Documents sent to Candidates on 8/1/07 re qualification
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Tel: 305-673-7411 Fax 305-673-7254 CERTIFIED MAIL
August 1, 2007
RE: November 6, 2007 General Election Qualifying Information
The candidate qualifying period for the November 6, 2007 General Election begins Tuesday,
September 4 at 8:30 a.m., and ends at 5:00 p.m., on Friday, September 7. In preparation for the
candidate qualifying process, the City Clerk's Office has prepared the enclosed information and
materials to assist you:
/ November 6, 2007 General Election Information
/ Important Dates
/ Loyalty Oath and Oath of Candidate form (blue paper). Note: Candidates for commissioner must
enter a group number. The Loyalty Oath form requires the candidate signature be notarized. The
City Clerk's Office will be happy to provide this service.
/ Form 1: Statement of Financial Interests 2006
/ Letter from the Department of Code Compliance pertaining to the placement of political signs
/ City Code sections regarding election signs
/ Florida State Statute regarding last day to accept campaign contribution
/ Miami-Dade County Absentee Ballot Request
/ Early Voting information and Touch Number Information
/ Miami-Dade County Poll Watcher Designation Instructions and Form
/ Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust -Invitation to attend a Workshop
/ On the September 17, 2007 City Commission Agenda, there will be an agenda item requesting
authorization to videotape and air on MBTV Channel 77, the Mayor and City Commission
Candidate Presentations for the November 6, 2007 General Election. Details will follow.
/ Miami-Dade County Elections Department -Certifying the number of registered voters.
Note: Pursuant to City Charter Section 6.03, a candidate qualifying must have been
photographed and fingerprinted by the Identification Bureau of the Police Department of the City
of Miami Beach as a requirement for qualifying.
The information contained in this letter should simplify the qualifying process. If you have any
questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at anytime.
Robert Parcher
City Clerk
c: Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager
F:\CLER\CLER\ELECTION\2007 Nov 6 General Election\Candidate qualifying materials\Qualifying paperwork letter.doc
We ore committed ro provk~~ng e~~~ebe~it p~a;;ic szn~~ce and safer, ,~ o who In? wort r;a p~oV ~ o~" ~-.L or~r roo.o hlcrpr~,
I k, l Y { q fi ~
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Office of the City Clerk
Robert E. Parcher
Tel: 305-673-741 1 ,Fax: 305-673-7254
November 6, 2007
General Municipal Election Information
Date of Election: General: Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Runoff: Tuesday, November 20, 2007 if necessary
Offices and Incumbents: Term of Office
Mayor: David Dermer (Term Limited) Two (2) years
Citv Commissioner:
Group II Saul Gross -resigned-to-run Two (2) years
Group IV Simon Cruz (Term Limited) Four (4) years
Group V Michael Gongora Four (4) years
Group VI Matti Herrera Bower (Term Limited) Four (4) years
Salary: Mayor: $10,000 per year and $6,000 vehicle allowance
Commissioner: $6,000 per year and $6,000 vehicle allowance
Qualifying Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 through Friday, September 7, 2007
Period: Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: Miami Beach City Hall, First Floor, City Clerk's Office
Qualifying Mayor - $1,360 Commissioner: $1,020
Fee: (7.5°i°, see Charter 6.03 of salary of office candidate seeks, plus 1.0% State Assessment)
NOTE: Campaign account must be opened before qualifying. The qualifying fee
MUST be paid by a check drawn on the candidate's campaign account. Prior to
qualifying as a candidate for City Commissioner, it will be necessary for each
candidate to go to the Police Station, 1100 Washington Avenue, for the purpose of
being fingerprinted and photographed as required by Article VI, Section 6.03 of the
City Charter.
Qualifying by Petition:
Petition in lieu of qualifying fee shall be filed with the City Clerk no later than the second day for
qualifying as a candidate for such office. Petition approving his/her candidacy must be signed by
sufficient qualified and registered voters to constitute not less than 2% of the number of voters as the
same shall be on the date sixty (60) days prior to the first day of qualifying as a candidate for office.
The Miami-Dade County Elections Department Certification of registered votes is included with the
materials attached.
If you have any questions, please contact Robert Parcher, Miami Beach City Clerk, at 305-673-7411.
F:\CLER\CLER\ELECTION\2007 Nov 6 General ElectionlGeneral Information Nov 6 2007 -amended 2007.doc
4h'e ore comrninad n ~xovidi ua =xa (lei ~ cubic SP iCg and .afely ro a!1 who 1 v~, svnrk, and p'ay i^ our vibrant, rropi~-ol, hisrori~- comnum;ly
City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Censer Drive, Miomi Sea: h, Florida 33 139,
Office of thy. City Clerk
Robert E. rorcher
Tel: 305-673-7411 ,Fox: 305-673-7254
November 6, 2007
General Election: 11/06/2007 Voter Registration Book Closing: 10/08/2007
Runoff Election, if necessary: 11/20/2007 Voter Registration Book Closing: 10/22/2007
Qualifying Date: Tuesday, September 4, 2007 through Friday, September 7, 2007
Period: Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Where: City Clerk's Office, First Floor, Miami Beach City Hall
2" Quarter Report Due Date
07/10/2007 Covers period
06/30/2007 Report
46 days prior to 11/06/2007 09/21/2007 07/01/2007 09/14/2007 F1 - 07
32 days prior to 11/06/2007 10/05/2007 09/15/2007 09/28/2007 F2 - 07
18 days prior to 11/06/2007 10/19/2007 09/29!2007 10/12!2007 F3 - 07
4 days prior to 11/06/2007 11/02/2007 10/13/2007 11/01/2007 F4 - 07
4 da
rior to Run
-o 11/16/2007 11/02/2007 11/15/2007 G4 - 07
90 days after Qualif
ng 12/06/2007 07/01/2007 12/06/2007 TR
90 days after General
02/04/2008 11/02/2007 02/04/2008 TR
90 days after Run-off
02/18/2008 11/16/2007 02/18/2008 TR
If you have any questions, please contact Robert Parcher, Miami Beach City Clerk, at 305-673-7411-
Updated: 04/04/2007 8:21 AM
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(Sections, Florida Statutes)
Miami-Dade COUNTY
First Name
Middle NameAnitlal
Last Nim•
a citizen of the State of Florida and of the United States of America, ... and a candidate for public office ... do
hereby soler:-~~~I;; s~aar or affir~~~ that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida.
(Section 99.021. Florida Statutes)
am a candidate for the office of
I am a qualified elector of
I am a qualified elector of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, residing within the City at least one year before qualifyirtp
for City of Miami Beach elected office, with my legal residence being:
Mfami Beach, Florida. I am qualified under the ordinances and Charter of said City and under the Constitution and the
taws of Florida to hold the office to which I desire to be nominated or elected. I have qualified for no other public office
fn the state, the term of which office or any part thereof runs concurrent with the office I seek; and I have res~ned fn~rrt
anv once from which I am reouired to resit7n pursuant t0 Section 99.012, Florida Statutes.
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this day
of 2007, Notary Name:
Notary Public, State of Florida
Commission Expires: Personally Known:
Produced ID: Type:
SignaturB of Candidate
Mallinp Address
Day Phone
State Zip Code
Fax Number
Date Signed
_ County. Florida.
OS-OE 2~a (Rov. 08:03)
address, agency nameuand positionibelow: FINANCIAL INTERESTS
ID Code
ID No.
Conf. Code
You are not limited to the space on the lines on this form. Attach additional sheets, if necessary.
instructions for further details). PLEASE STATE BELOW WHETHER THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS EITHER (check one):
PART A -- PRIMARY SOURCES OF INCOME [Major sources of income to the reporting person]
PART B -SECONDARY SOURCES OF INCOME (Major customers, clients, and other sources of income to businesses owned by the reporting person]
PART C -REAL PROPERTY [Land, buildings owned by the reporting person] FILING INSTRUCTIONS for when
and where to file this form are locat-
ed at the bottom of page 2.
INSTRUCTIONS on who must file
this form and how to fill it out begin
on page 3.
OTHER FORMS you may need to
file are described on page 6.
Lt hUKM 1 -tit. 1/2007 (Continued on reverse side) PAGE 1
L PART D -INTANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY [Stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, etc.] I
PART F -INTERESTS IN SPECIFIED BUSINESSES [Ownership or positions in certain types of businesses]
SIGNATURE (required):
After completing all parts of this form, including
signing and dating it, send back only the first
sheet (pages 1 and 2) for filing.
If you have nothing to report in a particular
section, you must write "none" or "n/a" in that
Facsimiles will not be accepted.
