Commission Memorandum 655-87 .. .CiTY OF MIAMI' .BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROIl W. PARKINS CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER ORIVE TELEPHONE: 873-7010 RE: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 655-87 October 7, 1987 TO: Mayor Alex Daoud and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rob W. Parkins City Manager SUBJECT: R-7-B SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT The attached page 3 to Exhibit B of the Second Amended and Restated Inter1oca1 Agreement has been changed as indicated, striking usenior to oru, at the request the bond insurer. RWP/AMW/PNB/r1w ...../ ~ IlBGULAR ~ - OClaIBR 7. 1987 R-7. DR<IftI'.urIOU (CCIft'INlJIlD) B. COMMISSIotiI MBKlRANDUM NO. 655-87 A RESOLUTION OJ!' THE CITY COMMISSIotiI OJ!' THE CITY OJ!' MIAMI BEACH. I!'LORIDA, AtlTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERIC TO EXECUTE A ~.. AllERDED ABD IIES'1'AftD Dl'f'RDuv'ar. A~WITB DADE COUNTY, J!'LORIDA, J!'OR THE I'DlAIICING OJ!' EXPAIISIOIIS ABD IMPIlOVEIIIlIITS TO THE MIAMI BEACH \,;IAIV_....I.C* t",oDIlI.LAA. 1. SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. ADMINISTRATIotiI RBCOMMBNDATIONa THAT THE CITY COMMISSIotiI ADOP1' TBB .......ftI0II. ACUah CClIIIIisBioner Arkin and City Attorney explained Becondary pledge, advising that it did not create an obligation. but gave the City the ability to pick up the option. . 1le801ut:1oD Ro. 87-19030 adopt:ec!, U1endment provideB for Metropoli tan Dade County to refund ($46,595,000) outBtanding SerieB 1985A MiUli Beach Convention Center Special Obligation BondB, and to iSBue completion bondB for west wraparound renovation, and allowB the City the abili ty to replace the County' B secondary pledge for the bonds and releaBe the exceBB tax collections to the City for any purpoBe. permitted by the Convention Development Tax Law, County to issue $59,800.000 Special Obligation BondB, SerieB 1987, and may iSBue Additional BondB for enlargement/extenBion/improvement of Convention Center. (See Agreement for balance of termB.) AlBa see related item R-6A. C. COMMISSIOII MBKlRANDUM NO. 656-87 A RESOLUTIotiI OJ!' THE CITY COMMISSIotiI OJ!' TBB CITY OJ!' MIAMI BEACH, I!'LORIDA, APPllOVING, ADOPTING, AND APPROPRIATING REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE BlJDGBTS J!'OR TBB SPBCIAL lU5VJ5lfOB PlaIDS J!'OR THE J!'ISCAL YEAR BEGINNIN~ OCTOBER 1, 1987, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1988. ADMINIS'l'RATIotiI RECOMMENDATION a THAT TBB CITY COMMISSIotiI ADOPT TBB RIlSOLUTIOII. (ORICE OJ!' MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET) All expenditureB/fundB for any/all COBtB. Operating Budget.) Resolution Ro. 87-19031 adopted, appropriating revenueB/expenditureB aB follows: BRS Grant for Mental Retardation Program (J!'und 114) $ 248,814 Convention Center Preferred Parking Lot (J!'und 144) 250,000 BaBB MUBeum (J!'und 145) 83,430 Recreation (J!'und 146) 910,073 Total . $1,492,317 encumbrances must receive OMB written approval before obligating City (Above are Belf-BuBtaining activitieB not conBidered in General ACUOIIa D. COMMISSIotiI MBKlRANDUM NO. 657-87 A RESOLUTION 01' TBB CITY COMMISSIotiI OJ!' TBB CITY OJ!' MIAMI BEACH, I!'LORIDA, AtlTHORIZING ~CE OJ!' AN 0I'!'BIl C1I S&LE J!'ROM TBB IlJIOaIlIlDOIl IIDDL IN TBB AMOUNT 01' $350,000 J!'OR TBB ' ACQUISITION 01' LOT 3, BLOCK 8, CORRECTED PLAT 01' ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, PLAT BOOK 31, PAGE 40, PUBLIC RECORDS 01' DADB COllllTY, J!'LORIDA, AND TBB ATLANTIC WAY RIGBT-oJ!'-WAY, J!'eR THE PllOPOSED PARKING LOT M! 75TH STREET AND OCEAN TERRACE, AND APPROPRIATING $350,000 J!'eR THE PllOPOSED ACQUISITIotiI PROM TBB ~_ PAUJIIG !'mID. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION a THAT TBB CITY COMMISSIotiI ADOP1' TBB RBSOLUrIOII. ACUah ReR1ut:1on 110. 87-19032 aaopted, accepting/approving Administration' B reeolllDended purchaBe price for parcel, and appropriating fundB. Parcel to be purchased from B, J , A, Inc., d/b/a Broadmoor Botel, and will be used for development of additional municipal parking spaceB to the adjoining Metered parking Lot P-9J!' at the North Shore Library facility (7501 CollinB Avenue). AlBa Bee related item R-6A. ACUOII IlUMMARY (R-7B .,.. R-7D) 0ClaIBR 7, 1987 -19- RBGULAR ~ - 0C'!0BBIl 7, 1987 11-6. IISIOttrS 1'lIOII OOMIIISSICII <;UBI.T.r...... A. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 687-87 RBPORT ON THE FIRAIICB 00MIIIft'BB OC'tOBER I, 1987, MEETING. ACrICIII Committee representatives Vice-Mayor Shockett (Chairman) and Conunissioner ArkJ (member) reviewed minutes, report accepted as follows: 1. Parking-related items: a) aesidential Peraita - Administration will submit recommendation on residential permit (annual and monthly) for South Beach area. b) Ocean Drive _tered parking enforc_nt time extension to midnight - Developers, arE businesses, and Oceanfront Auditorium patrons expressed concern/dissatisfaction wit proposed enforcement after 6:00 p.m. Committee decided to defer after-6:00 p.n enforcement. Vice-Mayor Shockett commended, Administration for seeing/illDDediatel addressing problem. c) Barton-Ascbman Associates, Inc. Parking Study. d) Offer to sell 75th Street/Ocean !'errace Broadmoor Hotel property to Ci ty - Commi ttE approved recommendation to purchase property. (See item R-7D) e) RefUnding Parking Revenue Bonds report - Administration advised will close 0 refunding in early December. f) Ocean Drive area temporary Botel Guest Parking Pertit system to b designed/implemented. g) 13th Street/Collins Avenue (N.E. corner) parking garage/retail ~ex - did no receive any responses to initial RPP, so have modified method and Administration wa directed to make RPP high priority and submit 10/21/87 for Commissio consideration/approval. 2. 21st Street Recreation center recreational bingo concession RPP - RFP will be issue after next week's prebid conference (Committee to participate). Administration ha encountered problems generating sufficient incOlDe from facility to maintain/operate it and decided would open it two additional nights a week (R-9B), Committee does not wan bingo in facility if sufficient revenue is not forthcoming, because of applicable Stat regulations and as facility owner, City could only charge fixed rental rate comparable ~ that charged to other users (percentage of receipts is unlawful). Administratiol determined appropriate rental fee would be $3,000 per night. 3. Lighting top of Ocean Drive buildings to illuminate Boardwalk - COlIDDissioner Grenald', suggestion referred to Community Affairs Committee. 4. RPP for residential de~nt on old Police Station site - report given to COl1lDittee (Also see M.B. Redevelopment Agency minutes.) 