Warranty Deed 3443-7, 8
BOO~ 3443 PAGE 8
I HEREBY CEJ.tTIFY, That OD this day penonall, appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths
and take acknowl.dgm.nt._ .TOR ()Ai':~RT,LA and CAUYNE CA88ELU., hi s wi f'~,
to me well known to be the penoo..A..-...- de.eribed ill .liDd who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged beFore me
that t:h AY executed the Same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed.
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the oaiA () A 1 ] yn.. (1 A "'".. 11 A . known to ....
10 be the wife or the said .1 nflt ~A A ~A 1] Jl I on a separate and private
examination taken and made by and belore me, separately and apart Fronl her said hushand, did aekn()wled~e that she made
hersell a patly to said deed lor the purpose of renouncintl, relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and interest,
whether dower. homestead 01' of separate properly, slalutory or equitable. in and to the lands, described therein, and that
she exe('uted the said deed freely and v-oluntarily and without any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or (rom
her uid bushand.
\" WlT~~~ my band and official seal at 11 ~A
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My commission ~mlsslon, eXPires Oct ~ t ?
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I HEREBY CERTIFY~ That on tbil.~ day personally aplleared before me. so offic.er duly authorized to administer oatm
Rnd take acknowledgments n_______
to me welt known to be the pel'l1011--- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledgtd before me
that exew.ted the same (reely and voluntarily Cor the purposes therein expree.sed.
WITNESS my hand and oflidal seal at 1 County of
llnd State of Florida, thi. day 01 A. D. 194-.
W t::>-lo~
llJlJts Jnbrnturr. Made thi.
day of March
A. D. 19--5l, BETWEEN_..JOE CASSELLA and CALLYNE CASSELLA, .h1a.,.'Jd..fi-t---
of the County oc_Dade"
"'_'___'__,_and State of_li'.J.9rJ,da __,_~_._,
part_of the first part, anil
CITY OF MIAMIBEA.CI:IL..!i.JIIUIl!c:!1?lI.l__,~corporation
existing under the law. of the State of
_ ______, havin~ its prineipal place of
hn.ine.. in tbe County of _-----Dad.J!L
_"an,1 State of_. .,... .Elo.I'1da,
a.nd ~~wf1ilIy authorized to t.ra~88ct business in the, State of Florida, party of the second part.
WITNESSE'T,H; Th':t the ~aid' part,1!ilL..of the fi"t part, for and in consideration of the 8wn of
'I'An{$10.00) nnllA,.,,' Anr'l nt:h..,. vRl1",hl..e-conll1d.er.a-t.1.QlllJ,--~,
to_.tMnL--.in hand paid by ihe .aid party of the .eeond part, the receipt whereof i. herehy acknow,
ledged~halle.__,_granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the 8econd part, its 8uece880r. and
a.sigW!, forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of
and State of Florida, to,wit:
That portion of Lot Nine (9) of Block Sixteen, (16) of
NORMANDY BEACH SOUTH as shown on the Plat thereof, re-
corded in Plat Book 21, at page 54, of the Public
Records of Dade County, Florida, bounded as follows:
.....' ,
Bounded on the north by the northerly line of said
Lot Nine (9); bounded on the south by the southerly
line of ,s aid Lot Nine (9); bounded on the east by
the westerly line of Indian Creek Drive; and bounded
on the west by a line parallel to the said westerly M~Y
line of Indian Creek Drive and fen (10) feet westerly
therefrom, said Ten (10) feet being measured at right E
angles to the said westerly line of indian Creek Drive; ':
This conveyance is given subject to restrictions of I' '
record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florid ~
taxes for the year 1951. ~
And the .aid pa'" iellf the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to 8aid land, and will defend
, .
the same again.t the l:wfui claim8 of all person;; ...liom80ever.
2~:TNESS WHEREOF, the said part ' ies of the first part
han d .eaLJL.the day and year,abov..wri~. ' ,
hereunto set thA1,..
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