Thomas DeLuca 12/31/08
City of Miami leach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
TEL: 1305) 673-7411, FAX: (305)673-7254
Thomas DeLuca
1500 Bay Rd #S940
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
SUBJECT: Design Review Board
Congratulations! You have been appointed by the City Commission
to the agency, board or committee named above for a term ending 12/31/2008.
If you are unable to accept this appointment or have any questions, please call the
City Clerk's Office at 305-673-7411.
Please read the enclosed materials carefully. Congratulations again and good luck.
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
cc: Saul Frances, Parking Director
Thomas Mooney
1. City Code Ordinance section, applicable to agency, board or committee
2. General Provisions of Ordinance NO.97-3086 Amended by Ordinance No. 2006-3543
3. Ordinance No. 97-3105
4. Citywide parking permit application - Return completed application to the Parking
Department located at Palm Court Building, 309 23rd Street, Suite 200 - Tel: 305-673-7505
5. Guide to the Sunshine Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and
6. Miami Beach Code Section 2-459
7. Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11.1
We ore committed /0 providing excellent public service and safety to 01/ who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Robert Parcher, City Clerk
TEL: 1305) 673-7411, FAX: (3051 673-7254
TO Thomas Deluca
RE: Design Review Board
I do solemnly swear or affirm to bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the Government of the
United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Miami Beach, and to perform all the duties of
a member of the above-mentioned board or committee of the City of Miami Beach to which I have
been appointed for a term ending: 12/31/2008.
I have been issued a copy of Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code (Conflict of Interest
and Code of Ethics Ordinance), as well as theFlorida Commission on Ethics Guide to the Sunshine
Amendment and Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees, and understand that as a member
of a City of Miami Beach Board and/or Committee, I must comply with the financial disclosure* require-
ments of Miami-Dade County or the State of Florida (depending on the board or committee on which
I serve) on July 1 st, following the closing of the calendar year on which I have served.
~~~ --
Thomas Deluca
Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of .s
, 200'1
Deputy Clerk
*Please visit the City of Miami Beach website at under City Clerk/Board and Committees
for additional information regarding the Financial Disclosure Requirements.
We are committed to providing excel/ent public service and safety to al/ who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community
. .
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) Q and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees sholl be aHiliated wilh the city; this requirement sf
be fulfilled in the following ways: 0) an individual sholl hove been 0 resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an Individual sf
demonstrate ownership/interest for 0 minimum of six months in 0 business established In the city.
Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes~ or No [ ]
Demonstrate an ownership/interest in 0 business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes I or No ~
I am applying for a Board appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge, experience: Yes~
My special abilities, knowledge, or experience is: A'i-.:::.~ \,c.0
Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~or No 0
NAME: 'De. LU vl:::., ~<J'1-\6S ~
Last Nome
Hom~e OJ!)~ e
Address: No.
~eA-P .7'-,jT ~~l\e
\~~z... LJWc,ol;].J CT. %-~"'O~
":>1:6 SOf\ S~6S
Work Fox
First Nome
'Ml~MJ 'E,~
Middle Initial
~L.. ~~Y!.>~
State Zip Code
Phone:~~5 S,>\ 45) 'l-
"'~ut:..L91 ~ -'J)E.~ . NED""
Email address
(Please check one): I am now a resident of:
North Beach 0 South Beac~Middle Beach 0
Business Nome:
Applicant's Position:
Zip Code
DOwner 0 Stockholder/Shareholder 0 Corporate Officer 0 Other Explain:
Professional License (describe): "2..~, 5\~<€. \) ~ ~~nE.t..,)
Attach a copy of the license listed above.
1. Hove you ever been convicted of 0 felony: Yes 0 or N~ yes, please explain in detail:
Expires: ""Loo~
2. Do you currently hove 0 violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes 0 or N~. If yes, please explain in detail:
3. Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No~
If yes, explain in detail:
4. Are you currentl~ serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes 0 or N~.
If yes; which board?
What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
List 011 properties owned or have an interest in, which ore located within the City of Miami Beach:
I am now employed by the Cty 01 Miami Beoch Yes 0 or N~ If yes; which department2
Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b) Do you hove 0 porent OJ, spouse OJ, child 0], brother OJ, or sister OJ who is
employed by the City 01 Miami Beach2 Check 011 that apply Identily the depariment(s) _______
Please list your preferences in order 01 ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice Please note that only
three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office.
