Financing of Expansion Agrmt. . COUNTY ATTORNEY METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA ., DADE COUNTY COURTHOUSE SIXTEENTH FLOOR MIAMI, FL 33130 (305) 579.5151 RECEIVED tm'Q.!-RK's O6I"T, January 16, 1985 JAN 21 1985 Elaine M. Baker City Clerk City of Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive City of Miami Beach, Florida 33119 By Time Re: Interlocal Agreement, City of Miami Beach and Dade County concerning the sale of bonds by Dade County Dear Ms. Baker: Enclosed is a copy of the above-mentioned Interlocal Agreement. In order for me to have it recorded with the County Clerk's office we have to have an original executed copy. Please have the Mayor sign the enclosed copy and certify and return to me for recording. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Very truly yours, ~.L- Vicki J (! J'ay Assistant County Attorney VJJ/ed Enclosure , . , , . m., 12417PG 1749 m.~@~KWJ RESOLUTION NO, 114-178:H JAN ~ .'~t, COUNTY ATTQR " A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN INTER LOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CONCERNING THE SALE OF BONDS BY THE COUNTY 'FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING, ., IMPROVING, ENLARGING ETC. THE MIAMI BEACH . CONVENTION CENTER~PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ,DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 163, Fla. Stat., providing for the creation of Inter10ca1 Agreements between public agencies (the Florida Inter10ca1 Cooperation Act of 1969), and Chapter ,.,' :166, Fla. Stat., the City Commission has' the _authority to enter 'into Inter10cal Agreements with other public agencies, to perform certain pow~.s" prlvi1eges or ,authorities, which each public , . agency snares In common in which each might exercise separately, and - . - . WHEREAS,~ "the Ci,lyCommission 'finds and determines that tne execution Df an Interloca1 -Agreement bet-ween tne City' of Miami ,Beach and Dade County for the" purpose of financing Phase I of',:the convention Center expansion, en1arl'1ement, improveme~t etc. . . Is in the best interests of the City of Miami Beach~ and ~EREAS, the City Commission approves ~h~ form and content of the Interloca1 Agreement, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof, between the City of Miami Beach and Dade County. ,NOW,TBEREFORE, .BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM- S.MISSiONOF ,THE CITY OF ,MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1 ,The City Commission hereby finds and determines the matters above set forth. SECTION 2 The Interlocal Agreement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, between the City of Miami Beach and Dade County is hereby confirmed and approved. SECTION 3 The Mayor and all other employees and officers of the . City of Miami ~each are hereby authorized and directed to take . -. . , . "~ -J; " '.,~ '~v:;" " .~( .":,,;0 "- ~t-. 1241lPG 1750 whatever action is deemed necessary or desirable in connection with the execution of the Interloca1 Agreement and the " consummation of transactions in connection with the . any rInterlo~al 1 _" .~ ....:-: ,.~'..' Agreement, in order to carry out the intents and ~urposes established thereunder. . -,~.: ", 'SECTION 4 .' . ",~ ....,", ~. . '.IF ,- its '" ,This Resolution shall take effect on the date of a'doDtion. ..~.-~~ set ", "The . J.nter1oca1 Agreement shall take effect as "- ~ '" forth in its body. .. ..' ,_... "-: . ~,~,' . PASSED AND ADOPTEDthis'~ day of September , 1984. .~~~ . <:.;-::~ . " ~..J2..4 _ ~ ..,",,',.. " A,TTEST: h.,' , , " A~~..j ~~ " :CITY CLERK ,CR:kt 9314A !i" :' , :(:' "..... .. ,.' ." , .....'. .........' .:~. "':;" ...,.: . :.' .~,. :. -\..: ........ :;~ :.~..': .' .... _ ,J! ,I. "_," ~ ",' ~ i. ~' ....;,"" '-: ~.:,:';' , , '. '-:::'\.' ......, '.~.~..j:~....:~:- :::" ,~..-."I". -- " : ,;::,0 "~1:;,~~~ ,,'!f:;;:~\: :.: . ~.',,' : -. ... - ",'. .-:. :_~::.-~. ~'., . '.' . ., " ...,." . ,;i: ~ ,- '-"' . '0'" " .~, . .y.... .,;.-; ;l " ,.:., ",::' -';.'.;":'-.- .......... (, 'I ;"F~' ".', - .,. :Y-":"";"'I:::::~' .,' ~,..: .' " .' ...~:;,~;.:,. ", .'':''- .. ~,~\......" . .. .~.... ~ '.' ',' . -.', ,:..... . :;~'" . .. ' . .;, . ......w..,' FORM APPROVED LEGAL 0 PT. Bye Dale q 1 ~1. ~. , " \~ 01:;::' :.: " , .// .. .,.., .~~:.~...,,_.. ~J.~.,."';.o'~':* .,-;r ~:'ii:,~ :,;",. . . ~.' ...' ..,- ";"';".:'!' .~.! .- ~ ,. ~. ~ " ..:}~.;,'~':~' .-- , .lW~tI" I. C1fHtIAl UOOlOl lid Of lI"Ol oaulllTl. ILOJID" JlItIMO Ylllfl",) R](;/JA/UJ p, 8R/NUB. CllR' CIRCUIT COURl ~...:a .. ~ ':.:". . ..'~. . , ....". '~~:':~r(~~:I:(~~~'~ ..', ._~~.;j:~~:~'~';.~~:f:..~~ \ ,',~. \.', r ~ . ., ' ....:''''..!.-., . )'. # "". :"""'lO,.; . ..-... . ~_ ' r I98S fEB 19 AM II: 7.9 85RO~8031 m: 124rlPt 1739 ~ , ..... - -... - I: t'" ...-~ .~.'''':-:~ '. ~. .~ .','Iv,... . ~:;;\~.?'!:~:~. . ~lN'r'.;.;;~.r,: ~ ~" " .~~",.,.,..".''''..'' ":~l~D::';;'~~:":; .,.' . ,~~"'i,;',..."....'--'..........,. ':-_'~.. ' ~t- ~~\~J-;~.~.~~T.:.~.'i..;-~.:. . i-., ".' ,I ".~'''I/,;, ~." ....' '1'..' ',~ . '~' .~-;.:. ,I.>;" ,~:;'l:;'~~>:.:'" ,.' .". -,- -"1. THIS ,., " .. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BY AND .BETWEEN DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FOR THE FINANCING OF EXPANSIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER ....... .1..... ~. . . .: "." ..\ :-~. ,---.~' . INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, made an?'en:tere.d, .into this ..Jl.'iJ 'day /;f ..,::j'l.;;:~,;~'\'~< '1984, by~nd bet~~;~''':'DADE ."~>f.~':.: t, ,_ ~...." ~'... ....:.:~~. Co.: ".'. .',' : .:. .',1 .....~,. .:~.'1:,'t... ~~ .: '..;.~.~:i'~ '.~::~ '-. ; ,'.'" . :.. ::. :':~..~~:;.(\;:...;:. ~ :COUNTY .FLORIDA" '{the' "County"), 'il 'political subdivision of . .~~<.,..~_-:"~;',:-. '. ..:,~'.~..".' ." '.;<t,....~.;~:.1..~.:~'~;I:.<... ..~,...~~~~.~.~'~'...~:. "the"State 'of Florida, and the CITY OF MIAMI .~)~~.t: . .:- ~. i' ._, . il-r.<'~::::..~-;',~w.,~ . _ ...,::.,.;.t..:.'...,>';.':.......:-. - 1. (the "City"), a municipality organized and existing under ..,.. ", -. '. ''-'''~:-'''"':J : .....;-;...., , . - ,....,." ,the laws' of the S,t~;~c.~f.,;;~~~~":d~;,,,A. ;:;{,:f.' .." ~;:-;{-;~,. WliEREAS, Cha{>ter 8~:3,~,~:'" ,~a,~~ ,,~: Flor~,~~",/~,:8~~., as ':'::~f~i amended by Chapter U-67, Laws 'of Florida (1984) (together, "-:~r.,j": "' .~. ,- :..../i:.:~;~::~~ft~~.~l~.. ~... . ,.,...W~"$'~ ~he '-'.Convention Developme~:, :~~~.\~~t ~), authorizes the C6untY/*i;~~~r 1:0 'levv a three percent (3%) convention develo'pment tax (the":t~~l~~ '::';:j~~i:t ~';:~j~';":\\"':~''''.~ .. ~.:..'_\. .c' .' ,.,'~ '. .; ;'.~f;.J.::.~;~ ''.'Con~ention Development Tax") ""''On the amount' of any .i.