Satisfaction of Mrtgage {y" c 7:'" BOOK Cj'],J :~.S~ _..::1. Loan No. 531362 Wl>-'{ \ ~~~~m:-~~7 ~~~"~,(,""'~---~~~Ev~=?'~" ..~' >,'\..."');:,\d'4~d~'::-o.~.4.:~~,&<~~~\ IA" V/ 'h...~ ,. ,...~I '_'~ <:c _.. "'@V<<~:' - iJ;,::li!ii.,"0~'>_"-':-~~"";V""~_.3I';I"'="'W"'..",...='fr'c:~dA"""",,~,-"<0\....&;'_...j1','~,;;;,&~~"_~.~~ ~~-'\!C"'..~ . ~ ~ ~".~'~=~'~~tisfud:..~ ~:.:,:=-- I ".~'. 'iii ~j I b ..!~l ,100\) \~~ C::J'<S;~ ~"', (IO~ ~i ~~: ~W I ~~~- . " II @ t ~ I I &'0> ~~ ~~ I I m. fR1 =::,:::' ;:':':f~w :::::.::::: :..-:_ ,_ w .. ...., z I 2nd ~~ ita name, by it.! v; ""President, and ita corporate seal to be affixed, attested by it. Ass; st.Rnt. ~~~ Secretary, tbi. 16th 'day of Novembeto , A. D, 19$3.- '. ~~ ...L Ll -.:l-, THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCEf~! Signed, sealed and delivered in the PW-TJ ~..:::.~'" (Seal),,, ~'Jij ::;~f~~,,=:,.-2/J\~" ., . __~ ./ ~..-2..-~< Al1WH: , Mildred Q' . '. c I(uum .All tltU in ijJ~tSt 'rtstuts: Tha' 'l'HR T.THr.OT.N INSURANCE COMPANY NATTONAL LIFE , a corporation under the laWll of Indiana bolder of a certain mortgage given by JOHN LEVENE and SADIE LEVENE. husband and wife, to THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY bearing date thA 18th d.yof November . A. D.19~ recorded in Mortgap Book 1715' , Pal" 39 . in the office of the Clerk or the Circnit Court. of Dad e County, State of Florida; giveu to eeeure the awn of SIXTY FIVE HUNDRED and no/100 ($6.1)00.00) - - - - - - - -.., - - - - -DoDan, evidenced by One certain no-., upon the following ~ed property aituate. lying and being in Dade County, State of Florida. to-wit: Lot Twenty-three (23), Block Eleven (11), ORCHARD SUBDIVISION No.4, according to the Plat thereoft recorded in Plat Book 25'. at Page 10, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. has received full payment of said indebtedn_ and does hereby acknowledge satisfaction of said ~'1J,~ Ie"''', \'!p'~'~ . ) ~ lp6J}~~~~o<~~~-' 1).1.._~", ., < . . ~ > . ;iii;;;~ ~.i <.,~$~ ~~~.~ ;,,-~~,,{,'''', (v."-", ~ ~~~~~ STATE OF COUNTY OF INDIANA AT.T.F.fIl ( I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized and ~ I ~ rj I "'~,frr !~ FnT"t. WRynA, ~ day, ~f November ~~U . p/}. I,,,-~~':'::""!'~:l';t<' , ~ ~ ~~(~._'; ': <.~~i~~~"j ~ ,~'\.w~'_Il' :jeUf'i': 7,."'. ' ," ." L" '- c?:~~., - ...~ \... ~~&DIf't-.~' ~> (,0> I ~I, , ,-;;1',~ ~ ~~ j tffA\~ i \\~~,~ ~ ""- ~i,:Y4i ~ ('-. 0'~ 0 ;'f~l j ~ . ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~o ~~i f I F. J. McDiarmid to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, respectively 2nd Vicejpresident and Joseph L. Wesl~ Assistant 5ecretary' OF THF. LTNCOLN NATIQNAlL- I I ~~ ~~ jl~' ~~~~r ~,<~; 6.~, ,9 (I;,\,: ~~~;f [~~ ~ ~~-' $:;~ 1JffI1~ 11~1j ~~~n ~ I ~ I~ ~'~'"i: ~ \ /) N ~5\f~ " 1 (<6~ W ~%i _ ~~F~ \@fJ ~. \tl(, '~ ... t~ ''-., ~'> 1~ ~~] ~ ~~l .. t~L ~LA [~1 ~~ ~ I I described in and who executed the foregoing satisfaction piece and duly acknowledged before me that LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY a corporation, to me well kncwn to he the persons they executed the same for the purpose therein expressed as the act and deed of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal ot . said County and State, tbi. 16th , 1921-. I:ll ... " '" " o " "" '" "" ~. = rn " ~ ~. ~ j;;' " ~ g" I:ll o r- :::0 ~ o i!500 '1 < ~ '1 " 8. "tl " GO '" "'l t::: '" "" Q' " <! '" o " "" o = ~ '" 1" !Jlt-t rf'! 1"1_ )> -i :r !Tl :;0 3:: )> 2 .... fu~ ... o ... C"l 1;' ~ ".. C; '> " I "'~~~~"~~' ~":~,"::<,:,;:J;>~~Vi,< <~;i.} ,-',', ' ""@/0)'","~~_::.:L_'::.-~'~":''":'_-'~-"' ,_~ ~/!~ Notary Public. State of T "rH RnR County of Allen. My commission expires: April 5. 1955 c " ~ '" "" H ~ "'-' 2: ~ .." (f.l t'O)J "" ::r:: ~ 0 ~\~ a :s: S; S' H (') ~\ [ ~ t'O :g ~~ (') 2: \ tii ~ 0 ... .... n ..,.. S;~ C"l t:l 0 -, =:t oi g ~ C5 'D 0 ~ :<> " ~"t 't:l 0 2: 0 t:l ~ ~\ ki " ""l\ 't " ill 2\ ::t. :<> g ~ !" t-' ~ ~ 2\ t:l .. t-' i H "'J t'O ~ ~ ~ r - ':0 T p" -n ~ 0 - M~ I'll rr 'l;.-, 0 ... '" C '" ~ - , .." ~-, ;...... JJ 0 -, :;:J ..., ~ :0- :n c, s: :: F" en n 0 ? h C5 0 :;u r" 0 ;,~ 111 >