Atlantic Broadband Letter re: rates
1681 Kennedy Causeway
North Bay Village, FL 33141
April 27, 2007 ,....,
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Mr. Robert Parcher (") .."
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City Clerk r'ii c....> m
City of Miami Beach :D C)
1700 Convention Center Drive (../1 :;po -<
Miami Beach, FL 33139 0 3: m
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Dear Mr. Parcher: (") C)
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In 1992, Congress passed must-carry/retransmission consent provisions that gave broadcast networks,
their affiliates and station owners the right to negotiate with cable operators the terms for carrying their
free, over the air signals,
Until recently, the negotiations between broadcasters and cable providers were generally marked by an
understanding of the mutual benefit enjoyed by carriage of local stations on cable, As a result, most
retransmission carriage agreements did not involve cash payments, but rather arrangements for in kind
compensation such as free advertising, or the carriage of new cable networks also owned by the broadcast
networks, While these arrangements were costly to Atlantic Broadband, they did add some value to our
channel lineups,
Atlantic Broadband has been negotiating to avoid a rate increase driven by local broadcasters' demands,
These broadcasters think customers should pay them for the public spectrum they receive for free, and
from which they already reap billions in advertising, copyright and other revenues, Despite our efforts,
some broadcast groups (who will not allow us to disclose their names) have decided to charge us for
continuing to carry their local network affiliates, Due to this new expense, we must implement a new
Broadcast Channel Surcharge of $0,70 across all our Video services,
Effective with customers' June 2007 billing statements, Limited Video service, now $12.48, will be
$13 .18 per month, Value Video and Digital Video service fees are also increasing as a result of this
broadcast channel surcharge, Value Video service, now $51.45, will be $52. 15/month and Digital Video
service, now $70.40, will be priced at $71,10/month, Mundo Latino Risico service (includes Limited
Video and receiver) will go from $32,95 to $33, 15/month, Mundo Latino Valor service (includes Value
Video and receiver) will go from $71.45 to $72, 15/month, Mundo Latino Completo (includes Value
Video and receiver) service will increase by $0,70 also, from $83.45 to $84,15/month,
Most customers will see this new Broadcast Channel Surcharge itemized in the description under
'Monthly Charges' in the Account Detail section of their statements. (Limited Service only customers
will not see this new Broadcast Channel Surcharge broken out on their invoice,)
We recognize that you have the ability under Federal law to regulate the basic rate, and are providing
under separate cover, the FCC Form 1210, You will receive this information, which demonstrates that the
new Limited Service monthly fee falls well within the Maximum Permitted Rate, on or before May 1,
We are pleased to let you know that we are adding two services to our lineup, PLUM will be added to
the Limited lineup on channel 5, on May 1, PLUM will feature programming made in and about Miami
Beach, Shows will include local artists, journalists, newsmakers and lawmakers, sport stars, stylists and
restaurateurs, To accommodate this addition, the Local Origination channel is moving to channel 41,
Beginning April 30, 2007, LATV will be added to the Digital service on channel 189, LATV, known as
Latino Alternative, is based in Los Angeles, features Latino music and entertainment as well as original
bilingual programming
Atlantic Broadband and its employees value our relationships with the communities we serve, We are
committed to continued investment in our broadband communications system and to providing our
customers with superior service, As always, I welcome your comments and any questions you may have,
Ji~ ~aldo
V ice President & General Manager