1926-1280 RESO
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IESOLUTION !l0. 1180
BlI If DSO:LVXD It fBm Cln COUllCU,OP !as OIfr 01' 1111.&141 BlU.OH.
1.' l'ha, that land looated -in :Dade OOUL1t7. 1'103'14&. and wi ilUn
the 01l, ot Miami i.8oh. Jlo~lda. 4eaerlbed a8 follows. to-wit:
Boundea. on the .l.ias' by the Atlan'"o doean, on 'he Norih by the Ri.hard
Oarne,. !raGt. on the Weat 'b7 Ooean .Dri.... and on the south by the Ed-
mund W:11lon ftaet. ioseih.er wiih all Go_on law 1'1pulan r1ghts .e.'.A
in sa14 OitN'. and. wh18h was heretofore 1>7 4..4 da"d D....b.r .. 19''1.
oen..yed b7 !he South..n nan1C . fltuaiOODlpall1. 8S !z-uatee. to the City
of Kiami Beaoh .')f il.4e 001U1\I.J'lor14a, has 0011't1nuo11811' slnoe the
4a'. of said deed ofo011y.ranoe b... us.a exelualvell' tor park pUpo.e.
an4 &. a 01t,. par" and has heretotore. b7 a resolution ot 8a14 01',.
OouncIl. 'be.n named and designated It..,... Park; 'hat O..an ~.1'Y.. a
highway bounding said land on the west, 88 It 1s 4tu'l1..'.' upon pla,a,
isa narz-ow .'...el OJ- h...ghft7 wholly inadequate to.GOO_oel." waffle
'thel'eon; that la~8' awabere of personepark in aaid highway adj80ent
'0 sa14 Lummus Pule with au.'ollobl1.. an4 \hereby 1.Elt3en the epaoe in
8a1d .1~e.. for use b7 yeh101e. ani p.des'~1ans so .810 congest it;
that 1t has heretotol'EI beoome l1ecess8r7. 1n order to relie...e suoh Gon.
...'ion on said Oo.all Dr1.., and in orde.r to tl8.ke the s81d Lu-maus park.
the land above desor1bed. mOl'e aces.slble to o1tl.ens ani ,,181to~s or
~3a14 01 tyto:r use a8 a pa~k.and the b,'''er 10 enable 'hem 10 0011.1n-
1en'tl1 and fu117 en307 sa1d puk. to widen la14 ocean Dr1Yeand that
to aocomplish such widening it became n~o.esar,.. to .14en that r)art of
8a14 41'1.". 118." to,. veh1oUl.... ka:ff1ob7 l'eJIlovlng the entire s1dewalk
heretotore construa'." on. the Eaat alde of said drive and irlmed1a1iely
a4JaOdntto sa14 park and to prOTide a wnllcwa, over a ten :foot .tz-lp
of sa14 park five t.et ~aat of sald Oo.an Dr1... ani by wla.Ding sa14
Go.aD Drive dr1yew8Y to~ "hiolee so tha' 1. ..braces a strip of 8ald
park fiye fe" w1de to enable aiii.... and visliore of sa14 Oi'7 '0
lIore ..:n...~lent17 al14 ful17 .n~o,. sa14 pUk and iha' widening and. side-
walk have b.'af ':done ana. cons'tI'Uclod; that 'he su:r1aG: of said park 1s
--..-.. ,
~.. f"
~ " I.
of heaV"'J' Band,lnoonv.nle.' an4 unpleasant to walk In. '0 obviale
whioh sa14 sldewalklls7 be 11884; iha't sald park has been lrap.-ove4
ant beautified bl 'hi in.stallation aact cu1 tl".tlon ot uee.. elurub..
bel7 and various plan1;s and the installation and maintenance of
tennis courts. 8.a~. and plqgoun4 app8l'at1l81 that said P...1I: nor U1
pal't thereof has e'Ver '..n aband.oned by sa14 City nor haa it, or ,an.,.
pu' thel'eot 'b... u.s.a. tOt' oomm...o1al .. Z'8s1deatlal pua-poe8.. and that
io make sald park. wb8%"e large n1.llb.rs of persons oengregat. ",a and
do ba"he in the Ailant100oean 1aea.1ate1l' al~..ent to aalel parlt. aate
....oonv.nl.n' tor suol1 pereona. l' 18 d....4 expellent to 8l'eo", and
.ain't.ln 1n ..14 pU'k oOIDtor' stations. and watoh 'owe~s fw lif.
saards. who "are to be provld$d to reoo.. persoas in 4ange~ in sa14
Atlantl. Ooean. and that 8a14 oonfort statlons ana said watch 'towers
.hall na".r be uea b7 aDl'One tor 00_"'0181 01' ...s1d eniial pwrposes.
PA.SSED AlfD ADOP'l'BD thie 3z-d day of J1.h~y. A. D., 1926.
~P.,d~ r fOhn 1+- Levi
8sIen of e~i7 ~ouno{l
. I ~ignt~ I..lIlt7.ch:ilinson