Debra Leibowitz 12/31/08
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convenllon Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
Tel. 305673.741 1, Fax. 305 6737254
Debra Leibowitz
8 W Rivo Alto Dr
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
SOSUECT~ Miami Beach Commission on Status of Women
Congratulations! You have been appointed by Commissioner Saul Gross
to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending: 12/31/2008.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-3543, commencing with terms beginning on or after
January 1st, 2007, the term of board members who are directly appointed by a member of
the City Commission shall automatically expire on December 31 of the year the appointing
elected official leaves office.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the City
Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411. Please read the enclosed materials carefully.
Congratulations again and good luck.
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Maria E. Martinez
1. City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
2. General Provisions of Ordinance NO.97 -3086 Amended by Ordinance No. 2006-3543
3. Ordinance No. 97-3105
4. Citywide parking permit application - Return completed application to the Parking
Department located at Palm Court Building, 309 23rd Street, Suite 200 - Tel: 305-673-
5. Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and
6. Miami Beach Code Section 2-459
7. Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1
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'.tib:oni, :1~)pi(:G" hi:,rOfIC communiiY'_
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeochflgov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
Tel 305-673-7411, Fax 305-673-7254
TO Debra Leibowitz
RE: MB Commission on the Status of women
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2008.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theFlorida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1 st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served.
Qg~ ~bra~~~~~~
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of -AptLL, 2001
~t E nA~
_un" _//~L'---------F--
Deputy Clerk
*Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at under City Clerk/Board and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
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~,-, '....,ho live, \"y'ork, (Jnd picTy
vi'brcmi, tli,)pico/, historic cornmuniiv.
SEP-.5-20:j4 WE) [:]9: ~3 A:\1 FF:OM:. 30WITZ & ASSOC.
~niUf.(::j.I,:iJ~lr'i:;~~::Q!'-I Fax:3C515?37C:16
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re~u:r.ff1tnt .hill blf: fulMliQ ill the 1'ollo\\l!n';I \lIays: I) lln lndl\lrdu~t Sh:lll "IMI bl!M & r<!$jeetie of the oty (1)1' a JI'llnlr1U!Tl ot $1).: m\?nW:i (If Q)
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R~!S1dent of ~1121mi Baa(:h fQr I rn':nlmlJm gf slx (f,) months: Yes [v1 or NCJ [ J .
Dernonttl'at2 all o~...niYsh[p/jntf;lrlt$i; In;l blJiinCl5n in Miami a..~lch fl~r a minimum of ll~( (eo) mC'l'Itl,s;! Y!S [J or No r
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l.35t Nl'me .. . Flr~t i~am~ '0 ~ _ _1 . 111Jddle Initial .
U~ome -.....Z W-~-LVa.ALin.Jm~VL. -HL~~ _8. ~ll
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flhone: 3.Qs~2:2.lj1j1.___2mag L~,. ~~~~ .cdsr%~ I~~ ~e,- bea
HornE Work r;l!,/ !:lniDlI eddress
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Bl.Isin~$ NiI111~: .---A.d.s-~JrL~_.___ Appll(',.!nt'; ~osltJDn: -Pmtd.tniL________
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NQ, Str6et City
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FrcJ.S:iL,~nellcl:nlJe (cJsil~ribe)~ ~.--.-1:!JA__~____~ (~cl)lr'es;_-----.
A tta~\ ~ ~)J<)' "J't.l'1i' Nat/J$'/! J.~1'.lbDlIllP. .