5. aefUDding/new _ey bonds for Convention Center Bxpansion Project - Metropoli tan Dad, County will issue new bonds for which City can complete $7.5 million addition, includin~ renovation of the facili ty' s ,west side. Commi ttee recommended approval 01 Revised/Amended lnterlocal Agreement with County. (See item R-7B) 6. ACCOIDIting/Auditing Services RPP related to County collection of Convention Centel DeveloI-ent !'ax - bid process update presented for information, Commi ttee recommende. that RFP be drafted. ACrICII lllJMIIARY (1I-6A) 0C'!0BBIl 7, 1987 -17- \. R-6A Action: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM RO. 687-87 RBPORr ON 'l'IIE FIRARCE COMMIftEE OCTOBBR 1, 1987 MBBTIRG. Committee representative Vice-Mayor Shockett (Chairaan) and Comaissioner Arkin (1IeIIber) reviewed _inutes, report accepted as follows: Parking-related items: a) Residential Pe~ts - Administration will sublllit r~endation on residential permits (annual and _thly) for South Beach area. b) OCean Drive lletered parking enforcement time extension to ..idnight - Developers, area businesses, and OCeanfront AuditoriUII patrons expressed concern/dissatisfaction "ith proposed enforcement after 6:00 p.m. eo..ittee decided to defer after-6:00 p... enforcement. Vice-Mayor Shockett CClIIIIlended Adainistration for seeing/ta.ediately addressing problem. c) Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. parking Study. d) Offer to sell 75th Street/OCean Terrace Broadllaor Botel property to City - Committee approved reco.aendation to purchase property. (See item R-7D) e) Refunding Parking Revenue BOnds report - Adainistration advised "ill close on refunding in early Decf!llber. f) OCean Drive area temporary Botel Guest Parking Permit - system to be designed/iapleaented. g) 13th Street/Collins Avenue (R.B. corner) parking gange/retail cOlllplex - did not receive any responses to initial RFP, so. have lIOdified llethod and AdIIIinistration vas directed to _ke RFP high priority and subait 10/21/87 for Commission consideration/approval. 21st Street Recreation Center recreational bingo concession RFP -RFP "ill be issued after next week's prebid conference (ec-ittee to participate) . Adainistration has encountered problems generating sufficient incoae fro. facility to _intain/operate it, and decided would open it two additional nights a veek (a-9B), ec..ittee does not want bingo in facility if sufficient revenue is not forthcoaing, because of applicable State regulations and as facility owner, City could only charge fixed rental rate cOlllp8~able to that charged to other users (percentage of receipts is unlawful). Administration determined appropriate rental fee lIIOuld be $3,000 per night. Lighting top of OCean Drive buildings to illUllinate Boardwalk - co..issioner Grenald's suggestion referred to Community Affairs ec.aittee. RFP for residential developaent on old Police Station site - report given to ComIIIittee. (Also see M.B. Redevel~nt Agency _inutes.) Refunding/new money bonds for Convention Center Bxpansion project - Metropolitan Dade County will issue new bonds for which City can cOlllplete $7.5 aillion addition, including renovation of the facility's vest side. ec-ittee rec~nded approval of RevisedjAaended Interlocal Agre....nt "ith County. (See item R-7B) AccountingjAudi ting Services RFP related to County collection of Convention Center Devel~nt Tax - bid process update presented for infor_tion; COIIIaittee recoaaended that RFP be drafted. SHOCKETT: r~ayor Daoud, we had, what I think, one of the better- Finance Committee meetings. We had...I'U wait until you're finished. (laughter) DAOUD: I'm not doing anything. WEISBURD: I respected your......(unclear)...I let you speak and you spoke loud and clear, we taped it.... (laughter) SHOCKETT: I heard its tapes. However, those are what pays the bills. We had a very good meeting. Present at the meeting was Jake Der Hagopian, Mel SChlesser, Tony Goldman, and a couple of other developers. They were there because of the great concern that they had over some immediate problems that they were facing. One of the first concerns which the Mayor and Comissioner Resnick and I also found out, was the proposal to enforce the parking meters after 6: 00 p.m. The people in the Ocean Drive area were very much concerned that this would be a deterrent to the restaurant guests, the hotel guests, the customers that come to COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS PAGE 73 SHOCKETT (Cont'd): their places of business would have to come running out and feeding money into the meters. They said, you know, we've put our money in this area. We've invested our time and finally we're bringing people here and you're trying to put your hand in their pockets to our detriment. This was a very valid concern which Commissioner Arkin and Commissioner Grenald addressed and myself directly. We certainly want to help these people continue because they are starting to engender life in the area doesn't mean that we are to go in and immediately start to reap the benefits of our efforts. Also, when we went to the dances on Sunday, we all received complaints by the people there about having to put money in the meter after 6:00 p.m. So with the very able help and assistance of the Administration, it was the decision at that time to defer enforcing the meters after 6:00 p.m. and I commend the Administration for seeing the problem and addressing it immediately and the response that we got from the developers to this action was overwhelming. We also discussed residential permits for people in the area so that when parking is a problem and certainly you don't want to have a residential tenant or a hotel guest running out every hour and feeding money into the meters. So we discussed and the Administration is going to come back with a recommendation on not only residential permits, annual or monthly permits, but also to see if there's some kind of temporary permit that hotel guests can have. Because they have the same problem and once again the people in the area were very thankful for this. The next item which we discussed in depth was the RFP for the parking garage at 13th Street and Collins Avenue. This is something that has been going .' on for about a year. In case you're not aware, we had previously approved an RFP, it went out, and we didn't get any responses. So we have now modified the method that we want to see a garage built and when it comes to that, you'll see a complete breakdown of how this is to be handled financially. But what we did do was that again, with the cooperation of the Administration this was put as number one priority on Ed Davis' desk. And if he needs help to do the work, then he will be assigned additional people. We were assured that the RFP would be brought to this table at the next Commission meeting so that we can approve it, get it out, get the garage built, and get this thing off center. Again, the people were very impressed with the way the Administration and the Commissioners and our committee worked together. I must tell you that I was very happy to be a part of that. Now, the next item was the RFP to operate a recreational bingo concession on 21st Street. We had spent an awful lot of time. I think we had four meetings where we went through just about every requirement and every sentence in the bingo RFP. The Committee had significant input in it and the RFP is now completed. We asked that the Committee be a part of and party of the pre-bid conference which is scheduled, I believe, for next week and then the RFP will go