endorsing and amending Resolution #78-15789, correcting
legal description of property and deleting name of former City Manager
O'Brien from document). Commission Action 5/15/85, Memo # 309-85,
Resolution #85-18082 adopted, allowing the City of Miami Beach to lease a
portion of the former Federal surplus real property U.S. Corps of Engineers
Reservation to Specialty Restaurant Corporation for the constructiuon and
operation of a restaurant within South Pointe Park. Submerged land lease
recorded 9/16/86 at 12:01 p.m.; 86R316260 official records 13020 Page 2520-
42. U.S. Government Reservation Property Metes and Bounds Description; title will
vest in City on July 9, 1979, various covenants and provisions. Conveyed to
City of Miami Beach for recreational purposes. For the point of beginning
commence at a 10" sq. concrete monument located on the northerly boundary
of the U.S. Corps of Engineers Reservation, being on a bearing of So. 65
F: \$all\Susan \cards
degrees 13' East, and a distance of 16.62 ft. from the westermost corner of Lot
6, Block 4 of South Beach Park Subd., as shown in Plat Book 6, page 77, of
the Public Records of Dade County, said monument designated "C" having
coordinates of X-784,440.39 and Y-521, 912.47.
42. Said monument also lies approximately S. 24 degrees 27'26" West, a distance
of 592.30 feet S. of, and No. 65 degrees 36' 16" East, a distance of 554.97 ft.
west of the N.E. corner of the N.W. 1/4 of Section 10, Township 54 So.; range
42 East. From said point of beginning, thence run along the northerly
boundary of said land So. 65 degrees 36'16" East, passing through a monument
designated "A", at a distance of 713.87', a total distance of 1,476.52 feet, more
or less, to its intersection with the erosion control line established for the
Miami Beach renourishment project as shown on Dade County Plat File
#245342-12, Sheet 1 of 14, dated 25 July 1977; run thence So. 23 degrees
41'12" East, along said erosion control line and its extension a distance of
630.14 ft., more or less, to the Mean High Water line of the northerly shoreline
of the "Government Cut" for the Entrance Channel of Miami Harbor; run
thence northerly along said Mean High Water line on an approximate bearing
of No. 65 degrees 35'19" West, a distance of 1,945.66 feet, more or less, to a
point on the Mean High Water line which lies So. 24 degrees 25'50" West, a
distance of 50 ft., more or less, from U.S. Corps of Engineers monument
"Wiggins"; thence run No. 24 degrees 25'50" East, a distance of 50 feet, more
or less, to monument "Wiggins"; thence continue to No. 24 degrees 25'50"
East, 370.43 to Monument "C", and the podint of beginning.
43. QD 39; To Estima Investments N.V. and Jose Valls, certain portion of Collins
Avenue as originally dedicated- adjacent to west boundary of Lot 17, Block 1,
of amended plat of 2nd Ocean Front Subdivision. Recorded Official Records
Book 10551, page 242, 243, 244, #79R300395, 1979 October 23 at 4:31 pm.
Also recorded Plat Book 28, page 28 of Public Records of Dade County, Fla.,
to Estima Investments, N.V. and Jose Valls for and on behalf of City. Copy of
letters granting easements by Estima to FPL & Peoples Gas in file. Lot 17,
Block 1, Second Oceanfront Subdivision Abandonment of right-of-way
heretofore quit-claimed to the Surf Condominium (Estima Invest.) Approved by
Commission March 4, 1981; Resolution No. 81-16584, recorded in Official
Records, 11055, Page 1725, Public Records of Dade County, Florida.
44. QD 40; release and quit claim by City to easement to the rear of the North 20'
of Lot 2, all of Lots 3, 4,5,16,17,18, Block 41, Belleview Sub., in return for
grant of easement No.5' lots 6 and 16, Block 41 Belleview; Resolution No.
78-15603, 4/19/78. Also see E-166.
F: \$all\Susan \cards
45. QD 41; Lots 9, 19, 11 and S. '12 12, 1st Ocean Front Sub (Crystal House right-
of-way exchanges)
46. QD 42; 12/17/80 City of Miami Beach quit claimed to a portion of City right-
of-way and accepting a quit claim deed to outlots (relating to Lots 4 and 5,
Block 4 amended Map Miami Beach Improvement Company. Recorded quit
claim from Tomca Investments to City recorded Official Records Book 10976,
page 132, File 81R909 & 910.
47. QD 43; Acceptance of Colony Theater, 1040-50 Lincoln Road, Lot 12, Block
47, Lincoln Subdivision; Resolution #81-16620 4/1/81 and Resoution # 81-
16621 passed 4/1/81 request for tax exemption. Informally accepted 3/4/81.
48. QD 44; Biscayne Point Subdivison; Block 11; Resolution #81-16515
authorizing abandonment of east-west alley in Block 11, 117/81; Resolution No.