Generally, a person who has filed Form 1 for a
calendar or fiscal year is not required to file a
second Form 1 for the same year. However, a
candidate who previously filed Form 1 because
of another public position must at least file a copy
of his or her original Form 1 when qualifying.
DATE SIGNED (required):
If you were mailed the form by the Commission
on Ethics or a County Supervisor of Elections for
your annual disclosure filing, return the form to
that location.
Local officers employees file with the Supervisor
of Elections of the county in which they perma-
nently reside. (If you do not permanently reside
in Florida, rile with the Supervisor of the county
where your agency has its headquarters.)
State officers or specified state employees
file with the Commission on Ethics, P.O. Drawer
15709, Tallahassee, FL 32317-5709; physical
address: 3600 Maclay Boulevard, South, Suite
201, Tallahassee, FL 32312.
Candidates file this form together with their
qualifying papers.
To determine what category your position
falls under, see the "Who Must File" Instructions
on page 3.
Initially, each local officer/employee, state
officer, and specified state employee must
file within 30 days of the date of his or her
appointment or of the beginning of employ-
ment. Appointees who must be confirmed by
the Senate must file prior to confirmation, even
if that is less than 30 days from the date of their
Candidates for publicly-elected local office
must file at the same time they file their
qualifying papers.
Thereafter, local officers/employees, state
officers, and specified state employees are
required to file by July 1st following each
calendar year in which they hold their posi-
Finally, at the end of office or employment,
each local officer/employee, state officer, and
specified state employee is required to file a
final disclosure form (Form 1 F) within 60 days
of leaving office or employment.
CE FORM 1 - Eff. 1!2007 PAGE 2
All persons who fall within the categories of "state officers," "local officers/employees," "specified state employees," as well as candidates for elective local office,
are required to file Form 1. Positions within these categories are listed below. Persons required to file full financial disclosure (Form 6) and officers of the judicial
branch do not file Form 1 (see Form 6 for a list of persons who must file that forml.
STATE OFFICERS include the following positions for state officials:
1) Elected public officials not serving in a political subdivision of the state
and any person appointed to fill a vacancy in such office, unless required to
file full disclosure on Form 6.
2) Appointed members of each board, commission, authority, or council
having statewide jurisdiction, excluding members of sole advisory bodies;
but including judicial nominating commission members; Directors of the
Florida Black Business Investment Board, Enterprise Florida, Scripps Florida
Funding Corporation, Workforce Florida, and Space Florida; Members of the
Florida Commission on Tourism, Florida Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Corporation, and the Council on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys; and
Governors and senior managers of Citizens Property Insurance Corporation.
3) The Commissioner of Education, members of the State Board of
Education, the Board of Governors, and the local Boards of Trustees and
Presidents of state universities.
LOCAL OFFICERS/EMPLOYEES include the following positions
for officers and employees of local government:
1) Persons elected to office in any political subdivision (such as munici-
palities, counties, and special districts) and any person appointed to fill a
vacancy in such office, unless required to file full disclosure on Form 6.
2) Appointed members of the following boards, councils, commissions,
authorities, or other bodies of any county, municipality, school district, inde-
pendent special district, or other political subdivision: the governing body of
the subdivision; an expressway authority or transportation authority estab-
lished by general law; members of the Tampa Bay Commuter Rail Authority; a
community college or junior college district board of trustees; a board having
the power to enforce local code provisions; a board of adjustment; a plan-
ning or zoning board having the power to recommend, create, or modify land
planning or zoning within the political subdivision, except for citizen advisory
committees, technical coordinating committees, and similar groups who only
have the power to make recommendations to planning or zoning boards; a
pension board or retirement board empowered to invest pension or retirement
funds or to determine entitlement to or amount of a pension or other retire-
ment benefit.
3) Any other appointed member of a local government board who is
required to file a statement of financial interests by the appointing authority or
the enabling legislation, ordinance, or resolution creating the board.
4) Persons holding any of these positions in local government: Mayor;
county or city manager; chief administrative employee of a county, municipal-
ity, or other political subdivision; county or municipal attorney; chief county or
municipal building inspector; county or municipal water resources coordinator;
county or municipal pollution control director: county or municipal environmen-
tal control director; county or municipal administrator with power to grant or
deny a land development permit: chief of police; fire chief; municipal clerk;
appointed district school superintendent; community college president; district
medical examiner; purchasing agent (regardless of title) having the authority
to make any purchase exceeding $15,000 for the local governmental unit.
SPECIFIED STATE EMPLOYEES include the following positions
for state employees:
1) Employees in the office of the Governor or of a Cabinet member who
are exempt from the Career Service System, excluding secretarial, clerical,
and similar positions.
2) The following positions in each state department, commission, board,
or council: Secretary, Assistant or Deputy Secretary, Executive Director,
Assistant or Deputy Executive Director, and anyone having the power nor-
malcy conferred upon such persons, regardless of title.
3) The following positions in each state department or division: Director,
Assistant or Deputy Director, Bureau Chief, Assistant Bureau Chief, and any
person having the power normally conferred upon such persons, regardless
of title.
4) Assistant State Attorneys, Assistant Public Defenders, Public
Counsel, full-time state employees serving as counsel or assistant counsel to
a state agency.. administrative law judges, and hearing officers.
5) The Superintendent or Director of a state mental health institute estab-
lished for training and research in the mental health field, or any major state
institution or facility established for corrections, training, treatment, or rehabili-
6) State agency Business Managers, Finance and Accounting Directors,
Personnel Officers, Grant Coordinators, and purchasing agents (regardless of
title) with power to make a purchase exceeding $15,000.
7) The following positions in legislative branch agencies: each employ-
ee (other than those employed in maintenance, clerical, secretarial, or similar
positions and legislative assistants exempted by the presiding officer of their
house); and each employee of the Commission on Ethics.
listed in Section 119.071(4)(d), F.S., are encouraged to provide an address
other than their home address.
If your name, mailing address, public agency, and position are
already printed on the form, you do not need to provide this informa-
tion unless it should be changed. To change any of this information,
write the correct information on the form, then contact your agency's
financial disclosure coordinator. Your coordinator is identified in the
financial disclosure portal on the Commission on Ethics website:
NAME OF AGENCY: This should be the name of the governmental unit
which you serve or served, by which you are or were employed, or for
which you are a candidate. For example, "City of Tallahassee," "Leon
County," or "Department of Transportation."
OFFICE OR POSITION HELD OR SOUGHT: Use the title of the office
or position you hold, are seeking, or held during the disclosure period (in
some cases you may not hold that position now, but you still would be
required to file to disclose your interests during the last year you held that
position). For example, "City Council Member," "County Administrator,"
"Purchasing Agent," or "Bureau Chief." If you are a candidate for office or
are a new employee or appointee, check the appropriate box.
MAILING ADDRESS: If your home address appears on the form but
you prefer another address be shown, change the address as described
above If you are an active or former officer or employee listed in Section
119.071(4)(d), F.S., whose home address is exempt from disclosure,
the Commission is required to maintain the confidentiality of your home
address if you su6mif a written request for confidentiality. Persons
DISCLOSURE PERIOD: The tax year for most individuals is the calendar
year (January 1 through December 31). If that is the case for you, then
your financial interests should be reported for the calendar year 2006; just
check the box and you do not need to add any information in this part of
the form. However, if you file your IRS tax return based on a tax year that is
not the calendar year, you should specify the dates of your tax year in this
portion of the form and check the appropriate box. This is the time frame
or "disclosure period" for your report.
this portion of the form, the Legislature has given filers the option of report-
ing based on either thresholds that are comparative (usually, based on
percentage values) Q thresholds that are based on absolute dollar values.
The instructions on the following pages specifically describe the different
thresholds. Simply check the box that reflects the choice you have made.
You must use the type of threshold you have chosen for each part of the
form. In other words, if you choose to report based on absolute dollar
value thresholds, you cannot use a percentage threshold on any part of
the form.
(CONTINUED on page 4) r,~
i,~ rur<iw 1 - CTT. I/LUU/ PAGE 3
[Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)1 or (b)1, Fla. Stat.]
