008-2007 Marine Patrol - Staffing Levelsm OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM oos-ZOOS TO: Jerry Libbin, Commissioner FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: July 24, 2007 SUBJECT: Marine Patrol -Staffing Levels This memorandum is in response to your inquiry regarding the staffing levels at Marine Patrol. Currently, the Marine Patrol Division is staffed by one Sergeant and four officers, and these officers have a fleet of three boats at their disposal. Shift coverage for Marine Patrol is from 9 am to 7 pm, and seven day coverage is provided by staggering days off. To achieve this level of coverage, days off for the officers are scheduled Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. The Sergeant is on a Monday through Thursday schedule, and weekend shifts report directly to the Shift Commander. In addition, over a dozen officers have been cross trained and certified to use marine patrol boats, including all three Neighborhood Resource Officers, in order to provide additional coverage when necessary. Below please find performance statistics for the Marine Patrol Division: Marine Patrol Performance Statistics Crime T e 1 /1 /07 through 6/30/07 Dis atched Calls 149 Self Initiated Calls 2,796 Vessel Sto s 1,320 Vessel Citations 58 Parkin Citations 65 Anchora a Ordinance 226 Felon Arrests 1 Misdemeanor Arrests 1 Offense Incident Re ort 27 Work Da s 326 ~ N -i o rte'- r i-n r*m ~, ; ! =~ Q- 'Tf x _ "' A. ° ~ X71 ~ ,~' rn tJ1 In addition, these performance statistics represent an increase of 60% in number of self initiated calls, 248% increase in vessel stops, and an increase of 119% in enforcement of the Anchorage Ordinance. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. C: Mayor and City Commission Carlos Noriega, Acting Chief of Police JMG/dm F:\cmgr\$ALL\JORGEGONUv1EMOS\LIBBIN- Marine Patrol Staffing.doc We are committed ro providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.