81-16563,2/18/81 authorizing execution of individual quit claim deeds property
owners: Kovens, Scheiber, Markley and Viruet (respective recording dates
indicated on copies of instruments in file)
49. QD-45; Star Island; Portion of right-of-way easement west of Lot 45, as
recorded in Plat Book 31, page 30 of the Public Records of Dade County, Fla;
authorizing a revocable permit allowing the placement of a fence, connecting
wall and landscaping on a portion of City right-of-way easement abutting the
land subject to the aforementioned vacated right-of-way (Resolution No. 81-
16804 adopted 10/15/81. Instruments recorded Revocable permit Official
Records 11256, pages 1871; Quit claim deed and Reservation of Easement
Book 11256, Page 1865 Public Records. See Resolution No. 89-19548 adopted
3/2/89 re revoca of a revocable permit, and granting of new for property in
vicinity of Lot 45, needed for new bridge approach (instruments in file).
50. QD 46; Qut claim deed to Samuel and Sabud Palencia, of portion of east-west
alley in Block 12, Biscayne Point (adjoining Lots 14 and 15). City retains a
10' utility easement consisting of 5' on either side of the centerline of the alley.
Per Resolution No. 83-17368, dated 6-1-83. Instrument recorded in Plat Book
14, Page 35, Public Records of Dade County, Fla.
51. QD 47; Able Holtz Stadiwn - Flamingo Park (Capital Bank) located at or
around thirteenth Street and Meridian Avenue in Flamingo Park, Miami Beach,
for improvements to the Tennis Stadiwn "the stands, fences, scoreboards and
other improvements collectively constituting the tennis stadiwn, together with
the interest, if any, in the City support building constructed on behalf of the
City of Miami Beach. Recorded July 11, 1985 at 9:53 am; 85R208739 official
record 12569 page 1310 through 1328.
52. QD 49; Lot 4 and 5 of Block 11, of Biscayne Point according to the Plat
thereof, recorded in Book 15 at page 35 of the Public Records of Dade County,
F: \$all\S usan \cards
Florida, as described: bounded on the North by the So. of lots 4 and 5 of said
Block 11; bounded on the East by the extension running So. of the east line of
sale lot 5; bounded on the So. By the center line of the east-west alley of said
Block 11 and bounded on the west by the extension running south of the west
line of said lot 4; being approximately 60' X 10'. Recorded 12/24/86 at 11: 18
am; Official Records 13126, page 2604 84R449842; the City has Quit claimed
a portion of the east-west alley of Block II of Biscayne Point to the owner
Florence Lipinsky of 1334 Daytonia Road, Miami Beach, Fla.
53. QD 50; East 100.06 feet of Lot 7, Block 100, Ocean Beach Addition No.3,
according to Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 81, of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida, together with the buildings situated thereon.
53. (Continued) (For the expansion and re-opening of South Beach Elementary
School) recorded 6/25/87 at I :23 p.m. 87R244469 public records, 13324 page
3205- 3209, Resolution #87-18823, acceptance of settlement offer with Isaac
and Matilda Surujon in the amount of $70,000.00, Res.#87-18904, requesting
tax exemption.
54. QD 51p; A portion of lots 1 & 2, Block 51, Ocean Beach Addition No.3,
according to the Plat Book 2, at page 11 of the Public Records of Dade
County, Fla (Joann Sawitz) widening of Washington Avenue from Biscayne
Street to First Street HN-426. Resolution87-1891O, acceptance of settlement
offer with Irwin Sawitz and the appropriation of funds in the amount of
$47,500.00 for acquisition. Resolution #87-18933, appropriation of $12,000
from the So. Pointe Bond for demolition and removal of the property located at
34 Washington Avenue acquired by the eminent domain proceedings.
Recorded 8/25/87 at 4:41 p.m., 87R329859, official records 13392 page 772.
*cross referenced with WD 256.
55. QD 52; Abandonment of a north-south street end known as Cherokee Avenue
lying between the plats of Beach View Addition and LaGorce Golf Subdivision
of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, authorizing execution and
delivery of a quit-claim deed to said abandoned real property to the adjoining
property owners, and providing for the reservation of a Utility Easement
therein. Recorded 12117/87 at 12:57 pm 87R475918 official record 13511
page 2847-2848.
56. QD 53; Vacation of a portion of the east-west alley in Block 12 of Biscayne
Point, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, Page 35 of the
Public Records of Dade County, Florida, and authorizing execution and
delivery of a quit-claim deed to one half of said vacated real property to the
adjoining property owners, and providing for a reservation of a 10' utility
easement. Recorded 5/6/91 at 11 :40 am 91R148452 official record 15010 page
F: \$all\Susan \cards
2980. Resolution No. 91-20250.
57. Vacation of a portion of the east-west alley in Block 12 of Biscayne Point,
according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 14, page 35 of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida, and authorizing execution and delivery of a
quit-claim deed to one half of said vacated real property to the adjoining
property owners, and providing for a reservation of a 10' utility easement.
Recorded 6/26/92 at 2:20 pm 92R245354 official record 15566 page 4439.
Resolution No. 91-20250.