Quit-Claim Deed 6/20/1951 8oo~3481 ?AGE420 QUIT-CLAIM DEED Mt THIS INDENTURE, Made this ~O day of ;JUNE.. , A. D. 1951, between EFREM PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, party of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, party of the second part. WIT N E S S E_T H : That the said party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable con- siderations, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, tbe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and quit-claim unto the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade, State of Florida, to-wit: That portion of Lot One (1) through Lot Six (6) in Block "N" of ATLfu,TIC FJ:<;IGHTS as shown on the corrected Plat thereof, recorded in flat Book 9, par:e 14, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said portion being more fully described' as follows: Begin at the northeasterly corner of Lot One (1) in Block IfNIf of ATLANTIC HEIGHrS; thence run southeasterly along the northeasterly line of said Block "N" a distance of Three Hundred Eleven and Fifty-nine one-hundredths (311.59) feet to the point of curvature of a curve having a radius of Twenty (20) feet, said curve being at the south- easterly corner of Lot Six (6) in said Block "N"; thence run along said curve deflecting to the right to a point, said point being Nine (9) feet south- westerly of the northeasterly line of said Block "Nil produced southeasterly, s aid Nine (9) feet being measured at right angles to the northeasterly line of said Block "Nfl, produced southeasterly; thence run northwesterly along a straight line parallel to and Nine (9) feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Block "Nil to a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot Six (6), said Nine (9) feet being measured at right angles to t he northeasterly line -1- OFFIC€ OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL -'- MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA Boo\\3481 PAGE421 of' said Block "N"; thence run northwesterly along a straight line to a point on the southeasterly line of' Lot Two (2) ofs aid Elock "Nil, said point being Ten (10) feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Elock IlNIl and measured at right angles to the northeasterly line of said Block "N"; thence run northwesterly along a line parallel to and ten (10) feet southwesterly of the northeasterly line of said Block "N" to a point on the northerly line of Lot One (1) of said Block "Nil; thence run easterly along the northerly line of said Lot One (1) to the north- easterly line of said Block IlNIl. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoever of th e said party of t he first Dart, ei ther in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS Wl:EREOF the said party of the first part has caused these Dresents to be sie;ned in its name by its president, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its $!e"tr'T~RV By ," .' .... ""J.~ ~i1~~.1ES.. :;;"'" ,"} Iv' }:"tt.~-"'-- J/ ...""... _\1 <1,'. t:J<:'~' . ,";) ~,~. ~.C)~ /' ":: c:::'; /;.( ..... O-'U ,:\ ~~ ty- ~~ .,' I :;: l ~:.:../ f,.j.' : ~~/:, ~I ,} <.,' ,i' the day and year above written. El'-'REM PROPERTIES, ING. At test: ~ /~ ~-4/~A "'~A ~ J Signed, sealed and delivered in the ,.,esence of: -2- OFFICI;: OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA BGDv,3481 ?r.s!4.22 Sf~+~ Dr ~)o~/OA C-ri>IJNlY 0 r ()11 Of ..-i{ J;;- I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this .?h day of ClAla, A. D. 1951, HARK 51/... (Jp;:?STEIN . r9spect i vely fl?IlS i(f.Q 71T and Sec:.~ ji: TaR 'I of E1:<'EEM PFcOPEETIES, IDA SI J.. VJ::./isTFZi/\.! before me nersonally appeared and INC., a corporation under the laws of the State of 1:<'lorida, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the fore- going instrument and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation and the said instrument is the act and deed of s aid corporation. wrrNESS my signature and official seal at /J t: de (bUM'! v' F~ DR. I OA \ / the day and year last aforesaid. 1'1/ IJ /L( ( 6/l/.k'H " }1 ~/~~ ~~Uf:4- Notary Public ~OtQry Pu~li~, State cf r/orida (I" r iii Y dcornmc,e,IQ'l expires )0:1 9 l J ~~e OM ed by AmBricao Surety Co. ~f N. V; ,.."""" /'~'~ViJI ,,\, ~ - ,.. '~>~>"""""<~\r' / 0 I '"l \./ ',.... ; "'/ _ "'~ .t) ',; :- \. . 41>, , ....:c. ".y. "," ". :, \:'\ ~ 0 ,. ....c:,; . "') " " "" '-1~'A........'" '"~,/I,J 1"1'-'~'~\ ;" '" 1_ 1!llili '. ~~y commission expires: State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the......zd....day of ~ 1951 aV.~ :Al$~:M and duly recorded in-. ~ Boo~ ~#!:'I.on Page....~.::>n:0 JL r.A_.!t~~-o E. rJ. u,.~ . . .."~ "1 t\N Clef!', L;, ~:_di. C(;urt By ~~-', /~ o.e OFFIU OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39, FLORIDA