3rd Amended and Restated II','} ""J '"11 ,-' r:~ ',. r j J ~f~ , 3651 pc' 980 THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOG.~\..":::MENT AND CONTRACT WITH GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU THIS THIRD AMENDED AND RESTATED INTER:'OCAL AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT is made and executed as of th is Lst day of October, 1987, by and between DADE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County"), CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida ("Miami Beach"), the CITY OF MIAMI, a mun~cipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Flor ida ("Miami") the VILLAGE OF BAL HARBOUR, a municipal (';',J' ration organized and existing under the laws of the State of Fl. r lad (the "Village"), and GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND vrS:c0PS BUREAU, INC., a rlQ[ida not-for-profit corporation It .HIT''''lly Tourism Industry Coalition of Greater Miami. Inc. J (he~eln the "Bureau"): RECITALS: A. By Interlocal Agreement executed as of October 1. 1984. recorded in Official Record!': ~l,v', 12329, P"l~" ~R>> ,')f the Publll Records of. Dade County, Fir I ~~~ dS amended "y A/llf'N1mr!nt to Interlocal Agreement r"cordpd \', "!'I,Jd.'" keel'I.ls FInn. 12400. Page 443, of the Public R"Vlru", 'I [,ade (e',,",/, Fl..;[ida. d" amended by a Second Amended ~ Resta'pd Inle'Jocdl Agreement dated as of October 1, 1986. recorded in Official Records Book 13159. at Page 297, of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida (together herein collectively referred to as the "Interlocal Agreement"), Dade County, Miami Beach, Miami arId the Village (together the "Participating Public Agencies" or individually the ""articipating Public Agency") created a consortium pursuant to r,p .,uthority granted to each such Participating Public Agency in Par' I of Chapter 163. Florida Statutes (the "Act"), for the \><-rf.J::>se of establishing a unified effort in the promotion and ffidrketing of conven~ions dnd convention sales in Dade County. flu'lda. . I.... . , , , JI~' 981 Pursuant to authority granted to the Participdt:... Public Agencies under the Act, a contract was entered into with the Bureau, under which the Bureau agreed to carry out tourism and convention promotion, booking and sales activities on behalf of the Participating Public Agencies (reserving to ~ach Participating PubLc Agency the continued right, at its op:ion, to separately promote and book certain special events). It is the goal of the Participating Public Agencies that such services be conducted in the most efficient and effective manner possible, utilizing a larger fund of public tax dollars and privately contributed resources, which the individual Public Agency would not otherwise have available alone, with the additional advantage of having available the experience and participation of all segments of the business community itself. C. The Participating Public Agencies and thp Bureau desire to amend the Interlocal Agreement in certain particulars, including modifying certain provisions regarding special events and financial participation; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: SECTION 1. Contract with the Bureau. SECTION 1.01 The Partidpating Public Agencies hereby contract with the Bureau for the performance by the Bureau of the following tourism and convention sales and promotion functions should be: (a) To develop, promote, market, book and sec~re conventions, trade shows and group business; (b) To expand, develop and promote tourism in the domestic and world markets, through consumers, travel tour operators, wholesalers, airline marketing, advertising, and other modalities determined by the Bureau; (c) To maintain programs and services, where practicable, in connection with the marketing and promotion of conventions and tourism, including convention services, tourist reservation services, and other operational and administrative programs in connection therewith; to prepare and distribute brochures, pamphlets and other advertising information, in a agents, media, -2- .,., ;: i -..JJJ i ;uc ma~nn[ :~nerally accc7:ed in the tourism and convention industry, disseminating information about the Dade County area and the Participating Public Agencies: to cooperate with segments of the private tourism and convention business community for the booking of hotel reservations, tour packages, car rentals, and other such services, and conducting activities normally provided by like convention and visitors bureaus in other parts of the nation: (d) To engage in tourism and convention research and planning, and to conduct campaigns of information, advertising, publicity, marketing or sales relating to tourism, conventions and convention events: (e) In general to conduct or assist in the conducting and carrying out of any program or project designed to attract visitors and conventions within the market areas of the Public Agencies, and to encourage and cooperate with public and private organizations or groups, hotels, motels, restaurants and other tourist related entities in their efforts to promote and attract tourists and conduct conventions: (f) To employ, engage, compensate dnd discharge personnel necessary to carry out the foregoing functions, and to budget, administer and implement the funds receivrd by it: (g) To accept, receive and expend private monies, gifts, fees, revenues and donations, in addition to the public funds transferred to it by the terms of this Agreement: (h) To enter into contracts with agencies, corpora- tions, persons, or other entities, to accomplish any or all of the above: (i) To perform any other function reasonably related to the policy and purpose of this Agreement. The Participating Public Agencies acknowledge that priority for booking shall be given to convention and group business that results in hotel room occupancy. SECTION 1.02 Reports, Records and Evaluation. The Bureau agrees to prepare and retain, and permit any Participating Public Agency to inspect, all records of the Bureau maintained for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement. The -)- I 3651 PG Bureau agrees furthe~ ~:-:,jt any Partie- :;>ating Public Agency rr,ay carry out monitoring and evaluation activities in such manner as will effectively insure the cooperation of the Bureau and its Board of Directors in the performance of the Bureau's functions, so long as such inspection and monitoring does not unreasonably impede or interfere with the functions of the Bureau. The Bureau agrees to provide to the Participating Public Agencies such reports as may be reasonably requested by them, and to provide, not less often than quarterly, an activity and financial report, setting forth generally the activities of the Bureau during the previous quarter. It is the intention of these provisions that the Participating Public Agencies will be kept informed, on an ongoing basis, of the activities of the Bureau, and that a line of communication will always be open between such Participating Public Agencies and the Bureau. The Bureau agrees to render to the Participating Public Agencies an annual audited report covering the receipt and expenditure of public funds, prepared by an independent certified public accountant, in accordance wi th generally accepted accounting principles and practices consistently applied. SECTION 1. 03 Compliance wi th Law. The Bureau shall comply with all applicable laws of the Federal, state and local governments relating to its activities. SECTION 1.04 Status of Bur~au as Independent Contractor: I ~demnif iea t ion. The parties hereto understand and agree that the relationship of the Bureau to each Participating Public Agency is that of an independent contractor. In carrying out its functions under this Agreement, the Bureau is not, nor shall it ever be construed as, the agent or representative of any Participating Public Agency, and this Agreement is not intended to establish a partnership, a joint venture, or the relationship of pr incipal and agent. The Bureau shall indemnify and hold harmless each Participating Public Agency from any claims, suits demands or liability, of whatever nature, brought by others wherein any Participating Public Agency is made a party, through suit, claim, demand or otherwise, arising out of any activity of -4- orr I '51 REr. JO pc, the BuredC: . ."~,, r this Agreement. The B:..: ~eau shall ta~ ~ .)u t and maintain adequate liability insurance, in reasonable amounts, consistent with general practices in the industry, insuring against those types of claims, suits or demands normally covered by liability insurance relating to convention and visitors bureaus, and shall name the Participating Public Agencies as co- insured by endorsement. Policies or certificates of such insurance shall be available to any Participating Public Agency if and when requested. SECTION 1.05. The Bureau Board of Directors. The Bureau shall be managed by a Board of Directors, having such number of members and such composition as may be determined from time to time by the Bureau. At the option of any Participating Public Agency, the Mayor of such agency or his (her) designated representative (who shall be a member of the elected governing body of the Participating Public Agency) may sit as a voting member of the Board. The manager of any such agency may also attend such Board meetings ex officio, without a vote. The Board of the Bureau may act through an Executive Committee, which shall meet between meetings of the Board. The composi tion of the Executive Committee shall be as determined from time to time by the Bureau. SECTION 2. Funding. SECTION 2.01 Contribucions from Each Participating Public Agency: Disposi :ion of Special E'.ent l1onies. The manner in which each Participating Public Agency will provide financial support for the purposes set forth in this Interlocal Agreement shall be as follows: (a) The County shall contribute annually sixty percent (60%) of its Tourist Development Tax revenues, collected pursuant to Section 125.0104, Florida Statutes, and Dade County Ordinance No. 78-62, as amended from time to time, less an amount allowed by law for collection costs, and less the sum of $300,000 for distribution by the County at its discretion for special events and other tourism related activities. -5- J I PC' 985 (b) Miami Beach :.