~.~~-,'~..;i:~':.....;,,\;~ . .... --!I . ....- .".\, '. ~.-..~~ ~ ~.l1:'i(":?rl;i..'!'\ '..,""..:"~;~-':"~"~~':' ~....~ .:~:. ........:.~~~:d.~ .,..' J ..1,. _~ ;'..;.....~.~.~~;J,f~~, -.~.~t:f.....:......,...,.. .--:.-,,-~' :$\~~Ii payment made oy anY,I'erson to rent, ':,lease ,or use for a ,:".~.'.;,::,:::,,{.::.;.;.:..~_"'i. penod .of. six(~) months or less, ':~'~' li~i~~~~~rter~,'or : ','-. ',:.~:::~::-'~~~:d ~ '_ . "'-1"~""~"" . . . ~ .' ..' -'.-~..~;ll:~.!": :::::~::::::n:~ :p::::'~~ ~.~~:~:~t~:::::' h!:::~; t:::::: ~ .<':;;,:;t.~~l trailer camp, or c~~d~mi~i'~~k..:~~~~~'p~ymen't.~~: made ~Y a '. .~~~ ,'...\ "':t'\'~.:.~:~.';_.;:.:.:.:~;..,,-;.....';...,. ,~. . . ':' -;:' . '....~.~~~:.,\~:~s... :> ' person to .rent, lease or use any living quarters or accommodations :;".~, ~:~". ...1:", - ..::c,....:~~~.. ;~I;~~~ ,WhiCh-are ex~m;~~~~er.part I of Chapter 212, Florida Statutes .'f;S7~r:~ :'. :0:; ~(~983) , 'as amended; and .,:'::. . . - ,':::::f.,~'i!t~, .:;t, ~~ll ".";,, -:: .::.-;~:~.:: :;. ~'~. . .~:=..:st'~~;~.' :.1[; "~!..:.'~ h'HEREAS, the Conventio~ pev; ~::.~t~\':'~~/!.;~~~1u__5~~,~ i,Z~~;o.:~~,~~~[ \,.i~o-tnirds .J2j3)__pf, tile nicei{>i:~.,P.,t:!;.~,!1~:S?I).J~gtio~..~;yelopme~~.:~1i~~ -"~~~{~, 'Tax.ltheP ~City' s' Shareft) -to'~be .Js~'~:.~'~,.:~f~~ri;;;';~~i~~~~ and <~;~':;fi:~~~~~ ~~~}}}~ 1mprove t~~' ~~rg~s~ "~~isting ;~~'~i~ly~,~~'ed c~~vention <:;'~'..,~::{J~~~' '.~if;1f) . . '~.:~',. :. ~-.~_.' . . "",,-' . .".'" .. .~~;.~.:.>..:.,:};~~~~~*-.: ,;~~~%f,~~', ::;~:~~te:.in .~he County;:a,nd, . ::'. i-~};~~:~~>:. . :,}?i:.~<:.:';> '.' WHEREAS, :the Miami Beach Convention Center (the "C9f\vention ,,-i;:f~<, Centerft), is the largest existing publicly-owned convention"" ..BEAS~.',,,FLORID~. .'. .'~- . ...:.I,~Y~":: --~; '. center in the County; and WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes (1983) and the l~etropolitan Dade County Home Rule Charter, as amended, permit ,'. ". . .~; - '. ',' -:.' ~ '," ~ ". ..}/::;~;i~',,::'~:..f;:-;.':":~:;- i. ~.. p;~>.. ,V /. ......~. "" .""):;;;~:> ..........~."";,";;. .&;~ ...~.......,':"~ ;,r,z,": . .#..........loI'~f...t' ..~.. .-. A" ',' "',', ..... ~'... .j ...... .:..";.::- '. , ; ;"-:. ,;, tt....~ ," '. ....A'< '5~' t~~. '[, :-,.1 .~. .. ',~. ...:; :..~'._,lI,.~. .,~ ;~~<.:iit~ . l'=:i . . , , ~.. '. :tIi ' ..:t:..t fi:\ ,~, ':~j~-+ "~~ ~~: :~.' ~~~i> "~.i",..r~ ;\~~. :'~~'. ";ii:.!~ ,l f~ ~.r:~_: .."J~i f' , ., ):"':1" , - _~I. .' :~.' ,J ~. .. ......'f"'i .- ;~.:~ ~~. .~;;~ " . .~~'::."'~ r , . ilE 1241 7PG 17~O the County, and Section 163.01, Florida Statutes (1983), . , .. . ,permits the City to establish interlocal agreements with .. other localities; and .. " .. .-.. ~ ,'" ,WHEREAS, the City has requested that the County issue ....:i. " ~ ..' ~:'i.~;. ' :special obligation bonds of the County, the proceeds thereof' ',. ":)7,'J~\ . ~..._ :':~'~~'lth:~... ,-" .... '. ,:' ;.:. .:;.~ to be utilized by the City for the extension, enlargement and improvement C?f the Conventio~ Cent~r;and WHEREAS. the County has 'e'n~cted Ordinance No."83-91, which Orainance, as amended by 'Ordf.'nance NO.84~'43,' "!:inposes ..,....-. ..'="...:,.....t" ..:::_;;:-".>2L~i; , .' .,.~I;.'~:;"!!..;"f... 'L?:~;.~;4;~ti 0';:::, '" :,";.~;,:.~::';,Jt.;~:.i their agreement relating to the use of the ,C/,tY'sShare, the;:.;\;7,;{~i~ "'::,;:"?~~: "'~:~~il;~' :!~:i ""~~' . '~:r.. ~~;~:a~; of the bonds, the County'. l'SC"'.;.'....' .. ...;.;h.~~~.~~:~~ :..,.!lo..-e.,Q'r,;.r.....".t\ l~);:~~?il".,).~ .' ..,.~F.rr~:;~;( I(.~~~:! 'the,Conv~ntion Development Tax in 'Dade County pursuant to the Convention Development Tax Act; and "WHEREAS. ,the, County ana the City desire to set forth issuance of the bonds by the County for the benefit of the City~ "and the respective 'righ,t~'/'duties, "and obligations of the City . and ,the 'County; ,and .... . -'". ~ .. , wHEREAS, ::~rior to"t,he -issu~nc~ will enact an ordinance auth~rizin9 the issuance of the :. '.t- ....~ .:- '<.:.' . .: .::_ bondsC"the Bond Ordinance"), . ... ';.~ . ~ NOW, THEREFORE, i~ con~ideration ,. ,.' '''l. ~, ~' . .~; ,:';;'.1""':'~j:t; ,r:_~.;;...t. ':. ..~..:::.-. :.'. ''i;.:'., ana c:::::~:,~ ~~erein T::n::~:~,~.~':::~t; :::::: :: :::~:~~ ~s "::'~Jj:~;~f~~; .~.. ~ -," -'.',. ..:,:;'.:),. .;:".,4" ".~. ..,. . .....t,;.!--~::=5;;.~.!,t: ::~~:~i~~:':::a.,:~:~ 0 ::~:: 0 i:t::~:::::a;e B:::::~~a:h~::::eeds:'~~ii~: . , ' ''', " ' ";J.\.i'~'~ of, the J?,hasp.'I, Bonds, t? beus,ed ,to _p~y , the ,costs of extendinq ,"; :~~~{ . . ."'~ ," ,~!!1.i!~ .!nlarg1ng and improving' the .Convention Center (the "Phase 1 ':;~~~~~. Project"), and to pay the costs of is.~uan~e. :~~,er~o~.~i: A ':~:,~':{f.~{I~:~ description of the phase :r pro'jes.t...-:is attached hereto as '. ';';"~'('~~'~':~~ "hib~~L::d /~corpo~: t::u:;'.~:~.bY coman" to u.. ~ ~.')~,t,I~; '~:":.;.~.\~ of the mutual promises best efforts to issue the phase I Bonds as soon as' practicable. The fssuance of such Phase I Bonds shall not be contingent upon the preparation of final plans and specifications for the Phase I project. . .- ~ " -2- , ' '.""~~::': .. t ' .' ....r:. ......... '. .... ''i''~ \t , .';...~;.;"'il&."1i>> . .....~';,....l'~..~"".:~,,\, .~.;:..:s..t.,....:..............v "(~'":-,,,,"._:. ,'" '. ~. ~ J ~ . . ,,:";" ',t,' i.... . ~."" ,I;.", ."'~,' , : '. -. .., " '. ~ .;'j ~~.. .~.~ . '::-~;j~)'.,.I., .......-= .' ,~';I'" ',:;. ' ,.......;::,..ie1f;.. ..~.~.;tl...r ,. .'-- ~,... .>.....~ . . . ~"",.o:: ~':..-. ..:~."oC'"-t 'slt .'\~"'\ :;:}" " :".'. ~~. 124tH& 1741 " .. Section 3. The County shall issue completion bonds "5 ...: for completion of the Phase I Project (the "Completion Bonds") at the request of the City, in the event that the ...........:.... ".\" "'. proceeds of the phase I Bonds shall be insufficient to complete .the Phase I Project, provided that the projected ,. ..... -. :. .~. ;.:.."':':;1- ..:"'X., 'revenues of the convention development tax are suffici~nt to ".'. meet the ~d~itional aeotservice obligation incurred by the . . .....'- .". . , ~ounty ab 4 result of the completion Bonds. "... . . -. '. . . 1'':,:-.. . , . Section 4. ' "The County may issue additional bonds .,:;i',~'f/ (the "Additional Bonds") at,the request of the City for . ... , - .. "'-." .".,.. _:.' ~ " .:' future proj ~cts ' for' !he . ~nlarge~~~.:, extensi~~ ,,,and improveme~t~~::'~~i: of tne convention Center (the Phase ,I Bonds, t~e Completion '>,.,Yt.?f.i.t. Bonds 'and the Additional Bonds areherein~fte~'~'sometimf(!s :;:,:";~,:~'#I~, . ~'\f'~ ,~',. ." _""<':."i.".i-:~~$~' CO.l.l.ectively referred to as th,e":~Borids"). :;'.'prior to the :".;~;,t~;:;fu; . ",".=.