Opinion of Abstract of Title OPInO:l on All.traot of 'fi 101e prepared. bT >>.4e Co1U1'liT If1101e Inaurllllce IlIld bu.t Coap~. under Certificate :10. 4SOO::5, co,.ering pen oil froa the be_ ginning to .rob: 6. 1925. at 8 a. III.. conshting of 41 entr1ee. and continUation thereof bT the hIIIe eo.... ~. 1U1Cln CerUfiCate :10. 48906. cOTering the period froa .rch 6. 1925 at 8 a. III. to ~ 26. 1925 at 8 a. a.. con.bUng of 11 eJl\rie.. and cOl1UZIl1foUon thereof bT the ..... 001llP~. un4er Certif1Cate :10. 6l2lll. OOTer_ ing the per10d from Ma7 26. 1925 at 8 a. III. to Deceaber 14. 1925 a' 8 a. 11\.. cons1"lng of 4 entr1e.. ~d oon_ tin1l& UOI1 thereof bT Seour1 t;y Ab.tract Comp~. under CerUf10ate Xo. ~2M, cOTering the periocl froll\ De08lllbn 14, 1925 to June 9, 1926, cons1.t1ng of 2 entr1e., and oontilluat10n thereof bT Florida !l!1Ue CoIepan,y. Ull4er Certificate Xo. '1'7749. covering the period frOlll June 9, 1926 at 5 p. .. to Karoh 5, 192' at 8 a. a.. con- .bUng of 5 entriee, and continUation thereof b;y Kl.aa1 Beach Abdract and 'fitle Comp~. 1U1Cler Certifioate 110. 3952, conring the period from Varch 5, 1929 at 8 a. Ia. to June ::5, 19::55 at 8 a. 11\., oonshting of 7 entrie.. and oon101n1l&UOI1 thereof bT Kialll1 Beaoh Ab- .traot IlIld 'fi 101e CoIIIP~. und.er Certitioa te 110. 4016. COTe ring the period froll\ June 3, 1935 at 8 a. III. to June 21, 1935 at 8 a. 11\., consi.ting of 4 entrie.. oover1ng the following de.cribed proper~ in Dade Oount,y. nOrida, to_wit 1 All of Block ..... of Atlantic highte. conshUng of lot. one to .i% inch.. .he. aooor4ing ... the 1>lat thereof recor4ell in Plat Book 9 at Page 14. of the ~blic .coI'4. of Dalle Count,y. J'londa. J'rom an .y~1ftation of the aboTe de.ori'" Ab.traot of 'fitle, and ba.ing rq Op1llion .01elT upon the ..... I alii of the opinion that. ae ot June 21, 1935 at 8 a. 11\., the fee .imple title to the aboTe de.cribed prop.r~ .... ...tell in CI'fY or JIUJII HAOH, a 1I1U11ciPal corporation. ~bJ.ot to the followingl PIllS'f, Ul taxe. for the Tear 1935, while they are not Tet p.,ab1e. oon.'itute 11en. aga1n.t the aboTe 4e.cr1bed prea1... and beoome pa,)"ab1e on 1I0Tell\ber 1, 1935. 810011]), _ and all reetricUon., oonditions and 1111111o&tiOl1. of reoord, ..peoia11T tho.e eet forth in an 1netl'QlUnt to be found. in Deed Book 187 at Page ::52 thereof wherebT bui141ng. to be ereoted llpon the prop_ . . .- _. .0 erv, ucept garage. and outbuildings, are required to co.t at lea.t ~iYe fhousand Dollar. 1t5,000.001 and al.o a race re.triotion to be found in Deeel Book: 402 at Page 210 thereof wherein a nUlllber, perhaps all. of the properv 01lller. in the Subdhilion &6ree to liait the ownulIhip of the properv in the eubdhhion to person. Of the Caucasian race aDd to firms and OOl'Pora1i1on. 001Q0184 of Callcasians IXclushel;y. THIBJh ~ original Plat. filed in 1919. of Atlantio Heightl r..ery.. the .treeh. annue.. road. and drin. and riparian righh at the eM of the .treeh. as shown on the map, to the dedicator. and grants to properv owners in the Subdhhion righh of inerell and egrell and free use of riparian rights. file dedioators also r..ene the right to l~ water pipes, rail. or pole. and wir.. on &'Il3 .treet or annue. j, sub..quent oorrectin Plat. filed