Part A is intended to require the disclosure of your principal sources of
income during the disclosure period. You do not have to disclose the amount
of income received. The sources should be listed in descending order,
with the largest source first. Please list in this part of the form the name,
address, and principal business activity of each source of your income which
(depending on whether you have chosen to report based on percentage
thresholds or on dollar value thresholds) either:
exceeded five percent (5%) of the gross income received by you in
your own name or by any other person for your beneft or use during the
disclosure period, or
exceeded $2,500.00 (of gross income received during the disclosure
period by you in your own name or by any other person for your use or
You need not list your public salary received from serving in the
position(s) which requires you to file this form, but this amount should be
included when calculating your gross income for the disclosure period. The
income of your spouse need not be disclosed. However, if you are reporting
based on percentage thresholds and if there is joint income to you and your
spouse from property held by the entireties (such as interest or dividends
from a bank account or stocks held by the entireties), you should include all
of that income when calculating your gross income and disclose the source
of that income if it exceeded the 5% threshold.
"Gross income" means the same as it does for income tax purposes,
including all income from whatever source derived, such as compensation for
services, gross income from business, gains from property dealings, interest,
rents, dividends, pensions, social security, distributive share of partnership
gross income, and alimony, but not child support.
- If you were employed by a company that manufactures computers
and received more than 5% of your gross income (salary, commissions,
etc.) from the company (or, alternatively, $2,500), then you should list
the name of the company, its address, and its principal business activity
(computer manufacturing).
- If you were a partner in a law firm and your distributive share of
partnership gross income exceeded 5% of your gross income (or,
alternatively, $2,500), then you should list the name of the firm, its
address, and its principal business activity (practice of law).
- If you were the sole proprietor of a retail gift business and your gross
income from the business exceeded 5% of your total gross income (or,
alternatively, $2,500), then you should list the name of the business, its
address, and its principal business activity (retail gift sales).
- If you received income from investments in stocks and bonds, you
are required to list only each individual company from which you derived
more than 5% of your gross income (or, alternatively, $2,500), rather
than aggregating all of your investment income.
- If more than 5% of your gross income (or, alternatively, $2,500)
was gain from the sale of property (not just the selling price), then
you should list as a source of income the name of the purchaser, the
purchaser's address, and the purchaser's principal business activity. If
the purchaser's identity is unknown, such as where securities listed on
an exchange are sold through a brokerage firm, the source of income
should be listed simply as "sale of (Warne of company) stock," for
- If more than 5% of your gross income (or, alternatively, $2,500)
was in the form of interest from one particular financial institution
(aggregating interest from all CD's, accounts, etc., at that institution),
list the name of the institution, its address, and its principal business
(Required by Sec. 112.3145(3){a)2 or (b)2, Fla. 5tat.]
This part is intended to require the disclosure of major customers,
clients, and other sources of income to businesses in which you own an
interest. You will not have anything to report unless
(a) If you are reporting based on percentage thresholds:
(1) You owned (either directly or indirectly in the form of an
equitable or beneficial interest) during the disclosure period more
than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock of a
business entity (a corporation, partnership, limited partnership,
proprietorship, joint venture, trust, firm, etc., doing business in
Florida); and
(2) You received more than ten percent (10%) of your gross income
during the disclosure period from that business entity; and
(3) You received more than $1,500 in gross income from that
business entity during the period.
(b) If you are reporting based on dollar value thresholds:
(1) You owned (either directly or indirectly in the form of an
equitable or beneficial interest) during the disclosure period more
than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock of a
business entity (a corporation, partnership, limited partnership,
proprietorship, joint venture, trust, firm, etc., doing business in
Florida); and
(2) You received more than $5,000 of your gross income during
the disclosure period from that business entity.
If your interests and gross income exceeded the appropriate thresholds listed
above, then for that business entity you must list every source of income to
the business entity which exceeded ten percent (10%) of the business entity's
gross income (computed on the basis of the business entity's most recently
completed fiscal year), the source's address, and the source's principal
business activity.
- You are the sole proprietor of a dry cleaning business, from which
you received more than 10% of your gross income (an amount that was
more than $1,500) (or, alternatively, more than $5,000, if you are using
dollar value thresholds). If only one customer, a uniform rental company,
provided more than 10% of your dry cleaning business, you must list
the name of the uniform rental company, its address, and its principal
business activity (uniform rentals).
- You area 20% partner in a partnership that owns a shopping mall
and your partnership income exceeded the thresholds listed above. You
should list each tenant of the mall that provided more than 10% of the
partnership's gross income, the tenant's address and principal business
- You own an orange grove and sell all your oranges to one marketing
cooperative. You should list the cooperative, its address, and its principal
business activity if your income met the thresholds.
[Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)3 or (b)3, Fla. Stat.]
In this part, please list the location or description of all real property (land
and buildings) in Florida in which you owned directly or indirectly at any time
during the previous tax year in excess of five percent (5%) of the property's
value. This threshold is the same, whether you are using percentage
thresholds or dollar thresholds. You are not required to list your residences
and vacation homes; nor are you required to state the value of the property
on the form.
Indirect ownership includes situations where you are a beneficiary of
a trust that owns the property, as well as situations where you are more
than a 5% partner in a partnership or stockholder in a corporation that owns
the property. The value of the property may be determined by the most
recently assessed value for tax purposes, in the absence of a more current
The location or description of the property should be sufficient to
enable anyone who looks at the form to identify the property. Although a
legal description of the property will do, such a lengthy description is not
required. Using simpler descriptions, such as "duplex, 115 Terrace Avenue,
Tallahassee" or 40 acres located at the intersection of Hwy. 60 and I-95, Lake
County" is sufficient. In some cases, the property tax identification number of
the property will help in identifying it: "120 acre ranch on Hwy. 902, Hendry
County, Tax ID # 131115863."
(CONTINUED on page 5) ~_•
- You own 1/3 of a partnership or small corporation that owns both a
vacant lot and a 12% interest in an office building. You should disclose
the lot, bu' are not required to disclose the office building (because your
1/3 of the 12% interest-which equals 4%-does not exceed the 5%
- If you are a beneficiary of a trust that owns real property and your
interest depends on the duration of an individual's life, the value of your
interest should be determined by applying the appropriate actuarial table
to the value of the property itself, regardless of the actual yield of the
[Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)3 or (b)3, Fla. Stat.]
Provide a general description of any intangible personal property that, at
any time during the disclosure period, was worth more than:
(1) ten percent (10%) of your total assets (if you are using percentage
thresholds), or
(2) $10,000 (if you are using dollar value thresholds),
and state the business entity to which the property related. Intangible per-
sonal property includes such things as money, stocks, bonds, certificates of
deposit, interests in partnerships, beneficial interests in a trust, promissory
notes owed to you, accounts receivable by you, IRA's, and bank accounts.
Such things as automobiles, houses, jewelry, and paintings are not intan-
gible property. Intangibles relating to the same business entity should be
aggregated; for example, two certificates of deposit and a savings account
with the same bank. Where property is owned by husband and wife as ten-
ants by the entirety (which usually will be the case), the property should be
valued at 100%.
Calculations: In order to decide whether the intangible property exceeds
10% of your total assets, you will need to total the value of all of your assets
(including real property, intangible property, and tangible personal property
such as automobiles, jewelry, furniture, etc.). When making this calculation,
do not subtract any liabilities (debts) that may relate to the property-add
only the fair market value of the property. Multiply the total figure by 10% to
arrive at the disclosure threshold. List only the intangibles that exceed this
threshold amount. Jointly owned property should be valued according to the
percentage of your joint ownership, with the exception of property owned by
husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, which should be valued at 100%.
None of your calculations or the value of the property have to be disclosed on
the form. If you are using dollar value thresholds. you do not need to make
any of these calculations.
Examples for persons using comparative (percentage) thresholds
- You own 50% of the stock of a small corporation that is worth
$100,000, according to generally accepted methods of valuing small
businesses. The estimated fair market value of your home and other
property (bank accounts, automobile, furniture, etc.) is $200.000. As
your total assets are worth $250,000, you must disclose intangibles
worth over $25,000. Since the value of the stock exceeds this threshold,
you should list "stock" and the name of the corporation. If your accounts
with a particular bank exceed $25,000, you should list "bank accounts"
and bank's name.
- When you retired, your professional firm bought out your partner-
ship interest by giving you a promissory note, the present value of
which is $100,000. You also have a certificate of deposit from a bank
worth $75,000 and an investment portfolio worth $300,000, consisting
of $100,000 of IBM bonds and a variety of other investments worth
between $5,000 and $50,000 each. The fair market value of your
remaining assets (condominium, automobile, and other personal prop-
erty) is $225,000. Since your total assets are worth $700,000, you must
list each intangible worth more than $70,000. Therefore, you would list
"promissory note" and the name of your former partnership, "certificate
of deposit" and the name of the bank, "bonds' and "IBM," but none of
the rest of your investments.