~~\,,~~,.,') '. . , ."' -. .' ... >il:.r.': t~. " County'authorizing the issuance of tne Additional Bonds the"':i';!;".~;:'.' . - '. ",~ ~',. . .... ~. '<, : ~:...rtr~!t~i'.,~ City. sh~~lde1iVer to theCoun~y:a feasibili~y" st,~~,y pr~pax:ed ,j. by ,a.nat1onally recognized independent consultant which ,.,.;r~.{s f~asibility study shall 'forecast ~hat the 'rev~~ue~ generated:{:::S~~r . "..'.' ",-:-..f.~~ :~y :the..c~ty' s s~~r~ ,Sh~l;\,b_e SUffic1ent~o,~~~. princ~pal ~~,;I.~iI*1;~t~ .and interest on the phase I Bonds, . Completion Bonds and //,<%~~1ft. A~~itional Bonds, if a~y, . and t~ ~om~1;'~i,~h3~e cov~~ants :~~ contained in' the Bond Ordinance. . " .,::.:::....,'!~~i'\~ "".~' <,':,~i~~~:" .' ',"'. ;"';.,' . ..,_....:,~i~"..l. Section 5. :,: 'For so long as any Bonds issued hereunderZ~1~~ remain outstandin~,'th~' City"her~by ir~evocably assigns the ">\?\~~~~ City',s Share of the conv~~tio~' Dev~lo?ment Tax revenues to :~',~~.;~~4R~ . -....Y:'.I.. !t'!fl....~...... . , ~. . . .... .... .......-o:4.1}}, ~ --:lr..~ the:!'rustee (as defined her"iMftet:' :in the Bonc(O~d'in-;~~e)' ~:~~~~.j" ;~'f .' .,' I\.''''~'''';'''''.'''' ,~~';'\'?,''::!,~~~~~\r:'''lf'' . -. ~.~.~ . . .,' .... -. ..~J/..... .;..~~;y~)\t;",~~ as '.secunty for the holders 'of the Bonds and directs that ':';~:~~?{;.ii~1.i'\!f, . . -~..~. \. '..... ",::,"l"~~: . '. . .... .. . ""'I";'~~':':'''~l'''_;''":,c such Conv,,",ntion Development .Tax revenues shall be deposited';'::::o:e.~~~4'~ '~ ..." , '. " ". . . ......~. ,~; ~<::.~~~.~~t#:~~t~~;, by the 'County with the'Trustee for application with respect :"i:':;:;'4d~~'~,~:"',, . ,'," \. .' '. . ~'. ....,;::~...:;~: .i..... to the Bonds as set forth in the Bond Ordinance and her.ein. \:~~,;'{:'-. .. '.:~.j~~J.~: ~ ~': '.\ .....,.':f... Section 6. As a secondary source of funds to pay the principal, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds, the City agrees to pledge all utility service tax revenues and .- -3- . ." t ~.' 'j . .:}.~;t'~.~: . ",-":$i.:'.,.':.....~i,!'~~~ ..1':.,- .......""." ..-:1'-:'1;,.........;... . ',,":;,~,,,'~:'. .:"'....~h)~I('f.:.."'~~~~.. , .....- .....>..,., .... . ~, ..' . .. . .."':'::::-- ;",a,.," -""","'=-.". " '. '" " .I' r-:.,~' ti('\: --~; . j~ .~~. '~~~t'r., :'"""~B"" '~,f; j':~;.,,: ..A.'.~ . lit ,;;;" t;c! ~.f :-:~t'iJ~! i~~'., ':i~-" iif~ \, ::~ 'EiYi '~~11i-",,~ ..J.:~~:i~ ":"7~~il: :.;-'~~ " ~~1~~. . Y;,4:~~~; ..... ::~:-:.; , " , . ~(. 12417 PC 1742 franchise fees pursuant to Section 166.231, Fla. Stats., as amended. If and at such time as the City's Share for a 'period of five consecutive years equals or exceeds 1.25 .. '. . :. -: 'J ~ '. times the amount necessary to meet the County's annual debt . , , -,- '. . .." service-on'all Bonds then-outstanding,' then the City's . ....,..,.., ,,~,~"'- ,',~,,~_, .....~t~~,.., '-, .... . sec~~~a~y'piedge of its franchise fees and utility service "J r<,";\" .,;,'F.{~,"':- .:~..,.;~~::tf<~:,...)!.~:-; ....~:-.c~. ...-". '. 'tax revenue,s .shall bereleased by the county.-"'-'., , ,:~: ~~:,,:~ ~:-~'\.': :.~.,:y-..,':~\;.J;~.'t:;.'i't~!;!;~t."~':.i'7 ~~:.~".~' '~~~~~.:;: t." . -:. The. City agree.s.that}f ,the City's Share of the Convention ." . '.~ :c ,,-, . """_~Y':,."~;"";;-.'lr~~.~~ 'f;,,'!&l:,i~J",~~,'~~";" :. ......- :'. . Development Tax - revenues 'ever .' is insufficient in amount to ,..~, , , .;....'.1 .~-i" ,t.. ". ..', - .... .: ....'.!"~:'~'.{.\."" ::~:..j~.:i!...,~" .' ..',....,.:.. ,~.'.~:..- ./~:!.:.~~ "" ;'~~~::X?~~ ~ ", ~<.::~~ -'~.-. " ....-.. ..:.:~~~f:';.-:. " . '. ~:'.' . '. .' . ~ 'timely make the scheduled payments of principal and interest ..., ," .-.." \ ~ :,~:~.';: .':~:,~," .'.:,." 'ton' -clle _ Bonds and the Res~rve Account created by. the Ordinance :':,l!,:,:-,,~;J,; -. ,....-.;~.,i,:-::t. ~~:, l"~.';'f";,;,,:~~~"~r::~'\:t~.::'i'~,:~.."..':':'-::' ,-". . ,. \.t.t,.~ ::::i::::a:t{~~~~Mt1~f~~i~:i"~Z::::::~:h:: :::"9 ,\\ii~1 ".-.::.~~, .>.' "'r:::;:"~;~i~~:.~;.~jt~-;-::~'(~~t'.~>~....,: ,.:~~,,: .~.~~~!:t.:J.. from the ~~ustee 'or the iinance"Director of the County, to,'.:':.'}_:.::,~._7',~~,~.'_r..:' '..... ..... ........... ..~~:;'O:~;.~......~.....~~,.~.=;~..~~~~:.t~;:,:..:.:..?:....I:JO .',. . ,.... the extent of such pledge; "the- City will remit from such ,;; ,,:A~;~: - . . " .' . . - _, ....,:-;o;.....-:..e.~~tl.... flinds :a'suppl "!mental' paym~nt -in 'an --am.'bJrit'~~~~.'<'t'? ~h;, :,~:.i/ji~rt~ . . ". '\\'~'1l~;~:~:'~":'!'''':':'''':' ,,'.:'..J. ~. .;"''':"'rf..'.~: ,amount of such insufficiency"tothe 'Trustee .''''Any silch ":-r,:.~::t~~,..I~; ',"', '" '_:'i'J,'1-..~re: PCiyment shall be made by 'the ~~'~y wi'thin one business day of }:0l~~ the "~receipt of such notice from the Finance Director of the:/~~W~~}i!:~; County. The c~unty 'and the~~:;~,;,~~ree" th~t~~der no -.. -~I~1~:J. '-circumstan~~~,~~~;\_the ~i~~_>~:,,{,e,~~,~~~e~, to ~aintain a .. .{~t~~~~ spec:lal fund,:.. a~,c~~nt or, b~l~nce in anticipation of such an:_-':,(~~1 ,insufficiency and supplemental payment, nor shall the revenues:'~~t;i ....,~";. ~.'. ..' ';..''!:.. '--"'~,~;7.;~S::';'.~ ........r,~t source be subject to - ":,:,,,:;,::?i,. . . ::- ..?-;t~.f.~~ti{ pend:lng such an .."..,-.,;i',,~~,:!!:: '.',.._...:.:.;..'~ '~'::::"l17~~;~~L~I1b~~: .:.-1" ..: ".. ~'i:":'. .,'" .'::";". ''''f'~''-,,~,'\''", ,'f,...iit~~~J . ... " ,'-o"!" ;t:.rp- , "- .:...., ';';;:~'~~"';',<'I.-!~\' . ." ......'..,""'~'c....;o:'_~:':..'.,lI\~.~'.. 'l'he, City and the County hereby agree and recognize, t~at:'~,;:~t~~r:w~ to::the .extentt, hat an,ypr'.ior liens'on the aforesaid sources -",:-'<}~:':,.i"'i!, . oil ~ .. . ,.:.~.~"'::::~~1:~;:.:r . .' "':,,:~'~':.~';;"'~ :~;. f,,~, ~ 'exist and are in force prior to the date of dehvery of the .. -":-"~'~j,~"I'~', Bonds, or any series thereof, the lien and pledge of su-c1'i_':";~;~Jr;!~ . . ~ .'. ..~ -~. received by the City from the,aforesaid . . --."~... -~."' .. theii\'ise "by": tt:e_ Ci ty 'any re~tric~ion on insuff:lciency, , and supplemental payment. . - ., aforesaid sources to payment of the Bonds shall be subordinate to such prior and paramount lien and plcd9~ and that the obligation of the City to make the payments required in this Section be only to the extent set forth in this Section. -4- '-~ ".:..~: t , . ...... ":"':~':.~. - ,~...-!,..".,,",~,~., .:. ';j';.c,.~'.:~",~", .A~ .:~ 'to'C':;':' .... o. ,-!",'f~',::}"":"':~; '~;." ~ . "~"':::::- . . ,. ,:'.:,""..'-',',."~" .', ... :;;...~~~.., ;_:... '. .. , '~ ~ ' -?.._~., . ,."" ./,- ;';;"'. ~ :'.-;JJ.:~:I.' . '..." ';,~l~;t;." ,',: .~,;~~~ 'J~R :"'~:('.f!:~~~ . ,';/;l<." ':'1 .'~1. . .~.f!!""" ."'.it, ........ ;.~..- . . ' ......... t :_; ...,....:r.i~~.,~ .~....~.. ~; ....'