Reqular Boards of City)
o Art in Public Places Committee OHousmg Authority
o Barrier Free Environment Committee OLoan Review Committee*
o Beach Preservation Boord OMarine Authority *
o Beautification Committee OMiami Beach Cultural Arts Council
o Board of Adjustment (Flood Management) * DMiami Beach Commission on Status of Women
o Budqet Advisory Committee OMiami Beach Florida Sister Cities -
o Committee on the Homeless ONormandy Shores Local Go~.Neiqhborhood Impro~ement
o Committee for Quality of Education in Miami Beach ONorth Beach Youth Center Oversiqht Committee
o Community Development Advisory Committee* OOversight Committee for General Obligation Bond
o Community Relations Boord DParks & Recreational Facilihes. Boord
o Convention Center Advisory Boord o Personnel Board *
o Debarment Committee o Planning Boord *
~DesiCln Review Boord * o Police Citizens Relations Committee
o Fine Arts Board o Production Industry Council
o Golf Advisory Committee o Public Safety Advisory Committee
o Health Advisory Committee o Safety Committee
o Health Facilities Authority o Transportation & Parkinq Committee
OHispanic Affairs Committee o Visitor & Convention Authority *
OH,storic Preservation Board * o Youth Center Advisory Boord -
*Boord Required to File Stote Disclosure form
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Boord, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth
1. Post service on the Youth Center Advisory Boord: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service 0
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes 0 No O. If yes, please list the names of your children,
their ages, and which programs List below:
Child's name:
Child's name:
Age: _ Program:
Age: _ Program:
This section is "not required" but desired: Age:~ Y- )
Ethnic Origin (Check one)
Whitan African-American/Black 0 Hispanic: 0
Asian or Pacific Islander 0 American Indian or Alaskan Native 0
Employment Status: Employe~ Retired 0 Home-maker 0 Other 0
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by
Chapter 2r Article VII - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency
~~ '!~/~~'~: ~~rEU\U
Applicant's Signature Date Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT)
Attachment: Please attach a copy of your resume to your application.
NOTE: Applications will remain on file for a period of one (1) calendar year.
Gender: Male or Female 0 ~
Recei,ed io City Cleck', ORi" ;;)')Ifft'df:' by '~'t'.!fL ~\3C'>"'~~ Depoty Cleck
Document Control Number (Assigned y the City Clerk's ice) f' L{ 1/d'1 . Revised 11/15/05
1500 BM ROAD. APT. #5940 . M lAM! BEACII, FL. 33139 . 305.531.4517. MA:::;j)I:L.(dIIIE-1J 1:,\('11. "\1:1
I am presenting my qualifications for consideration as a candidate to the Design Review Board for the City of Miami
Beach. I am currently employed with Citibank, N.A. as Engineering Risk Manager for the Community Development
Division representing various areas in the country including the State of Florida and Puerto Rico. I have been
practicing architecture for eighteen years, fifteen of which in construction management; I am a registered architect in
the state of Florida and in the state of Rhode Island. I am a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design with degrees
in Architecture and I ndustrial Design. My past experience has been as an Owner's Representative! Construction
Manager for Baptist Health of South Florida where I oversaw the development of various Baptist Health Enterprises!
Baptist Outpatient Services projects ranging from tenant space development and construction to major renovations
of existing properties. Previously I was a Senior Project Architect with Edward Lewis Architects where I oversaw
various educational, governmental, medical and Multi -Residential projects. I was also an associate architect with MC
Harry Associates in Coral Gables, as part of a team involved in educational and airport projects. In Rhode Island I
was Director of Architecture for the SRH Corporation, where I was involved in joint venture projects for the City of
Warwick public schools, Barrington High School, and the Town of Portsmouth public schools. Priorto the SRH
Corporation my experience entailed self-employment for a year working on various residential projects throughout the
New England area.
Thank you for your time and consideration, I look forward to hearing from you.
Thomas J. DeLuca, R.A.
1500 BAY ROAD. APT. #8940 . MIAMI BEACII, F L. 33139.305.531.4517. ,\L\S IlUJdTIIE-I1Hl_'11. '\ f:T
Rhode Island School Of Design, Providence, R.I.