[Required by Sec. 112.3145(3)(a)4 or (b)4, Fla. Stat.]
In this part of the form, list the name and address of each private or
governmental creditor to whom you were indebted at any time during the
disclosure period in an amount which exceeded:
(1) your net worth (if you are using percentage thresholds), or
(2) $10,000 (if you are using dollar value thresholds).
You are not required to list the amount of any indebtedness or your net
worth. You do not have to disclose any of the following: credit card and retail
installment accounts, taxes owed (unless reduced to a judgment), indebted-
ness on a life insurance policy owed to the company of issuance, contingent
liabilities, and accrued income taxes on net unrealized appreciation (an
accounting concept). A "contingent liability" is one that will become an actual
liability only when one or more future events occur or fail to occur, such as
where you are liable only as a guarantor, surety, or endorser on a promissory
note. If you area "co-maker" and have signed as being jointly liable or jointly
and severally liable, then this is not a contingent liability; if you are using the
$10,000 threshold and the total amount of the debt (not just the percentage
of your liability) exceeds $10,000, such debts should be reported.
Calculations for persons using comparative (percentage) thresholds: In
order to decide whether the debt exceeds your net worth, you will need to
total all of your liabilities (including promissory notes, mortgages, credit card
debts, lines of credit, judgments against you, etc.). Subtract this amount from
the value of all your assets as calculated above for Part D. This is your "net
worth." You must list on the form each creditor to whom your debt exceeded
this amount unless it is one of the types of indebtedness listed in the para-
graph above (credit card and retail installment accounts, etc.). Joint liabilities
with others for which you are "jointly and severally liable," meaning that you
may be liable for either your part or the whole of the obligation, should be
included in your calculations based upon your percentage of liability, with
the following exception: joint and several liability with your spouse for a debt
which relates to property owned by both of you as "tenants by the entirety"
(usually the case) should be included in your calculations by valuing the asset
at 100% of its value and the liability at 100% of the amount owed.
Examples for persons using comparative (percentage) thresholds
- You owe $15,000 to a bank for student loans, $5,000 for credit
card debts, and $60,000 (with your spouse) to a savings and loan for a
home mortgage. Your home (owned by you and your spouse) is worth
$80,000 and your other property is worth $2D,000. Since your net worth
is $20,000 ($100,000 minus $80,000), you must report only the name
and address of the savings and loan.
- You and your 50% business partner have a $100,000 business loan
from a bank, for which you both are jointly and severally liable. The
value of the business, taking into account the loan as a liability of the
business, is $50,000. Your other assets are worth $25,000, and you
owe $5,000 on a credit card. Your total assets will be $50,000 (half of
a business worth $50,000 plus $25,000 of other assets). Your liabilities,
for purposes of calculating your net worth, will be only $5,000, because
the full amount of the business loan already was included in valuing the
business. Therefore, your net worth is $45,000. Since your 50% share
of the $100,000 business loan exceeds this net worth figure, you must
list the bank.
[Required by Sec. 112.3145(5), Fla. Stat.]
The types of businesses covered in this disclosure are only: state and
federally chartered banks; state and federal savings and loan associations;
cemetery companies; insurance companies (including insurance agencies);
mortgage companies; credit unions; small loan companies; alcoholic bever-
age licensees; pari-mutuel wagering companies, utility companies, entities
controlled by the Public Service Commission; and entities granted a franchise
to operate by either a city or a county government.
(CONTINUED on page 6) ~'
You are required to disclose in this part of the form the fact that you
owned during the disclosure period an interest in, or held any of certain posi-
tions with, particular types of businesses listed above. You are required to
make this disclosure if you own or owned (either directly or indirectly in the
form of an equitable or beneficial interest) at any time during the disclosure
period more than five percent (5%) of the total assets or capital stock of one
of the types of business entities granted a privilege to operate in Florida that
are listed above. You also must complete this part of the form for each of
these types of businesses for which you are, or were at any time during the
disclosure period, an officer, director, partner, proprietor, or agent (other than
a resident agent solely for service of process).
If you have or held such a position or ownership interest in one of these
types of businesses, list (vertically for each business): the name of the busi-
ness, its address and principal business activity, and the position held with
the business (if any). Also, if you own(ed) more than a 5% interest in the
business, as described above, you must indicate that fact and describe the
nature of your interest.
(End of Instructions.)
A failure to make any required disclosure constitutes grounds for and may be punished by one or more of the following.' dis-
qualification from being on the ballot, impeachment, removal or suspension from office or employment, demotion, reduction in
salary, reprimand, or a civil penalty not exceeding $10,000. jSec. 112.317, Florida Statutes]
Also, if the annual form is not filed by September 1st, a fine of $25 for each day late will be imposed, up to a maximum
penalty of $1,500. (Section 112.3145, F.S. ].
In addition to filing Form 1, you may be required to file one or more of the special purpose forms listed below, depending on your particular position,
business activities, or interests. As it is your duty to obtain and file any of the special purpose forms which may be applicable to you, you should carefully
read the brief description of each form to determine whether it applies.
Form 1 F - Final Statement of Financial
Interests: Required of local officers, state officers, and speci-
fied state employees within 60 days after leaving office or employment.
This form is used to report financial interests between January 1st of the
last year of office or employment and the last day of office or employ-
ment. [Sec. 112.3145(2)(b). Fla. Stat.]
Form 1X -Amended Statement of Financial
Interests: To be used by local officers, state officers, and speci-
fied state employees to correct mistakes on previously filed Form 1's.
(Sec. 112.3145(9), Fla. Stat.)
Form 2 -Quarterly Client Disclosure: Required
of local officers, state officers, and specified state employees to
disclose the names of clients represented for compensation by them-
selves or a partner or associate before agencies at the same level of
government as they serve. The form should be filed by the end of the
calendar quarter (March 31, June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31) following the
calendar quarter in which a reportable representation was made. [Sec.
112.3145(4), Fla. Stat.j
Form 3A -Statement of Interest in Competitive
Bid for Public Business: Required of public officers and
public employees prior to or at the time of submission of a bid for public
business which otherwise would violate Sec. 112.313(3) or 112.313(7),
Fla. Stat. [Sec . 112.313(12)(b), Fla. Stat.]
Form 4A -Disclosure of Business Transaction,
Relationship, Or Interest: Required of public officers and
employees to disclose certain business transactions, relationships, or
interests which otherwise would violate Sec. 112.313(3) or 112.313(7),
Fla. Stat. [Sec. 112.313(12) and (12)(e), Fla. Stat.]
Form 8A -Memorandum of Voting Conflict for
State Officers: Required to be filed by a state officer within 15
days after having voted on a measure which inured to his or her special
private gain (or loss) or to the special gain (or loss) of a relative, busi-
ness associate, or one by whom he or she is retained or employed. Each
appointed state officer who seeks to influence the decision on such a
measure prior to the meeting must file the form before undertaking that
action. (Sec. 112.3143, Fla. Stat.)
Form 8B -Memorandum of Votin Conflict for
County, Municipal, and Other ~ocal Public
Officers: Required to be filed (within 15 days of abstention) by
each local officer who must abstain from voting on a measure which
would inure to his or her special private gain (or loss) or the special gain
(or loss) of a relative, business associate, or one by whom he or she is
retained or employed. Each appointed local official who seeks to influ-
ence the decision on such a measure prior to the meeting must file the
form before undertaking that action. [Sec. 112.3143, Fla. Stat.]
Form 9 -Quarterly Gift Disclosure: Required of
local officers, state officers, specified state employees, and state
procurement employees to report gifts over $100 in value. The form
should be filed by the end of the calendar quarter (March 31, June 30,
September 30, or December 31) following the calendar quarter in which
the gift was received. [Sec. 112.3148, Fla. Stat.]
Form 10 -Annual Disclosure of Gifts from
Governmental Entities and Direct Support
Organizations and Honorarium Event Related
Expenses: Required of local officers, state officers, specified
state employees, and state procurement employees to report gifts
over $100 in value received from certain agencies and direct support
organizations; also to be utilized by these persons to report honorarium
event-related expenses paid by certain persons and entities.The form
should be filed by July 1 following the calendar year in which the gift or
honorarium event-related expense was received. [Sec. 112.3148 and
112.3149, Fla. Stat.]
C4~ies of these forms are available from the Supervisor of
Elections in your county; from the Commission on Ethics, Post
Office Drawer 15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; telephone
(850) 488-7864 (Suncom 278-7864); and at the Commission's web
Questions about any of these forms or the ethics laws may be
addressed to the Commission on Ethics, Post Office Drawer
15709, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709; telephone (850) 488-7864
(Suncom 278-7864).