>;)... '6-."',. "~, ~.;r,..',." ,.~,1;l\.~' ,', . \:, ;.....,..~, .~. ...... ;t. ,'. '. 2[~: 12417PG 1743 Any Bonds issued by the county hereunder shall not constitute a pledge of the County's or the City's ad valorem "',taxing power or of the full faith and credit of the County ~;- ,.' _.... "( ....:-.-,.".. .' ,.. ,or .the City, but are and shall be limited obligatio~s of the ;, ::: ."~'-~7"i"-:':;:~:,;,;~..~ ~ " . . '~.~,-" -:' .: .County ?ayable by the County solely from the City's Share or ~t~ - ~ . ,;:':. "~':f_~'~'.~..i..:"" ".>~~'~~.t~;.;: ~~;~,~;,. . ~. :tne "'secondary pledge 'of the City's utility taxes and franchise . . .:-~'j,:L.~:)i;~:'1"{"';,;;"..' ,:~.;:.;.~V.h..~:~~:ft~.:~~.',~.~.: . .::, .,' '. fees as provided herein.'~,'1'he County is in no way obligated ", ~~~t.:':j{~!:~"i~f-::,:~:,'.".i~~t-~..,:....;,.\~,~~~;).~..~..~:..1:"';;~/:.:~".4' '~j. ~. .. ~o ~atisfy'~?yinsufficiency-in such amounts to pay the . ....'..':.1:...-,..-'i:..~{~v...;,._..1....l~d~r~~:...~....:.-:.;..:.~.: ,..~ ", _'.,' :principal,~premium, cor 'interest on the Bonds. . . .", .'. ".'.-;" . ".' c. ,"~-' ." " , being applied to the redemption.Of Bonds, as all further ;..' .:.,''.-~.';.;.;~;;c;;~!;:~~.~\~~: :.. -..:.. :.. '~.'" in th'e Bond Ordinance.' Such monies cify~official-or employee designated , ~ ~ . ...\ ~ ....t l.... . ~~ . writing by said Finance'pirector;'1'he proceeds of any such . , -".,~~:.:t-~.: investments or 'reinvestments shall be used in accordance. of the Ci ty o~,,~~~. with the provisions of the Bond Ordinance. Section 9. The City shall be solely responsible for determining the concept, location, program, and design of the Phase I Project and any future projects and shall also -5- '-~:::-- .>. I .~. ~ , . ). '!.~- . ~\);.~. .,.!~ ~.... :~ "~:I;'-;:~-;'::" -. '.. . , , . . ,~ . , .....-=-,.. ..... ;.t" . -::-:~~. '., ' "';'.\-i" - ''...:::' '-0 <~~~;:, ...~-'~ . .....~ . ~_..'.. ;;~~::':'.:: "'::r: " ~~''''. .... .( '..::::.~ ' ":'., '-. ~..' " , .', . , .~ ~~~~ .~ ,- ....:~ ::. . I','~" ,.;", , '::~;,,:' respect to the Phase 1 Project and any future projects and -"j~,:'.-':;:~I .'_...r J~~~~~forthe award of said contracts and sh~ll also be solely , .".11-;1<<..,....,:,;,:, . . . .,.... . ..~'~.....h~........"I-. ." _' . . ,::;.1t~ts~..',.l\responsible for and shall have control of the supervision, '.:.:~t~"\-(',1:'rcl(~""'~" ~".:-;..~ .' '\ :\'. ....,... :-~ ,: .~Irt\"''/f(.",:,,!!.~~j.~~, . -:.. . :*~ii(ij~;,:r~j~f.~~~~~tr,a ~~~Il.,~~~,~,~~.i'~'~r~~tion of the Phase I Project and .." .j1tv.;~:~;::rF~'~~~'~"~~~~j-;;6'"t~t.{~s'P'r;":'ided, however, tha t the Trus tee _ ~~::_. ~i. ./~f~".:"~.1~ <f~.i'i;;.:;r""'~',: ~""~'l'''.('..~-''i. :'~'!.-:s~:V".~~.\ .~;:,,.'.'(' ,'":-.- , . . . . ';l?~~t!4~h~ii'~;;l~";:ithd;~;;"~;;~e~~"'fro~:-the Trust Fund to pay for .-,:)~~. ~~i;'l.:~~~J:~.c.~~;fi..~.:~.~~i~~.'~.;J~;.~.r~~;~~.i!.i~.(~~e. ~;":~~'~~e "'1 Project and any Future" 'pc":' --~~~-~-"'<<:ot.J:,"!,":ril.~I::ll':..-'_"'!...::~.r-...,._,;.~,:.....~....':='_.1-.,-, .._;.C~~.':'.'..._.', . '. ':~~~~p~C;je~t~i~~'~c':;o;da~~e'~ith" the provisions of the Bond --;-;.' ;"'~';""'f:t*.~.1~' ,c" . . . -'. '-: .I~ . ';=:..~\I.04~~,t. "'. 1 _'''" ,..,;' .' "~'" }"'-:'~i""~~;.OrdJ.nance.' -,-" " ~.' ..._ ..:. &L~ ~ rd:;.W"";r:s~.,t-. ..... . r> . '. ~ -."'T'l' ~..""""'.tJj.j"i!f.)\<lt"*"'~ ",','o:"''''~'' .' ,; .. ~.- ~ '. :' -~~" . liUI~~$;~'-Sect'ion' 10'" !',' ,.... Ti tle to the Convention Center shall at ~"'J;,: :f'!-~H '~'" ~ . ,"~l... . :1["" :~' ;l~~,::~:rl~~;~'~~\~s't~d i~"th~:',J~i~/~:;d'~he operation, management ,.'i}~i ~ a~ ,r~ " .~.~-;..;,t'......r...r.'~"'''''''''.'' _ . ,'." ~_.~.~. .J,.. _ h...,~~. d.~ ~ '~'. .' .:"~f,~""''''''-'!I't~..,.:;:;........:' :-, -_y.'...........t......... -I'-:'.'~ ..:....,. . .,.......~-:.:.,;i.;,A. }~I~l~~~n~~mc~~;e,~a~:::",~f".,:h~_.C~.~':;::~~~~,~"1~;~:e.r, ~h~~l. be in the ',-+f\.~ ~i. ~WJf~1 "'.--:'~f" ....;-.. .... --". - ,....,';,.... ~"':."'./l::"'--;:~":~f.~..;""'v="....: '.r:.t"o:(:~~ ..'~;;j .~ ..... sole discretion of the City. ~..,..:.~~;;..~(~J.;:,~~~r:.:.,~! ~~.~,..- ~~~1:=~.: -..* :' ~".....:;..fj..,II"~':...._,,";;/..._. ,c' ._....l-l:...~..~:r~.:~_.~,.....,,_..... .' .lo,......~).;s.' i"'_ ~ ::.r. .~~;~~~.~i~~.'<ll. f:TTh~..ci~~..~~;~~:.;'~;;..f~lly cooperate with "")i.ti . .'/,:'" ~ ~"i'f"t)~......,. . "'.p ~.., -;~ '- t~Jl~ci:%ty~~1'f~{;;~;~.i'f'," 4~~*~1~~:.':~d~;;;~~J" ~-~J:if~~ "~nderwri ter~ "\'~. '.- t'9'$:J/J.j:.-;;\~~,...!\-.f~,t~~~.......d'~...v~..'~~k~?*:,(=t~~fJ~~~~:JS:"+..:..1..~.-7I;:,\.~...'.k.. ,,: .- -. ..:..:..~~;'~~ ~. ~ ..~.."I''LIf......v~\~........~tO.~1.\ - -...'1- '.:: J,," ....., ",..I'. .-~, . ~,.~.;,.;.tJ .. ...~i" . ......... ..10::,....' . . ;. . ... ~";...ijt..... :i . ' ~ ~ ~~'$t{..;b~~;f;~4Q~~~marke5.~~:~,';~:~:~t:.~~~d:S,;:..,~n,c~1,udJ.ng proVJ.d~ng'>.;t~~~ .~. ~p~~(;m~~~~,c;~\-attending mee,ti~g.s ,an~ !,~e.paring an official ;'~:~~ . .b;.~\'1.~~~.~~ ''':-~'~''''.''.... . , . .....,......... '.. ~ :.~yl.~ !;'~,.lIstiteIi.erit:.;:':The County, after consu'ltation with the City,::~,~ff.~ {~.,...~_~.!-"~...;::.r~':"..,....,.., "_~-_!'_'\-~'''-''''I_' ....,j'~~-"...,l'~ .,. ,....,~"'....,,~,. . ...."\,... ~ .:fl.' _ .. ~ _ _. , . ~~.. .'}~l(.shall"determine the appropriate method, time and manner. for ,~>~d",~ ...1"'>;:..... .;;; ~~~~;.:g--;".......,:.,.;:,.:..,,~ '. \. \_..~.' .. ',; "....__...~ <.K$- '~~~~~,.;~'~{f;eilY;g.'. the Bonds including'"the' desirability of havi..n.g the .-;:'c'-:~~;f~ .'~ ... Jl- ~r....' -.-..-t~ ..~ ~.~ .'.., ""r'~"~- 1"-:' l.. ~" . - __II''. .-. ',,~ ," , ....~~\'l;;'-"'C", ,,~=.. \.~.f):~~"'" ...~\tr;... .: t' ", 1 '. ',..~.- ~,.::\~'.<;:~ -'~~';",(_~; Bonds ~nSUl ed and/or rated. .... -" .,', ,.'~c,:,'C'~~' ~Q4 .~~'~~r:'~~\x.'~'-'::~'-'~' -:. ,~.:-....'";i~:'::. :!r~i~&.~{:~~~~:~r~' '~'~e;tjon 12. This Intl'rlocal A9r(lcmf'nl shall be and .~,{'~~\~~: ..~'fft.;~:~:::o.!;~, I'!.';;; '''' '., '. -. ~ ""~~_.'~ . Cof"" "'-.:t':;t. -'e.. .~.\.; (: , ". , ,. . -:-;:f.'....:~:.}:i-emain 'j n ef fec t for so long as any Bonds are outstanding. ~;..:~,.._ . .:~.)p'{r~~~~~:'. ;...; ",.! ' :,...~::-:~ '<i1~{4~~tih~,~:~~~~tY,and, the City C?V~~~.~t <>:~,d _.~,~~ee.!~h_at they shall<F-.'i,.'.:.C:.;~.~.:~~.~ ,,,-";'.;,,,,,,,~;;l(,{fj'.:YJ;-.....,,,,.~~t't 'i"l"i. ",t ;' ,,' _ < .. ''',,' .), . J' " ~ .'~' ,:I.lp .,0: ,.....,(;...... ,., " .,,;::..,.,~ '-~ot""."r.,.~..;y.;"i:.'!.~,'..~r~.'t. ..t,.. j~.'.,-<II" .' .. .' ,-( ~. '''')'~'' ".,.,.-. .:_"'J.r~...........'" . .,_" "..._,~.!(~:) '~~~:~~~"~:;f?'k~t-:,.~~1! _ ~<? ~ lOn ad v~~ ,5,': ~.?'..Il~~ es~,:_~g ;,,~^,~~,,:.~~nven t~on-'. \,:'.:=.:..~.~_',~e.I_;: /,~,... ..