out for bid. I must tell you that the philosophy of the Finance Committee and I believe, this Commission for bingo in the 21st Street facility is that we did' not spend all these taxpayer dollars for a facility to house bingo. That we have run into problems with generating income from the facility to maintain it and to...not only to maintain it but to operate it and today we decided that we would open it two more nights a week. And, to permit bingo there, there must be some source of revenue to the City for this so we can provide not only adequate and proper maintenance but that we can provide programs for the people that use that facility. If we can't get that, I don't think any of us want to have bingo in that facility because bingo is a highly regulated state law and you're only the owner of the premises, in this case being the Ci ty, can only charge a fixed price for leasing the facility and that fixed price has to be comparable for others who want to use the facility. You can't do it on a percentage basis because that's against the law. So we fixed a price in the RFP. It comes out to....how much, Bill? WILLIAM HARRISON: It's a minimum of $3,000 per night. SHOCKETT: $3,000 per night. That would provide an awful lot of money for doing the things we want to do. I don't know that an operator will want to do it. This figure was not drawn out of the air. This was done after the Administration did calculations and checked with other operations to see what kind of income they generate. We calculated that two nights a week operations for the hours that we propose to keep it open could generate anywhere from $700,000 to $900,000 a year to the operator. So, this is what we have COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS PAGE 74 SHOCKETT (Cont'd): recommended and we'll see what kind of a response we get to it. So we should have a .... Well I don't know that we'll have anything further to tell you except that a pre-bid conference was held before the next Commission meeting. The next was an item that Commissioner Grenald was discussing, lighting the top of buildings along Ocean Drive and I think this was referred over to the COl1UDunity Affairs Committee. And then we had an update on the RFP on the site acquistion of the old police station. And that was it. Wait a minute, and.. PARKINS: Property up on the north end. SHOCKETT: Yes, we had a report.. .No, not on the north end. PARKINS: It's really up underneath .., top of your second page. ARKIN: We had the inter local agreement come up. SHOCKETT: Yes. Commissioner Arkin, if you want to finish because I had to leave at that time. ARKIN: Commissioner 3hockett left. I would like to say, first of all, on behalf of Commissioner Shockett on the bingo ordinance but we spend a lot of time. and vice Mayor Shockett came up with some tremendous investigation into this thing to bring out the problems and as far as I'm concerned the setup of ..' these six committees that the Manager set up two years ago, has been a tremendous help to the Commission because we have the opportunity in these meetings to spend a lot of time that we don't have to spend it at the regular meetings to investigate these things before they are brought to you. The item number five was the refunding.... WEISBURD: Two items that I wanted to ask Billy a couple of questions. SHOCKETT: Wait a minute. He hadn't finished. liEISBURD: Well...okay. SHOCKETT: There were two more items that Commissioner Arkin was going to cover that I had left. ARKIN: Yes. The two remaining items on the Finance were the status report on the refunding new money bonds for the Convention Center and before you is a new Interlocal Agreement between the county and ourself. Let's see, has that been passed yet? PARKINS: No, sir. ARKIN: Okay. What item number is that? SHOCKETT: R-7B. ARKIN: R-7B, the second amendment. The County is prepared at this time to issue new bonds based on this new Interlocal Agreement which we can complete the $7.5 million addition to complete the west side of the Convention Center. It was recommended by the Committee that this be passed and I would like to mOVe item R-7B. DISCUSSION CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE WITH ITEM R-7B COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 PAGE 75 R-7B COMMISSICII IIBMORANDUM NO. 655-87 A RESOLUTION OF 'l'IIE CITY COMMISSICII OF TIlE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AtI'rIIORIZIRG 'l'IIE MAYOR AND CITY CLBllK TO EAIS\..V'r1S A SBCCIID AMBIIDBD AND RESTATED IRTBRLOCAL AGKISISl'IInrr WI'l'B DADB C(Nl'IT>, FLORIDA, FOR 'l'IIE FIRARCIRG OF BXPANSIORS AND IMPROVBMBNTS TO TIlE MIAMI BEACH COIiIVBN'l'ICII CEllTBR. Action: Commissioner Arkin and City Attorney explained secondary pledge, advising that it did not create an obligation, but gave the City the ability to pick up the option. Resolution NO. 87-19030 adopted, _ndaent provides for Metropolitan Dade County to refund ($46,595,000) outstanding Series 1985A Miaai Beach Convention Center Special Obligation Bonds, and to issue cOlllpletion bonds for west wraparound renovation, and allows the City the ability to replace the County's secondary pledge for the bonds and release the excess tax collections to the City for any purpose permitted by the Convention Developaent Tax La,,; County to issue $59,800,000 special Obligations Bonds, Series 1987, and I18Y issue Additonal Bonds for enlargement/extension/improvelllent of Convention Center. (See Agreeaent for balance of teras.) PARKINS: R-7B is a resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a . second amended and restated Interlocal Agreement with Metropolitan Dade County Florida. ARKIN: It's moved. Is there a second? GRENALD: I'll second. DAOUD: It's seconded. Go ahead. ARGOS: You know if you move it and second it, you're supposed to wait for the speakers, aren't you? DOAUD: For discussion. ARKIN: We didn't pass it. PARKINS: Parlimentary procedure ARGOS: Yeaaaa. PARKINS: That's true. ARKIN : That's today's rules. requires a motion and second before discussion. ARGOS: All right, first of all on R-7B item just as a matter of picking up something that's wrong. On the last page, page 15 or page 11 as it's numbered. It says the City of Miami Beach by it's Board of County Commissioners and this is from the Legal Department. WEISBURD: It's not on here. ARGOS: You changed it? ARKIN: Yes. We have a new pass out on that. It's been corrected. ARGOS: Well, it was in the agenda package. All right, now. The next thing is on page 9 or 5 as it's labeled in the middle, page 5 and on the end, page 9 in the agenda package. ..the regular agenda package, it says that the City shall have the right to pledge a source of revenue such as its public service tax as levied pursuant to Section 166.231 Flor ida Statutes as amended to replace the County secondary pledge of its local government half-cent sales tax revenues. ARKIN: Yes. COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS PAGE 76 ARGOS: Et cetera. And what we're in, back in is the same thing as before, we're back to pledging the City's ...... ARKIN: No. Let me interrupt you. ARGOS: ....francising revenue? ARKIN: Please. In