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Industrial Design
Bach elor of Arch itecture
Bach elor of Fine Arts in Arch itecture
Registered Architect State of Rhode Island
Registered Architect Sta te of Florida
NCARB certified
Real E state Salesperson S tate of Florida
~o. 2150
~o. AR-0017314
No. 49419
No. SL-3011420
Designer. Technician. Manager. Coordinator. Director. Troubleshooter. Researcher. Mentor
CITIBANK, N.A., Doral, FI. 2005 to Present
Engineering Risk Manager
Community Development
Review new affordable multi -family housing developments submitted for financing.
Review qualifications of the development team; developer, architect and contractor.
Monitor construction progress and submitted draw applications in relation to third party construction
observation reports.
Owner's Representative/ Construction Manager
Baptist Health Enterprises! Baptist Outpatient Services
2004 to 2005
Baptist Medical Plaza @ Coral Gables - Coral Gables, FI
Owners representative oversaw the removal! replacement of MRI equipment.
Owner s represe ntatives ove rsaw th e developm ent and installation of Cassette Reade r and Picture
Archival Communication Systems.
Baptist Medical Plaza @ Doral - Dora/' FI
Owner s representative oversaw the construction of Tenant development and construction.
Owners representative oversaw the removal! replacement of MRI equipment.
Baptist Medical Plaza @ Westchester - Miami, FI
Owners representatives oversaw the development and installation of Cassette Reader and Picture
Archival Communication Systems.
South Miami Hospital Medical Arts Building- South Miami, FI
Owner s representative oversaw the construction of Tenant development and construction.
Kendall Professional Center -Medical Arts Building - Miami, FI
Owner's representative oversaw the renovation of existing retail Tenant space.
Owner's representative oversaw the renova tion of existing roof.
Kendall Professional Center -Baptist Outpatient Center- Miami, FI
Owners representatives oversaw the development and installation of Cassette Reader and Picture
Archival Communication Systems.
Owner s representatives oversaw the development and installation of Digital Radiology systems.
1500 BAY 1-1OAIl. APT. #S940 . MIAMI BEACll, FL. 33139.305.531.4517. :\\,\31)1:1.(;' TIIE-IJ UCll. N ET
Senior Project Architect
2001 to 2004
Bayshore Villas Condominiums - Coconut Grove, FI
Owner's representatives to the Bayshore Villas Condominiums.
Authored the Palladian Aesthetic Guidelines, the Construction Guidelines and the Color/Material
Performed reviews, and provides suggestions to the Bayshore Villas Architectural Control Comm ittee,
for any new renovation, remodeling and/or change in color that affects the exterior of an individual
property and may indirectly affect neighboring properties.
Provided service as the communities' architect to the common areas.
Flamingo Resort Residences - Miami Beach, FI
Owner's representatives to the Flamingo Resort Residences apartment resort com plex.
Provided interior architectural design development services for amenity spaces located within the
complex. The areas included a sports lounge, a Veranda, a retail store, screening rooms and the
renovation of public restrooms.
Coordinated ti,e selection the light fixtures for the new high rise and the town homes.
Miami Beach Golf Course - Bay Shore Drive, Miami Beach, FL
Design of the Perimeter Barrier Fence Project for the Bay Shore Drive Golf Course.
The barrier fence was comprised of stainless steel and cable that provides the level of security requested
by the client to alleviate the ongoing trespassing of the property.
Miami Beach Rotunda - Miami Beach, FL
Provided service to the City of Miami Beach developing a feasibility report for the renovation and
remodeling of the historical structure.
The scope of work entailed the research of current buJding and life safety codes, design and
development of proposed scl,emes.
School Board of Broward County - Broward County, FI_
The projects entailed the renovation of existing high school spaces into state of the art Technology labs.
Boyd Anderson IIigh School- Lauderdale Lakes, Fl.
Taravella IIigh School- Coral Springs,FI.
Nova II igh School - Sunrise, FI.
South Plantation II igh School - plan tation, Fl.
Cooper City IIigh School- Cooper City, FI.
Western High School- Davie, Fl.
Miramar High School- Miramar, FI.
Ely High School - Pompano Beach, Fl.
Jackson Memorial HospitaL Miami, Fl.
CT Scan Procedure Rooms - Relocation! Renovation
The scope of work included the planning of temporary installations, of phasing construction, and the
installation of state of the art equipment.
DTC 2nd Floor CT Suite and West Wing The 2nd Floor CT
East Tower Emergency Care Unit
Special Imm unology U nit -Renovation! Remodeling
The scope of work included addressing deficiencies to the unit with regards to ADA accessibility, life
safety codes, and general aesthetics.