1. HllVtl you ~;M~I' ~le!'\ ,::or.Vrcle<;j of ilf~!(my: Yes r ,1 ':Jr No [v1!I; \/~:I please e:<j:11~in in detail: .__
1. Do V')1..i CLu"12n~1y l'Iav~ ~I viQJlItlon(s) .:Jf City (If:'r1larni B!2lc:h t;odes: Yes [ ] Qr r,!Q [~ IfVOS:, plElise expfain In detall:
3, C,O 'fi~~ CUl'l'I!lfitiy I)we t~le o:y of tv'i~ll eeac.~ 'Sl1Y mcmey YfSS [ J or No L v1
!f Y'll:>, ,~;';plaln in detail:
.II. ~~~ 'y'';'1,J Q,lrreli'I:ly 1ia!n'i:'\g e)!'1 MY City Bo.lIrds; 9I':Omrnltt&~:5: Yl!! r ] or No [ &.r
cf yes; whkh bliQrd? .
Wh~t or~lltllzHtjOll!i Ir .the CIt~. M Miami Scel;h dc, you currently 110lcl ~1'(1(';Jershlp in?
Name: ._~le_~spcl.a.o.L___ .n~18;~d~__tH&furS
Nam~: ~~-.g~...l1U-lLt-hLetL~~~_ T11:le:.,,&d_aj)ir~rs '
List ad prop~nN:!S ~jrm1 or ~1l!V(11~ ~Iter'd:a:~kh ar~! lo~atej Wll:h11 '!:tu:: Qty or tvIlaml Beach:
-,.,,~....-~...(~.$I e ('If'.P:._ ~ Vf-.
I am I'ItlW .~~)~,l'JYetj by the City IJt' Miami BllSlC."I~ 'r'i;$ [ ] or No [t1':'1f Y4ls, wl'llt:h (Iep~I/t!1"\mt.
PUI'1uant to Ocr CC:de !~~~'~I~ ,,-.2.5 (b)i Co YI)U hal/E ~ paret'll: [ ], :i~(iuse [VT,' ctli/cl r ;, brother- [ J{ Or $I$ter [ J wtlo
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&1 Lit,
is employ~ltj by the OWJf ('illami'7 Chnci< all ~~~ ~Pi~I~I, Ideni:lly ltll:: dl!partment(5): _JJQt.t2.J:J...~rnpo~~ ~
Ji~LIJJ!I. f\(~ .:[f=fY-.~-~1LCA.k~~.:._
l~te":S1: lis\: your IJreflrenCei ~n (ird!'!I' elf I'<ll'lkl"'g [1J flrJt chOiC!l I2j s;econd CI'10i~, and C:~J thi~ci choice, ",.... ngg tb.t
iOnl:~' 3 t:tlci(~IHf nrll be Clbi!K~r""llId I:llf tlle Clt~, C1el':l(s CtPf,IUlI.
(R.egL'iJlr UO,llru cf City) (.Bo~rd R!quired tel File Staal Qisdo.lilmt forrn)
j Mal'lne Avth,):Iw*
[ ] Midm: l~ (~lJl'~mll Alts Co\,lrn;II
[ I ] MI.mi fleBch C:Ornm~clO 01"1 &rntu$ c, VlOInI!11
r ] MIami !rellcn F1Cflcllt Sl~r Otied
( J Normandy SmJn".3 lQI::SI GOVt NeiahbIMhoo:1lmpl'OvlnlElnt
r ] North S=dl YouttJ C~ter O~r.;j"ht O"'l'1mli~
[ J NUDI\C$ Abntifrient e;ani'"
t J Oversight COrY'ml!le! for Gel'lel't!Jl Oi;,n.,.don Borld
L J PlIrl<l i1"d Rec~etion radlltieG ~:Oelrcf
( ] Persor:!',e1 8l:la,'d'"
r J Plllnrrr:ll~ BOlnjlf
[ ) PgJice Cltlzo/'lii Rcl~LlQl1s COmmittee
( ] PrcdU(!lon 1M usl1;' eol.Jnl;:if
r l P\ltlllr: safety Ad~lliOI'Y Comm:l:tlte
[ J Safely C:on1fn'ttee
[ :J SOlit~ 1~:lIl'lt AdvjS1)1j' ~(f;l* tg'~I:tlpmE!nt Agr;!ncy
[ ] ~-ffid-etI'lWlFlElel'l SeI'lQlr ~):~:l'I,..~\-Atl~leri:f
[ J Trari8p=rt4Jtiol, arid P~ric!ng l30aJrd
[ ] VIsitor md'tll~fj Autnorlt~1Io
~ : YQl.lthl:Mte:' .~vLso!'y B03I/'d
: AI'~ In Pul:lIl; Flilc:e:l
] ALdit fo'om ill:ee
J flirrt'lr F:r=e E1'Ivironme\t C:lInrnr~"
l Be3ei, jJratl~rllat;iQl\ i<IIrcJ
] ~",I.I:jfi,:mlon Commlttt>a
; flCl~~:1 <;If Adjl.r,ltrn=nt (Fiood Mllnlt.)"