il1 1923. whioh i. now in effect, 0III1t1 all reference to the matters abon I118ntioned. In 1926 persons d..cribing ~.eln. ae the ueoutrb: aDd heirs at law of the former o1lller and dedi_ cator attempted tc dedioate the .treet. aDd other w~e to the p.rpetual u.. of the Public but the in.trwaent of dedicatioa, whioh .hould han ut all the requirelllllnh of a warrant;r deeel, bad neither sea18 nor wi tn....., hence. it aight be contended that none of the streeh are public but are all prhate w~.. I.a a practical matter, howenr, it is doubtlell eafe to a..ume tbkt ao effort will eyer be made to di.pute the fiD&lit;r and effec_ thenell of the dedicator;y in.truDl8nt of 1926. JOUll'l'II In 1925 ol1e. S. S. .,1.... aoquired an 1lJI.diTi4ed two- third. intere.t ia the land. under ..arch and allume4 and agreed to p~ one_half of the indebtedne.. thereon. amounting in the aggregate to Sn.nt;r_ five fhousand Dollar. 11.,5.000.00). In the mortgage foreclosure 1lp0l1 which the title to the lands under "arch depends, "S. S. Holmes aDd, if _rried, IIrs. S. S. Hollll8.. his wife, If were made parties defendant. While it 11 cOlIIIIIDn pracUce, where the marital .tatus of the Defendant 11 1UIknown, to IU8 an 1UIIa101ll1 wife in th1l -.nner, nnerthe1e.., since 11; is not expre..l;r permitted b;r statute, we recommend that a quit_olaim deed be procured of S. S. Holmes. Joined by his wife, or that a showing be made that S. S. 101m.. _ 2 _ "I UIIIIIlrried a~ the 111. of the institution of the foreclosure suit, to_..itl Qril 23, 1929, or at lome 111m. lubl.qu.n~ th.reto. Boft\'8r, if i~ b. imp088ibl. to eli81nah allY appar.d cla1ll of d....r as aboT. suggut.d, it can be said, in faTOr of the eafev of the title, that the purchaler of the ..... 18 subrop.te4 to the righh of the former hold.r of mortgage I aggr.gating mor. ~ .orty Thousand Dollars 1t40,oOO.OOI ..hich Ill&)' be reThed 1101 lienl pa_unt t. arJ3 cla1ll of do...r on the part of the wif. of S. S. Holmel. FlftJh '1'h. UBI, ocoupatiOll allll enJ07Jlellt of the landl under Blarch are 11a1ted by the proThionl of the Zoning Ordinanc. of the City of KiatI1 lleaoh whioh Ill&)' be applicabl. thereto. SU~JlI J.ri3 diecrepano1n or errors in surTeys of the properv or the Itre.h and other "aTe about the 8IlIIIe are 8.1:cepte4 herefrOlll and Ill&)' be alcertained and corrected only by an accurate sun-..r conducted by a qualifi.d ClYil Ilagineer but no such errors or discrepancies appear to exie~ in fact and our I.arch suggelts no realon for suspecting the .xilt_ enoe of &JQ'. UVJI1IT.lU 'fhe righte of partin ill pouesliOl1 other than the record ti t18 owner are excepted her.froa since all personl are charged wUh notio. of the rights of thoBl in posMsdon even though there b. no reoord right or cla1lll in or againlt the land I held in p088eslion. BIGB'l'Ih _ IlIIlchanics', _terial .n'l or laborere' lienl againlt the laIIds under learoh for work, labor or _terial bestowed upon or plaoed upon the properv within the last three month I of the period cOTlred by the title ..arch, lince such claims might constitute liene against the properv without allJ' record thereof. nlTBD the 3rd day of July, A. D. 1935. _epeottull.r subaUted, '1'01 Oi ty of Jliaa1 :a.aah K1&1l1 Beaah, Floricl.a