~.~ rvr~iw i - gyn. ucv~~ PAGE 6
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City of Miami Beath, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,
Tel: 305-673-741 1 ,Fax: 305-673-7254
August 1, 2007
Dear Candidate:
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy campaign schedule to learn about the rules and
regulations regarding the placement of election signs within the City of Miami Beach. There are
different regulations for public property, private property, and for your Miami Beach campaign
headquarters. We urge you to review these rules with your campaign volunteers.
Public Property -The Miami Beach City Code (MBCC) strictly prohibits the placing of signs on
public property. Section 82-412(a) states: "It shall be unlawful for any person to place, post or
affix ...any sign upon a public sidewalk, building, fence, wall, boardwalk, pole, apparatus or
equipment belonging to an electric utility company or other object or structure located upon a
public sidewalk, swale, area or median within the city." Code Compliance Officers will remove
the sign from the illegal location (whenever possible, they will attempt to contact the adjacent
property owner and request that the illegally placed sign be moved to a permitted location).
Violations of Section 82-412 may result in the issuance of citations and fines shall be imposed
for violations. Each sign is treated as a separate violation, and the fine for the first offense is
$50.00 per sign, the second offense is $250.00 per sign and a third or subsequent offense is
$500.00 per sign. All costs incurred by the city for the removal of these signs may also be the
responsibility of the violator. Illegally placed signs collected by Code Compliance will be
available for retrieval from the Code Compliance Division office. Please call (305) 673-7555 for
the office address and office hours.
Private Property -Signs on private property must meet the sign area limitations pursuant to
Section 138-134 of the MBCC- The maximum sign area for election signs in the single family
zoning districts is four (4) square feet (e.g., 2 feet by 2 feet; 1 foot by 4 feet, etc.). The sign area
for all other zoning districts shall not exceed one square foot per three linear feet of street
frontage, with a maximum sign area of not more than 75 square feet. Owners of properties that
have election signs that exceed the maximum allowed area will first be issued warning notices.
Failure to reduce the sign area to the allowable amount will result in a citation and the case
being forwarded to the Special Master for a hearing. The Special Master may impose fines of
up to $1,000.00 per day per violation or in the case of a repeat violation, up to $5,000.00 per day
per violation.
Campaign Headquarters -Section 138-134(c) of the MBCC provides that campaign
headquarters in commercial or industrial districts shall not have a sign area limitation. Each
candidate may have four campaign headquarters) which shall be registered with the City Clerk.
Signs for campaign headquarters in residential districts shall not exceed_four square feet}.
Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact the Code Compliance Division at (305) 673-7555.
F:\CLER\CLER\ELECTION\2007 Nov 6 General Election\Code Compliance Candidate Letter Revised Final.doc
We are committed ro providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Sec. 82-411. Prohibited signs generally; exemptions; banners; removal.
(a) Except as provided in this chapter or by city ordinance, by statutes or by county
ordinance, no sign of any character shall be suspended across any public street, alley or
waterway; nor shall any sign of any description be posted or painted on or applied to any
curb, sidewalk, tree, light standard, utility pole, hydrant, bridge, wall, or any structure,
other than an awning, which is within the property lines of any street, alley or waterway
within the city. The following signs shall be exempt from this requirement:
(1) Official traffic signs, information signs and warning signs erected by a
governmental agency and temporary signs indicating danger.
(2) Temporary special public event directional signs approved pursuant to article IV
of this chapter.
(3) Historical markers approved by the historic preservation board.
(4) Light pole banners as provided for in subsection 82-411(d).
(b) No portion of any sign which extends over a public sidewalk or alley shall be less than
nine feet above such sidewalk or 15 feet above such alley, measured vertically directly
beneath the sign to grade.
(c) No sign shall extend or project over any portion of any street, alley, waterway or any
other public way or any public property except for marquee and projecting signs which
shall only be permitted to extend over the right-of-way.
(d) Light pole banners. Banners affixed to light poles or other similar structures on the
public right-of-way shall be subject to the following regulations:
(1) The right to install, as well as the number, location and method of installation of
banners shall be subject to the design review process and approved by the city
manager, or his/her designee for special events taking place in the city, and by
the city commission for special events held outside of the city.
a. In considering whether to approve light pole banners for events held
outside of the city, the city commission may, among other factors,
consider whether the municipality or other governmental entity hosting
that special event would reciprocate such action within its own jurisdiction
for special events taking place in the city.
(2) Banners shall not exceed three feet in width by seven feet in length. Banners
may be double-sided. The color, design and material of all banners shall be
approved under the design review process.
(3) Banners directing the public's attention to a public institution or special district
may be erected for an indefinite period, subject to being maintained in good
condition and periodic review for appropriateness under the design review
(4) Any text shall be limited to a maximum of 25 percent of the total area of the
banner, unless the text constitutes the overall image of the banner.
(5) Banners announcing special events either to be held in city or to be associated in
some manner with the city, as determined by the city commission, may be
erected up to 30 days prior to the event being announced and must be removed
within seven days after such event. Special event banners shall require prior
approval by the city commission.
a. Text for special event banners shall be limited to the name of the event,
the name of the sponsor and the date of the event.
b. Any single corporate symbol or logo associated with the sponsorship of
any special event shall be limited to five percent or one square foot of the
total area of the banner, whichever is smaller; two or more symbols or
logos associated with sponsorship shall be limited to ten percent, or two
square feet of the total area of the banner, whichever is smaller.
(6) A performance bond shall be required to ensure the removal of the banners in
case of advanced deterioration of the banners, or if a dangerous condition
presents itself, the city may at its sole discretion direct banners to be removed at
any time.
(7) The city shall require the sponsoring organization to provide a certificate of
insurance that covers the sponsor's property as well as the property of city. This
certificate of insurance shall be approved by the city's office of risk management.
(e) When a sign is found to be located on public property and without a building permit, the
city shall have the right to remove such sign. The owner may recover the sign by paying
the removal costs within 60 days of the removal. If the sign is not recovered by the
owner within 60 days then it shall be considered abandoned property in the hands of the
city and shall be disposed of as permitted by law. The city shall recover all costs in
conjunction with such removal of signs from the owner or the owner's property. Such
recovery may be by way of personal action against the owner or an in rem lien against
any property of the owner located within the city.
(f) Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle (including trailers) that is parked on public or
private property shall be prohibited. This prohibition, however, shall not apply to signs
that are authorized by section 138-4.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-3, eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 92-2774, eff. 3-1-92; Ord. No. 96-3035, eff.
3-1-96; Ord. No. 97-3104, § 2, 12-17-97; Ord. No. 2002-3368, § 1, 5-29-02)
Sec. 82-412. Posting of signs on utility company property or public property
prohibited; enforcement; fines; appeal.
(a) Generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, post or affix, own, or be the
benefactor of the placing, posting, or affixing of, any sign upon a public sidewalk,
building, fence, wall, boardwalk, pole, apparatus or equipment belonging to an electric
utility company or other object or structure located upon a public sidewalk, swale, area
or median within the city. In addition to any other remedy available by law or ordinance,
enforcement against the owner or benefactor and/or person who placed, posted or
affixed the sign shall be as outlined in this section. A lessor (or sublessor) of premises
which are the subject of an illegal sign without the knowledge or approval or benefit of
such lessor (or sublessor) shall not be liable for violations under this section.
Signs affixed or held with a securing device. In the event that an illegal sign(s) in the
right-of-way is affixed with an adhesive, glue, staples, tacks, or nails that require extra
ordinary effort, labor and or material to remove, then said sign shall be subject to
enforcement as outlined in this section.
(b) Authorizing others to post signs prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to
knowingly authorize or employ any person to cause the placing, posting or affixing of
any sign not exempt pursuant to subsection 82-412(d) herein upon a public sidewalk,
building, fence, wall, boardwalk, pole or other object or structure located upon a public
sidewalk, swale area or median within the city.
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following words shall have the following
Extra ordinary effort. Labor and or material shall mean where a city employee cannot
remove the signs by simply standing on the public right-of-way and pulling on the sign for its
removal, extra ordinary effort, labor and material include having to scrape, pry, with a device,
and or reach with a ladder or lifting device, and or require more than one individual for removal,
and or require patching or painting, or in the case of attachment to landscaping require special
treatment to the trees or plant material to which it was attached.
Median shall mean that area of the street between vehicular traffic lanes and improved
by concrete and/or landscaping.
Offense shall mean either an uncontested notice of violation issued by a code
compliance officer or a finding of violation by a special master.
