003-2007 SHIP and CDBG Programs - MBCDC ':...,."11" Office of the City Manager RECEIVED 2001 APR 25 AM 10: 55 CAA~~~~f)\~UM ~ MIAMI BEACH 003-2007 FROM: Commissioner Jerry Libbin -I / Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Y'n April 23, 2007 0 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: SHIP and CDBG Programs - MBCDC This memorandum is provided as a follow up to your questions regarding the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) and federal Community Development Block Grant program funds allocated to MBCDC for their homeownership and rehabilitations programs. The SHIP program provides funding for homeownership assistance to first time homebuyers, as well as rehabilitation assistance to eligible participants. The CDBG program funds rehabilitation assistance. Each program has separate rules and requirements, including different restrictive covenants. Funds have been allocated under the SHIP program for rehabilitation assistance only in the last two years. As we have previously explained, the City requires MBCDC to ensure that a restrictive covenant is filed for any property that is assisted under these programs. The restrictive covenant protects the City's investment of these funds. The term of the restrictive covenant varies by program. The restrictive covenant form is developed by the City, through our Attorney's office. The responses to your specific questions are provided below: 1. Can SHIP Homeownership funds be allocated after a purchase? If so, under what circumstances? Home ownership funds are used for down payment assistance and closing costs. As such, they are allocated at the time of purchase. We were provided a selection of restrictive covenant documents by Ms. Galit Bitton, a former SHIP program funds recipient. It is our understanding that these documents were intended to reflect allocations made under the homeownership program after the purchase of the units. We reviewed the documents provided and find no instance of any allocation of homeownership funds after the purchase of the unit. However, staff has confirmed that an incorrect restrictive covenant was filed for the SHIP rehabilitation program funds for several of these cases; a restrictive covenant was filed indicating the funds were allocated for a purchase, although the funds were in fact provided for rehabilitation (as documented in the client files). Rehabilitation funds can be provided to a unit that is already owned by the applicant. As such, the date of the restrictive covenant filed for rehabilitation assistance could be years after the purchase date. Staff is working with our legal department to prepare the necessary documentation to re-file the restrictive covenants for those program recipients that received rehabilitation funds, but for which an incorrect restrictive covenant was filed. As we previously noted, the rehabilitation funds have only been allocated under the SHIP program for two years. We ore committed to providing excel/ent public service ond sofety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community Page 2 of 3 SHIP and COSG Program Funds It is important to note that the term of the restrictive covenant for SHIP homeownership and SHIP rehabilitation is the same, thus there is no impact to the fund recipient. 2. Can homeownership funds be allocated more than once? Can one applicant receive two allocations for homeownership? SHIP Homeownership funds can only be allocated one time, at the time of purchase. However, a recipient can also apply and receive SHIP rehabilitation funds for the same unit. As such, SHIP funds can be allocated to an eligible recipient for both the homeownership and the rehabilitation programs, as long as they do not exceed the maximum amount allowed per applicant, or $40,000. We have found no instance of a double allocation of homeownership funds to anyone applicant. 3. Can multiple restrictive covenants be recorded for one applicant? Yes. Since restrictive covenants are used to protect the City's investment, a covenant would be filed for any separate allocation of funds provided under a program. For example, an applicant that receives SHIP homeownership funds and subsequently receives rehabilitation funds would have two restrictive covenants, one for each amount provided, recorded on the property. 4. What is the maximum amount of funding available to an applicant under the SHIP Rehabilitation program and the COSG rehabilitation program? The SHIP, the maximum allocation for rehabilitation is $40,000 (or the balance of funds up to $40,000, iffunding has already been allocated under this program for homeownership). Under the COBG Rehabilitation program, the maximum allocation for an eligible participant is $15,000. 5. What are the restrictive covenant terms for the SHIP program? Is it the same for homeownership as for rehab? The restrictive covenant terms under the SHIP program are the same whether the funds are allocated for homeowner or for rehabilitation. The typical term has been 10 years. The restrictive covenant terms are five years under the COBG program. 6. Can an applicant receive funding from both SHIP rehabilitation funds and COBG rehabilitation funds? Can an applicant receive both homeownership funds and rehabilitation funds? Yes, a recipient can receive both homebuyer and rehabilitation assistance from the SHIP program (subject to a three-year wait period and a maximum allocation of $40,000), homebuyer assistance under the SHIP program and rehabilitation assistance under the COBG program, or rehabilitation assistance under both. 7. What is the maximum in funds that MBCDC can retain for their oversight/administration of the SHIP programs and COBG rehabilitation program? There are no administration charges retained by MBCDC for the SHIP or COBG programs. However, under the SHIP program, MBCOC is allowed to retain 5% of rehabilitation costs for supervision; they are permitted to retain 10% of the purchase price for homeownership assistance provided. We ore committed to providing excel/ent public service and safety to all who lIVe, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community Page 3 of 3 SHIP and COBG Program Funds It is important to note, however, that funds are allocated to MBCDC for them to allocate either through the Homeownership program or the rehabilitation program. In addition, the funds are allocated based on program eligibility; purchase funds cannot be provided to participants that already own their home. 8. What is the total number of applicants that have received assistance from MBCOC under these programs? In the previous LTC provided on this subject, we reported to you that MBCDC had successfully served 338 applicants. This number is correct. The information is tracked by applicant. As such, if an applicant received assistance under the SHIP homeownership program and the SHIP rehabilitation program (or other eligible combination), it would be counted as one applicant. As we previously advised you, in addition to program monitoring conducted by our staff, the State's contracted monitor conducts reviews of SHIP recipients. The last State SHIP program review of MBCDC indicated no major issues with MBCDC's oversight, use of funds, etc. As you are also aware, City staff has been working with MBCDC on improvements to their application process to avoid any future confusion for applicants as to the program rules and restrictions, and to ensure they incorporate the recommendations that have been made by the City. MBCDC is close to completing the revised documents. As always, please feel free to see me if you have any questions or require additional information. cc: Mayor and Commissioners Hilda M. Fernandez, Assistant City Manager Vivian Guzman, Neighborhood Services Director Thomas Urriola, Neighborhood Services Department/CD F:\cmgr\$ALL\Hilda\Neighborhood Services\Community Oevelopment\Ship and COBG Programs - MBCOC We are committed to providing excel/ent public service and sofety to 011 who Irve, work, ond ploy' in our Vlbront, tropical, historic community