Opinion of Abstract of Title . OPINION on 4bltract of Title prepared by Dade county Title In8~rance and Tr~st Company, under Certificate No. 43003, covering period from the beginning to March 6, 1925 at 8 a. m., coneilting of 41 entr i88, and contino.at ion thereof by the eame company, under Certificate No. 48906, oovering the period from March 6, 1925 at 8 a. m. to Kat 26, 1926 at 8 a. m., conaiating of 11 entriea, and contin~ation thereof by the eame company, under Certificate NO. 61213, covering the period from May 26, 1925 at 8 a. m. to December 14, 1925 at 8 a. m., ooneieting of 4 entriee, and continuation thereof by Sec11l'ity Abetract Company, under Oertificate No. 46234, covering the period from December 14, 1925 to June 9, 1926, coneisting of 2 entriee, and continuation thereof by Florida 9itle company, under Certificate No. 77749, cOTering the period trom. June 9, 1926 at 5 p. III. to March 6, 1929 at 8 a. m., coneieting ot 5 entriel, and continaation thereof b,. J.Uami Beach Abetract and Title Company, under cerUticateNa.3952, cOTering the period from Karch 5, 1929 at 8 a. m. to June 3, 1935 at 8 a. m., coneilting ot 7 entriel, covering the tollowing delcribed propert,. in Da4e Oounty, Florida, to-.it. All of lllook ..... of AtlanUc Heights, conlieting of loti one to IlK innlu- aive, aocording to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 9 at Page 14 of the Public Reoorde of Dade County, Florida. Prom an examination ot the above deecribed Abltract of ~itle, and baaing ~ Opinion lolely ~pon the eame, I am of the opin- ion that al of June 3, 1935 at 8 a. III., the tee limple title to the above deecribed pro pert,. wal vested in IlELEN S. PEARSON, a wi,ow, a~bject to the following. FIRST. All tazee for the year 1935, while they are not yet p~able, conetitute liene against the above deecribed premieee and be- cOllie P81able on November I, 1936. SBCOBD. Any unpaid intangible property tazes aeeeeled againlt Helen S. Pearlon aa to the ezietence of which the Abltract ie indefinite. THIRD. Any and all reetrictione, conditione and limitatione of record, eepecially thoee eet forth in an inetrwnent to be found in Deed Book 187 at Page 32 _hereof Whereby buildinge to be erected upon the property, ezcept garagee and o~tbuildinge, are req~ired to coet at leaet Five thoueaa4 dollare ($6,000.00) and aleo a race reltriction to be ~1'un~ in Deed Book 402 at Page 210 thereof wherein a number, perhape alIi of the property ownere in the eubdivieion agree to limit the ownsr- ehi~ 01 the property in the eubdivieion to per eons of the Cannaeian race ,. ~~ ani to flrse and corporatlone compoeed of Caacaelane excl~elvely. 'OURTH: In 1918, by werranty deed recorded in Deed Book 184 at Page 40 thereof, P. L. Watson conveyed all of his "right, title and intereet" in a tract of land which inel~ded the lsnd nn- der search to William I. Philllps, and eaid Wateon alao aesigned to said phillipe "any and all cOlltracts haYing reference to aD,V 01' the land above described." Thie conveyance was in tr~et for the ~se and benefit of P. L. Watson with power of aale in sald Phillips. The Abstract d18cloees no prior conveyance to P. L. Wateon and no nbeeqa.ent cenveyance aUe.1l1ng the lands under search by eaher said Watson or said Phillips. While a period of approximately 17 years has paesed siaee the exec~tion and delivery of the Deed above mentioned and al though there were no pr ior conveyam es to nor s~b- sequent conveyaae.. by the part iee named ae to an,y part of the landa nnder search, nevertheless, if praoticable, q~lt-cla~ deeds ahoQ1d be sec~red from said Watson and said Phl1lipe, Joinsd by their res- pective wivee or, if this is impossible~ an explanatory affidavit frOlll P. L. Wahon ~ght be e~ff1cient to show tbat he never bad any lnterest in the lands under search. FIFIH: The orlg1na1 Plat, filed in 1919, of Atlantic Heights reeerve, the streete, aven~ee, roads and drivee and riparian rights at the end of the etreete, ae ehown on the mBP, to the dedicatore and grants to property ownere in the enbdivieion righte of ingreee alil egreee and free uee of riparian rights. The dedicatore also reeerve the rlgM to lay water plpee, raile or polee and w!rea on aD,V etreet or avenne. A s~beeq~ent corrective Plat, filed in 192~, which ie now in efte.', omite all reference to the mattere above mentioned. In 1926 pereone deecribing themeelves ae the exec~trix and heire at law of the former owner and 6edlcator attempted to dedicate the etreete and other waye to the perpetual lue of the P~blic b~t the inetr~ment of dedicaHon, which ehOQ1d have met all the reqdremente of a war- ranty deed, had neither seale nor witneeeee. be