Warranty Deed 817-563,564 PARTIAL REL.EASE 0,. MOATGAQI PAPCO'S FORM R. E. 21 ,."peo PlJIiUS""NGl CORPORATION MIAMI 32. FLORIDA 1Knum 1\11 !len 1SU m~ese 'resents: WHEREAS, .T!1HN MV't,~nR, jnin..n by his wife, Sadie by Indenture DC Mortgage dated th.. 15th day of June and recorded in the office DC the Clerk DC the Circuit Court in and Cor the COllllty DC State DC Florida, in Mortgage Bo"k 1981 , Pag.. 23 6 , granted and conveyed unto Harry J. Gerson and Annette Gerson, his wife, their heirs and alllligns, the premises therein particularly dtlllcrihed, to oeenre the payment DC the sum DC Nine thousand & no/lOa (;$9 , 000.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollar" Hvers 48 . A. D. 19__. Dade 1(ith interest as therein mentioned: o AND WHEREAS THE SAID Dr. John Purl Parsons and Clara A. Parsons, . his wife, hl'ive. requested the said Harry J. Gerson and Annette Gerson~i1 w}!~lease the premi8et hereinaCter descrihed,being part DC said mortgaged premises, Crom the lien and operation DC said Mort' gage: , NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE, That the laid Harrv J. Gerson and Annette Gerson1 his vlife, 88 well in consideration DC. the premises as DC the sum DC Ten Gao.OO) Dollars and other valuable considerations ~KOl to them in hand paid hy the said Dr_ John Purl Parsons and Clara A. Parsons, his "'ife, .t the time DC the execution hereoC, the receipt whereoC is hereby acknowledged, do --1'emise, reIease, quit-claim, exonerate and discharge Crom the lien and operation DC said mortgage unto the said Dr.,.John Purl Parsons and Clara A. Parsons, his ,.;ife, their "eirs and assignJ, all that piece, parcel or traCt orland, being a part DC the premises conveyed by said mortgage, to-wit: .. - ... .j' '. The Easterlv Ten (10) feet-qr..1ot Eight (8) of Block Sixteen (16) of NOmIANDY BEACH SOUm, ac- carding to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat .Book 21, at page 54, of the Public Hecords of . page County, F'lorida, the said Ten (10) Feet being measured at right angles to the westerly lineof.lndian Creek Drive. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thU8II1e, with the appurtenances, unto the s&,id Dr. John P.url Par.sons and Clara A. Parsons, his vlife, their..(,ndelJ;s C . .. C d,. . .1" .." - a881gD8 orever, ree exoIl.!"ated 8lld discharged DC and Crom the lien DC said mortgage, and every part thereof; Provided, always n~el;"" that nothing therein eontained shan in anYwise impair, alter ~r d;h.;n;:.b th~' ecceci, lien or '..'fi.,' " ',' " '.. ,'. . _,', __ inCiunbrance of the aCoresaid Mortgage on the remaining part DC said mortgaged premises, not hereby released therefrom, or any DC the rights and remedies DC the holder thereoC. '_ '''',:.:' t,_.. .'_ '. .__. seaLa :i~I~NES~:rnllliOF, :; s::d Mo~:~~h. "" herI~hej lrtaind_rL_-:-- and Signed, sealed and delivered in the pr_ce DC: I 7--. \ } / r';'.':-:-'O . / ').'.- L!I~\ I. / ~ ~~7/~~ ~ ;' l/ '..,...- ;t ., -' ~ , ... STATE OF FLC)luDA Co1mty or Dade } I HEREBY CERTIFY That on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oath. and take acknowledgement., Harry J, Gerson and Annette Gerson, his wife to me well known to be the persolLSdeocribed in and who executed the Core~ing inetrumoent, and aeknow. ledged berore me thpt t. n "''.{ executed the lIlUUe Creely and voluntarily Cor the p~ thereht exp.-d. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY,That the wd Annette Gers-on "_wn-... me to be the wire or the .aid.. Harry J, G6rson on a ""Parate and private examination taken and made by and berore me, oeparateIy and apart rrom her oaid bmband, did aeknow. ledge that ebe made herself a party to oaid inetrument Cor the purpoee or renonncinl!o relinquiohing and conveying all her right, title and intereat, whether dower. homeetead or or separate property, .tatu. tory or equitable, in and to the lando deoeribed therein, and that ebe executed the oaid wtrument Creely and voluntarily and without any compulsion, conatraint., apprehension or Cear oC or Crom her oaid hoehancL WlTNESS "" h.... ., ""':!'" ..... Hi ~~ ~~ "'""'" J Dad, . an~ Sta~.or Florida. this 5 - day oC li' .\l:~::?/ 4. D. 19 51 t > J -...J ~ . ::..;c:::- ~ ,',- "...... 'I . ~;,t(7 ;:) ..... .,..... , ...v...........:,.. ./ \ o~~~: ..\ N~ Public, SIal. of I'lorlcIa. My CO"""iu~:.~::7's"i. of FIOc:;:r, ..1 ['c~" 1> . My comlnisstcn, expires Oct. 3, 195i! }.,~..:; L .t. (1 'C::c.:): ,.,d.. ~. 6J11ori,.. ;;'rt~ >:... It Il!o ~ ^ _...... .,"- "'- t-! r" . \. '..- ,_" 4'Ui:Jn~... ~_.., --"'-'~~ln~"~~- .- I ." J If "'l ( I ~ I;:: r ~ >;t:1 ! ~ ~ ;' Ct. fo"~ .. l:i~ 1m S"l i:l:l e.. ::I. == ! I' ~ t " = g. i:l:l PJ l a. ::l s. ~ /l' " i '1:i r s;::; ~ i; C1J ~ " ~ f-' J [ ... 1-1 ;;0 >0 eo '1:i :t n, k~ 0> Jll " II I-j a = tn ~ ::u ;;0 g: <:;> g 0 - ~ l I ::l <:: ~ tn ' )00 ~ I \~~ n, I L ~ 0> :::! ::s n, t ~ Po _~l 0 e. ~ , -'_'C'- - '-' \ .~\ \ L ,~~, I I'" t,\\ \ I~~ \S"'\.. ,",' ~I ::r: 0> ~ ~ '<: "-t -: Q ~ 0 1) ~ I-j ~ tn 0 . . ::l i" 0> !" ::l ~ Po " ... H) <l> ,~ . . ) "