Warranty Deed \N t>-l..{ 0 BOOK280i PAGE ~ I ~~~~ ~) 'fi ~ (~ ~<~ I ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~. l ,. . ....................... ,."'-..A ili. "'" -. _d :~ Beach. a Municipal Clo"'po,.,at1on of the Sb,te of' 1<'10"'1,;a,~" ( I WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY) PA.N AMERICA.N PRINTING CORP-ORATIO" MIAMI. FLORIO'" FORM 0 w4in 1Jui'lrutun, Made thj. 2Rth day of December , A. D. 194-2. BETWEEN Mortimer C. Gryzmish, joined by his wife, Florence L. GrY7.mis of' the Clollnty of' Suffolk setts. , 1n the Clommonwealth of Massachll- .w tK, 6uu~tr<>f City City of Miami Hall, Miami Beach, of the County of Dade , in the Stale of Florida, parG:-- of the second part. WITNESSETH, That the .aid part.ifl.s of the Cirst part, for and in consideration of the sum of ten ($10.00) Dollars and other ~aluable considerations liDUuIlI: to them ;n hand 'paid'hy the partS--of the second part, the receipt whereof ie herehy acknowledgeil, have granted. bargained and sold to the said partY of the 8eCond part, jsuccessors 1 t s .l.aizs and assigns, forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: Normandy Waterway as shown and designated on Plat of North Isle of Normandy, recorded in Plat Book 40, at page 36, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. " And the said parL..W of the first part do_ hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all personi! whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part.ifl.s of the first part have hereunto set their hand.5L and seaHLthe day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of': .~~~~~ ~ Cr:tLf ~'~-l 1.ifr~~~""""""'~~ $JdL~, <:;i ,,- ::'ID-~:;'-" " (,i;I("~,,.~~~~""'<'ig~ (SEAL) (SEAL) ~alth of Massachusetts / COUNTY OF -/~~ I I HE~EBY CE T that on thio day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized Florence L. G~Y7.m1~n, n1~ wl~A Mortimer c. G~Y7.ml~n ~nn to adminioter oatha and take acknowledgement., to me well known to be the perso~ deocribed in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowl. edged before ~e that ;,n"y executed the aame freely and voluntarily for the purpooe therein ex. pressed. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the aa;il FJ.orenaEl \t. Grvzmish , known to me to be the wife of the aaiil Mm..;, 1 mp.~ C. fl~y"mj ~h , on a ...parate and private examination taken and made by and before me, aeparately and apart from her aaid huaband, did acknowledge that she made herlleU a party to said deed for the pur!'o... of renouncing, relinquiahing and conveying all her right, title and interest, wJ\ether dower, homeatead or of aeparate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands de8cribed therein, and that 81le executed the said deed freely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, cons aint, apprehenaion or fear of or from her ..id huaband. WITNESS my hand and official ...al a ' -L. ~r -' ~wealth of Massachusetts . '214 County of. . 'A~ 1 dUll (/ lilly;~f';::".~~'qel!lbe r . ,A.D.19~ ~~C(~ 'J ~.";".'U'" J'./.} "." ,M~" .. . ~l'jr....: - ~........ ~...... . '" 2: ~v\}'::;' ":; - CI x:- ~. "'I . i Zj ~!:":..,. ':~.}:.;~:,:i ~,~::(}~ . .1(:0 .h...... '".~~ f: ~,~\J~\ Notary Public, ~ . Commonwealth of Massachusetts pI"'" ~.,------,--~-..,....--.....-_--_.._,. ... .. ~ ~:E .~ i ~ ~ :~I i i h~ ~ r r~. i ~ . ,,\ , !' . II, , .\1 ~ ;~, ., rJ__.. .. ~ if .. i ./ r ;l' ~ "" " e. ~~ E. ... r ~ ::r ... r:; ~ " - S (Il ;. .. ~ !ii' ::" ~ =:" ... (Il " g. .. .... ::r .... (Il .... (Il r:; (Il <'> = (Il ~' ... a. e. ~ ~ .. i ;. r:; l? ~ a.. ;. (Il 5' 0' II ... ... i E. ... r"' r:; " ! " .... ~ "'l 8 S El'- lzt. pi pi ~ :x: ra ~ z -..- ~ .<:5 #,~~ ~'<j .~ ,-.. .:--"".... (,." ~. ((;, ~ (c en g t'l c " ~ ... .. .... " .... ?- !:I ~ 0 G)o'!S: ,..,. '<10 et >:f '<1 ::Yet ....,..,. 0 OJ a 1-1, (1) :;; "1 !S: .... .... 1-1,0 ll> (1) . a ~ "'l fJo ~ Q... "9 >:f ~ if 1-''<1 ON ll> >:fa Q (1).... ::Y gf} (1) w. t"o . .... ::J (1) P. ~~ , ~ .~'V .;;~~~~ ("L.~ ... , , (^:> ...~.)<.r ) ~. <~., "", <Jt <";'., . 'vS."J' Cr~. "',," 'V<:.; 4..' '\.~' -.'V , \I ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: ....... U::; s ~ ~ tv ~ . m'~ 0J1j ~ ~'0 ,~~~\ I:~ ('. .,. . '-.-l~~$ .. ~ (j ; ~:. ~ o ~~~ i~~ '\~r :I :,:'~,~', .. ... z,j...-<\;.:, IV {,"0i':., -- ~~~ , .~ 01 N II~ I; , ~. .'" - -..- '--,'------.- -.,--.......-