this Interlocal Agreement that is there that it may happen. It is not happening. The secondary pledge is by the County and has not changed and they are not asking for it to be changed. At such time that the City pays off the bonds on the wraparound, we would be in a position to have the ability to pick up that and take the funds that are coming in on the two-cent tax and get the direct dollars to the City. ARGOS: AS long as we ..... ARKIN: All we are doing here is having the ability at some future able to take off the County's and put on the Ci ty' s secondary. happening in this agreement, if you read it. date to be It is not ARGOS: And the secondary, am I correct to what you said, would only be put on as far as the franchise and utility taxes as if the wraparound was paid off. ARKIN: That is what they are referring to here. ARGOS: Mildred, please. Please. You speak when you get up here. The point is is that I just wanted to check that because that started the whole hullabaloo. What was part of the lawsuit. ARKIN: The hullabaloo was whether we were going to pick up the secondary and we did not. The County did.... ARGOS: Yea, that's all right. As long as we're not, that's all right. ARKIN: ...the county still has it. We did not accept anything that would be putting the City in a position of picking up secondary. ARGOS: All right. Thank you. ARKIN: Okay. DAOUD: Mildred. FALR: I want to make a correction, and I'm glad you spoke on it Stanley, because I was concerned about this. The money that now is paying for the wraparound is not from our excise and franchise taxes, it is our resort tax money. ARKIN: You're right. You're correct. That's where it would come from. FALK: That's where it would come from. And if I can be assured that from what you told me, stanley, is the way we anticipate going. ARKIN: We'll talk about it in eight years, Mildred. FALK: Okay. In eight years you and I will have coffee and talk. ARKIN: Okay. FALK: That'll be good. Thank you so much. ARKIN: All in favor of the motion...of the inter local Agreement, R-1B. GROUP: Aye. (6-0 - Commissioner Singer absent) ARKIN: Any oppoosed? It's not a first and second. It's just an agreement. PARKINS: No, this is a resolution. COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 PAGE 77 SHOCKETT: As acting Vice-Mayor..... ARKIN: Yes, go ahead. SHOCKETT: Does the City Attorney have any .... I mean this is something we do just by motion? WEINER: You do it by resolution. Motion. SHOCKETT: All right so it's been resolved to adopt the Interlocal Agreement? WEINER: Yes, sir. ARKIN: The second amended. GRENALD: It's been moved and seconded before we even discussed it. There's a question...I'd like to ask a question. WEINER: Yes, sir. GRENALD: There's no way in here...there's no inference of encumbrency with regard to any taxes that we have or no potential at any time. It doesn't indicate that we have any intention ... No? I just want to make sure that.... WEINER: I'm not sure I'm following your question. ARKIN: Intention to pick up the secondary. It gives us the option.... PARKINS: Simply provides us the option. GRENALD: Gives us the option but it doesn't...... WEINER: No, it doesn't give us the option...no it does not create an obligation in us, it gives us the ability. GRENALD: That's all I want to know. There's no obligation. ARKIN: Call a vote. GRENALD: We voted for it.... SHOCKETT: No, it's open. All right, it's been seconded. All in favor say aye. GROUP: Aye. (6-0 - Commissioner Singer absent) SHOCKETT: Opposed? (No response) None, passes. (Discussion returned to R-6A) ARKIN: All right, the last was just a matter for information from us. recommended that an RFP for accounting and auditing services related County collection of the Convention Center Development Tax be in place agreed to it. We recommend it and there will be a draft FRP. It was to the and we PARKINS: You also had the discussion regarding the purchase of the property at 75th Street and Ocean Terrace. ARKIN: Oh, that's another item. SHaCKETT: That's the....right. PARKINS: Yes, sir. Which became R-7D. A couple of the Commissioners asked me about appraisals on that item and I'd like to just give you quick on that. COMMISSION mNUTES - 10/7/87 TS PAGE 78 R-7D COMMISSION MEMORANDUM RO. 657-87 A RBSOLUTICIII OF 'I'IIB CITY COMMISSICIII OF 'I'IIB CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AOTIIORIZING Au.:JSPrARCE OF AN OFFER OF SALE FllOM 'I'IIB BROlU)MO()R IIOl'BL IN 'I'IIB AIDJIIT OF $350,000 FOR 'l'IIE ACQUISrrICIII OF Lor 3, BLOCK 8, CORRECTED PLA'l' OF ALTOS DEL MAR NO.1, PLAT BOOIt 31, PAGE 40, PUBLIC Rl!:CORDS OF DlUlB COO.."n, FLORIDl\, AND 'I'IIB ATLAR'l'IC WAY RIGHT-OF-WAY, FOR 'l'IIE PlIOPOSBD PARKING LOr AT 75T11 S'rl<l5l5'r AND OCEAR TERRACE; AND APPIIOPRIM.'IIfG $350,000 FOR 'l'IIE PlClWUOOl5U ACQUISITICIII FlICM 'l'IIE MBTBRBD PARKING FORD. Action: Resolution No. 87-19032 adopted, accepting/approving Adainistra- tion's r=,: ended purchase price for parcel, and appropriating funds. Parcel to be purchased fr~ H, J I A, Inc., d/b/a Broadllaor Hotel, and will be used for developaent of additional municipal parking spaces to the adjoining Metered parking Lot P-9P at the Rorth Shore Library facility (7501 Collins Avenue) PARKINS: The City has participated with the State of Florida in a series of appraisals related to Save Our Cost. So that those appraisals were the oneil that were in Mr. Harrison's mind when he discussed the fact that the appraisals in the area show the offering price was reasonable and that additional appraisals on the property would not be cost-beneficial to the City. It was based on the most recent appraisals from Save Our Cost. GRENALD: Mr. Harrison, at our meeting, so stated and said that it did have a basis based on what had been done already and we couldn't upgrade it without costing us money for nothing. RESNICK: Mr. Mayor. for the Ci ty, because dry side rather than property. I would like to say that this is an excellent acquisition I think the price is just below the normal price on the on the ocean. So I think it's a good move to get this PARKINS: Thank you. RESNICK: At this particular price. PARKINS: I'd call your attention to R-7D if I could which is the resolution related to that. ARKIN: I move it. RESNICK: Second. DAOUD: Moved by Commissioner Arkin, seconded by Commissioner Resnick. All in favor say, aye. GROUP: Aye. DAOUD: opposed? (No response) Motion passes unanimously. Anything e1se. SHOCKETT: As you recall this was before our Committee three times. DAOUD: Anything else, Mr. City Manager. PARKINS: That concludes the Commission Committee reports. R-7A would be the next item on my list, sir. DISCUSSION CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE WITH ITEM R-7A COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 PAGE 79 R-7A A RESOLUTION OF TIIB CITY COMMISSICtt Of! '1'BB CITY Of! MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, IRVITING 'l'IIE GOI7BRIlMBRT AND PEOPLE OF 'l'IIE CITY OF BBRIDORM, SPAIN, TO PARrICIPATB WITH 'l'IIE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AS ITS SISTER CITY IN 'l'IIE RATICtfAL "PBOPLB TO PBOPLB" PROGRAM. Action: Resolution Ro. 87-19029 adopted, inviting Benidora's participation in program and appointing Mayor Daoud as City's representative and Program Chairaan. Mayor Daoud advised that his office vas contacted by Miaai Mayor xavier Suarez's staff when Benidora's Mayor and several elect:ed representatives visited the area, and that they invited severa1 aaembers of ec-ission to visit them during March. DAOUD: Oh that's invite Benidorm, Spain to be the Sister City. PARKINS: Yes, sir. DAOUD: We were contacted by Mayor Suarez's -staff. Benidorm, Spain which is the equivalent to Miami Beach in Spain, beautiful city, sent their Mayor and several of their electorate representatives who we met in City Ball and had a very nice time. They invited several of those people from our Commission, if they'd like to make the supreme sacrifice to go to Benidorm, Spain during the month of March. They'd be welcome to. They have some of these...very famous for castinet dancers in that area. I was figuring maybe the City Attorney might make the supreme sacrifice and the City Manager. (laughter) GRENALD: I recommend that they change the name to Benny Grenald. WEINER: Mr. Mayor, does the Mayor box? (laughter) DAOUD: No, the Mayor is a real nice guy. He doesn't box. SHaCKETT: The Mayor is a woman. DAOUD: No. R-7B? PARKINS: R-7A do we have a motion and second on the resolution? GRENALD: lo\ove it. RESNICK: Second. DAOUD: Moved by Commissioner Grenald, seconded by Commissioner Resnick. All in favor say, aye. R-7B? R-7C C<>>IMISSION MBMDRANDllM RO. 656-87 A RESOLUTION Of! '1'BB CITY C<>>IMISSICtt Of! '1'BB CITY Of! MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING, ADOPTING, AND APPIIOPRIATING l<ISvl5lfUB AND BXPBNDITURB BUDGETS FOR 'l'IIE SPECIAL RBVBRUB FUNDS FOR 'l'IIE FISCAL YEAR BBGIRRING OCTOBBR 1, 1987, AND BRDING "J5l"TJ5l'IDBR 30, 1988. Action: Resolut:ion Ro. 87-19031 adopted, appropriating as fo11ovs: HRS Grant for Mental Retardation progru Convention Center Preferred Parking Lot Bass Museua (Fund 145) Recreat:ion (Fund 146) revenues/expenditures $ 248,814 250,000 83,430 910,073 TOta1 $1,492.317 A1l expenditures/funds enclJlllbrances aust recieve l>>lR written approva1 before obligating City for any/all costs. (Above are self- sustaining activities not considered in General Operating Budget.) (Fund 114) (Fund 144) PARKINS: R-7B was adopted. R-7C, resolution on the budget adopting and appropriating revenue and expenditure budgets. SHaCKETT: lo\ove it. ARKIN: Second. COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 PAGE 80 DAOUD: Moved by Vice-/4ayor Shockett, seconded by Commission Arkin. favor say aye. All in GROUP: Aye. PARKINS: R-8B would be your next item. DAOUD: Yes. R-8B COMMISSICII IIIH)RANDUM RO. 689-87 PLANNING BOlUID RBCOMMBRDATION OR TUB ADMIRISTRATICII'S lIBQUBST FOR A PIlOPOSBD ~l '1'0 TUB ZOHIRG ORDIRARCE CREATING S'l'ARIlARDS FOR 'l'BMPORARY PARKING LOTS. Action: Resolution Ro. 87-l9033 adopted, calling hearing for 11/18/87, at 11:15 a... PARKINS: R-8B is the Planning Board recommendation for temporary parking lots, zoning amendment. We'd ask for your approva~. ARKIN: I move it. WEISBURD: Second. ..' DAOUD: Moved by Commissioner Arkin, seconded by Commissioner Weisburd. All in favor say aye. GROUP: Aye. DAOUD: That's it. PARKINS: Thank you. That was to set a public hearing. What was the date? BAKER: November 28th at 11:15 a.m. DOAUD: Perfect. Moved and seconded. PARKINS: Thank you. DISCUSSION CONTINUES WITH ITEM R-8C COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 PAGE 81 DAOUD: parking How about discussion re conditions existing at the 41st Street garage? (R-9C) ARKIN: No, we've got R-8C, we have people sitting here. DAOUD: Oh, R-8C, I'm sorry, report on Halloween Haunted House. ITEM R-8C COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 690-87 RBPORr RBGARDIRG 'l'IIE IIALLOIIBBR HAtlRTBD BOUSE. ACTIOO: Vice-Mayor Shockett expressed opposition to item being on Commsions meeting agenda, since, 1) the Special Bvents C..mttee spent hours considering The Reighborbood's funding applications for Trick-or-'lreat Street and the Baunted Bouse ($15,000 for each), and approved $20,000 for Trick-or-'rreat Street and 2) the Comaittee established to avoid the nessity of such requrest being presented to the eo.mission. Be requested the City Manager not to place it... on the C~ssion agenda that bad been acted on by the CoIImittee. Be also expressed objection to using Reserves (Contingency Funds) for such a one-night event. City Manager advised that he supported Vice-Mayor Shockett's ~nts, explained reasoning resulting in item's plac...nt on agenda, and expressed hope that ec..ission lIIOuld support Administration's postion to not place items that had been turned down by Special Events ec..ittee, on future ec..ission agendas. Ro funds were allocated for the Baunted Bouse. PARKINS: Mr. Mayor and members of the City Commission, as part of Trick or ';l'reat Street 1986, the City of Miami Beach moved the lIaunted House from the Youth Center to the 42nd Street garage. That particular. exhibit was constructed as a joint project between The Neighborhood and the City. The labor to construct the house was provided by the City, The Neighborhood, and volunteers from the Youth Center. During the planning for this year's Trick or Treat Street, The Neighborhood requested that the' City take the full responsibility for the construction and operation of the Haunted House. The cost estimates for the Haunted House approximated $18,700, but included the following categories: materiars $5,000, security $2,700, and labor $11,000. Revenues of approximately $3,000 were generated from the sale of tickets. The City requested that a joint application Trick or Treat Street/Haunted House be completed and submitted to the Special Events Committee. The Neighborhood felt that separate applications should be submitted as the City was solely responsible for the Haunted House. The Administration completed an application, submitted it for funding to the VCA/Special Events Committee at their September 17, 1987, meeting. After discussion, the Committee denied funding for the Haunted House, stating that the Haunted Bouse should not be constructed as it was not an integral part of the event and does not enhance the attraction, or the event. I do believe that $5,000 additional, however, was given to The Neighborhood at the time of their request. Subsequent to that meeting, Mr. Blum contacted the Administration requesting that the Haunted House be constructed, that, in fact, in his opinion, it was a vital part of the event. SHOCKETT: Mr. Mayor. (DAOUD: I spoke to the Ci ty Manager should not be on the agenda. Yes, sir.) So it doesn't come as a surprise, about this and vehemently protested that this Is that not correct? PARKINS: That is correct. SHOCKETT: It was placed on the agenda in spite of my objection, because ... Let me tell you something, Commissioner Weisburd and myself spend many, many hours on the Special Events Committee. The Special Events Committee is not a plum. You sit there and you listen to people who believe in what they're doing and each one thinks that his event is going