L 1 Ell,ia"llt MI'I!I~'ry Cam Ill; lXIile
[ 1 t:~~ltiPll~l!l!lfteflt~"~iil~
l. -;,l, I Clrtlr'lllt~ ,n HomeJ~:j;
[ ] C:ofl'lr,IIb!J!, ftk Qu,IIIl-, !~hj~I!'m In r'II.~
[: 1 CQrrnlUni~( ~.~V.lclp~'eJ1t AcM!lOIj''''
[ ) C:cmnliJnltv RI~I'~C>n5 ao,ud
r ] CoI1W'tltj';lr, C:lintu Ad\~,~,~ Elwrd
( J eonVt,rll~"lI CMte.r CIIpif:ill PI'ClJlIcts Ovel'$jght
[ ] Del:a!"\!i1t Committee
r J :'~i911 R!:vieN B~'llrdT~
r :I ~ine ./1!~1 30arj
r ':1 '?olt .A~vl:~ory CQ:lll1"\ittiitl
[ ~ lieallj: ,~.(Ivlsr..~y C':lmm,t~!a!l
[ J Hl!!Ul~ i=i1-.illtiu A~th[)r1tv
[ :1 !1[Spal'~Ic: Alf!ir~ Clrlll"j!':t!II~
[ J' Hlf\;\'lril; l'rasarIl8l:i(1n Ilo;./'tjC
. J 1-I0~i",~, ";ith,;rlty'~
) loaM RINII!W CarM,jtt~~*
1\lcte: If ~pplyln!; li~r ~'owtt, AdvJso;y El~l.!lr',j, pleh5.~ indicate Y'lllr affi!/atl:m with ~I'le Scott RakQ~" Youth
center;.,_...~...,_,.......__._____,.,_._ _, ~ _._.,_.,.___.._~
1. P;3~t sef\'jea en the Yc,u~h Cel1tl2r Adv!~:01jl Ek~lrd; 'y'es C ] No [ J (Yl!li!il'~ 0' Strvice t J
2. P.'BOOnt (:Ilrti~J;,tir:m in Youth Centff i'lo:ivj~!! by Y~l.It Q,lJ~ren yes r ] No [ ]. rFYI:!!:, "Iuse liit the nDlnes of your
CniJl11'en, rtJeJr zgQS, ~'1Q \"JhlG~1 prO}'llll15. Un be/ON.
C h I!d'~ n!ln'ii: -~_____.~__._____.._ J\.ge~ __ II(og,,~'l1: ._____,~_____... ______
Ch:rd'~ ~ilIme: ---___....~_.__..._.___ AQe: _ F'rogt'aIn: ~'___---,..__.