The components included the remodel of the existing waiting room, addition of new ADA accessible
restroon1S, new phlebotomy and vital signs rDOlns, new nurses stations, new storage rooms, an expanded
pharmacy room, and a new day treatment room.
1500 BAY [.(OAD. APT. #S940. MIAMI BEACIl, FL. 33139.305.531.4517. ,\L\SDEU;' TIIE.nUL'I!.\!'"!
22 Bed Recovery Unit -Renovation/ Remodeling
The Scope of work included the relocation of the Existing Echo Lab, Pulmonary Function Lab,
Gastroenterology Department, Procedure Rooms, Medical Offices and a 22 Patient recovery Room to a
37,100 sf area located within two floors of the hospital complex.
The intent of the project was to address spatial requirements for the expanding departments while
consolidating the shared patient holding area into a more central location.
Government Services Administration (GSA). Miami, pl.
Yehicle Inspection Station. Miami, Fl.. Renovation
The scope of worl< entailed the renovation to the existing inspection station.
The design included the relocation and redesign of the office area, the renovation of existing testing
lanes, the installation of new testing equipment and the upgrade of the structure to current codes.
T elecomm unications Center. Miam i, pl. . Addition/ Renovation
The scope of worl< entailed the fortification of the existing exterior walls with new tilt up concrete panels
and the upgrade of all building components to adhere to current hurricane impact standards.
Grand Bahamas Airport - Preeport, Bahamas - Addition/ Renovation
Assigned AutllOr for the Tenant Standard Guidelines.
Established standards and requirements for leasing tenants of the concession areas within the new
Integrated building code requirements, municipality requirements, airport requirements and Homeland
Security requirements into a guideline package distributed to future tenants.
Associate Architect
1999 to 2001
Bool<er T. Washington High School. Miami, Pl. . 0lew Classroom
Building, New Auditorium and Gymnasium Addition
Miami International Airport - Concourse 'F' - Miam i, pl.
Code Compliance Renovation
THE SRH CORPORATION, East Providence, R.I.
Director of Architecture
1997 to 1999
Warwick Schools - Warwick, R.I. - High School Addition/
Aldrich Junior High School Addition/ Drum Rock
Elementary Addition! Hoxsie Elementary Addition and
Holden Elementary Addition.
Barrini!ton Hii!h School. Barrington, R. I. - Addition/ Renovation.
Barrington Christian Academy. Barrington, R.I. - 11,000 sf. Addition
Barrington Junior High ScllOol. Barrington, R.I. - Renoyation
C ranston West High School. Cranston, R.J. - Renovation
Cranston Housing Authority. Cranston, R.I. - Renoyation
Springfield Housing Authority. Springfield, Mass. - Renovation
Galego Day Care Center. Pawtucket, R.I. - 3,000 sf. Addition
Portsmouth Schools - Portsmouth, R.J. - High School Addition/ Renovation!
Elmhurst Elementary Addition/ Renovation
Fall River H ousini! Authority. Pall River, Mass. - Renovation
1500 BAY I,cOAD. APT. #S940 . MIAMI BEACIl, FL. 33139.305.531.4517. ,\1,\3 DI:UdcIIIE-11L\CII. '\ I,T
Owner/ Operator
Sm ith Residence - Somerset, Ma - Addition
Verrecchia Residence - Warwick, R.J. - Renovation/ New Swimming Pool
DeLuca Residence - Sm ithfield, R.I. - 2,500 sf. - New Construction
Panichas Residence - Smithfield, R.I. - 3,000 sf. - New Construction
Libassi Residence - Scituate, R.I. - 2,500 sf. - New Construction
Job captain/ Designer/ Draftsman
St. John's Commons - North IIaven, Conn. - Renovation
Medical Atrium Office Condominiums - Providence, R.I. - 10,000 sf. -
New Construction
Independence Pari" Plaza - Cranston, R.I. - 76,000 sf. - New construction
Our Lady Grace Church - Johnston, R.I. - Renovation
Wells Street Medical Building - Westerly, R.I. 18,000 sf. - New construction
Atwood Medical Building - Johnston, R.I. - 40,000 sf. - Addition
Emma Residence - Scituate, R.I. - 3,000 sf. - New construction
Sisto Residence - Lincoln, R.J. - 2,100 sf. - New construction
1995 to 1997
1983, 1984,
1988 - 1995