to be the savior of Miami Beach and the most wonderful thing to ever hit the ci ty and you have to tell these people it's not such a good event, it's not going to have that impact, COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 Page 82 SHaCKETT (continued): and you give them less or you don't give them any money, and it's not an easy task. We spend many, many hours and days going over this. The policy of this Commission, and the reason for setting up the Special Events Committee was so that it would not come before the Commission. This came before the Special Events Committee. The Neighborhood came there with two applications, as you pointed out, Trick or Treat Street and the Haunted House, $15,000 each. We commended them on the wonderful job that they did on Trick or Treat Street, so much so that we gave them $5,000 more than they asked for, saying you did a great job. It was good, it helped the City, everybody felt good, and we didn't feel that the effort to build the Haunt~ House, to spend the money for the Haunted House, should be the City s responsibility. We said "no" and if everybody who gets turned down, Mr. City Manager, at Special Events, can come back here to appeal, then I will tell them at every meeting to call you up and put it on the agenda and then you're going to sit here and spend hours and hours over $1,500 and $500 items, because if you let Mr. Blum then you let everybody else come before you. You saw what happened with the karate tournament. Three separate times, three nights, they were turned down, absolutely turned down. It wasn't that we turned them down, the guy came and said ,"give me the money" and we said "no". We spent time. We went through every piece of paper that they had. We sent them back for contracts. We sent them back to get sponsors. It's not up to the City to provide sponsors. When you put on an event, if you're coming to the City, you get your sponsors, we'll kick in. That's exactly what we did on 41st Street. So what happened? This Commission stuck its nose where it didn't belong, into that karate tournament. They gave them the last $5,000 the Special Events Committee had and you will never see a penny of that. It's just taking money and flushing it down the toilet. Now, if this is what you're going to do, then let me tell you something, then you're going to hear everybody, as I said before. But, it's even worse than that. It's ten times as bad as that because if you give them this money for the Haunted House for one night, as Mr. Parkins points out in his memorandum, that's coming from contingencies. If there's a hurricane and we need money for medicine, you're going to be missing 18,000 swords for medicine that you can't buy. We sit here and we just opened up 21st Street. Well, if you're going to take $18,000, then put it in 21st Street and open the place for a year. Do something constructive, not a one-night stand. Nobody in good conscience can vote for this and take it out of contingencies. I'm looking at item C-4J on the Administration: Project Sinai, South Beach Activities Center, JVS Nutritional Projection, Stanley C. Myers Community Health Center, Log Cabin Enterprises ... all these public services, humane things, we've been cutting them back and you're going to take $18,000 out of reserves for the Haunted House? That's why we turned down and I respectfully ask you, Mr. City Manager, that you not put these things on the agenda, that the final word is over at the Special Events Committee. So, I am opposed to this in principle. I'm opposed to taking money out of contingencies for this. I think it's wrong, it shouldn't even be here. PARKINS: Quick comment, I did hear this before from the vice Mayor, probably a little more heated that that if you can imagine that. I apologized at that time. From the standpoint of the City administration, we really support the point that he's making. If they're going to go to the Special Events Committee, and have a hearing there, and that was the original purpose of that whole process, then the fact of the matter is, they should not then be back on a City Commission agenda. I did point out, howver, that it was my expectation that if I didn't bring this to the agenda, that The Neighborhood would insist it be brought to the agenda by one of you and I perhaps was taking a short cut in accomplishing that, that I should not have taken. My apologies, Mr. Vice Mayor. SHOCKETT: All right, you explained it to me, and this is not an indictment of The Neighborhood. They do very good .., in fact, as I said, we gave them $5,000 more than they asked for. So, it has nothing to do with The Neighborhood. This whole thing is wrong, though, and I don't believe in taking money out of contingencies, out of reserves, to pay for any special event. COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 Page 83 PARKINS: That's the second point. The first one, I just want you to know, I wholeheartedly support that and I hope the Commission will support our position in the future where we will not bring an item that has been turned down at Special Events back to this Commission. The second point, and you'll note there was no recommendation from the Administration on this item. In my discussions with you, I frankly said my difficulty would be, this early in a budget year, recommending going to contingency at all. SHOCKETT: Not for this. ARKIN: l{here did we get the money for the Haunted House when it was down at the Youth Center? SHOCKETT: We got it from the ... Oh, the Youth Center? PARKINS: That was largely volunteer ... ARKIN: It was moved from the Youth Center to Arthur Godfrey Road. PARKINS: Yes, it was largely volunteers, but you are looking at two different creatures. In the Youth Center, it was constructed principally out of cardboard by volunteers, using the support structure of the building t,o provide the framework and the 42nd Street garage, it is something that has to literally be anchored to concrete and erected out of plywood. It has to meet fire code issues, greater than that which would have been required in the Youth Center because of the cardboard construction. So, it's a more costly material, more labor-intensive, than the Youth Center's haunted house. RESNICK: there, on way it is Mr. Manager, I think that ... my idea would 42nd Street garage, because it's ... anyway now. (laughter)... and I'm serious. be not to do anything a "haunted house" the WEISBORD: Show 'em the letter. PARKINS: He did. He gave me a copy of the letter. RESNICK: If you'll read this letter, you'll see that this is precisely what we have there. So, we don't have to spend any money. GRENALD: Commissioner Weisburd, you serve on that board, can I hear your opinion on this, please. WEISBURD: IfeU, actually speaking, when we voted that down, I didn't feel that that was a big problem. My feeling was that it wasn't essential to the Halloween night, that it was more problem to the City than it was worth. My concern, and I think other people's concern there was the safety factor, because there are kids going in there. It's late evening, possible fires, and anything else that can happen, and as I started to