Thll :HlIltiOll 't "~otl'eQ1.II1r.ed" I~ut.:i~~~ Age! [rtJ
I:ttJnk ()tfgirl (Chedl: 'Omt)
Wr11t:e l v1 jUriClrl-A.n-It:riQ'lrl/15!ali~[' 1 l~isPH"lel [ J
Mlal' Ul' Plcil'l.:: hlamler [ ] A.I1lilrican IU'ldlin or AIISIu n Nal:i"f;ll: ]
!;mplOYiTieCl t Sta t1J! l ErnpJolt;',d [ J !'{~red ( :I err J Otl~er r
I hereby at/:!!:;t to the!lcy and truthfulne:is of the a~:plic;ation Md have received, rl!lId and will C1blde by
CMiap.te~. 2, Nlicle VI! - of the City Cod~ "StanQanjs of C:)I'ldI,/{;~ for l:ity Offic:!!rs, EmplOyees ,md Agency
APQJli..~nt'6 :$j\ln~tUrt~ =ir
Gender: LVI [ ] or t: [ ~
J2duL-k.. Le(~(,~
Nam~ Or Apptr'i~nt (PLEASE F'RI/llr:,
Att;Jchment: PI~llse att~<: =- ';QPY 01' your resume to YOIJ~ applicatloll.
. . I~O"E: ,~p~~lfJltic~" f'in ~;' if} n file fer I PtariCllj 01' o~le (l) ~lerIQ21r Y~:(II'.
R.('Celi/~d In u~, Oflt<:'s C)ffic;~ ':L //It //L!:1I:l~ --~~----._______a(3j'k,
DCl(:u~l'Ier,t Cc,r,i:/'(~' I\Juml~el' (As.-signlld bv l:he Cll.y c: ~ 'i Offil;l) /-952.-- P.Iir.' iM"/- Q1l0a/0"l
l':\Ct"J;ft\~"'l,-f..\;o.~.,J:tJl.EIE' i'lMC\atAI'l~U<;~4,~o,
3E?-[5-20C4 WEj i)9<7 AM rr;OM:. 20WIU & ASSOC.
?AG:: 1
~ .iE;/w:..
Corporate Endeavors:
President - Ads Etc., Inc. I Communications &. Marketing (1985 - present)
Columnist - "Beach BuzzN / Miami Herald Neighbors (1999 - present)
V.P. / Media Director - Krieff Advertising, Hollywood, FL (1981 - 1985)
Media Director - Jack Kilpatrick Advertising, Coconut Grove, FL (1979 - 1981)
Account ExecutIve - Joan Spector Public Relations, Miami, FL (1977 - 1979)
Community Involvement:
Chairperson, City of Miami Beach Parks & RecreatIon Programs
Blue RIbbon Citizens Committee (2001-2002)
Author: "SerIous Play: A Comprehensive Action Plan for Our Parks"
Co-Founder, Friends of North Beach Elementary (1994 - pr~sent)
North Beach E;lementary Media Center - named in honor of
Debra & Matthew Lei bowltz (2003)
Author: "Learning to Learn" - FL Dept. of Educ. InnovatIve Prac:tii;es Grant (1996)
Amount Awarded: $55,:362
Author; "Learning to Learn 11 - FL Business Partnership Challenge Grant (1996)
Amount Awarded: $19,721 (1996)
Board of Direc:tors, Temple Beth Sholom, Miami Beach (2003-present)
Co-Chairperson - \'Mltzvah Weekend" - Temple Beth Sholom (2003, 2004)
Board of Directors, Miami Beach Pollee Athletic League (2003 - present)
Board Member, SAC Committee, MAST Academy (2003 - present)
Board M@mber, PTSA, MAST Academy (2003 - present)
Treasurer, North Beach Elementary PTA (1995, 1996)
M@mber/Past Board Member, Greater Miami Jewish FederatIon, Women's Division
Member/Past Board Memb@r, NatIonal Council of Jewish Women, Greater Miami
Scholastic Achievement~
Bachelor of Arts - University of Miami (1979)
Major: Broadcast Journalism / Minor: Marketing
Personal Accomplishments:
MarrIed - 1B years (Matthew Leibowitz)
Mother - two sons; Brandon (age 1S) and Ryan (age 11)
Client list and recommendatIons are avaIlable upon request. InformatIon a5 of 9/1/04,
B West Ftivo Alto Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305)531-7887 I fax: (305)531-8526/ adsetcinc(6)