Warranty Deed 3401- 1,2 eOOK 3401 PAGE .1 "~~~~~ W{:J 70-;3 /, _\' PAF'CO PWL,UlHING CORPO"A.TIOH .,AM I 32, FLOftIDA WARRANTY DEED (TO CORPOlltATlON) PAPCO'S FORM R. E, M ml1is JnbfUtun. Mad.. th;- 10t~. ~,._day oL__--.!~uary~_ A. D. 19.24.-. BETWEEN~ EVA L. GRAN1'.,,_Il. widow ,~,~_,___,_,_~ of the County ot. __,__J2.a,d lL,_,._ '___ and State oL__,E.lorida,__,___~ partY- .of the lint part, and..." CI'l~Y OF MIAMJ_13EAC:H,_ ,1i__InJm,:tgil><~l___,Jll corporation existing under the law@ of the State of Florida ______,~_"__~_, having:. its principall)lace of businc.. in the County oL~,_.Da~ , ,..__and State of__.1'lor.1d~,__._ and Ia~-funr authorized to trau_saet business in the State of Florida, party of the seconcl part. WITNESSETH: That the ""id part_L~_of the Ii.,t part, for aud in con.ideratiou of the .wu of _T.elLCJ1Q...QQl Dollars and other va1uap1e con~ideratiQns,__.___~, to_ her__---.in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is herehy acknow- ledged~.__has __ _~granted, bargained and. sold to the sah\ party of the 'econd part, its 'uccessors and 88t.dgus, forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of_ ~__Daci.e____and S~ate of Florida, to-wit: The Easterly Ten (10) Feet of Lot Seven (7) of Block Sixteen (16) of NORMANDY BEACH SOUTH, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 21 at page 54, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the said Ten (10) feet being measured at right angles to the Easterly line of said Lot Seven (7). This conveyance iSTIade subject to taxes for the year 1951; res- trictions .of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. m 191~n _'-"J" 8' " ,. '."-. And the ""id parLY:--ofthe Iirst part do es hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims ~f all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part V has her of the Iirst part hereunto set han~and seaL-the day and year. above written. } ~-i ~J (Seal) .(Seal) -tuJ . PAGE 2 STATE OF FLORIDA, } County 01__ I HER~Y CERTIFY, That on this day per1lonally appeared belore m~ an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments. to me well known to be the person-- deleribed 1D ,ad who executed the (oreaoing deed, aDd acknowledged belore me thaL-- executed tbe same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein exprened. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY, That the 8aid I known to me to be the wife of the said I on a separate and private examination taken and made by and belore me, sepal'ldeb and apart rrom her said bushand, did .cknowled~e tbat whe made bel'8ell a party to said deed lor the purpose of renounein(l:, relinquishing and conveying aU her riKhl, title and interest, whether dower. homestead or 01 separate property, Itahltory or equitable, in 8nd- to the lands described therein, and that she executed the l8aid deed freely and voluntarily and without aoy compulsion, eonstraint, apprehension or (ear of or (rom ber laid husband. WITNESS my band and official aeal .. , County of aDd State of Florida, ,hi.. day of I A. D. 194-- STATE OF FLOIUDA, Nola..,. Public, S'al. of My c:oouninioD expire. } County of__ DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY, That on this da,. personally appeared helort me. an officer duly authorbed to administer oaths and take acknowledgments- EVA L. GRA."l"T, a widow 8 ~ ~ ~ s I ~~ I fi';I I C I > a ~ == l ~ ~I~ I,: ;:j >i I~ o ,S "'J ~ If--" IT tJj I ~ I~ j .. I f I i j",-- I'~ ~ .-..'.... ~ ' <~ I?O <: III it-< ! . i 0 , ! >i III i:l IT ~ 1-' III :e: f--" 0. 0 ::e: . -. ,_., ~'-; ,-:. -'1 -- A,D,~. - ~ -;::j~ o~ t'"l~ !iJ:= ~+oo+ ~Sd ::l o ~ ~ Ul;J ~ ~ t:Y ~. , \,_.. -., , . ---j o C) ,_. ~ ;;. > ;;. -0 n 0 )-lo .. " ~ 0 ::: ~ '. ~ ~~ ~ !" " .. C,~ \~ ~~~B