Person shall mean any individual, trust, labor union, partnership, limited partnership,
corporation or other business entity.
Public shall mean owned, operated or controlled by a governmental entity.
Sidewalk shall mean the area located between a curb line or lateral line of a street and
the adjacent property line and which is intended for use by pedestrians.
Sign shall mean any handbill, poster, advertisement, or other written or printed message
or other communication.
Swale area shall mean that area between the property line and the back of the street
curb on the edge of the paved roadway.
(d) Exemptions. The following shall be exempt from subsections 82-412(a) and (b):
(1) Signs authorized by the city pursuant to subsection 82-411(d).
(2) Official traffic signs, information signs and warning signs erected by a
governmental agency and temporary signs indicating danger.
(3) Historical markers approved by the city historic preservation board.
(4) Temporary special public event directional signs approved pursuant to article IV
of this chapter.
(e) Enforcement by code compliance officers; notice of violation. If a code compliance
officer as defined in chapter 30 finds a violation of this article, such code compliance
officer shall issue a notice of violation to the violator of the nature of the violation,
amount of fine for which the violator is liable, instructions and due date for paying the
fine, notice that the violation may be appealed by requesting an administrative hearing
within 20 days after service of the notice of violation, and that failure to do so shall
constitute an admission of the violations and waiver of the right to a hearing.
(f) Civil fines for violators. The following civil fines shall be imposed for each violation of this
(1) First offense ... $ 50.00
(2) Second offense (within one year of the first offense) ...250.00
(3) Third offense/additional offenses (within one year of the first offense) ...500.00
(4) First offense for illegal sign(s) in the public right-of-way affixed with an adhesive,
glue, staples, tacks or nails that require extra ordinary effort, labor and materials
to remove ...150.00
(5) Second offense (within one year of the first of the first offense) for illegal sign(s)
in the public right-of-way affixed with an adhesive, glue, staples, tacks or nails
that require extra ordinary effort, labor and materials to remove ...400.00
(6) Third offense/additional offenses (within one year of the first offense) for illegal
sign(s) in the public right-of-way affixed with an adhesive, glue, staples, tacks or
nails that require extra ordinary effort, labor and materials to remove ...750.00
(g) Rights of violators; payment of fine; right to appeal; failure to pay civil fine or to appeal.
(1) A violator who has been served with a notice of violation shall elect either to:
a. Pay the civil fine in the manner indicated on the notice; or
b. Request an administrative hearing before a special master appointed by
the city commission upon recommendation of the city manager to appeal
the decision of the code compliance officer which resulted in the issuance
of the notice of violation.
(2) The procedures for appeal by administrative hearing of the notice of violation
shall be as set forth in sections 102-384 and 102-385.
(3) If the named violator after notice fails to pay the civil fine or fails to timely request
an administrative hearing before a special master, the special master shall be
informed of such failure by report from the code compliance officer. Failure of the
named violator to appeal the decision of the code compliance officer within the
prescribed time period shall constitute a waiver of the violators right to
administrative hearing before the special master. A waiver of the right to an
administrative hearing shall be treated as an admission of the violation and
penalties may be assessed accordingly.
(4) Any party aggrieved by the decision of the special master may appeal that
decision to a court of competent jurisdiction.
(h) Recovery of unpaid fines; unpaid fines to constitute a lien; foreclosure.
(1) The city may institute proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel
payment of civil fines.
(2) A certified copy of an order imposing a civil fine may be recorded in the public
records and thereafter shall constitute a lien upon any other real or personal
property owned by the violator and it may be enforced in the same manner as a
court judgment by the sheriffs of this state, including levy against the personal
property, but shall not be deemed to be a court judgment except for enforcement
purposes. After two months from the filing of any such lien which remains
unpaid, the city may foreclose or otherwise execute upon the lien.
(i) Injunctive relief. As an additional means of enforcement, the city may seek injunctive
relief and/or follow procedures to revoke an occupational license/certificate of use as set
forth in chapters 14 and 102 when there are repeated violations of these land
development regulations.
(j) Removal of signs. The city may cause the removal at the violator's expense of signs
posted in violation of this section pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 93-2843, § 1, 4-21-93; Ord. No. 94-2909, § 1(25-81), 3-2-94; Ord. No. 2001-3312, §
1, 7-18-01; Ord. No. 2002-3359, § 1, 4-10-02)
Cross references: Utilities, ch. 110.
Sec. 138-131. Generally.
(a) Temporary signs may be erected or posted and may be maintained only as authorized
by and in accordance with the provisions of this article.
(b) Temporary signs other than those affixed directly to a window and composed of paper,
cardboard, plastic film or other similar material, shall require a permit as set forth in
articles I and II of this chapter.
(c) Temporary signs shall not be illuminated except for temporary construction signs.
(d) For temporary signs six square feet or larger, a bond shall be posted prior to erection of
the sign in an amount determined by the building official based upon the estimated cost
of removal of the sign. However, no bond shall be required in excess of the amount
provided in appendix A. The bond shall be refundable upon removal of the sign.
(e) Temporary signs communicating noncommercial messages may be posted or erected in
accordance with the sign area and number regulations applicable to election signs.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-4(A), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 93-2867, eff. 8-7-93)
Sec. 138-132. Business signs.
(a) Business signs are signs identifying a particular activity, service, product or sale of
limited duration.
(b) There shall be a maximum of two permits for the same premises within one calendar
year for signs requiring permits. Window signs as described in subsection 138-4(6) shall
have no maximum number.
(c) The sign area for window signs shall not exceed ten percent of total window area. The
sign area for nonwindow signs for a nonconforming business in a residential district is
four square feet. The sign area for nonwindow signs for a business in a nonresidential
district is 15 square feet.
(d) Temporary business signs may be erected and maintained for a period not to exceed 30
days, except that the city manager may approve an extension of time for the business to
erect and maintain such signs beyond the 30 days, after the manager finds that such
extension is necessary to mitigate the impacts of public construction on visibility of, or
access to, the business. Such extension beyond 30 days shall terminate concurrent with
the termination of the public construction.
(e) Temporary business signs shall be located only upon the lot in which the special use,
activity, service, product or sale is to occur.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-4(B), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 90-2722, eff. 11-21-90; Ord. No. 93-2867,
eff. 8-7-93; Ord. No. 94-2938, eff. 10-2-94; Ord. No. 2002-3348, § 1, 1-30-02)
Cross references: Businesses generally, ch. 18.
Sec. 138-133. Construction signs.
(a) Construction signs shall be located on the construction site. Sign copy may include, but
not limited to, the project name, the parties involved in the construction and financing,
their phone numbers, a-mail addresses, or web sites. Unit prices may be indicated in
accordance with the provisions contained herein. Artistic murals or ornamental signs are
permitted on construction fences surrounding the project site, subject to the provisions
contained herein and design review approval.
(b) There shall be a maximum of one construction sign per street frontage.
(c) The sign area for window signs shall not exceed ten percent of total window area. The
sign area for single-family signs is four square feet. The sign area for all other districts,
shall not exceed one square foot per three linear feet of street frontage, not to exceed
75 square feet. The area contained in renderings, decorative or artistic portions of such
signs shall be included in the sign area calculation, in accordance with the provisions
herein. When unit prices are allowed they shall not exceed ten percent of the total sign
area and numbers shall not exceed six inches in height.
(d) Temporary construction signs may be erected and maintained for a period beginning
with the issuance of a building permit and must be removed within six months from the
date the area of new construction or substantial rehabilitation receives a temporary or
final certificate of occupancy or a certificate of completion, whichever applies. However,
any such signs shall be removed immediately if the building permit expires and
construction has not commenced and/or if the permit is not renewed.
(e) All signs shall be reviewed under the design review process. Construction signs may be
flat wall signs, part of a construction fence, or rigid detached signs, affixed to posts or a
construction fence. Banners are prohibited. Should the permitted construction sign be
part of a construction fence, the size of the sign copy shall not exceed what is permitted
under (c) above, however, a rendering of the project, or artistic mural affixed directly on
a construction fence shall not be computed as part of the sign area. Unless affixed to a
construction fence or an existing building, detached construction signs shall be setback
ten feet from any property line. Maximum height to the top of a detached sign affixed to
posts or a construction fence shall be 12 feet above grade. Maximum height to the top
of a flat sign affixed to a building shall not extend above the second story of such
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-4(B)(2), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 93-2867, eff. 8-7-93; Ord. No. 94-2902,
eff. 1-29-94; Ord. No. 2002-3385, § 2, 11-13-02)
Cross references: Building regulations, ch. 14
Sec. 138-134. Election signs.
