Warranty Deed 827-595,596 ~~~~~'(SeaIl ~. r~~~eal) g~~~~~~~~~~m PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 21 PA.!"CO PUBLI8HlNO CORPOR"YION MIAMI 32. FLORIDA , iKnuwAll :!Ien 18t! wl1ese 'resents: WHEREAS, JOE CASSELLA ~r'f denr::20f Mort~aKll da~ thA. 5th day of August , A. D. 19~ an fi err ~oor _ i;. &e 0 fiee of e Clerk of the Circuit Collrt in Qnd for the COl'nty 0 Dade n ;he 2 of August,ll4b unaer Clerk s F le No. X7 173 State of F1orida~)kI'lll"!" ~----------..l;.ll"-----------' grante1 and conveye'l' unto SIMON BERMAN ond asaigno, the premises therein particularly described, to secure the payment of the sum of Twenty-six Thousand Five Hundred & no/l00 (e~t6.500.00) - - - -Dollar.. with interest 88 therein mentioned: said mortgage and the note secured thereby having heretofore been assigned to S. A. SHIKANY and ILA L. SHIKANY, his wife AND WHEREAS THE SAID .Toe Cassella requested the said ~_ A_ ~hikAny and Tla T._ ~hik..ny to release the premises hereinafter described, being part of said mortgaged premises, from the lien and operation of said Mort. gsge: NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the said S. A _ ...8h1kany and Tla L. Shi kany, his wife, as well in consideration of the premises as of the BUm of '1'.." ($10.00) Dolla.... to "'h..m in hand paid by the sa;d Joe Cassella at the time of the execution hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do --Iemise, reIease, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of aaid mortgsge unto the IBM Joe Cassella hi.. heirs and lllI8igna, all that piece, parcel or tract of land, being a part of the premiaea eonveyedbyeaidmortgagt>,to.wit: That portion of Lot Nine (9) of Block Sixteen tl6 of NORMANDY BEACH SOUTH as shown on the Plat thereof, reoorded in I " . a ounded as follows: Bounded on the north b the norther line of said Lot ne ; oun e on t e sout y the southerly line of said t Nine (9); ~e~~ea en ~ne ea8~ BY ~n& w&~terly line of Indian'Oreak riva; and bounded on the west bv. line oar.llel to the said westerly line of Indian Creek Drive and Ten (10) feet westerly therefrom, said en (10) feet being measured a~ r~gn~ angLes to ~ne sa~a wes~erLY L1ne of In41aR Cpeek Dp!ve TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said Joe Cassella .nd assigns forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien of said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always nevertheIe... that nothing lIherein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien or incumbrance of the aforesaid Mortgage on the remaining part of said mortgaged premise.. not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Mortgagees". VIIl hereunto se' "'h..i 1t..an<Ul__ and seaU tWo .J I-f. day of M L ~ ,19..JiJ... Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: BOOK . 827 P~GE 596 iI~~~~~~X:~~ ._...'""'-=~."'~-"-";- '"d C'l S' "'l ! .... .. g :::; 0 ~ ;. <> > .... (I . ~ <> ;- s ~ Q - ~;, .... . ~ ~ e:- ll> c III . 0 m , ;. ~8 ;;. i . :1. m . 5D .... f CD ;;. Z p r"". a. .... .. . .... . n ~ S. o '. ;. .. 0 r ll> n "'- . rn ~ 0 .. E .. ,; 0 t' ~ ~. Ia. ~ .. ;' ~ 0 (; ... . x a. k . . c '" fII 0 . :u l:l c.. ~ - !" . :::<:1= I ~ '-, ! ~ """0 ....... " . i~ ~ l' l.?:.l .... .. z , ~ 0 . .... ~ .. ~ Ii' " ~ ... m "" ~::: :F F~O~a-dJ } ~~~~~~~<I~~~)~~~~~~~ ~-~~._.~~~ ~~~-~~~. -.~~~-~ I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly aulhorb...d to administer oath. and take acknowledgementlo, S. A. SHlKANY and lLA L. SHlKANY. his wife, to me well known to be the persoD--described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknow- ledged before me that they executed' the same freely and voluntarily for the purpo..,. therein expr_d. ~ I FURTHER CERTIFY. That the IBid ""own to me to be the wife 0 . iI on a separate and private examination taken and made by a ore me, separately and apart from her said hUBband, did acknow- ledge that she made berself a party to IBid m t for the purpose of renouncing, relinqui.hing and conveying all her right, title and interest, whether dower, 0 d or of separate property, statu- tory or equitable, in and to tbe land. described therein, and that .he executed e . trument freely . _and ~oluntarily and without any compulsion, 00 aint, ap heDlion or fear of or from her oai Notary Public. State of Florida. ... \. I,' County of : ..." .'~ 'J; L ~~ti~!I~i"'"J~~., ---/r t>'. . . . Notary PubHc. ~,,\f. o.lt4oa,filo. . My commJUWR eXpire.: ~'IY L.V""";.,,.,,;6.: t~jIs~Jjgpt In -1~S4. Bonded by Ame,ic:l:19. i/diJ:w~~?, _~f..N. r..:_ "##1./. f.' ~ #"0 . -,' __'_.,_ !J V\,,\' ~_~ "t;J..,..~~~~. WITNESS my hand and oCCicial seal a and State of Florida, th;- ~~ day of-,-- It - u:t 0 ~ ,... :><", iE :!! o. r- ;-C~ -< m 0.... 0 ;-0", i\)' 'TI ...~ - <::> ~:r ...", :.. 1Tl", ~ ::>:J 0:;:: p;r.. I'T! ..,z \0 <> .... <> ~ :a w 0 0