-'<,':Deveropmcnt. Tax that will impair the' C'ity' s Share with ' ' ~--'" '-~,;~l:~~Y:'::'~;'~~h-=t::~-.. "'- . ~. i''"-~'- . ..', ~v/, . . ".:..;~~~ . ':'\{~1~'~~(::.-;L~egard t.o t.he repaymen~~c:f these;.~;:nds. ~,;>':' ',,':::>i!~: ':,;'{':; '.. Section 13. Th';' C'ity hereby covenants and agrees"::,',~>~'t\: ....,.-. 'ift. 'llff. 'hrc.. IZ4Jn~]744 be solely responsible for the bidding of contracts with ,. .. ", '. 'J'" that it will reimburse the County, but solely from receIpts ......":-.~.: -~. .' of the Convention Development Tax and/or the proceeds of the .: ,. '.-<,': Bonds ilnd only aftf'r payment of tile princi.pal of and interest on the B~lltls outstanding shall have been made or duly provided for each fiscal year of the County, for all the reasonable ,; . .,..,::::- -6- \ :.'~"/" ~~'. :.... .l)....~~ , .- , ' . ,,:.:~' ..; ..... ....j..t,...~.... -.....o...,_'..c...!~ #.' ~. t~., '. '....... .. ,,'~';"', . ':.- y.::.~~. " , ! . ..'"" -.........', }~;-~ ".' ;:~},~:~~::'.._ ,.~nd necessary expenses incurred by the County in issuing, ~r-~.;:;;',';,,'. collecting, and servic ing the Bonds. -':I'~i~~'i-:;'-:>,!.".' .""".,;,,,-,: --. - .,< 'lrr\\.t~~...v.'~"I."'l):~.\.,....S t' 14 ..,~.., :01. ..,.,.;;; :::, ..~ . ec ~on . .~,..~~I~,.:.;.:Vl"", . ',~~~~;'!~",:~~~:::~:,: 'if for<:~::~~,~,~~~:, the .~~ty decides not to have the ~~~~~~J~~~~:}:,~~:},~~ ~~~~__~_;:~~~ rath~r,to issue the Bonds or any"" jI:',..',. ,$<'~~~~;,~~~s,.>~~~,.the Phas~'t'~~fPZ;O),:c,~,",,~~ itself, then the City : .~ .':"'i.:ti.'~~,l,\ol.- *"",', to' :~ , ',;.-.-.\..;......,..i.'i~.J',....;;...;.,,:.:!f;..,...""... ... . .. -l! '~j;fI!:'" * '. ..,.... . - . .' . " .,~ ;.~{~~t~,~:~,~c.,~~:<~,~t.~er,~.~~<~t;~~~~~'i~.~.t>:~~~ financ~al advisor, '~~i~un'de'r~'ite~.;-nd bon~( ~'o~;';s'el al~~'~dy engaged by the County, .~ ~lf#:'-~;:~1~~:~j.;:~'~' ~ \.~;\.~.~.; '. '.~~ L ....,.;. ......::~;:~. ~ = .~.'. ~"" ~:.'":'~ .':~;.;:;,. :.'. ~ l;,~' ~ . ',;:',,_,,;;~ r .:l!;',?f to make appropr~ate arrangements for the financial '<'9:~t.'iil'~''''-'''''' ." - .,-. ,. . . '. . - -~:~. :~,,~"'ad.'~is'or,---underwriter '~nd bo-nd counsel to be paid for services -.:-~:' ~r~ '~.t: ....J..~1..L...:....f.:~..,~:.,t,-.l.~t::r-_ . ~I" . ,V~':"'.-~ I .,'.: ;~..:; . I~ ..~~~'W,..!...~.~-"j,,''''''''' ...), ,. """""'~_~~w..' ..' '~_~"I,".---'l.t.:-....,., _ ....;.f..::8t~.\ :, .', ~~~4.~~~~'~';~~1~t~-- ~~~~,s"~~~~~~'~'~:~i".;~:;,' >;,;: , . '~~~%l';~.~. '~.).;.~~1";':S-ection15. "'~:"The City' 'agrees to indemnify the County "'~~,_:_;~.~.;~.~,L..~.: ~j 1~:X;,:r;"f.'~~:r:::',:-' :':',:; :,'-,:" ".....,::';:..;:',.: ::'t:~'. i:,. ."....,."~ ' -.', 1:~~it~;,,~~~>,~~,a,~ll\s,)U~~ll\~~~s ~?~,:~~ar.d~,t,,~h~ch. ,~h~County must '::._'. ',:.,:~_._.._':;.",.~.~.'}'l.,.~,'..' .""!i'to...t::..~~",,,,,,,,,,-.,,~,,'____p.'C'~~' ..: ..,~..j.' ,c;.;l".',..'''''l,'t, .lU',~._..,....,;;'3.\~,..:x'!ll"to!'~. '" .... . ,"-~"","_'" ~ <<_ . l'"'..\..::~.r,r.l":'f.,..."?:"T.>;-. ....""'''..!.. .;...,.......,.'..-..........:;.~!....R!-:.i'lo.~':...... .. ' -', v~. """J ~~1,;p~y as a result of or arising from or relating to the Bonds, '".-,.;;;~':--;:r?:~~ ~E~.,ra..i:.::1....~y~;~J;,~..:.'E-~~'::...:-:.-.;_. .: ...~.. ..'.... :'.::...: :'-;:.;:.\-:.~,;..~(S'~/;..~.:.(; ~ .' , .,':.:...~"'.:.z:::..r~; ,;.f0including -the costs of litigating same and _attorneys fees .-,L:";!:,{~r;-~ ~.'~~"'.?tt> .. ,;}.b.."~~!iq, .~'''-''''';'..~'hl'.').'.'''''''~'-;'''''-:..''}'~'f:hJ.o(~~f..-'~... '.r:.r;l'\'~:'~{~~'~":'~'..:'" ','~' ';....,~'.;....: '." ,".. _' \:",~:'ci'.'-';.'.~~~:;.~~~~~.~:''''~.._ .. ,_:.~.;f!"';J"~~.~"'~~~ .:.-...~~~~~w~,"';,;.fl. =-....'1"*:.:.;c'-:+~..~.~A!~....("u,~~t..i"~.......... .~=-.,~ .".....-;-.-... '" ...~ .":.',::,'!;:.:.:..;;'~~..~-' . . . .:o!1:~St;~~~,o.n,;t,6._,,~~F!'othi~g~,xpJ:es?ed or implied herein IS-7~'i:'7;;,1?:'" ~,~ .: ~ . ~'4 - :~~'f"e~\~~:~:~'-;'$~:"!;,~.!-'''t'~~~l;'.:..a~.~~it.'~$~~~.;~~.~'~.:'i.!.~~'1-;'''.i.:~~~!,~~~'...~..: '_.'U - _.,<.".,--':'...~~.,~1~~~ " "':i~ntendedor shall be construed to confer upon or to give any'."l.f:.x,*:~ i'r'"'~""'I~_ :.....i..~~'H:. ......~.\. \' '.' " -.......,~ . " -,.' ...., . ,.......!'.~, "',&,_ ". . .: ..-;_~";....'a\ : ,r ';~~'i;~~?'fi;;;;>~~;~~~'~~i:;;n-' ~~'-~t~~;""~;;ti ty:' ()~her than the \~:~Witf~ .'~~~~AC"'~w;,;'.'t'~';,~,!,:,;-:",,-,,/,:':':~""'~" '.' .... ~-; '.'I"':"',:"..._t~.. '.". .: ..-"~-,.j~?,~1.!-"'".: ~"'~'.~":,':'Il\'~fI';,~....:..'t:"."""""""",,,~-,""'\:'Y"''''- . .,.-,:_...-" ."~~:"""""'" . . " .......f...~.,r..........~ <.. .. ~1$1\ea.~::~,f.~s. h,;reto, any right, remedy or claim under or by 'j"3'j~;~9'!:.~~ ,J'i ':-:~,~i!~~'~~~';'6t'this-i;Interlocal Agree~e~t or by'r~ason of any ,~,..\~ ;~t:' ~.D~~~{t-t':..:!.<<S..~~~,.:r~ ;(ti~-'1:_-.. ,'~ - .' . ..' ...:J ''''.' ..... ..'.... ,. ~~::.::._<1~{~ :~ _.~r?i*~:term, covenant, condition, promise and agreement conta:ined ':,"-'~~rf?~~: '~~""}~....iftl,,?~;:otl{'"""~...:.: ';:J';-;",:;;,,,,p~--"".,t -~:'_ J~',_'. '.. , :--:.;i.,t" ...P:l''1t:t -'~ '"Ir ~~-- :.. ~ "r"'-;:-'" . " :I '.....~~' }'Ji'-~.~~i,j:'herein",all .of. said rights, -remedies and any claims whatsoever,j.~~~~~ N~~l!.bi'~~.~t...L...::)-1) ;1.., ':;.~. '-.11 ':)'<' ""'.,-. -:.-::-,....r:,-..t--: ~~'(~~.."':l<.l, ,.. ~":J...-r:.. ",' - ,'.-.~;.O:K"f.:'-l ;~~~;.1:~}~:-,~~~e_u~~e~_,,~ei.ng for the sole and exclusive benefit of the .,/'tk-~~' ~.J~...A".t~l"'::'I"~,-' . . -.>1"._ ," "" .-- "" ~ .' .- ._,.!..J,~ _-:-="'" r:e.~'''''#.I- ~ -.. 1" . d. . ...,',:'\''::'"''... ..:"~}-~,'I:';;.'~;:~part~,es hereto, . the~r successors an ass~gns. No th~rd , ,..~;'~:d~ ..:........,<,..,"f&..~,."...,.."'..,_."'-.-- .,- ",-.- -.. -."",....,' "'~I:'. ~lir,~ .~_~~,.~~~;\~\~~v;::':t~..!J:.~.Q.:.:.;:.;,.,' ."":',...~.'t"".~Jfh.'J'...:~'!";t.:--: ,'....~,.i- _~":~.:-t'....,&..... . _.,..._,.._~.",,!,..,,",,~~~.\Io '~"'~5' , ';,'\l ,(k:party :bene,fic::iaryrights are ;_Ilte_nded, gr implied. ....',.__. '.i,':i.:0;i:,~i">;~;~ ,"".. oJ.+'. ~a-t.~I:"',~.,Jw;1')'>o~;:.;""1"""~. !)'~;"~':<'.''':$.j''''''1"..i-'f;l.(''''''''4>'!~'._~'''~~--J'~'~......."...... ..II.~...'.~ ~~...,,-,.~..< ....r;..t;n..,.; .' ':..; ........-,'A'.;'..~~,~.:.~~~ 'W . ,t. ....~...~:lIl~c.~%.-.,.:.~\\~,A........,...-I.~...+I.i.~....~'~ .~.;...:.:... ,.....I.,~s:":-'.,.......f-~J1'l::.,'J~ ,:,:"""-r;ir.'_ .,-;;;;,>0:..:........ --.... ., ,"',"'-"'''-'''P ,'It..=€~ A~wr$~}:~f>~[~S'ec't'ion' -17. '1: This'Interlocal Agreement shall be .'\i:f;~i',tf.~;, -5:~IZ~~~~~q.;s.~~~;'~~~':;:4';~.:.;.,~:f};.':~-~:~,'}r.~.. ~(;.~:;..:.., :,' , ~::- '-. ';..!:~.".':.. ~ ,........:.;.-,~-._,:: .,,-,,' ',-.... :.-' :. ~-;::.:;~(ff:r7~,. 04::'-J'A>>:,~..J:iinding upon the parties hereto, ,th~ir..successors and assigns. :,,,~i,:c.f;i~' ,'~~~~j;t~~~;-~;?