Hirschhorn, Christina A.-~~l,.i ~ i~ ~;~'~~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ ~ - ~~'~~ .- REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT -~- ~J --. Page 1 of 2 - , ,' I. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE -This Form must be completed & approved prior to beginning any other employment ~ - ~;-+ . ~~...~ "r~. w enu~n n~TV nr 11nIn M/ ccw ru ir`1uR- RMPI t7VMFNT ID # DEPARTMENT /DIVISION EMPLOYEE NAME: LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MIDDLE NAME ~1I•RSCk1ki0RN ~~ CHRISTINA A 14341 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS POLICE WORK PHONE # HOME PHONE # JOB TITLE ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE II X5771 (305) 534-6217 WORK PHONE # EMPLOYEES OTHER PHONE #S (BEEPER, CELL) SUPERVISOR SGT. PAUL MARCUS X5406 N A TO BE COMPLETED BY SUPERVISOR: YOU AGREE WITH THE NORMAL WORK DAYS AND TIMES INFORMATION IN THIS SECTION? YES NO MONDAY-FRIDAY 0730-1600 HRS n wr~eww w r~~u oCn w ol'11A1l~ AI ITQIAC CMD/ /'1VMFMT v. .... ... .....~..~.~.~~~...__..__ __'-'-- --- -- -- EMPLOYEEID# DEPARTMENT/DIVISION NAME OF BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL HIRING CMB EMPLOYEE ~ f`3 JER Y' N A BAKERY --~ WORK PHONE # TYPE OF BUSINESS ~ G ~"('~ JOB TITLE r^- f""' !"\ ~/ CASHIER (305)532-8 30 DELICATESSEN ri ' WORK PHONE # ~ "C7 #/ SUPERVISOR ~ ° 3 ~` ~ JUSTIN (305)532-8 30 2 DATE OF HIRE ~" N NORMAL WORK DAYS AND TIMES ~ ~, ~ AEDNESDAY 1630; SAT~SUN 0700 -APPROX. 3 1'07 ADDRESS OF BUSINESS: STREET 1450 COLLINS AVEI~II~~ MIAMI BEACH STATE FL ZIP 33139 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES ANSWER PHONE, MAINTAIN DISPLAY WINDOWS, SELL BAKERY. WHAT DUTIES MIGHT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST NOTE: THIS IS IN LIEU OF PREVIOUS APPLICATION (MDCPS), & IS T EMPORARY. I HAVE ADVISED UNIT S OF MY HOURS , AND ENCOURAGE THEM TO CONTACT ME WHEN NECESSARY AT THE ABOVE LOCATION AND PHONE FOR OVERTIME AS SOON This form has 2 pages - be sure to complete potn pages CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT -CONTINUED PAGE 2 of 2 C. By signing below, I certify that all of the information given on page one (1) of this document is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that all information is subject to investigation and that falsification, omission, or misrepresentation is sufficient cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. I also understand that I am responsible for informing my supervisor in writing if any information about my outside employment changes, especially if there arises any possible conflict of interest. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment with the City of Miami Beach. This request for approval will be made on a yearly basis. Employee Name Employee ID Number mplo Ignature 8 Date HIRSCHHORN CHRISTIN 14341 04-25-07 u. By signing below, I certify that I have read this form completely and that I do not have anv other employment. I understand that before I start any other employment, I must request and obtain the above approvals, I further understand that failure to comply with Outside Employment procedures could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of my employment with the City Of Miami Beach. EMPLOY SIGNATU DATE WITNESS SI RE C' ~oS~s.~ S ~ -v 7 EMPLOYEE NAME ID NUMBER HiRSCHHORN CHRISTINA A 14341 II. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE'S CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT PLEASE CIRCLE ON PPROVED SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE & DATE NAME OF SUPERVISOR DISA P PROVED ~ ! ~J • / A (/ S PA MA .S Gi - 2.~'S~s..3 _ l.~ C/ PLEASE CIRCLE O E APPROVED DIVISION HEAD SIGNATURE 8 DATE NAME OF DIVISION HEAD DISAPPROVED ~- it.~A'~.e ~ol,w /SA~f/S~s G ~ 'G~ -G 7 PLEASE CIRCLE ONE PPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD SIGN RE & DATE NAME OF DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DISAPPROVED PLEASE CIRCLE ON APPROVED CITY MANAGER SIGNATURE DATE CITY MANAGER DISAPPROVED D~Ern, G~o~ ~~z phis form has 2 pages - be sure to g~mplet~b~th pages ~~ • i r° ~ ~~ M:\$CMB\HUMARESO\Outside Employment Form 10 06 03.doc REV: loiosio3