Alvarez, Aifa .:.~ ... . :~IVET. -.IIIJ. .. aUTSfDE"EMPLOYMENT'STATEMENT ~. For FuU-time County-and- Municipal Emliloyees Htr< 1 9 200 -FULL';'T1ME-COUNTY NOMUNIClPAl EMPlOYEES-ENGl'GING-IN.OUTSIDE . By Time EUPUlYUENT 1IUS:r 'FILE- AN.. ANNUALDISCt.OSURE kCJ?ORl' BY JuLY DiacIosuntfor 200fo 1ST OF EACH YEAR' iii ACCORDANCE: WITH SECTION 2-11.1 (K)(2~ OF TitXYearEncliQg: . THEMIAM~ COUNTYCOOE. . Name: [as( First A~~~ . Middle . Pd \/ 0. rfl c . . Ftling-as-a- (check- one): o ~ County-Employee ~~L 14 Municipal EmpIDJee d: M \ a. M..t Position Title: V\t~'lnA < AdVO~1L County/MunlcipaI Department . CountyJMunicipal DMsiGn: (! ~ -\ ~ i)rt Mi 0 ~ B ~ p" I,c~ \)(~;.r ~4f If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant w<rt Telephone: to Florida Statutes ~.119.07, please check hem: 0.. . ~{) 5 ~ ":i 1 "7 ~ ~ b -if S ~<t ~ Mailfng Address . (Street Name BOO Number) .. Apl# .. lPo~' \Q02 \::r Clfy M' , ~~ State Zip Code 'Q.. VVV\. FL- 33119 .. Please ~ist the sources of outside empkJyment. the nature of the WOft( and the amountsef money or other . compensation you received.. ./tcOntinued- on a separatashBBt,..pIeass.cbeck.hem: O' Name and Address -of the Source of . Nature of the \Yort( . Amount of Money or . Outside Income Performed . Compensation. Received . M,a, ~ ~ DtAd..t CD ~ e... \" JZ. ~ \IV) ~ ~ ,I'5\'? (1) h 01 \ '5 W \ 0 ~ s -t . .M.l~ ~ L ? '"3 l7' .. ~3,\~ ~~dc~vQ. ; 11 M.~a..R .. \ e (]A. cL~ V\9 ~~e{~ .tt lLtl-=?l>l) ':i?y~ -SW '-I q 51 ~ao2 ~(ru..(J J .~PL ~3' 55 . , . L hecet:Jy.swear. (or.affinn~that the aforesaid. it.fOlI.lation isa true and 1:Of1'eCt~. . .~-~tl# Date Sign6(t 1..J) ItS 1 D:r I I . o tCW2lIIIlO