~~~,,->t_-~>--{~'~:-. ~~~:~., w .' . -, ',';;:':~;.! .''G.:i~~:.,~,"-'i_''.f;.._.:_-,,, :: '~"<i~,~f~.B::'" ";;r~f'~V\:~-:":-;' Section 18.. . ' This Int,erloc"fk Agreement has been duly:,.~i~~:~\"- , .:....~~l;'~{.~....;..-:"~<::. ..;'. ,'~',:'.' ,.\:.,:,. .:.... ~. ,~<~.> .,....!!-'~;.~,'; ./ '.' .', .' . .;:_;:'::~.~;\~~~~;. --;;;_..,:.:" . authorized, executed and delivered by each party hereto and -::..:::;.~,. :r::r:t~"- constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of ea~~:'';:;,'~~?~~:~, . ,,:'.,. IlFf. "LC. 12417PGI745 Notwithstanding the provisions of Section -./ I ..,' ~ . :~-';~; . .... "'....~.:.. . ., ~.~~:; \;..;~.~ .' .0.:....-.. , " '.,: ., '..".-' -. ~ ',' ':,::::~~' ':':.' party enforceable against each party in accordance 'with its terms. -7- . - z.,:::--_ \ . ..'":..~ .;.' .;'. . '~ , :'";_... -~:f':( "C'.~. " , . ..... ....?..(~..;("..i.... .... !~:: ~-:-:r:r-"":"""'.~Y ?')5.~ t,;' ...~ ~'..~-7';::".~' ,. " -, '- ~t~:: .~ ~,,'~i~..: .' ,."...', , Section 19. The terms of this lnterlocal Agreement .-:~~\f:;;~~~~ ~. ", . ";~~Z",;.',j;!hal1 be enforceable b,Y either party hereto in a court of ::'iit~t::~,'~~mp~tent jurisdictio~ by use of all available equitable and :;1'" ,~,~.~&Y}gf:;l~ga'l '~:~~~dies. .y;'..,/ . -~.. ~l ~.:\"".,...... ..,,-...... _....;':~. ,_... ",',:;', :.,~",:~~\..... \ '-,-:...t ~.;,1No~~......,\;.....:....,....~.",. . --- ~;. .~&{';~,~:?-.i.. Section 20. 'This lnterlocal Agreement shall be ~t.:".~'~~~ -,", :;i~~~b;.\1le;~;~~~r~~'~..hen app~~~~~~\:1;:~~~~~d and delivered~y the City '~:"" R",~~'i~.,...,..1l~'S.::t...., ".;" :"'",.-:--: . v. .....~J)",.,~. _J' '~.'r~:;':'\.-l';l'''';'' '. 'I . , :.. <'~"". .;;~ ' .,;~~~~;E~~~~:si;;~ of the' City 'a:"-d ~t~~ Boa'rd of County Co~issioners 'U,;,. ~l"ti\:.:w;.:"'''';<1i'''~'''''''''''''''''' '- ..- '. !.o'~-' _...\'..\.~ .~....\..._.~,:.'.':".. ~:~:~ ;~~~;;{~~~ ..1:he',~o~nty.' - ":~;":'"~<'<:~''-~'':':;';;,~.~'.t''' ..::;."):. ~ ...~f<..f:c~t,\".J"'. rf':.' ,.-) ~'.'~~~~~~:'~'~ir:\, Se~tion 21. As a co. ndition precedent to the effectiveness J ~ t.;,..J'~""~l.'~.' . -.- J~l.'''. '.gtr~'I;~~~nterlocal Agreem~n'~' a'nd any subsequent amendments --~'Ai";'- ~~:r~~<-'!#,'~'''' .,>,. ",'.'"".,,'. e"." --.. ~;~~1i~FlfAi~~~~~:~~.i,~ InterlOc~:.)~;~:~~~n~":nd any such amendmen ts '.'......,'....".,.~.....:..:~.....,.;.__.~...;,:.:_~~:,~,.~,1,..,.. ..1(.' ;1~.~!~~i~~i~~~,~~.~ith,t.~.~.T,;~.~g..~.~1;;':';~~~~-::>fircuit..court, in and .. _ '.<,-;.: ..-" '1i~~,.,,"~>>l..~__""J ".'~ . ._....1.~.)0l;.~,\~..'.'l.;J~7'.....-,' ...: ' '"7-_';':"'~, ';'i "~~":t)'t:,;.~r Dade County, Florida:A~,q.,,~',,::;:l;;;.~iH::"'. "'. ,-" ,.'::..',?".'';'.'!,_,'.' L~. .:~". 't'~'f1c-:~W~~.:t.~.i-r\r.., < ,:.r.,../ '. ','" :...\.~..;tt.t~'!.~ir:~jt.";=l't.~~~';::':>'" '.''''": ~ '~:..:~~~~~ :!-' .,/.~ ;tfa~ ...l;:~:~e,c,~~on 22., This. ~~::~;,nt..,embOdies the entire agreement"~'~' ,'~' .".. ~J'L""'..\(,~",,,,,,,,\,,:,, . '~.""""'-"''t''i"",.,,",,,,,,,,,,,,.;,,,,'''t,.,w...,. ,..", , ", "'II" ."'" .. ,,,! ...;....._...~&I.'tt"""!:.,.. \ ,,' ". . ll.l:,rr....t..,;.\l.,.~,.-....'_ '^.- - I~ i7''l'~'' , .'and understandin9 between _the parties hereto, and any other .;::.\}.~~ ~ "I.tr"f:~~i1=--J.r""'.lL.-"...."~' . ,..:...~.J;,~\-tr..--"'........s.,;h$. ." ".....', ... ..". '., -.~~ ."":':~.4\h.~ -;' ~~'!'qf~j':!"'~~~';'".t':"I""'-:"',.r.''''','''i-~~:'R~J.&~~1'''.::.~~'''\.~.~''~,.3:-(;.'.~,":",.......:l'~ ..~ '.,.~:",.,"'~~""'-' .'.,' ;.....~<j....;?;.r..:, :' .,~,~greements" and understandings, 'whether oral or written, with "'~1";:,!.~::. ~t1'''''''-'''iA~;l'.J:!i';-''''''''-~' " \ .....,. '. F:'"'' .~,... '. . _1J1..\,: .' ~';IT:~.;"~~A'(.+.._~.rf"".' .,:..j.,..... . -.."'....-...~...~-~.. ,~..-..~~...- . ""'" :~i~\::~i~~~~t~~;::~~~!j:::.~~,~~.~~!:: Int.rlooal A9<.~ent --..,.,',_.!t,l.r,F.!.~.~,;,' .'. " ~~ "~'\..~:.i!',jOi:'l~4."!'~~.~'~:lr.!;'::+~.. .'~.....' ~. .....,..:...'-:..........""";.:;,.-~.:'~... ... '.' 'i'.-~_~_\ ;-:.~ :,'" '~~;~~~~~~;;~~y~~}:3.: - .NO alte;7,:c~:7~D;.,~~~ange or mOdifications,/~:~(;;\ ';l: ,~, r~~I~~i~~~~~~.,,:\f,,~h~~,Inter.l_~c:1-,,~,?-.:~:m.e~t shall be ,-:~~id' 'l$Z~~~ :,!ifJm.:..:Jj~,if<.'~;;~>u"nl,es,,'s,.,-,ma,", de i,n writing and signed by all parties hereto and, ,);%~~ ~.~~ ,::' r ... \, . " ,..'........,l.''-<...:: :"'. ~;u.e...~~'1~"~:. -"':"'r~l~"">:.>"~'~"" -'~ .:~.'~'~ .;, ':.::',~:li.~~i~!;-)f deemed by either the City Attorney or the County Attorney :.,<>.,'1(:' ;~~'f~~1~':.~~~~r~~.~~;~~-i amendment, then 'Only upon approval by both"'::';;'~.~1 :~~t~~t!J~&~:;.~:~.~~.~-~,.~~~-.1:.~:--:'-~:-;-'-""-'. .','. . ~~::; _ ",~.?~~t\~~i. .'.#% '!.;IJ,,,"-.:City and County Corrunissions'-;;'J.i"~'_"'i:':,"." ..... ", i'..... ,.... ,:,";..;-:.:~c~~:&,-'1;~,t '" .. :.t~\-o'!.'1 ~,'. ::'1." '~'"''''''",''''' "'. '~,iI'- .-., ........,~~"'t"':'T.:I.,,"';,.,'. ','. .' , ., --. "~'i~'t~'~ :~~ ". .~..., -~tI~~.r;:~~!~;~~"!~~~'41;"-'4~~C:3~..~.~"'!;~m:-';'~~:;'~'5of'':!~~;;:'.r':~~";,:;~~,~~,:\", .....:':::.~.<~:~' ~ .'. >:~""". '.' <..t.......~:.:-;i:;~..l:.;,~-): '~:~-,' ;'1r~ ,~1l'f~;...!i'Section ,24 .'o,!:fc;:',If any part of this lnterlocal Agreement .<;!f;,~::..,., -::"~r:af~.;~~~~13;~~~~!:::'~;t..~~-;:.'.~"'.~.':".:-:f',"''':'-7.:-:..=:t~.:-'{\!::.((::"l;;';~,;f"'.~';-"':.~\)~~:!l~"'-:-'.,~- . .....- .... ....:. .. .' :>.;.~~~~~_~.. ',,~~~!,:'~~Hs .held to be invalid, such part shall be severable and the:},~115~;l~~ ....'C":"> ....''',.._...-.'.,:,','_..:,,'1...._'' . _ '. _ ,'_ I~. ,," ,,' /' _ ",_"""""~"~' ':Y,~~:~~h::;Z'i~ai~d~-;' of thisInterl~~ai:'A9~'~~~~~t shall not be affected',?;~~~ti:- ~>~~~~~~~;:!.~:~;.':. .~." ""'i,,,:':'. ..:. ~..:' ~:'.,. . ~~;;.:."';;,._~'"':".i:i..~i~.. ...~~ . .:~';.~~:.lf~'. /:;-<'$Y''c'':' . thereby, provided that'both the County and the City agree to . ?';;:j~,~;:'~',' ..:;~:( ~;-,;!.. . . ~-......;~~ ':""",., !Iff. l<U:. 124/ lPG 1740 ~~ :.'.:'t. '. <r:_}.~li , .. ,',' '-", ,..... .\.~ : " . ..1 '.':!:"!7-" the continuation of this Agreement. . . ~~-~.~:j:~ ;;. ~.':" .. ....'. -8- ,'. ~. ;.','.':~ "', \..... . .....i.:..o.j\:ii~ '. ........~ ~..;".....j:<.'..t.t' .' ..~c:~~~i{i{~:}~::;::tJl , . <-. '. ~(. IZ417PC 1747 - -~- C " ~- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties having caused this duly authorized officers. !nterlocal Agreement to be executed by their respective and /C:o.iii-i'i.?~".pADE COUNTY, FLORIDA /.... ,.';'''-O>'','(;i;.Y ITS BOARD OF RICHARD P. BRINKER, Cler~' --,"~";(:\)UNTY SSlON RS . .-.- . co.~ ;'1: r::> ---".:t' . ~ 4L~__;j:/~"-~ % . ......... ~ If .._ y. --............. ATTEST: By: \' DEPUTY CLERK , ,II c. 