nce. it might be con- tend'edi that none of the streets are p~blic b~t are all private w.ya. As . practical matter, however, it ie donbtless safe to aSSUMe that -2- , no effort will ever be made to dispate the finality aAd effeotivenels ot the dedicatory instrument of 1926. SIX!H. In 1926 Helen S. Pearson, as Tr~stee wnder the Will of Walter Beverly Pearson, deceased, conveyed the lands ander learoh to P. L. ~tson, Inc., a Florida oorporation, but it appears that the inteAded grantee was P. L. Watson Propertiee, Inc., a Plorida corpora- tion sinee the latter exec~ted what appears to have been parchaee money mortgages in favor of Helen S. Pearson, as Trastee etc. If there was at that time a Florida corporation under the name of P. L. Watson, Inc., then a quit-claim should be secured from that corporation but if there was no snch oQrporate entity, then an explanatory affidavit tram P. L. Watson, should be sufficient to correct this apparent error in the name of the grantee of Helen S. pearson, as Trustee, eto. SEVENTH. As stated aboTe, when the land under search was oon- veyed to P. L. Watson, Inc., mortgages were effected in favor cf Helen s. Pearlcn, as Trastee etc. by P. L. Watson Properties, Inc., a Florida . corpcration, and these mortgagel were later fcreclosed and the property bo~t at the foreclolare sale in 1930 by Helen S. Pearscn, al Trastee of the estate of Walter Beverly Pearlon, deceased. Immediately the property wel conveyed by the trustee to Helen S. Pear Ion , a widow. As there were two cther beneficiaries of the trast estate of Walter Beverly Pearson, tc-wit, Prederick Pearson, his lon, and Beatrice Pearlon, his daughter, and al the instrument creating the trust doel not expreslly ~ermlt the trustee to convey to herself in her individual capacity, it is thought to be desirable thet qait-claim deedl be lecared from the Ion and daughter above mentioned, joined by their respective spoUlel, if any. EIGHTH: In 1926 one, S. S. Holmel, acqaired an wndivided two-thirds interest in the lands under search and assumed and agreed to pay one-helf of the indebtednels thereon, amounting in the aggregate to Seventy-five tho~sand dollars ($76,000.00). In the mortgage foreclosure apcn which the title to the lands under aearch depeAds, " S. S. Holmel and, if married, Mrs. S. S. HOlmel, his wife," were made parties defeAd- ant. While it is common practice,where the marital statas of the DS- " ~ t.nelant 18 Wlltnown, to sue an Wlltnown wite in thll manner, nenrtheless, sinoe it is not expreeslY permitted by st at Ilte , we reoommend that a qllit-olaim deed be procured of S. S. HOlmes, joinsd by his wife, or that a showing be ade that S. S. Holan was IUlIIlarried at the time of the institlltion of the foreclosure SIlit, to-wit, April 23, 1929, or at some time sllbseq~nt thereto. Bowever, if it be impossible to eliminate any apparent claim of dower as above suggested, it oan be said, in favor of the safety of the title, that the purchaser of the same is sllbrogated to the rights of the former holder of mortgages aggregating more than Forty thOUSand dollars 1$40,000.00) which may be revived as liene paramo~t to any claim of dower on the part of the wife of S. S. Holmes. 1111.,111 The use, occupation and enjoyment of the lands ~der search are limited by the provisions of tbe Zoning Ordinanoe of the City of Miami Beach which mIlY be applicable thereto. TENTH: Any discrepancies or errors in surveys of the property or etreete and other ways about the same are excepted herefrom and IllliY be ascertained and correoted only by an accurate survey conducted by a qualified Civil Engineer but no such errors or discrepancies appear to exist in fact and our searoh Buggests no reason for suspecting the exist- eJlOe of aJ1,Y. ELEVENTH: The rights of partiea in posseJsion other than the record title owner are excepted herefrom since all perSOns are charged with notice of the rights of those in possession even thoGBh there be no record right or claim in or against the lands held in poseeesion. TWELFTHs Any meohanios', material men's or laborers' liens against the lands ~der search for work, labor or lllliterial bestowed upon or placed upon the property within the last three months of the period covered by the title eearch, sinoe such olaims might constitute liens against the property without any record thereof. - 4 - ~ ~ ~ORE, I am of tbe oplAioA that aa of JUDe 3, 1935 at e a. m. the fee 8imple title to the aboye described property was vested in HELD' S. PtillSOll 8~bject to the above limitations and exoeptions. RESPECTJULLY 5UBMlTTED, as of June 3, 1935 at 8 a. m. TO. Honorable Clau.de A. Renellaw Oit7 lIaDaser Miami Beach, Florida