say at the beginning, Billy and I are on that committee and I didn't see anybody come on that strong saying we want to continue having it, it belongs there, and it was easy to vote it down. The additional $5,000 that was appropriated for the 41st Street was to not make them feel better about it, but to give them additional dollars to do more on the street itself. I was also surprised when I saw it on the agenda. I didn't get as emotional as the vice Mayor, but I figured we can work it out at the table. GRENALD: What is the actual cost of constructing this house? I don't think we should even get into it, but I would like to know personally, for the record. PARKINS: Materials that would be required are approximately $5,000, Commissioner. Some of that we had anticipated from the previous year would be reusable, but because of storage problems, there's a requirement to replace some of it. The labor required, and this really sort of speaks to the issue of earlier this morning, this is City carpenters who we would charge a work order against this event. That's about $11,000 and then security was $2,700. COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 page B 4 WEISBURD: That just reminded me about labor and carpentry, Michelle, when I spoke to you at that meeting, you had said your people were going to use ... you're shaking your head and I'm talking to Michelle. Carla, sit still. I was under the impression that The Neighborhood was going to use the same personnel, their personnel, from Quayside or wherever they were getting them from, to build it. You said that you wouldn't need all that money for personnel. MICHELLE GREENFIELD: We said we'd be able to cut down considerably (overlap) WEISBURD: .., by using your own people. PARKINS: We can't hear you without the microphone. WEISBURD: Now it's all coming back. I remember it was not all of us doing it. I mean GREENFIELD: No, at the time, the carpenter's union is building our street for us. They're providing the labor and we would be able to get the carpenters to actually erect the Haunted House, however City labor would have to take the materials out of storage, line it up, because it's not in order, move it around, make sure, and then, if they layed it out, they would be able to ... WEISBURD: Well, that shouldn't be $11,000. (At approximately 5:07 p.m., Mayor Daoud left the meeting.) PARKINS: No, sir, but we were operating under the assumption that we would not have what she just described available. WEISBURD: I knew that it was available. GRENALD: So, what are we talking about? $11,000? or $18,000? or what? GREENFIELD: I couldn't really tell you. I don't know exactly how much labor GRENALD: Let me explain something to you. I sat on that ... As a matter of fact, I helped originate that special events board. SHOCKETT: (overlap) I mean, I'm not making friends by doing this, Sidney. (WEISBURD: I know.) It's wrong. It's wrong in principle. It's wrong to take money from reserves for this. They have to budget it and work it out themselves. As you said, she was at the meeting, nobody made a fuss over it, Sidney. It wasn't ... Now, all of a sudden, somebody thinks it's important. Well, if it's important then you manage it. Don't come to us, to the Commission table, and tell us to take money from reserves. I don't care if it's $5,000. I've sat here for hours arguing over giving money to the Beach High Debate Team. I mean, my God, you have a policy, follow your policy. Take money out of reserves? That means every time you cannot tell anybody, forget a special event, anybody that comes up here for a project that they think is worthwhile, you can't sit back here and say "I don't want to do it because the money is in reserves." You're going to have to ... you're doing it. You're opening the door for everybody to come here and that's what "policy" is and sometimes you have to take a hard, tough stand, and I don't win friends, because all my friends are in The Neighborhood, and they're all my supporters as well, and they'll probably be mad at me for this, but I can't look in the mirror and be totally inconsistent from everything that I've heard at this table for the four years that I've been on it. GRENALD: One moment, I had the floor. Number one, ,I sat about 15 years on boards that administered special events. I can tell you that these people put a lot of hard time in, because everybody wants money, and there are a lot of good projects, so you have to pick out those that are the best. I can tell you that when you establish a board of people who are specialists or become specialists, you should respect that board. You shouldn't turn around COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS Page-8S GRENALD (continued): and put them on a board, let those people do the work and then in three or four minutes, because somebody puts pressure on you, turn around and overrule them unless they're completely wrong. Getting back to the gentleman who came here for the karate, when he appeared before us here with his father and he was put on this board, I told him, in these words, I remember, I said, "You're in the right church, but i~ the wrong pew." He had no right to be here and I did not vote for that proJect because I knew it would go right down the drain. Now, this happens to be a worthwhile project, but it has other significances with regard to safety and I'm on 41st Street. I can only get the benefit of that being a big success. I can see where Vice Mayor Shockett is coming from and I can see where Commissioner Weisburd is coming from. I can see where Commissioner Resnick is coming from. I can see where our City Manager is coming from. He wants to make everybody happy. But, I can tell you that you're not going ... That I'm not going to vote for this because it has been already refused. It should never have appeared here. You all shouldn't have been dangled along. You shouldn't have, but you were. I was led to believe that if it was brought up here that it was somewhere along $2,500 or $3,000, or you were going to give back the $5,000, you had all the other things. If it was a matter of a couple thousand dollars for one night and you could take in $3,000, or $1,000, and the children could be happy, I would say "Okay". But, if you're going to spend $8,000, $10,000, $11,000, $12,000, $18,000 for a one-night stand, come on. I'd rather know that we have that reserve. I think that the proper thing, sitting on this chair, is if we do have a hurricane, and sooner or later we're going to have one that's bad and I've gone through a dozen of them, and I want to tell you when there's suffering and hunger and so forth, this City has to be responsible to that first and we can't dilute, I don't think we can dilute that, and while I want to help you, and every time I'm called on I try to help. I think this thing has been set in stone as far as I'm concerned and I don't know how other people feel. GREENFIELD: If I could just say a couple things on this. One of the reasons for this, and there were a couple things that we didn't know at the time, when the extra $5,000 was given to us, for one thing there's a problem with taking