(a) Election signs are signs announcing political candidates seeking public office or
advocating positions relating to ballot issues.
(b) In a commercial district or industrial district the number is limited only by sign area
regulations. In residential districts there shall be no more than one sign per residential
building or lot.
(c) The sign area in commercial or industrial districts for campaign headquarters shall not
have a sign area limitation. Each candidate may have four campaign headquarters
which shall be registered with the city clerk. Other commercial or industrial district
locations shall have the same requirements as for construction signs or real estate
signs, whichever is larger. The sign area in residential districts shall be the same as for
construction signs.
(d) Election signs shall be removed seven days following the election to which they are
(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to paste, glue, print, paint or to affix or attach by any
means whatsoever to the surface of any public street, sidewalk, way or curb or to any
property of any governmental body or public utility any political sign, poster, placard or
automobile bumper strip designed or intended to advocate or oppose the nomination or
election of any candidate or the adoption or rejection of any political measure.
(Code 1964, § 10-6; Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-4(B)(3), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 93-2867, eff. 8-7-93)
Cross references: Elections generally, ch. 38.
Sec. 138-135. Real estate signs--Single-family residential.
(a) Real estate signs located in single-family residential districts are signs advertising the
sale, lease or rent of the premises upon which such sign is located. Sign copy with
prices is prohibited.
(b) There shall be a maximum of one sign permitted per property except for waterfront
property where a second sign is permitted facing the water. In addition one strip sign to
be attached directly below primary sign is allowed, and one "Open House" type sign is
allowed only while the owner or agent is on the premises. Signs may be double faced
provided all information is identical.
(c) The sign area for the primary sign shall be 14 inches by 18 inches and the sign area for
the strip sign shall be two inches by 18 inches. "Open House" type signs shall be 22
inches by 16 inches.
(d) Temporary real estate signs shall be removed within seven days of the sale or lease of
the premises upon which the sign is located.
(e) Special conditions for these real estate signs shall be as follows:
(1) Detached signs shall have a setback of ten feet if lot is vacant, three feet if lot
has improvements. Sign may be placed on structure or wall if structure or wall is
less than three feet from property line. Height shall not exceed five feet.
(2) Only the following information and no other information may appear on the sign:
a. "For Sale," "For Lease," or "For Rent," or combination thereof.
b. The name and logo of the real estate broker or realtor as registered with
the Florida Real Estate Commission, the name of the owner or the words
"By Owner" in lettering not to exceed one inch in height.
c. A designation following such name as being either a "Realtor," "Broker"
or "Owner" in lettering not to exceed one inch in height.
d. The telephone number of such realtor, broker or owner.
e. The words "By Appointment Only"; "Waterfront"; "Pool."
(3) Iridescent and illuminated signs are prohibited.
(4) "Open House" type signs may be red and white or black and white. No signs are
permitted on public property.
(5) Each primary sign shall receive a permit from the license department, which shall
charge a fee as set forth in appendix A per primary sign. There shall be no
additional charge for strip or "open house" type signs.
(Ord. No. 89-2665, § 9-4(B)(4), eff. 10-1-89; Ord. No. 93-2867, eff. 8-7-93; Ord. No. 2002-3385,
§ 3, 11-13-02)
The 2006 Florida Statutes Title IX ELECTORS AND ELECTIONS
Chapter 106 Campaign Financing
106.08 Contributions; limitations on.--
(3)(a) Any contribution received by a candidate with opposition in an election or- by
the campaign treasurer or a deputy campaign treasurer of such a candidate on the
day of that election or less than 5 days prior to the day of that election must be
returned by him or her to the person or committee contributing it and may not be
used or expended by or on behalf of the candidate.
F:ICLER\CLER\ELECTION12006 Nov 7Special-General Election)-ine 2006 Florida Statutes 106.08 3a.doc
Processed Date:
Date /Fecha
Voter's Name / Nombre del elector
Date of birth (mandatory) /Fecha de nacimiento (obligatoria)
Registration # (optional) /Num. de inscripcion (optativo)
Current Miami-Dade County Residence Address
Direccion de su domicilio actual en Miami-Dade
Check if this is a change of your residential address.
Marque aqui si es un cambio de la direccion de su domicilio
NOTICE: The U.S. Post Office will not forward absentee ballots to a different address. Pursuant to State Law, if any first
class mail addressed to you is returned as undeliverable to our office, the request for ballots will be cancelled until a new
address is provided. It is up to you to keep us informed when you leave during the election season!
AVISO: EI Servicio Postal de los Estados Unidos no permite que se remitan boletas pars electores ausentes a otra
direccion. De acuerdo con la ley estatal, si alguna correspondencia de primera clase dirigida a Ud. es devuelta a nuestra
oficina por no poder entregarsele, se cancelaran las solicitudes de las boletas hasty tanto nos suministre su nueva
direccion. iDe Ud. dependera mantenernos informados si se muds durante la temporada electoral!
Address to send ballot if different from residence:
Direccion a donde debe enviarse /a boleta,
si es diferente de la de su domicilio:
If you need your ballot to be sent to an address other than your residence, you must explain why:
Si usted necesita que su boleta sea enviada a otra direccion que no sea /a de su domicilio, explique por que:
I am requesting absentee ballots for all elections through 2010, in which I am eligible to vote.
Solicito boletas de elector ausente para todas las elecciones hasty el 2010, en las que sea elegible para votar.
1 am requesting an absentee ballot for the following election date(s):
Solicito boletas de ausente para las elecciones que se celebraran en las fechas siquientes:
Oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that all information on this form is true.
Juramento: Juro solemnemente (o afirmo) que los datos suministrados en este formulario son ciertos.
Daytime telephone # /Num. de telefono diurno
Voter's Signature / Firma del elector
.• Note: All absentee ballot requests must be signed by the voter and received by the Elections Department no later
than 5:00 D.m. on the 6th calendar day prior to the election. E-MAIL or FAX requests are accepted only if the
ballot is to be mailed overseas.
Aviso: EI elector tiene que firmar toda solicitud de boletas de ausente. EI Departamento de Elecciones tiene que
recibir dichas solicitudes a mas tardar Dara las 5 D.m. del 6t° dia natural anterior a las elecciones. Se aceptar~
una solicitud enviada por FAX o CORREO ELECTRONICO solo si la boleta es para ser enviada al extranjero.
Miami-Dade Elections Department /Departamento de Elecciones de Miami-Dade
P.O. Box 521250, Miami, FL 33152-1250 / 305-499-8444
A V 16-07
City of Miami Beach, 170G Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139
City Clerk's Office
Telephone: 305-673-741 i Forsimile: 305-673-7254
The City Commission at its July 11, 2007 meeting, authorized early voting for the General
Election to be held at two (2) sites, Miami Beach City Hall and the North Shore Branch Library,
for the following seven (7) days and times:
Monday, October 29 Noon - 7 pm 7 hours
Tuesday, October 30 Noon - 7 pm "
Wednesday, October 31 Noon - 7 pm "
Thursday, November 1 9 am - 4 pm 7 hours
Friday, November 2 9 am - 4 pm "
Saturday, November 3 11 am - 3 pm 4 hours
Sunday, November 4 11 am - 3 pm "
If a Run-off election is required, the City Commission authorized early voting to be held at two (2)
sites, Miami Beach City Hall and the North Shore Branch Library, for the following two (2) days
and times:
Saturday, November 17 9 am - 7 pm 10 hours
Sunday, November 18 9 am - 7 pm 10 hours
The Administration is authorized to alter the days, times, and locations of early voting if
necessary due to an unforeseen event, with the Administration immediately reporting the
change to the Mayor and Commissioners via a Letter to the Commission (LTC) and each
qualified candidate will immediately be notified.
Punch numbers will be issued by Miami-Dade County Election shortly after the 24th of
September. As soon as the City Clerk's Office receives the Punch Numbers, we will
immediately notify each candidate.
F:\CLER\CLER\ELECTION\2007 Nov 6 General Election\Early voting Information.doc
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Poll Watchers shall:
- Upon their arrival at the precinct (or early voting site), give their name to the Precinct Clerk (or Early
Voting Site Clerk) for verification on her list of approved Poll Watchers and show photo
- Be allowed within the polling room (or early voting room) to watch and observe the conduct of the
voters and the officials. The Clerk will direct poll watcher to a designated area away from the voting
equipment and ballot (or registration) table. (They may not walk around the voting area).
- Furnish their own materials and necessities. (This may include chair and cellular phone if
necessary.) (They may not use fhe precinct (or early voting site) phone at any time).