'j . .. ~.... ~". .::,.. .... " '.~' .-,' , /, '" ~ -.... " '. :~.. " ., \ -: .a.J r... ~~. . ',..;.: ;:,/ r~>;;Jt:;;ij.?ti}\' y ,~ ~ '. /." !,"j;i.\'.r ;,1.,<- '\c'.,.. < ~ji{.~;{_~ .'~~~;~l1~ ;;:\~'\:\;f.J .O~~,ll')~: . :~::'\.~ \.:,,:~;_;_,.Cl.!:y,_ Clerk . '-." ...~.~~ .~~ '. ~..'^,..}. . .~, " .(, ~..........,.,...J' \ '-. . ", ,"\.. ""-'J' . ":.\" ., . . _:-:.~~;,. .. .c,t: !_~'" ":--. ~. ;j:!r,~S<\':;,::]<:~~~Y::;;.'" ~-,-. " " ..-- , , Approved as to form and ! ~ ::" ".;' .. ,__c. . correctness: . ,-..,.,_.,.,,~jj~- '": \ \ ., "~!~i~;j:,{:;.!,\:;-:!,":_:!., ' . -:.;';l:,-O'.\.::~-~~ :".. " ...... " . : ;..'-....::J ':';~.,..:,: ::-!.:.' ~;~-"'-' ....::--"'" .../>" '.~'. '.'; ,'~,,:,"".~/ ..... -9- .._o__. _....... ~ M.R. St1er el.m County Manager MIAMI BEACH ITY COl1MISSION By. g .-..... --~...../ ./~:;....- , . . . \ . . . , ~ 'j;~', f" ~;:)~,.. ~~.:'\~~2: ~';.~ ,.",," ';' ._':o~"_ '.;~~lf~'-:"",-,:,;""",,, ' ~ ,,~~~:~:'~~~;':"~~~'~ ~~<"~;,~~ :.. '. ...,.....x" . 15~~~~~t~~:::;,.,: . ,':: .:. , '" .11:'~JI.'!:...... '~I'!'''~': .. " ",,' ':~~"'~~ll~jil"\1t"..,,~";" ,..".;.".;.;,,:, "'>" ..'. ~.Ifi~<c:,:;.:,;t:~:};.:,' .it....%.i,i.~:.~:..r..~r~,~,.)r.~i,!:. f~,.:~.~!...~~...i..:~;r:.(~...:/.;..;s,"-'.\~~':";_~"Z.~_t~"\::-~~~ '_' ~..' - ._." -, ,0', -~3~""{f..~~ ;:"~'''~''.~..'''.!''J~J~ 'r:> ,-, '> ".,' .' ....., .tf.1!i;~~~~iP;:'~{gJ;':~IP~:;j";;~t" ~~ ~~;d -he;ei~ :~h~lI be defined to mean the expansion of the -"'l',-,-J4y",,&""'ll~1'''M' . B h C . Cll. f I h "'";:;~~;~::"'.~~"'.~:'I.';-"."~', lam I eac onvenhon. ent~r. t~ an overa sl2;e 0 ~ot ess tan . ~;,f~~';;;:'~":"t;,!.... :': 788,900 square feet. This definition of the "proJect" IS more fully . ~~n~1f,~~if.':f-;:!;: described in the Laventhol (( Horwath study dated October 1982 :;1E ~;!>':";;/~""'~~:~'.f,'~ entitled, "Evaluation of Market Support and Operating Potentials for .'f; ,,;.;:~f..~\ >(~i'.t~.;~' ~.he ~i~mi Beach Convention Center". .:, , :;lif{~,~.;tt,1,<l~~io/fff;t::;~.,;~:~>.:,:,<~:,:"" .,.,..." ",. ..r-' . ~~~'!~lt~~~~~'~' :'~i~~;:ii:.~~.~:~~": ~.: ~. '. d'S~;.:t'...:~. ." ."'. ~'., >..~~.. 'f,' .;.:.~;!.~.~~./ .~ 'f,- r.' "~1f.!,',,~~'~i71~;i~~~fl'~~~f~.~'1~:'~~",:,:,;, :".:.~,;'~i: "..~~..(.'/~.. "".'-~~~'.:" .... .;;~.~...~::-~.., I ~ ~. ",.c:RJ; ~ . .~~~ "':,'); ;...'.....<. . '. I' .' ~.,\.,l~.;... "~" ~,,,. ..."I'!':l':@:"r..,..".,!'..","'.. "'<" 't:r'~," . I .',..,r",. . ~... ~!'lSt'ln. .l.~:..r.;:;.'-\::-.....::.,....,~r ....:. .... - ;"';;'., , . . ,( \1i..V~"'," ....t...:..~~ ., ..........:J:1'.. If ,,,,,it~'Ii!{'; ..JY'Cj'J "d."f..\'.~''''"J)I:"~;...,',:.;.t~.J:_'....<C ...: . . ,r. 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RESOLUTION NO. 84- 17778 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE COUNTY OF DADE, FLORIDA, TO ISSUE SPECIAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO FINANCE THE COSTS OF EXPANDING AND IMPROVING THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER; AUTHORIZING CERTAIN ACTION WITH RESPECT THERETO; AND PROVIDING CERTAIN OTHER ACTION WITH RESPECT THERETO. WHEREAS, Section 212.057, Florida Statutes (1983), as amended by Ch. 84-67 of the Laws of Florida (the "Convention Development Tax Act"), authorizes Dade County, Florida (the "County") to levy a three percent (3%) convention development tax (the "Convention Development Tax"), on the amount of any payment made by any person to rent, lease or use for a period of six (6) months or less, any living quarters or accommodations in a hotel, . apartment, hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment, apartment motel, rooming house, tourist or trailer camp, or condominium, except payments made by a person to rent, lease or use any living quarters or accommodations which are exempt under Part I of Chapter 212, Florida Statutes (1983), as amended; and WHEREAS, the Convention Development Tax Act authorizes two-thirds (2/3) of the receipts of the Convention Development Tax (the "City's Share") to be used to extend, enlarge and improve the largest existing publicly-owned convention center in the County; and WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Convention Center (the "Convention Center"), situate in the City of Miami Beach (the "City"), is the largest existing publicly-owned convention center in the County; and WHEREAS, the County has enacted Ordinance No. 83-91 which Ordinance, as amended, imposes the Convention Development Tax pursuant to the Convention Development Tax Act; and WHEREAS, the City deems it necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the City to extend, enlarge and improve the Convention Center; and , WHEREAS, the City deems it necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the City to finance the costs of said extension, enlargement and improvement of the Convention Center through the issuance of bonds of the County secured by a pledge of the City's Share of the Convention Development Tax and certain other security. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Commission of the City hereby formally requests the County Commission of the County to authorize an issue of not to exceed $80,000,000 aggregate principal amount of special obligation bonds of the County, secured primarily by a pledge of the City's Share of the Convention Development Tax and certain other security, the proceeds of said bond issue to be utilized to finance the costs of extending, enlarging and improving the Convention Center. Section 2. The City Manager, the City Attorney and Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, Bond Counsel to the City, are hereby authorized and directed' to negotiate and prepare an interlocal agreement and to assist the staff of the County and its bond counsel in preparation of said bond issue. Section 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Mayor of the County and to each member of the County Commission. Section 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this 20th ?24~. Mayor .;-- /' Attest: AL~ /;; a~v' City Clerk FORn' ~ G"'D'" 'C:D I'd ."