~ . _ ... - - contribute annually tif~l ~ercent (50%) of the net revenues collected from its municipal resort tax, levied pursuant to Chapter 67-930, Laws of Florida, and the respective municipal ordinances applicable thereto, as amended from time to time, reserving to Miami Beach the right to retain from said allocation $250,000 annually for special events and not exceeding $125,000 for collection costs. lc) The Village shall contribute annually an amount that is agreed upon in writing with the Bureau, no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of each fiscal year. (d) The Bureau, through its participating membership from the private sector, shall contribute from said private sources a minimum of $500,000 per year. The Bureau will make every effort to increase its contribution each year. (e) Miami shall contribute $100,000 annually. SECTION 2.02 Method of Payment and Disbursement. Each Participating Public Agency shall transfer to the Bureau its required share of the tax revenues described herein within 30 days after receipt of the funds by the Participating Public Agency. SECTION 2.03 No Impairment of Bond Obligat ions1 Option to Appropriate Alternative Revenue Sources. In the event any Participating Public Agency determines that the allocation of tax revenues required to be made under Section 3.01 above may impair the obligation of any con~ract~al arrangement between the Participating Public Agency and the holders of its bonds secured by said tax revenues, the Participating Public Agency may appropriate to the Bureau an alternative revenue source equal to that amount of the Municipal Resort Tax or County Tourist Development Tax, as the case may be, that would otherwise have been required by the Participating Public Agency during the then current fiscal year (the "Substituted Revenue Source"). In the event the Participating Public Agency upon making a determination that its bond obligations would be impaired, fails to contribute to the Bureau a substituted revenue source, said Participating Public Agency 0 s participation in the Interlocal Agreement shall -6- m I jJJ I p~ 98b be forthwith terminated: provided, however, , ::.' in the event of such termination, said Participating Public Agency shall continue to be bound by any prior committed contract, convention reservation or other commitment duly made by the Bureau. Each Participating Public Agency agrees that i: will not, during the term of this Agreement, or any extended t~~m thereof, pledge or commit to a bond issue, present or future, any funds from its respective existing public tax sources cited above, which would impair its ability to meet its obligations under this Interlocal Agreement. SECTION 3. Duration of This Agreement. The term of this Interlocal Agreement shall be for the initial period of one year, and thereafter may be renewed each year by Resolution of each Participating Public Agency. Such renewal alternatively may be made by a budgetary appropriation of the Participating Public Agency's financial contribution: provided, however, such budget- ary appropriation shall not preclude said Participating Public Agency from adopting a Resolution prior to the commencement of the succeeding fiscal year stating the Agency's intent not to renew its participation in the Interlocal Agreement for the said succeeding fiscal year. In such event, said Agpncy's participa- tion in the Interlocal Agreement will terminate as of the end of the then current fiscal year. In the event of the withdrawal of any Participating Public Agency from the Interlocal Agreement, as a~cve described, the remaining participants may elect to continue the Interlocal Agreement by adoption of an appropriate resolution of the govern- ing body of each remaining participant. In the event the remain- ing participants do not elect to continue the Interlocal Agree- ment, this Interlocal Agreement shall automatically terminate as of the end of the then current fiscal year. SECTION 4. Notices. All notices, demands and requests which are given by the parties shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be properly given if sent by United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: -7- !HI nf. . F~ 987 .' ~o the COU:1:y: A~~en:ion: County Manager Metr~politan Dade County Room 2900 Metro-Dade Center III N.W. First Street Miami, Florida 33128 With copy to: County Attorney Metropolitan Dade County Suite 2810 Metro-Dade Center III N.W. Fir~t Street Miami, Florida 33128 As to Miami: Attention: City Manager City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 With copy to: City Attorney City of Miami 169 E. Flagler Miami, Florida St., Suite 1101 33131 As to Miami Beach: Attention: City Manager City of Miami Beach 555 - 17th Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 With copies to: City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Visitors and Convention Authority 555 17th Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 As to the Village: Attention: Village Manager Village of Bal Harbour 655 - 96th Street Bal Harbour, Florida 33154 With copy to: Village Attorney Village of Bal Harbour 655 - 96th Street Bal Harbour, Florida 33154 As to the Bureau: Attention: President Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau 4770 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137 Any such names and addresses may be changed at any time upon the giving of written notice of such change sent by united States mail, postage prepaid, to the other parties affected by the change. A copy of any notice sent by one party to another shall be sent to all other parties noted above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the participating Public Agencies have caused this instrument to be duly executed in their name and on their behalf by their duly constituted officers, and the Bureau -8- ; ....