189-2000 LTC Missing180-199 were accidentally skipped. Wendy is in the process of back tracking to
use these numbers up for future LTCS for 2000. I am checking to see if anyone
has copies of the other 3 missing ones.
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Subject: Re[2]: LTC'S
Author: WendyDuvall at C-H-PO
Date: 10/3/00 3:08 PM
from 180-199 there are no ltcs
LTC #28 is after hour clubs
LTC #80 -- city manager selection committee
LTC #180 -- collins park cultural center oversight committee
Reply Separator
Subject: Re: LTC's
Author: PaulineWaiters at C-H-PO
Date: 10/03/2000 12:53 PM
Please let me know what these LTCS are called:
180 to 199
Reply Separator
Subject: LTC's
Author: MariaMartinez at C-H-P0
Date: 10/3/00 8:12 AM
Good Morning Pauline. Thanks for your help. We are still missing the
following LTCS:
028, 080, (180-199), (203-203).
We did not get any Dpt. Memos.