\, t :,<j;,.L., LEGAL DCPT. By' -2- &Jet - DE YOUNG: ... couldn't do it directly because it's not part of the scope of the original issue. Once the available funding goes to the General Fund balance, it is then ... PARKINS: Well, that becomes, then, the subject of the budget issue for '84- '85, ... DE YOUNG: That's right. PARKINS: ... but your answer is, yes, after it's gone back to the General Fund, it becomes a budget issue then, Commissioner. FROMBERG: Okay, any further discussion on this? Do I hear a motion on R-7G? SINGER: Move it. FROMBERG: Moved by Commissioner Singer. Seconded by Commissioner Shockett. All in favor, signify by saying "aye". (AYE) Any opposed? It passes unanimously. (6-0, Commissioner Eisenberg away from table) R-7B, Mr. City Manager. PARKINS: A similar situation related to $230,000 outstanding on the 1974 bike path bond issue. FROMBERG: Mrs. Falk, do you want to speak again on it? I assume your statements would be the same with regard to this matter. Okay, thank you. Do I hear a motion on R-7B? Moved by Commissioner Singer, seconded by Commissioner Shockett. Any further discussion? All in favor, signify by saying "aye". (AYE) Any opposed? Let the record reflect that passes unanimously. (6-0, Commissioner Eisenberg away from table) Does that conclude the matter? I~ R-7I alIIMISSIOII IIBII)RAIIOOM 110. 417-84 A RBSOLO'l'IOII OF '!lIB CIft alIIMISSIOII OF '!lIB CIft OF MIAIII BBACII, PLORIM, aBQUBS'l'IIIG '!lIB UAlIITX OF DADE, FLORIM, '!'O ISSUE SPECIAL OOLIGATIOII IIOIIlS '!'O PIHARCB '!lIB COSTS OF DPAlmIIIG AIm llIl"KOv J.I'IG TIlE MIAIII BBACII \,;UIIv__lIOII Cbn......; AD'l'BORIZIIIG CBRrADi ACTIOII 111m BBSPBCT 'DII5KI5'i'Ol AIm PROVIDING CBRl'AIN OTIIBR ACTIOR 111m BBSPI!CT "J.'1II5KIS'rO. ACTION: Resolution No. 84-17778' adopted, requesting County COI1IUission to authorize issuance of not to exceed $80,000,000 aggregate principal amount Special Obligation Bonds, secured primarily by pledge of City's share of 3% Convention Development TaXI authorizing negotiation of inter local agreement and assistance in issue preparation. During discussion, Lawrence Levy (City's bond counsel) appeared adoption. of Morgan, Lewis and Bockius in support of resolution's PARKINS: There is one other item, sir, and this is just simply a resolution to support ... R-7I I believe it is. DE YOUNG: Yes. PARKINS: It's a resolution of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, requesting the County of Dade, Florida, to issue special obligation bonds to finance the costs of expanding and improving the Miami Beach convention Centerl authorizing certain action with respect theretol and providing certain other action with respect thereto. SINGER: Move it. FROMBERG: Moved by Conmissioner Singer, seconded by COIlIIIissioner Grenald. Any further discussion? We're talking about R-7I. All in favor, signify by saying "aye". (AYE) Any opposed? It passes unanimously. (6-0, Commissioner Eisenberg away from table) C<HIISSION MINUTES - 6/20/84 Page 26 LEVY: Mr. Mayor and members of the Conunission, thank you. FROMBERG: Thank you, sir. PARKINS: Thank you, Mr. Levy. FROMBERG: Okay, Conunissioner Singer, you wanted C-4C, R-9B, and R-9J. SINGER: Yes. Mr. Mayor, fellow Conunissioners, if you recall we formed the Mayor's Ad Hoc Youth Center Conunittee in April. Since that date, the Conunittee has met three times and four subcommittee meetings have been held as well. Hundreds of hours have already been expended by the members of the Committee in addressing the concerns that not only the public has raised, but all the members of this Conunission has raised. They've done very extensive studies into all of the internal problems. What you have before you today in a separate package are just copies of the minutes from these meetings and some of the responses from the Administration. The issue is to budgetary reconunendations, staffing, progranuning. They're very complex issues and those issues will be coming back before the Conunission in July with the overall recommendations from the Conunittee as was requested by the Mayor in forming it. What we would like to do, today, and Mrs. Nancy Liebman will be making a presentation that will be just a few minutes long, it's just outlining those areas that the Conunittee has found to be emergency items that cannot wait for' a month or two to be addressed in the overall reconunendations. Hopefully we can get some resolution to these emergency items today. I'd like to point out that in the audience we have several members of the Conunittee who have spent countless hours of their time on this: Gloria Pope, Sally Barnett, Karen Kahn, and, of course, Nancy Liebman. I don't think anyone else is here, right? At this time, what I'd like to do is just have Nancy give a rundown on five items that are outlined on the form that was given to you and then hopefully we'll have the Administration address them. NANCY LIEBMAN: Thank you. Members of the Conunission, today, our presentation, as Conunissioner Singer explained, will only deal with the emergency items to the physical plant. The remainder will be on July 11th. I'm making ,the presentation as the chairman of the subconunittee of the physical plant. We met initially at the Youth Center with a qualified engineer to examine the physical problems of the building. He went through the building with us and from there we jumped off on our discussions. After three meetings we have have outlined the major problems that we found in the building. I hope that you have read the detailed minutes which are presented to you. To summarize them, the critical needs, we found, were the roof. This is an overwhelming problem that seems to have been neglected over the past five years. Number two, the general maintenance of the building. Number three, the glass wall problem which is being worked on now. Number four, the maintenance scheduling, and, number five, the problem of having only one Recreation Operations Mechanic. Our conunittee was concerned that these needs have been lingering for so long a period of time. It just seems like memos have been passed and no actions have been taken to any extent. The roof which is steadily ~eaking at this point, is still, from what I can determine and what the committee could examine, is still only in the investigation stages and it seems to have transferred to the Building Maintenance Department from Mr. Aymonin's department. It's changed hands according to what we could determine. The leakage is staining not only the ceiling tiles, but we feel that it's going to create a major crisis in the electrical rooms. There is water leaking into the electrical rooms at this time, which everyone seems to determine that it's a hazard but nothing is happening. We strongly reconunend that an inunediate action be taken to correct this roof, for a final time. No more patching. Let's determine what the problem is and do it. The glass wall is presently being repaired. The Conunittee recommends, though, that you investigate and determine whether the current repair is a permanent solution to the problems which have caused the glass to bow in the first place. Is it permanent or is it just a temporary fixing of the glass? Number three, the janitorial contract, ... COMMISSION MINUTES - 6/20/84 Page 27