<.:J i f':~ has ca~~~d this ins' ,~~ent to be duly execu:ed by its duly October, 1987. authorized corporate officers, all as of this first day of Approved as to form and legal sufficiency --, ./t~ Assistant County Attorney / (Seal) Approved as to form and legal sufficiency -\ ~~~rney , (Seal) - . -; , APPROVED ~ORM AND CORRECINESS. ' 1~J1 ~ / ;/t.UCIA A. DOuGHERTY . If City Attorney City 01 Miami l ~ (Seal) (Seal) Authorized by Dade County Resolution No. n.llf7.Y7 Authorized by City of Miami Beach Resolution No. 87-19061 Authorized by City of Miami Resolution NO.:l:.' ;1 .c, ;/ Authorized by Village of Bal Harbour Resolution No. .3 'l-S DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~~,~ ~- County Man~ By: Wv II/J11) CITY OF MI~ #~'/~ . v.-(f.~ By: Attest: By: ., - ~ ; . GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BU EAU, INC. By: -9- , .. : J651 f~' 989 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF DADE ) '. BeforelJle ~!!rsonally appeared Sergio Pereira and i 'i!~"~i:~? (-::.~r..-rr, County Manager and Deputy Clerk, respec- tively, on behalf of DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, known to me to be the per-sons described !.n and who executed the fore<;!oing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. ,.., WITNESS my hand and off icial seal, this IStt day of O(~-.bi,~~. /! 1987. .k__O.. C~~ Notar~ Public, State of at Large .~ ) Florida .' r..... My Commission Expires: ..... . STATE OF FLORIDA N;;r.\..'. t1JSUC ';;~j~ 0': rt..~ iJI. fn (::'.111( US lOll !1_~ :!,;rf[ ~:l. 1:i90 Ell~DtD ',;?U G~!l[Il:l us. li!'J. SS: COUNTY OF DADE Before me personally appeared Alex Daoud and Elaine Baker, Mayor and Clerk, respectively, on behalf of CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this ~ day Of~~(T~-r, 1987. My Commission Expires: ':"',T'.~y !"t::-uc $T',T~ ~;: ~l;'1"'!~~ ~-1 ;"'~H:~;':~' L,r. !'':', ::\!'~j~ ~\)I:OEO r~fllJ ::'E:lEUL i:.'i. ij..iJ. ," ..... . ..... . .~ , .... ~.... .., .... .... -'. . . ': -' a.. : :.: ': r:J :' . ':. ) \.0 : - "'. '. . :;';' . . ....... f'l.' ":'~""",: ". . / ;~ ...,;.. ( ,~ . . ~ .~. .- . .... , Notary Public, State of Florida at Large STATE OF FLORIDA S5: COUNTY OF DADE J-\ Before me personally appeared Cesar Odio and \ c\.. t1- '.' 'r ,,~ i , City Manager and Clerk, respectlvely, q of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and 198%: official,?al'/~'.'5 ;",-q;, day of n"~'1 I , I. --, /l 1 )11 /. , ,,f(,......--c ~ [/ L. "'-~~- --.:- . Notary Public, Sta:e.~f :tJ~}'d~ ....:..,...... -.:; '~. a t Large r Nol.1ry Pubic. Sllle .r FI.rida 0 ._~.: .~ . U'. '.' ~ AIr C.mn,i,si.n Expire, June S. 1991'. :: ,~ .; :; ':' 1_. I-H4 tIN. '10' f.. I..",HC. J.c, ":4 :, :.:; ~ .< .' ',". : :. ,7 ~ , \'.",,~'::;";;';":~ . I""".,.. ",' My Commission Expires: -10- , . . nrF I REC ' 990 STATE 0:' ::'OR!DA ) ) SS: ) COUNTY OF DADE Before m~~ersonally appeared Louise Miller, Village Manager, and Ca~~MdW1s, Clerk, respectively, on behalf of VILLAGE OF BAL HARBOUR, FLORIDA, known to me to be the perso~s described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS 1987. 19Y1 my hand and -- offICIal seal th:S /~ day of~t? . AtL- '0/ /1-<-4 Notary Public, Stat~of at Large roO' ". '. , '.:~l Flor ida.,. ", "\" ," r- ..>. .:>) # :,' ,~... r ==-; \\::. :.; .- .. '- :. ~2 ~~ ' ,c ,. :,...} .-.,".. ,," I'~~: '" .' My Commission Expires: ! > i I .-:.:": ~ '~1, '~ " : ._ ":~ 0" ~~.'~:.\ ) ) SS: COUNTY OF DADE ) '1>_.".1 j r 1_-1:;.", "'-u I..." "S. S\'cp.',,~ Before me personally appeared 1I~.c:~. . and_ , . I, Chairman and Secretary, respectively, on behalf of GREATER MIAMI CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU, INC., known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to and before me that they executed said instrument for the purposes therein expressed. STATE OF FLORIDA My Commission Expires: official s ~iS .!:!.- day of fJ;f' " J , , ~/ _...~/t 1. }.1.{,. J-0_ tary PublIC, State of~ lorIda at Large . ., r .. I Publi< <t1!e.1 r .c".' nO ary .01 _' \'''' My Commission EJl:~:":s J,rl~~' ,., 1c...',II'..It."......ln.J'.."u...c.. WITNESS my hand and ~. /9('( '., ...:::..!..~::.":.. :..;.... .... J... . :'~... I~ ... U".".. .:' ...;; I -.J :. "':: ,- ~ -., . '~'. '::l J ::i :,: ~ p.f.CI"..,~f'1 iii r.'-~'''!4t ':"e"'",~, ~ c; .....:)! t'l);:, ;-" f~.n :.\. ,rt~C'lrJ "':..i',.,U RIC}L"l'SD P. DaHl!:E..tt ClEnK ChlCUIT CCUHT KMM/GMC-TA -11-