- Be allowed to inspect the precinct registers (or early voting voter certificates) only when the officials
are not processing electors.
- Inform the Clerk if they wish to challenge a voter's right to vote. The Clerk will follow the
procedures for a challenged voter.
- Inform the Clerk if they see or hear anything that does not comply with election laws. (They may
only speak to the Clerk). If they are not satisfied with the explanation or action taken, they may
call the Elections Department.
- Not volunteer to help electors who need assistance to vote. A poll watcher may only provide
assistance to a voter if specifically requested by that voter and the proper Procedures for Providing
Assistance must be followed.
- Not take radios, television sets or newspapers to the polls.
- Not wear or display any political party, candidate's name or other pertinent campaign materials.
- Not obstruct the orderly conduct of any election.
- Not come closer to the officials' table or the voting booths than is reasonably necessary to perform
their functions.
Any member of the public (including candidates, political and government officials and
representatives of the media) may witness the opening and closing procedures, but may not
speak to, or interfere with the Election Board in any way.
Rev. 6-5-07: Z R/V I
Please read and follow the Poll Watcher Designation Instructions before using this form.
Florida Statute 101.131 (2)
"Each party, each political committee, and each candidate requesting to have poll watchers shall
designate, in writing, prior to noon of the second Tuesday preceding the election poll watchers
for each polling room on election day."
Election Date(s):
If the candidate expects he or she may be participating in more than one election (for example, a
run-off) for the office being sought, the poll watcher coordinator may use the same list for all
elections. Each election date (General or Run-offl for which poll watchers participation is
requested must be specified on the form submitted in order to apply to specific elections.
Number Name of Candidate
or Political Party
Represented Name of person designated as a
poll watcher*
Last Name First Name poll Watcher's
Voter Information #
or Date of Birth
Hours Assigned
001 John Doe Smith Jane 02345678 7 am - 7 pm
002 XYZ Part Garcia Juan 01/01/33 7 am - 12 m
002 XYZ Part Jones Ma 04567890 12 m - 7 m
003 Jane Smith Doe John 02345679 7 am - 7 m
* Subject to the Elections Department verification of qualifications.
Rev. 6-5-07:ZR/V I
Please read and follow the Poll Watcher Designation Instructions before using this form.
Florida Statute 101.131 (2)
"Designations of poll watcher for early voting areas shall be submitted in writing to the supervisor of
elections at least 14 days before early voting begins."
Election Date(s):
If the candidate expects he or she may be participating in more than one election (for example, a
run-off) for the office being sought, the poll watcher coordinator may use the same list for all
elections. Each election date (General or Run-offl for which poll watchers participation is
requested must be specified on the form submitted in order to apply to specific elections.
Site # EV Site
Location Name of Candidate
or Political Party
Represented Name of person designated as
a poll watcher*
Last Name First Name Poll Watcher's
Voter Information #
or Date of Birth
1 Dade Re Tonal Libra John Doe Smith Jane 02345678 7 am - 7 pm
2 Miami Cit Hall XYZ Part Garcia Juan 01/01/33 7 am - 12 m
3 Caleb Center XYZ Part Jones Ma 04567890 12 m - 7 m
4 Elections Department Jane Smith Doe John 02345679 7 am - 7 m
* Subject to the Elections Department verification of qualifications.
Rev. 6-5-07:ZR/V I
August 8, 2006
Media contact: Robert Thompson
(305) 579-2594
The Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust will hold a "Running for Office:
What Every Candidate Ought to Know" workshop on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 from 6:30
- 8:30 p.m. at the Miami Shores C. Lawton McCall Community Center.
The two-hour workshop will provide essential information to declared candidates and others
planning to run for office about their legal and ethical obligations while seeking elective office.
Workshop topics include: financing campaigns, reporting and disclosure requirements,
collecting and expending campaign funds, and ethical campaigning.
Invited speakers include Robert Meyers, Executive Director, Ethics Commission; Howard
Lenard, Chief Legal Counsel Miami-Dade League of Cities; Joe Centorino, Chief Public
Corruption Unit, State Attorney's Office and Maria Acosta from the Miami Dade County
Department cf Elections, ~,
The event will be held at the Miami Shores C. Lawton McCall Community Center located at
9617 Park Drive, Miami Shores, Florida, 33138. For more information about the workshop, or
to R.S.V.P, please contact us at 305-579-2594 or a-mail us at
Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
(Miami-Dade, Fl.) The Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public
Trust will hold a two-hour workshop on Wednesday, August 29, 2007,
entitled "Campaign Skills Seminar".
Speakers will present information on the following topics: financing
campaigns, reporting and disclosure requirements, collecting and
expending campaign funds and ethical campaigning.
Invited speakers include Robert Meyers, Executive Director, Ethics
Commission, Howard Lenard, Miami-Dade County League of Cities (General
Counsel),Joe Centorino, Chief Public Corruption Unit, State Attorney's
Office, and the Miami Dade County Department of Elections.
The event will be held at the City of Hialeah City Hall Commission
Chambers located at 501 Palm Avenue, Third Floor, Hialeah, FL 33010.
For more information about the workshop, or to R.S.V.P. please contact
us at (305) 579-2594 or e-mail us at
WHO: The Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics &
Public Trust
WHAT: Campaign Skills Seminar
WHERE: Hialeah City Hall Commission Chambers
WHEN: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
WHY: To provide essential information to declared
candidates and others planning to run for office
about-their legal and ethical obligations while
seeking elective office.
It is the policy of Miami Dade County to comply with all of the
requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The facility is
accessible. For sign language interpreters, assistive listening
devices or materials in accessible format, please call (305) 579-2594
at least five days in advance.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Hialeah City Hall Commission Chambers (Third Floor)
501 Palm Avenue
Hialeah, FL 33010
(Last name, first name and middle initial)
Phone #:
Number of guest attending:
To R.S.V.P., please fax the completed form to us at (305) 579-0273 or contact our office
at (305) 579-2594.
The e ven t is free and open to the pub/ic
,--- --~
2006 City of Miami-Beach Candidate Presentation Guidelines
1. To offer the Miami Beach viewers an organized presentation, the Candidate
Presentation will be taped live and replayed on Cable Channel 77. Important: The
tape will not be edited for any reason. Once the taping of a candidate begins, the
camera will not be turned off until the candidate indicates he or she is finished, or the
five (5) minute time limit has been reached. The tape will be replayed multiple times
(dates to be scheduled and advertised).
2. In order to have an organized presentation of candidates and issues, it is important
that a strict timetable be developed and adhered too. Each candidate will be given a
scheduled time slot. See attachment "A". It is the sole responsibility of the candidate
to make sure he or she is available when it's their time to speak. Any candidate who
misses their assigned time slot unfortunately will forfeit their opportunity to present.
The Administration will be given a time slot at the end of the Candidate Presentations
to present the any Voters Guide information pertaining to Special Election question(s)
along with explanations in both English and Spanish, if needed.
3. The schedule air times will be published in the news media (Miami Herald Neighbors,
Sunpost, and in the Spanish language newspapers depending on publishing dates,
and on Cable Channel 77.)
4. Candidates must check in at least 10 minutes before their assigned time slot. This will
ensure an orderly transition from candidate to candidate.
5. The time slots will be assigned in the order of the ballot: Mayor and the three
commission groups and alphabetically by candidates within each of the groups. Again,
it is the sole responsibility of the candidate to be available at their designated time.
6. Before the candidates begin speaking, the moderator (to be determined) will give an
introduction stating the purpose and explaining the format of the Candidate
7. Each candidate will be allocated up to five (5) minutes of on airtime on Cable Channel
77. In order to maintain equitable time for each candidate who elects to participate in
the Candidate Presentation, when the candidates five (5) minutes are up, the
candidate will be cut off, even if in mid-sentence.
8. The moderator will introduce each candidate. The introduction will be limited to the
Mayor or Commission Group Number and the name of the candidate. (Mayoral
candidate Mr./Ms. X or Commission Group I, II, III, IV, V, OR VI, candidate Mr./Ms. Z.
The candidate will be introduced by the name that will appear on the ballot).
9. At the conclusion of the Candidate Presentation, the Administration may provide the
viewers with an overview of any Special Election ballot questions (Voters Guide), if
10. Only the candidate may speak on their behalf, not a representative.
11. No pre-recorded tapes will be used.
12. No background music, special backgrounds, or special effects will be allowed.
The Administration recommends that the City Commission consider the resolution and
Presentation Guidelines and request City Commission guidance.