the street all the way down to Chase Avenue, which was going to extend it. We can't do that. It's going to cause traffic problems. So, we're limited to the same area we had last year. GRENALD: You're not going to Prair ie Aenue? GREENFIELD: We go to Prairie, but we can't go to Chase. We were going to go an extra block. GRENALD: Oh, okay. GREENFIELD: So, we really don't have the room to expand on anything. So, we do have is the garage and the haunted house. We've also had some questions from our sponsor saying "Is the Haunted Bouse going to be there?" They feel that it was a very integral part. There's people like the Disney Channel and Crayola. They were very impressed with that. So, it is an important part, however, if we don't have it. And, the other reason for the $5,000, at the time it was given to us, I didn't have enough money in sponsor money and, yes, I think anybody would have jumped at the extra $5,000. I now do have it and I could give it back if it was voted on. GRENALD: You mean you'd give the $5,000 back? GREENFIELD: I could give the $5,000 back easily and it would enhance the Street, because like I said, we cannot go any farther than where we are. We're locked into Pine Tree to Prairie and we can't go down side streets. So, ... SHOCKETT: Ife said they could take the $20,000 and do what they want. If they want to build a haunted house, they can build a haunted house. We gave them $20,000. That's what we did ... not give us $20,000, and you give it back, and we give back to you. You got $20,000. There were no strings on it. Wasn't that what was said? COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS Page 86 GREENFIELD: Absolutely. (SHOCKETT: Okay.) But the $5,000, I impression we got that because the Haunted House was voted down. SHaCKETT: Well, let me tell you something. You come before the meeting and it's not, you know, you get two bites at the apple, unless it was something three or four months away, then you can reconsider it. This is not the proper place. We did our job, we listened to you. That's it. All right, since the Mayor left ... Oh, excuse me, you had something? was under the WEISBURD: AS a matter of fact, I think that I made that comment. I said, now that you've got the extra $5,000, you can do the Haunted House .., if you wanted to. SHOCKETT: I think I heard him say that. All right, is there any other discussion? motion, so let's move to the next item. GRENALD: I'll tell you this, if you want to go to the merchants, and take back your $5,000, if you want to go to the merchants, as long as you can get proper insurance risk coverage that satisfies, the City, I'd be happy to contribut $200 - $250 out of my pocket if other people will, too. Maybe we can raise the money to do it, but I don't think this is a City function to come out of reserves. We have so little reserves that it really is I would feel terrible if we ever said, "Bey, you gave away this money, for a one-night stand." It isn't right. If not, I don't hear a GREBNFIELD: Thank you. SHOCKETT: Thank you. PARKINS: vice Mayor, R-9C? SHOCKETT: Okay. ITEM R-gc DISCOSSIOR or camI'.rIORS EXISTING AT 'l'BB 41st lOT1CI5I5T PARJI:ING GlUIAG2 AT SBBBIDM AVBRUl!:. ACTIOR: Ooaadssioner Resnick advised of concerns expressed by 41st Street aerchants about the situation resulUng froa criainal activities in the garage, and urged Administration to t.aediately take steps to secure facility and protect users. City Manager advised that a Parking Bnforcement .-ployee vas, this week, assigned exclusively to the 4200 Street and the 17th Street 5-story garages, and would be required to circulate through the facilities to provide additional visibility. Be also suggested eo..issioner Resnick, Police Chief, and he discuss aatter "ith Safra Bank Branch ManagerjAssistant Vice President Ms. Louise Zedell. co.aissioner Arkin suggested that inforaation be sisseainated to area _rcbants/.-ployees as to actions being taken to alleviate the situation. RO'l'B: 10/6/87 ,letter to ec-issioner Resnick froa Safra Bank, filed "ith aeeting records. PARKINS: This is a discussion of conditions existing at the 41st Street parking garage at Sheridan Avenue. Commissioner Abe Resnick. RESNICK: Mr. Mayor, Mr. City Manager, I was approached by some merchants of 41st Street and specifically by the Safra Bank and they're very much concerned about what's happening in the garage. There is no supervision in there and people park. There were a few holdups, at gunpoint, and it's a very dangerous situation, and we'd like to know what can be done in order to secure this place. I understand that there were some measures going to be taken, but I haven't heard specifically what's going to be taken., I would like to know, in order to go back to those people and explain to them that the City is duly concerned, because in the letter they sent they claimed that we're not doing sufficient in order to protect them. So, I would like to have some specific and see whether the police or the City administration can COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 T5 Page 87 . ITEM R-9D DISCUSSION R!GlUUlING REVISION OF pROCBDlJIlBS FOR CORSOL'l'ART PROP'BSSIORAL SERVICES SBLBCrIONS. ACTION: No opposition expressed to City Manager/City Attorney's recommendation that City adopt state procedure for consultant or professional services selections (request letters of interest, short-list letters, issue RFP only to 6 or less firms) to expedite process. PARKINS: We have this discussion, briefly, revision of procedures for consultant professional services selections, in the review of the State procedures that you approved earlier on the light rail (C-5C), they follow a practice that we would recommend be adopted and that is that they ask for letters of interest on a particular consultant or professional service issue and then short-list the letters of interest and only put out an RFP to six or less firms so that your RFP process really is a lot faster. We don't get bogged down in creating lengthy boilerplated documents that simply slow down the process. I have consulted with the City Attorney and we'd recommend that we change the procedure and adopt the State procedure. GRENALD: That doesn't require any action, does it? PARKINS: No, if you have no Objection, we will do that unless the (overlap) GRENALD: Then I would make a motion to direct you to proceed with that procedure and report back to us. PARKINS: And you'll see the results of that on the first professional service or consultant we have. Status report on self-insurance is R-9F. That's included wi thin your BAKER: You had a motion? PARKINS: I don't think we really need it. Absent any objection we will proceed. R-9P is a status report on self-insurance. Unless there are questions, that completes our agenda, Mr. Vice Mayor. GRENALD: I make a motion that we adjourn. WEISBURD: Second. There being no further business, at motion of Commissioner Grenald, unanimously carried. Mayor Daoud and 5:20 p.m. the meeting was adjourned on seconded by Commissioner Weisburd, Commissioner Sin r absent. ATTEST: ,//jri_(-;; J, ;i', (j~ j~, ,I City Clerk COMMISSION MINUTES - 10/7/87 TS Page 90 ,~